I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitematā Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 11 August 2015 6.00 pm Waitematā
Local Board Office |
Waitematā Local Board
Chairperson |
Shale Chambers |
Deputy Chairperson |
Pippa Coom |
Members |
Christopher Dempsey |
Greg Moyle |
Vernon Tava |
Rob Thomas |
Deborah Yates |
(Quorum 4 members)
Desiree Tukutama Democracy Advisor
10 August 2015
Contact Telephone: (09) 307 6071 Email: Desiree.Tukutama@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waitematā Local Board 11 August 2015 |
26 Regional Facilities Auckland - Fourth Quarter Report 2014-2015 5
27 Draft Waitematā Local Board Achievements Report, 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015 7
Waitematā Local Board 11 August 2015 |
Regional Facilities Auckland - Fourth Quarter Report 2014-2015
File No.: CP2015/16397
1. This report presents the Regional Facilities Auckland - Fourth Quarter Report 2014-2015, for the quarter ended 30 June 2015, to the Waitemata Local Board for their information. The report is provided to ensure the Waitemata Local Board is informed in regards to the Regional Facilities Auckland activities and developments.
That the Waitematā Local Board: a) That the Regional Facilities Auckland Fourth Quarter Report 2014-2015 be received.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Regional Facilities Auckland Fourth Quarter Report 2014-2015 |
7 |
Authors |
Judy Lawley, Local Board Engagement Manager |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |
11 August 2015 |
Draft Waitematā Local Board Achievements Report, 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015
File No.: CP2015/15402
1. To present the draft Waitematā Local Board Achievements Report for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
Executive Summary
2. The Waitematā Local Board successfully negotiated its fourth Waitematā Local Board Agreement with the Governing Body in June 2013. The Agreement formed part of the Council’s 2014/15 Long Term Plan. The draft Waitematā Local Board Achievements Report (Attachment A) highlights the Board’s achievements against the 2014/15 Local Board agreement and covers the period from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
3. This Achievements Report is the fifth publication on achievements for the Waitematā Local Board. It is the second for the new Local Board.
4. The report outlines projects, activities and events the Board delivered or supported over the past twelve months, as well as community grants and local improvement projects. It also highlights the Board’s advocacy work for example on transport, low carbon initiatives, and urban design and heritage, and identifies the upcoming projects and initiatives for 2015/2016.
5. Once finalised, the Achievements Report will be available online and hard copies will be distributed to libraries, community centres and key stakeholders.
a) That the draft Waitematā Local Board Achievements Report, 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015 be received.
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Waitemata Local Board Achievements Report |
7 |
Authors |
Eman Nasser - Local Board Advisor - Waitemata |
Authorisers |
Judith Webster - Relationship Manager |