Albert-Eden Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 at 3.02pm.





Peter Haynes


Deputy Chairperson

Glenda Fryer

Departed the meeting at 6.05pm.


Helga Arlington



Lee Corrick



Graeme Easte



Rachel Langton



Margi Watson



Tim Woolfield

Departed the meeting at 6.03pm.





Governing Body Member

Christine Fletcher







Governing Body Member

Cathy Casey

Entered the meeting at 5.04pm.

Departed the meeting at 6.00pm.

Orakei Local Board Member

Mark Thomas

Departed the meeting at 6.00pm.






Albert-Eden Local Board

02 December 2015




1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Resolution number AE/2015/145

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         notes the apologies from Governing Body Member Fletcher for absence and Governing Body Member Casey for lateness.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number AE/2015/146

MOVED by Member TH Woolfield, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         confirms the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 4 November 2015 and the minutes of its extraordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 November 2015, including the confidential section, as true and correct records.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements




The recent passing of Jonah Lomu


Resolution number AE/2015/147

MOVED by Member LA Corrick, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         acknowledges the sudden passing of Jonah Lomu, a very special local resident.  He was a generous man and provided inspiration to so many people.  He will be missed.  Our thoughts are with his family and close friends at this difficult time.






Enviroschools award to three Albert-Eden area schools


Resolution number AE/2015/148

MOVED by Member GD Easte, seconded by Member H Arlington:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         acknowledges Mt Albert Playcentre, Owairaka District School and Balmoral School for receiving this year’s Enviroschools award.




7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Jenny Hutchings – Mapura Studios


Jenny Hutchings, Mapura Studios, was in attendance to present a Public Forum presentation introducing the Mapura Studios, formerly the Spark Centre of Creative Development.


Resolution number AE/2015/149

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member H Arlington:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         thanks Jenny Hutchings, Mapura Studios, for her Public Forum presentation.





Dave McKay – Basketball Auckland


Dave McKay, Basketball Auckland, was in attendance to present a Public Forum presentation about Basketball Auckland’s activities this year.


Resolution number AE/2015/150

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         thanks Dave McKay, Basketball Auckland, for his Public Forum presentation.




10        Extraordinary Business



Consideration of an item of extraordinary business at Item 25


The Board was asked to consider an item of Extraordinary Business at Item 25 of the 2 December 2015 meeting in order to discuss supporting a traffic count study of the 6 streets around the St Lukes Mall area.

The issue is considered urgent given the mall’s planned future expansion and the need for a study to determine the traffic baseline for the local area during the Christmas 2015 period, and further noting that the Board’s next business meeting is scheduled for 3 February 2016.


Resolution number AE/2015/151

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         considers an item of Extraordinary Business at Item 25 of the meeting to consider supporting a traffic count study of the 6 streets around the St Lukes Mall area.




11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Auckland Transport Update - December 2015


Felicity Merrington, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2015/152

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member GD Easte:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Auckland Transport Update – December 2015 report.

b)      notes the Firm Estimate of Cost for the Residential Quiet Zone in Huntingtree Avenue, Vancouver Avenues, Columbia Road is $98,800.

c)      approves Auckland Transport to proceed with the construction of the Residential Quiet Zone in Huntingtree Avenue, Vancouver Avenue, Columbia Road and requests Auckland Transport to attend an urgent workshop to discuss alternative thresholds in further detail and subject to approval by the Board’s two Transport portfolio leads.

d)      requests Auckland Transport to;

          i)            proceed with implementation of the Mt Eden Residential Parking Zone on Sylvan Avenue East, Sylvan Avenue West, Kelly Street, Edenvale Crescent, Punga Street, Wynyard Road, Eden Vale Park Road, Brentwood Avenue, Horopito Street and part of Kawaka Street.

          ii)           refer this report and resolution to the Waitemata Local Board for their consideration, noting the possible impact on parking in Haultain and Fenton Streets.

          iii)          to monitor the effects of implementation of the Mt Eden Residential Parking Zone on the area and in neighbouring streets and to report the results of this monitoring to the Board in a timely manner.

e)      requests Auckland Transport to provide a rough order of costs (ROC) for:

          i)            the work required to improve the lighting at Anderson Park to help address safety concerns for pedestrians using this link between Preston Avenue and New North Road, and construction of a shared access from Preston Avenue.

          ii)           the work required to construct a perimeter connecting walkway at Phyllis Reserve as the proposed new layout will cut-off the existing pedestrian route between Springleigh Street and Great North Road/Blockhouse Bay intersection and Heron Park;

          iii)          the work required to improve lighting in Nicholson Park between Poronui Road and Disraeli Street, which is a significant pedestrian thoroughfare.

f)       thanks Felicity Merrington, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, for her attendance and wishes her all the best for the future.




Secretarial Note:       Item 14, 16, 15, 17, 20, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and C1 were heard in this order.




SH16/20 Waterview Connection expenditure on projects 


Resolution number AE/2015/153

MOVED by Member MJ Watson, seconded by Member GD Easte:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      confirms the allocation of funding of the SH16/20 General Park Restoration budget, as outlined in Attachment A of the report.

b)      continues a discussion with Watercare regarding the application of the Watercare growth charge of $66,412 at Waterview Reserve.

c)      confirms the allocation of funding of the Improvements to Waterview Reserves budget, as outlined in Attachment A of the report.





956-990 Great North Road - Resource Recovery Facility


Matthew Foster, Relationship Advisor, and Julie Dickinson, Senior Waste Planning Specialist, were in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2015/154

MOVED by Member RAJ Langton, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approves in principle that the site at 956-990 Great North Road, Western Springs, be used as the site for a local resource recovery facility.

b)      requests that officers attend an urgent workshop with the Board prior to the end of 2015 to discuss the detailed design for the local resource recovery facility.

c)      thanks Matthew Foster, Relationship Advisor, and Julie Dickinson, Senior Waste Planning Specialist, for their attendance.







Secretarial Note:       The meeting was adjourned at 4.16pm.

                                    The meeting was reconvened at 4.22pm.




New Lease for Community Building Nicholson Park, 25 Poronui St., Mt Eden


Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


MOVED by Member TH Woolfield, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approves the granting of a lease to the New Zealand Fellowship of Artists Incorporated on a portion of Nicholson Park 25 Poronui St Mt Eden, subject to one month’s public notification, iwi consultation, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions:

         i)             Term:  5 years commencing 1 April 2016 with one 5-year right of renewal;

         ii)            Rent:  $1 plus GST per annum;

         iii)           Maintenance fee: $500 plus GST per annum;

         iv)           A community outcomes plan be negotiated with the group and presented to the Leases and Facilities portfolio holders for approval and attached as a schedule to the lease;

         v)            All other terms and conditions in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

b)      apply section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977, which requires public notification and iwi consultation, to allow the building to be leased for a purpose other than as a recreation reserve, as an alternative to reclassifying the land as a local purpose reserve and amending the management plan.

c)      thanks Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, for his attendance.


Amendment to original recommendation

Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer moved an amendment by way of substitution to recommendation a), seconded by Member MJ Watson.

a)      approves the granting of a lease to the New Zealand Fellowship of Artists Incorporated on a portion of Nicholson Park 25 Poronui St Mt Eden, subject to one month’s public notification, iwi consultation, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions:

         i)             Term:  3 years commencing 1 April 2016 with one 3-year right of renewal;

         ii)            Rent:  $1 plus GST per annum;

         iii)           Maintenance fee: $500 plus GST per annum;

         iv)           A community outcomes plan be negotiated with the group and presented to the Leases and Facilities portfolio holders for approval and attached as a schedule to the lease;

         v)            All other terms and conditions in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

The amendment was put and declared



The Chairperson put the substantive motion.


Resolution number AE/2015/155

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approves the granting of a lease to the New Zealand Fellowship of Artists Incorporated on a portion of Nicholson Park 25 Poronui St Mt Eden, subject to one month’s public notification, iwi consultation, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions:

i)       Term:  3 years commencing 1 April 2016 with one 3-year right of renewal; 

ii)      Rent:  $1 plus GST per annum;

iii)     Maintenance fee: $500 plus GST per annum;

iv)     A community outcomes plan be negotiated with the group and presented to the Leases and Facilities portfolio holders for approval and attached as a schedule to the lease;

v)      All other terms and conditions in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

b)      Apply section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977, which requires public notification and iwi consultation, to allow the building to be leased for a purpose other than as a recreation reserve, as an alternative to reclassifying the land as a local purpose reserve and amending the management plan.

c)      thanks Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, for his attendance.




Secretarial Note:       Governing Body Member Casey entered the meeting at 5.04pm.




Consideration of short list applications and granting of a new lease Gribblehirst Park 225 Sandringham Road.


Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approves the granting of a lease to Auckland Basketball Services Limited, subject to one month’s public notification, iwi consultation, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions;

         i)             Term – 5 years commencing 16 September 2015 with one 5-year right of renewal;

         ii)            Rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

         iii)           A community outcomes plan to be negotiated with Auckland Basketball Services Limited and approved by the Albert Eden Local Board Community Facilities Portfolio holders, and attached as a schedule to the lease document;

         iv)           Other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

b)      apply section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977, which requires public notification and iwi consultation, to allow the building to be leased for a purpose other than as a recreation reserve, as an alternative to reclassifying the land and amending the management plan.

c)      notes that staff will undertake the statutory advertising and iwi consultation pursuant to the provision of the Reserves Act 1977 and the Conservation Act 1987.

d)      establish a hearings committee-of-the-whole to consider and hear if required any submissions resulting from the public notification and iwi consultation.

e)      requests officers to find a possible alternative lease for Auckland Community Shed within the Albert-Eden Local Board area, with consideration given to the site of the new Resource Recovery Facility at 956-990 Great North Road, Western Springs.

f)       thanks Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, for his attendance.



Amendment to original recommendation

Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer moved an amendment by way of substitution to recommendation a), seconded by Member GD Easte.

a)      approves the granting of a lease to Auckland Community Shed, subject to one month’s public notification, iwi consultation, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions;

         i)             Term – 1 year commencing 1 February 2016 with one 1-year right of renewal;

         ii)            Rent – $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

         iii)           A community outcomes plan to be negotiated with Auckland Community Shed and approved by the Albert-Eden Local Board Community Facilities Portfolio holders, and attached as a schedule to the lease document;

         iv)           Other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.


A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member H Arlington

Member GD Easte

Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer

Chairperson PD Haynes


Member LA Corrick

Member RAJ Langton

Member MJ Watson

Member TH Woolfield



The motion was declared EQUAL.

The chair exercised their casting vote for so the motion was Carried.



The Chairperson put the substantive motion.


Resolution number AE/2015/156

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member GD Easte:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      approves the granting of a lease to Auckland Community Shed, subject to one month’s public notification, iwi consultation, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions;

i.            Term – 1 year commencing 1 February 2016 with one 1-year right of renewal;

ii.           Rent – $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii.          A community outcomes plan to be negotiated with Auckland Community Shed and approved by the Albert-Eden Local Board Community Facilities Portfolio holders, and attached as a schedule to the lease document;

iv.          Other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

b)      apply section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977, which requires public notification and iwi consultation, to allow the building to be leased for a purpose other than as a recreation reserve, as an alternative to reclassifying the land and amending the management plan.

c)      notes that staff will undertake the statutory advertising and iwi consultation pursuant to the provision of the Reserves Act 1977 and the Conservation Act 1987.

d)      establish a hearings committee-of-the-whole to consider and hear if required any submissions resulting from the public notification and iwi consultation.

e)      requests officers to find Auckland Basketball Services Limited a possible alternative lease within the Albert-Eden Local Board area.

f)       thanks Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, for his attendance and for his continued hard work over the past several months.





Establishment of an Albert-Eden Local Board Accommodation Grant 2015/2016


Marion Davies, Community Grants Operations Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AE/2015/157

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      establishes an Accommodation Grant in 2015/2016 with a budget of $150,000, utilising its 2015/2016 Central Joint Funding Committee budget.

b)      adopts the updated Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Programme to include the eligibility and criteria for the Accommodation Grant, noting that the minimum amount per grant application is $2,500.

c)      thanks Marion Davies, Community Grants Operations Manager, for her attendance.





Albert-Eden Local Board Dog Access Review Panel-of-the-whole - decisions


Resolution number AE/2015/158

MOVED by Member MJ Watson, seconded by Member TH Woolfield:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Albert-Eden Local Board Dog Access Review Panel-of-the-whole decisions report.

b)      notes that the Albert-Eden Local Board Dog Access Review Panel-of-the-whole decisions were adopted by the Governing Body on 26 November 2015.





Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee - Growth Programme


Resolution number AE/2015/159

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      receives the Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee  Growth Programme report and notes the attached resolutions.

b)      notes that the Sandringham Reserve funding is allocated for the FY2015/2016 not FY2016/2017 as noted in Attachment A of the report.





Governing Body Members' update


Resolution number AE/2015/160

MOVED by Member TH Woolfield, seconded by Member RAJ Langton:  

a)      That Standing Order 3.9.14 be amended to allow Governing Body Member Cathy Casey to have speaking rights.

b)      That Governing Body Member Cathy Casey’s verbal update be received.

c)      Thanks Governing Body Member Cathy Casey’s for her verbal update.





Chairperson's Report


Resolution number AE/2015/161

MOVED by Member H Arlington, seconded by Member TH Woolfield:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         receives the Chairperson’s verbal report.





Board Members' Reports


Resolution number AE/2015/162

MOVED by Member MJ Watson, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         receives Members Watson and Arlington’s Board Member Reports.

b)         receives Members Easte, Corrick, Langton, Woolfield and Deputy Chairperson Fryer’s verbal Board Member Reports.

c)         requests officers to prepare a report seeking a liquor ban for Delphine Park and McGehan Close Reserve.

d)         notes that $15,000 from the ‘Grant to celebrate local maunga and mana whenua’ budget line is being forwarded to the Maunga Authority to assist with the delivery of a Maunga Event in FY16.

e)         notes that the remaining funding of $3,000 from the ‘Grant to celebrate local maunga and mana whenua’ budget line and the residual Bungalow Event funding of $7,445 will be reallocated to the Chamberlain Park event in March 2016.

f)          congratulates Friends of Oakley Creek on their 10th birthday and thank them for their inspiring work in restoring Te Auaunga-Oakley Creek.

g)         requests staff to prepare a report seeking a 24 hour liquor ban on the land known as Roy Clements Treeway as requested by the landowner, Mt Albert Grammar School on behalf of the Ministry of Education.

h)         thanks Graham Marchant, Parks Advisor for his long service to the Board, Auckland Council and Auckland City Council, noting he has been a champion for  Auckland’s Parks and Reserves, and wishes him well in his retirement.





Reports Requested/Pending


Resolution number AE/2015/163

MOVED by Member RAJ Langton, seconded by Member LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         receives the reports requested/pending list.





Albert-Eden Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number AE/2015/164

MOVED by Member LA Corrick, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         receives the workshop notes for the workshops held on the 11, 18, 24 and 25 November 2015.




25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Traffic counts for streets around St Lukes Mall


Resolution number AE/2015/165

MOVED by Member GD Easte, seconded by Chairperson PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)         considers budget to support a traffic count study of the 6 streets around the St Lukes Mall area, noting the mall’s planned future expansion.

b)         delegates authority to Chairperson Haynes and Member Easte to discuss the study with officers in further detail and provisionally allocates up to $3,000.



Secretarial Note:       Governing Body Member Casey departed the meeting at 6.00pm.

                                    Orakei Local Board Member Thomas departed the meeting at 6.00pm.



26        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number AE/2015/166

MOVED by Chairperson PD Haynes, seconded by Deputy Chairperson GJ Fryer:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      excludes the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Special Housing Areas: Tranche 9

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

In particular, the report contains commercially sensitive information and information that could potentially give certain parties a commercial advantage if released.

s7(2)(c)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information or information from the same source and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied.

In particular, the report contains commercially sensitive information and information that could potentially give certain parties a commercial advantage if released.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.




Secretarial Note:       Member Woolfield departed the meeting at 6.03pm.

                                    Deputy Chairperson Fryer departed the meeting at 6.05pm.


6.05pm            The public was excluded.



Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.



It was resolved while the public was excluded:



Motion – To move back in to open session

Resolution number AE/2015/167

MOVED by Member MJ Watson, seconded by Member GD Easte:  

a)         That the Albert-Eden Local Board meeting held on Wednesday, 2 December 2015, be moved back in to open session.




6.44pm            The public was re-admitted.






6.44 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









