Auckland Development Committee OPEN MINUTES
Minutes of a meeting of the Auckland Development Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 12 November 2015 at 9.39am.
Chairperson |
Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Chris Darby |
Members |
Cr Anae Arthur Anae |
From 2.10pm, item 14 |
Cr Cameron Brewer |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
From 10.20am, item 11 |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
From 12.34 item 13 |
Cr Denise Krum |
From 10.44 item 12 |
Cr Mike Lee |
Member Liane Ngamane |
From 9.40am, item 1 |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Cr Dick Quax |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Member David Taipari |
From 9.52am, item 5 |
Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE |
From 9.55am, item 5 |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr John Watson |
From 9.52am, item 5 |
Cr Penny Webster |
Cr George Wood, CNZM |
Cr Linda Cooper |
Cr Ross Clow |
Michael Wood |
Puketapapa Local Board member |
Julia Parfitt |
Hibiscus & Bays Local Board chair |
Lisa Whyte |
Upper Harbour Local Board chair |
Simon Randall |
Maungakiekie Local Board chair |
Andrew Baker |
Franklin Local Board chair |
Brenda Steele |
Rodney Local Board chair |
Phelan Pirrie |
Rodney Local Board member |
Graeme Easte |
Albert-Eden Local Board Member |
Peter Haynes |
Albert-Eden Local Board Chair |
Auckland Development Committee 12 November 2015 |
Member L Ngamane entered the meeting at 9.40 am. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/194 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr CE Brewer: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) accept the apologies from Cr AJ Anae, Cr RI Clow and Cr LA Cooper for absence and Mayor LCM Brown, Cr Fletcher, Cr DA Krum, Member DE Taipari and Cr J Watson for lateness and Cr AM Filipaina for early departure. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number AUC/2015/195 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr CM Penrose: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 15 October 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Petitions
There were no petitions.
5 Public Input
5.1 |
Cr J Watson entered the meeting at 9.52 am. Member DE Taipari entered the meeting at 9.52 am. Cr JG Walker entered the meeting at 9.55 am. |
Garry Bryant, Greg McKeown, Karen Collins and Dick Bellamy were in attendance on behalf of Three Kings Land Exchange and South Epsom Planning Group to address the Committee in relation to the fiscal equality of the exchange. They tabled a copy of their presentation for the committee’s consideration. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/196 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr CM Casey: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) receive the presentation and thank Garry Bryant, Greg McKeown, Karen Collins and Dick Bellamy for their attendance. |
a 12 November 2015 - Auckland Development Committee - Item 5.1 Public Input - Three Kings Land Exchange |
6 Local Board Input
There was no local board input.
Note: Michael Wood, Puketapapa Local Board member spoke at item 13 of the agenda.
7 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
8 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
9 |
Resolution number AUC/2015/197 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr CM Penrose: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) receive the reports pending status update. |
10 |
Summary of information memos and briefings - 12 November 2015 |
Resolution number AUC/2015/198 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr WB Cashmore: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) receive the summary of information memos and briefings – 12 November 2015. |
11 |
Housing for Older Persons (HfOP) Eligibility Criteria Standardisation |
Mayor LCM Brown entered the meeting at 10.20 am. |
Kat Teirney, Team Leader Community Facilities and Kevin Marriott were present for this item. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/199 MOVED by Cr CM Casey, seconded by Mayor LCM Brown: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) approve that from 1 January 2016, one set of eligibility criteria will apply for all housing for older persons dwellings across Auckland as follows: i. Age: Be fully eligible for New Zealand National Superannuation, including the same qualifying age (currently 65 years of age for a single person). ii. Income: Earn no more than the New Zealand National Superannuation amount from their main source of income. iii. Assets: Own $40,000 or less worth of assets ($60,000 or less for couples). These are both cash and non-cash assets, as defined by New Zealand Work and Income for their Accommodation Supplement.
iv. Live independently: Able to live independently in an intensive housing environment. Definition: Can engage and/or manage any support services they might require and contribute constructively to harmonious community life. v. Housing need: Self-identified housing need at the time of application. This will ensure the assessment is reflective of housing need at the moment of the application (not an assumed future need). vi. Connection to Auckland: Lived in Auckland for at least one year in the last five years or is currently living there. b) note the changes (to the eligibility criteria) do not apply to existing tenants or those on the waiting list as at 12 November 2015. |
12 |
Member DE Taipari left the meeting at 10.43 am. Cr DA Krum entered the meeting at 10.44 am. Member DE Taipari returned to the meeting at 10.58 am. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/200 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Cr MP Webster: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) receive the summary of public feedback obtained during the draft Future Urban Land Supply Strategy consultation process b) approve the changes to the draft Future Urban Land Supply Strategy proposed by the Auckland Development Committee Deliberations Panel c) adopt the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy as proposed by the Auckland Development Committee Deliberations Panel and inclusive of additional changes approved by the Committee d) delegate through the Chief Executive to the General Manager, Auckland Plan, Strategy and Research the ability to make any minor edits or amendments to the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy to correct any identified errors or typographical edits or to reflect decisions made by the Auckland Development Committee. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr D Quax requested that his dissenting vote against resolution (c) be recorded. |
The meeting was adjourned at 11.04 am and reconvened at 11.18 am.
13 |
Member DE Taipari left the meeting at 11.37 am. Member DE Taipari returned to the meeting at 11.49 am. Cr CE Fletcher entered the meeting at 12.34 pm. |
Michael Wood, Puketapapa Local Board member spoke and tabled a copy of the Local Board’s response on the Hearings Panel Decision. |
Clive Fuhr and Nigel Hewitson, Panuku Development Auckland provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of the item. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.
Resolution number AUC/2015/201 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr CM Casey: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) thank Michael Wood, Puketapapa Local Board member for his presentation to the Auckland Development Committee. |
Note: Changes to the original motion was made with the agreement of the meeting. |
MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Darby: That the Auckland Development Committee, as a Committee of the Whole and as the Committee responsible for the related Plan Change PM372: a) accept the report and recommendations of the Consideration Panel relating to the proposed exchange. b) note that Panuku Development Auckland Board has accepted that the fiscal evaluation of the exchange land and the value of the benefits to accrue to the reserve land supports the disposal of part of the existing reserve and the acquisition of new reserve by way of exchange under s15 of the Reserves Act and; i) that approval of the proposed exchange be subject to the written confirmation from the Panuku Development Auckland Board, to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Auckland Development Committee confirming it is entirely satisfied that it has canvassed all relevant matters in the fiscal evaluation supporting exchange of land. c) subject to the above, request the Minister of Conservation’s approval to the exchange under s.15 of the Reserves Act in accordance with the Panel’s recommendation. d) delegate to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council (acting in consultation with Panuku Development Auckland) authority to: i) negotiate and enter into the land exchange agreement in accordance with the Panel’s recommendations; ii) agree the final apportionment and proportional ownership of the parcels of the reconfigured reserve with the Department of Conservation; ii) to forward the resolution requesting approval of the exchange to the Minister of Conversation (with all required attachments) on completion of the exchange agreement; and iii) exercise Auckland Council’s rights and obligations under the exchange agreement, and attend to all technical matters and processes required, to give effect to completing the land exchange and related matters in an orderly manner. e) direct staff to work with the local board to explore other land exchange opportunities, for example with Housing New Zealand and Antipodean Properties, that would contribute towards the outcomes of the Three Kings Plan. |
MOVED by Cr CM Casey, seconded by Cr CE Fletcher by way of amendment: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) defer the decision on the land swap development until the proposal by Richard Reid is fully investigated and costed by Auckland Council and presented to the Auckland Development Committee as a viable alternative. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The amendment was declared lost by 6 votes to 14. LOST |
The Chairperson put the substantive motion. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/202 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson C Darby: That the Auckland Development Committee, as a Committee of the Whole and as the Committee responsible for the related Plan Change PM372: a) accept the report and recommendations of the Consideration Panel relating to the proposed exchange. b) note that Panuku Development Auckland Board has accepted that the fiscal evaluation of the exchange land and the value of the benefits to accrue to the reserve land supports the disposal of part of the existing reserve and the acquisition of new reserve by way of exchange under s15 of the Reserves Act and; i) that approval of the proposed exchange be subject to the written confirmation from the Panuku Development Auckland Board, to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Auckland Development Committee confirming it is entirely satisfied that it has canvassed all relevant matters in the fiscal evaluation supporting exchange of land. c) subject to the above, request the Minister of Conservation’s approval to the exchange under s.15 of the Reserves Act in accordance with the Panel’s recommendation. d) delegate to the Chief Executive of Auckland Council (acting in consultation with Panuku Development Auckland) authority to: i) negotiate and enter into the land exchange agreement in accordance with the Panel’s recommendations; ii) agree the final apportionment and proportional ownership of the parcels of the reconfigured reserve with the Department of Conservation; ii) to forward the resolution requesting approval of the exchange to the Minister of Conversation (with all required attachments) on completion of the exchange agreement; and iii) exercise Auckland Council’s rights and obligations under the exchange agreement, and attend to all technical matters and processes required, to give effect to completing the land exchange and related matters in an orderly manner. e) direct staff to work with the local board to explore other land exchange opportunities, for example with Housing New Zealand and Antipodean Properties, that would contribute towards the outcomes of the Three Kings Plan.
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 15 votes to 5. |
a 12 November 2015-Auckland Development Committee - Item 13 - Puketapapa Local Board comments on the Panel's recommendation b 12 November 2015 Auckland Development Committee-Item 13-Three Kings Land Exchange - Consideration Panel Report: powerpoint presentation |
The meeting was adjourned at 12.55 pm and reconvened at 1.37 pm.
Mayor LCM Brown, Cr ME Lee, Cr D Quax and Cr WD Walker were not present.
14 |
Withdrawal of part of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Sites and Places of Value to Mana Whenua and Rodney Thermal Power Generation Precinct |
Cr D Quax returned to the meeting at 1.38 pm. Mayor LCM Brown returned to the meeting at 1.42 pm. Cr WD Walker returned to the meeting at 1.50 pm. Cr ME Lee returned to the meeting at 1.52 pm. Cr AJ Anae entered the meeting at 2.10 pm. |
MOVED by Member DE Taipari, seconded by Member L Ngamane: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) defer consideration of the proposal to withdraw 1387 Sites and Places of Value to Mana Whenua until: i) alternative approaches have been considered and assessed; and ii) input and feedback from Mana Whenua and the Independent Maori Statutory Board has been sought. |
MOVED by Cr D Quax, seconded by Cr CM Penrose by way of amendment: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) remove Sites and Places of value overlay on private land until such a time that all Sites and Places have been accurately identified and mapped. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/203 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr WB Cashmore: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) agree to adjourn the meeting for ten minutes. The meeting adjourned at 3.13 pm and reconvened at 3.23 pm. |
Cr CM Casey, Cr AM Filipaina and Member L Ngamane were not present. |
Cr CM Casey, Cr AM Filipaina and Member L Ngamane returned to the meeting at 3.25 pm. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/204 MOVED by Cr CE Brewer, seconded by Cr MP Webster: That the Auckland Development Committee a) agree that, pursuant to Standing Order 1.6.1 the motion under debate now be put to a vote. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 13 votes to 8. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/205 MOVED by Cr D Quax, seconded by Cr CM Penrose: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) agree to remove Sites and Places of value overlay on private land until such a time that all Sites and Places have been accurately identified and mapped. A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared carried by 12 votes to 9. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/206 MOVED by Cr MP Webster, seconded by Cr WB Cashmore: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) endorse the withdrawal of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan in relation to the Rodney Thermal Power Generation precinct at the request of the landowner, Genesis Energy Limited. |
Mayor LCM Brown left the meeting at 3.34 pm. Member DE Taipari left the meeting at 3.35 pm. Member L Ngamane left the meeting at 3.35 pm. Cr AM Filipaina left the meeting at 3.35 pm. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/207 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr WD Walker: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) agree pursuant to standing order 1.1.3, that an extension of time until 5.30 pm be granted. |
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Local Government New Zealand - Response to Resource Management Act Discussion Document |
Resolution number AUC/2015/208 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr MP Webster: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) endorse Attachment A as Auckland Council’s feedback to Local Government New Zealand discussion document t ‘RMA Section Position Paper – draft for feedback, 15 October 2015’. b) delegate through the Chief Executive to the Director Regulatory Services the ability to make minor amendments to Attachment A of the report to reflect decisions of Auckland Development Committee. |
16 |
John Duncan, Executive Director, Auckland Investment Office was present for this item. |
Note: Changes to the original recommendations were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number AUC/2015/209 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr DA Krum: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) receive the update on the Hobsonville Point and proposed screen precinct report, noting that this means that the 14/6 Masterplan can proceed as per resolutions from 7 July 2015 meeting of the committee. b) direct ATEED, Panuku Development Auckland and the Auckland Investment Office to continue to explore opportunities for appropriate film studio infrastructure that builds on existing film sector infrastructure and activity and report back in Quarter 1 2016. |
17 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There were no extraordinary items.
Resolution number AUC/2015/210 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr GS Wood: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. b) agree that Michael Brown of Campbell Brown Consultant be permitted to remain for Confidential Item 4 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan submissions - council position for mediation and hearings - Tertiary Education Zones and Precincts for Akoranga 1 (AUT), Albany 9 (Massey University) and Wairaka (UNITEC) after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of the quarry zone, which will help the Auckland Development Committee in its decision-making. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:
C1 Confidential Reports Pending Status Update
C2 Tamaki Regeneration Project
C3 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan submissions - council position for mediation and hearings - Tertiary Education Zones and Precincts for Akoranga 1 (AUT), Albany 9 (Massey University) and Wairaka (UNITEC)
C4 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Appointment of Additional Independent Hearings Panel Members
C5 Deferred Special Housing Area Request
The text of these resolutions was made available to the public who were present at the meeting and formed part of the minutes of the meeting.
4.07pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
5.39pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C1 |
Resolution number AUC/2015/211 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr GS Wood: That the Auckland Development Committee: a) receive the reports pending status update. b) agree that the resolution only be restated in the open minutes. |
C2 |
Resolution number AUC/2015/212 MOVED by Cr DA Krum, seconded by Chairperson PA Hulse: That the Auckland Development Committee: i) agree that the resolutions, report and all attachments remain confidential. |
C3 |
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan submissions - council position for mediation and hearings - Tertiary Education Zones and Precincts for Akoranga 1 (AUT), Albany 9 (Massey University) and Wairaka (UNITEC) |
Resolution number AUC/2015/217 MOVED by Cr CM Penrose, seconded by Cr GS Wood: That the Auckland Development Committee: k) note
that decisions a) – i) above will be restated in the open section of the
minutes as soon as practicable after the meeting That the Auckland Development Committee: a) supports revoking the following resolutions from the 16 April 2015 meeting pursuant to standing order 1.9.5: · Tertiary education facilities outside the city centre, metropolitan and town centres, other than campus style facilities (e.g. Massey (Albany), AUT (Akoranga) and UNITEC) be re-zoned to an appropriate business or residential zone (or combination) based on their context (AUC/2015/328) · Plan changes being investigated for campus-style tertiary education facilities that are currently zoned Special Purpose-Tertiary Education once the PAUP becomes operative, in particular at Massey (Albany), AUT (Akoranga) and Unitec (AUC/2015/330) b) supports tertiary education facilities outside the city centre, metropolitan and town centres, other than Massey University (Albany) and AUT (Akoranga), being rezoned to an appropriate business or residential zone (or combination) based on their context. Wairaka Precinct (UNITEC) c) supports rezoning the Wairaka (UNITEC) campus generally along the following lines: i. Special Purpose: Tertiary Education zone for the central and southern part of the site
ii. Mixed Housing Urban to the south and south-west of the site, adjacent to the existing residential area and public open space area iii. Mixed Use (Business) for the northern part of the site iv. Special Purpose: Healthcare Facility zone for the Mason Clinic site. d) supports amending the Wairaka Precinct as follows: i. delete sub-precinct A relating to the Mason Clinic site ii. amend the precinct boundary to exclude the Mason Clinic from the precinct iii. retain sub-precinct B over the Taylors commercial laundry site iv. insert a new sub-precinct to cover the proposed new Mixed Housing Urban zoned land to the south and south-west of the site v. include objectives and policies to recognise the development potential for the site vi. amend the objectives and policies to ensure the integration of transport into and within the site vii. include a detailed precinct plan to show the proposed indicative road locations, access points, open spaces, building heights, and heritage features of the site viii. amend the rules to ensure development aligns with the precinct plan or an approved Framework Plan ix. include provisions to enable tertiary education activities across the entire site until the planned consolidation is undertaken x. include limitations on the location, staging and extent of ground floor retail and commercial activities in the precinct to address potential impacts on neighbouring town centres xi. insert new provisions to provide additional height at 27m across the tertiary education and mixed use zones xii. insert appropriate stormwater and other infrastructure provisions. e) supports Council staff mediating with submitters on the amended Wairaka Precinct and zoning at mediation to be held on 16-18 November 2015. Albany 9 Precinct (Massey University) f) supports retaining the Special Purpose: Tertiary Education Zone over the whole Massey University Albany Campus g) supports including a new precinct at Massey University Albany Campus to provide for: i. detailed site-specific planning of tertiary education facilities through development, assessment and approval of framework plans for development of the site ii. buildings for tertiary education facilities, sports facilities, learning and research in the west and east sub-precincts up to 32.5m high in the central part of the campus iii. integrated transport planning that promotes cycling and public transport, pedestrian safety and amenity and limits car parking iv. additional complementary activities including: · clinics, marae and fale complexes, · recreation facilities, recreation trails, sport and recreation structures · carnivals, concerts, fairs, markets and festivals.
Akoranga 1 Precinct (AUT) h) supports retaining the Special Purpose: Tertiary Education Zone over the whole AUT North Shore Campus i) supports including a new Akoranga 1 precinct at AUT North Shore Campus to provide for: i. detailed site-specific planning of tertiary education facilities through development, assessment and approval of framework plans for development of the site ii. buildings for tertiary education facilities, sports facilities, learning and research up to 30m high set back from Akoranga Road iii. additional complementary activities including: · sport and recreation structures · waste management facilities. Restatements j) note that the report and all attachments regarding – Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan submissions – council position for mediation and hearings – Tertiary Education Zones and Precincts Akoranga 1 (AUT), Albany 9 (Massey University) and Wairaka (UNITEC) will remain confidential until the conclusion of the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan Hearings
C4 |
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Appointment of Additional Independent Hearings Panel Members |
Resolution number AUC/2015/216 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Cr WB Cashmore: That the Auckland Development Committee: c) agree that the resolutions, report and all attachments remain confidential. |
C5 |
Resolution number AUC/2015/215 MOVED by Chairperson PA Hulse, seconded by Cr MP Webster: That the Auckland Development Committee: b) agree that the decision and all attachments regarding Special Housing Areas proposal remains confidential until all due processes have been concluded, and that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor be delegated responsibility to release information on this SHA proposal as may be required. |
5.40 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.