Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, Level 2, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 at 4.34pm.
Chairperson |
Aiolupotea Sina Aiolupotea-aiono |
Deputy Chairperson |
Sefita Hao'uli |
From 5.38pm, item 6 |
Members |
Anae Arthur Anae |
Apulu Reece Autagavaia |
From 5.34pm, item 6 |
Tevita Funaki |
Afa'ese Manoa |
Richard Pamatatau |
Sam Sefuiva |
Leilani Tamu |
Liaison Councillor |
Cr Arthur Anae |
Until 5.15pm, item 5 |
Apulu Reece Autagavaia |
For lateness |
Tunumafono Ava Fa'amoe |
For absent |
Rev Tevita Finau |
For absent |
'Ofeina Manuel-Barbarich |
bereavement leave |
Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel 19 August 2015 |
The panel acknowledge the passing of Eleitino Edwina Paddy Walker for her work with the Pasific community.
The panel express their condolences to member 'Ofeina Manuel-Barbarich the passing of her younger brother.
1 Apologies
Resolution number PAC/2015/56 MOVED by Chairperson S Aiolupotea-aiono , seconded by Member R Pamatatau: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) accept the apologies from Tunumafono Ava Fa'amoe and Rev Tevita Finau for absent, and 'Ofeina Manuel-Barbarich on bereavement leave and Apulu Reece Autagavaia for lateness. |
2 Declaration of Interest
The following members declared interest in the following:
Tevita Funaki – Pacific Advisory board Police Commissioner and West Auckland Violence, TSI new formed Oceania Career Academy
Sam Sefuiva – Maori and Pacific Trades training consortium
Sina Aiolupotea-aiono – employment MIT and TSI new formed Oceania Career Academy
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number PAC/2015/57 MOVED by Chairperson S Aiolupotea-aiono , seconded by Member A Manoa: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 20 May 2015, as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
Cr AJ Anae left the meeting at 5.15 pm.
5 |
Ree Anderson, Project Director for Housing, Rohan Bush, Principal Advisor Housing and Leora Hirsh, Southern Initiative Principal Advisor spoke in support of the powerpoint presentation.
A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number PAC/2015/58 MOVED by Member T Funaki, seconded by Member A Manoa: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) note the contents of the report and provide feedback on the proposed TSI housing programme and council’s housing programme overall. |
a Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel 19 August 2015 - item 5: Housing Programme Update |
Member R Autagavaia entered the meeting at 5.34 pm.
Deputy Chairperson S Hao'uli entered the meeting at 5.38 pm.
6 |
Graham Bodman, GM, Community Development Arts & Culture spoke in support of his presentation.
A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number PAC/2015/59 MOVED by Member R Pamatatau, seconded by Member A Manoa: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank staff for their follow-up presentation on the Empowered Communities approach. |
a Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel 19 August 2015 - Item 6: Empowered Communities Approach |
[Secretarial Note: The meeting break at 6pm for dinner and reconvened at 6.20pm.]
7 |
Resolution number PAC/2015/60 MOVED by Member L Tamu, seconded by Member T Funaki: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) provide input to ATEED on the development of an Auckland global identity and story. |
8 |
Resolution number PAC/2015/61 MOVED by Member R Autagavaia, seconded by Member A Manoa: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Work Programme – 19 August 2015. b) receive the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Schedule of Feedback and Advice Provided – 19 August 2015. c) acknowledge the contribution of Bruce Thomas, Principal Advisor in managing and supporting the panels since inception. |
9 |
Resolution number PAC/2015/62 MOVED by Member L Tamu, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Hao'uli: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank the following members for their verbal update:
i) Samuelu Sefuiva ii) Richard Pamatatau– Museum Pacific panel – pacific wing iii) Sefita Hao’uli: - attended the Tōia Ōtāhuhu library, pool and leisure centre opening, - attended the The MIT Faculty of Creative Arts Pacific Dance Artist in Residency programme in partnership with Pacific Dance NZ. Our first artist, Samoan choreographer Tupe Lualua, is launching a new performance called 1918, based on the Spanish influenza pandemic in Samoa.
a Member Samuelu Sefuiva's update |
10 |
Resolution number PAC/2015/63 MOVED by Member R Pamatatau, seconded by Member R Autagavaia: That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank the Chairperson for her verbal update.
b) acknowledge Crispian Franklin for his support to the panel and congratulate him on his new role. |
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
7.30 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.