I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 19 August 2015


Whau Local Board Office
31 Totara Avenue
New Lynn


Whau Local Board









Catherine Farmer


Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu



Derek Battersby, QSM, JP



Ami Chand, JP



Duncan Macdonald, JP



Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel



Simon Matafai



(Quorum 4 members)








Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)



Riya Seth

Democracy Advisor


13 August 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103

Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Whau Local Board

19 August 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


32        State Highway 16/20 Waterview Connection Project Approval of Expenditure Plan  5   



Whau Local Board

19 August 2015



State Highway 16/20 Waterview Connection Project Approval of Expenditure Plan


File No.: CP2015/12683






1.       This report seeks approval of a proposed expenditure plan for the Whau Local Board mitigation package for the State Highway 16/20 Waterview Connection project, for the 2015/16 financial year.

Executive Summary

2.       Auckland Council is currently receiving income from the New Zealand Transport Agency as part of the State Highway 16/20 Waterview Connection Projects.  The Whau Local Board receives a portion of this income for occupation of reserve land in their local board area.  The current expected income for the Whau Local Board is $1,200,100 over a three year period. 

3.       Local & Sports Parks West seek Whau Local Board approval to allocate a portion of this fund to various identified projects leaving unallocated funds for allocation at a later date.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Approves the proposed expenditure plan for New Zealand Transport Agency funds targeted to the Whau Local Board area for the 2015/16 Financial Year as outlined in the table below:

NZTA Funding

Whau LB Expenditure

Project Description

2014/15 FY


2015/16 FY


Project Support

Specialist advice for development of Valonia Park



Whau Coastal Walkway Project (Te Whau Pathway)

Concept and detailed design development, consent requirements



Greenways - Holly St to Heron Park Boardwalk

Detailed Design and consent requirements



Greenways - Miranda Reserve connections

Upgrade signage, footpaths and site lines.  Consultation for footbridge



Greenways - Wolverton St to Mc Whirter Place footpath

Concept and consent



Greenways - Lynfield Cove shoreline walkway from Lewis St to Wairaki Stream Reserve

Concept phase



Te Whau Pathway Heritage Interpretative Signage

Concept phase




Interpretative signage


Interpretative signage as requested at Saunders Reserve, Riversdale Reserve, Tait Park and Arthur Currey Reserve.



Crum Park Car Park Lighting

Installation of amenity lighting



Sister Rene Shadbolt Park Car Park Lighting

Installation of amenity lighting



Remaining unallocated to be carried forward










NZTA Funding allocation to Whau Local Board

4.       The Waterview Connection completes a motorway ring route linking State Highway 20 with State Highway 16.  The new portion of the motorway is 4.8km long and includes a 2.5 km length of tunnel.  The project also includes widening of existing parts of SH 16 and upgrades two existing interchanges. The construction work started in 2012 and is expected to be completed in 2017.

5.       The decision-making for the Waterview Connection was made by a Board of Inquiry process.  The Waterview Connection Proposal Board of Inquiry (BOI) decision (June 2011) included a number of consent conditions intended to recognise and offset the impact of the proposal on the surrounding communities and council assets.  These conditions include a requirement for the designation holder, the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), to fund and undertake the restoration of a number of council reserves directly affected by the construction works and provide cash compensation.  The development of Valonia Reserve in New Windsor is an example of reserve upgrades funded through the project.

6.       Additionally, over the construction period Auckland Council will receive income from NZTA in the form of lease payments for the occupation of public open space such as Rosebank Domain.

7.       The funds will be received at different stages of the project, with the first income being received in the 2014/2015 financial year.  The estimated income is $1,200,100 however this could be reduced if the project completes earlier than currently scheduled and the leased land is no longer required.

Whau Local Board Estimated NZTA Funding

2014/15 FY

2015/16 FY

2016/17 FY


$       286,215

$          95,747

 $       818,137


Table 1: Estimated NZTA funding for Whau Local Board

Allocation of funding for 2015/16 Financial Year

8.       An expenditure plan has been developed for currently unallocated income following discussion with the Whau Local Board (WLB) at a workshop held on 10 June 2015.

NZTA Funding

Whau LB Expenditure

Project Description

2014/15 FY


2015/16 FY


Project Support

Specialist advice for development of Valonia Park



Whau Coastal Walkway Project (Te Whau Pathway)

Concept and detailed design development, consent requirements



Greenways - Holly St to Heron Park Boardwalk

Detailed Design and consent requirements



Greenways - Miranda Reserve connections

Upgrade signage, footpaths and site lines.  Consultation for footbridge



Greenways - Wolverton St to Mc Whirter Place footpath

Concept and consent



Greenways - Lynfield Cove shoreline walkway from Lewis St to Wairaki Stream Reserve

Concept phase



Te Whau Pathway Heritage Interpretative Signage

Concept phase




Interpretative signage


Interpretative signage as requested at Saunders Reserve, Riversdale Reserve, Tait Park and Arthur Currey Reserve.



Crum Park Car Park Lighting

Installation of amenity lighting



Sister Rene Shadbolt Park Car Park Lighting

Installation of amenity lighting



Remaining unallocated to be carried forward








9.       At their 19 November 2014 business meeting, the Whau Local Board resolved to allocate $223,155 of the funds from 2014/15 FY to the Whau Coastal Walkway Project for planning and consent.  However only $128,821 was required from the fund for the project and the remainder of $94,334 is now available for reallocation.


Local Board views and implications

10.     A workshop was held with the Whau Local Board on 10 June 2015 and there was support for the proposed programme.

Māori impact statement

11.     The proposed work ensures development programmes which provide benefits to local communities, including Maori.

12.     Engagement with seven local iwi is undertaken for all projects where iwi interest is identified.


13.     No implementation issues have been identified at this time.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Helen Biffin - Team Leader Parks Liaison and Development


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau

Mark Bowater - Manager Local and Sports Parks