I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Disability Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 14 December 2015


Council Chamber, Ground Floor
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street



Disability Advisory Panel









Clive Lansink


Deputy Chairperson

John Herring



Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP



Dan Buckingham



Jade Farrar



David Hughes



Nicola Keyworth



Gerard Martin



Don McKenzie, CNZM, OBE



Susan Sherrard



Ursula Thynne


Liaison Councillor

Sharon Stewart, QSM



(Quorum 6 members)




Mike Giddey

Democracy Advisor


9 December 2015


Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8143

Email: mike.giddey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz








The Disability Advisory Panel (DAP) was established by the Mayor in June 2011.


Its purpose is to provide strategic advice on pan-disability issues to the Mayor, governing body, local boards, Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) and Council on:


·         the interests and preferences of persons with disabilities in Auckland in relation to regional strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws of the Council;

·         any other matters that the Panel considers to be of particular interest or concern to persons with disabilities in Auckland; and

·         processes and mechanisms for engaging with persons with disabilities in Auckland.


The DAP has up to 11 members who are appointed on the basis of their individual expertise and experience in strategic thinking, governance and communication skills, knowledge of disability and accessibility issues and connections with disability organisations and networks across Auckland.



Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

5          Disability Operational Action Plan                                                                              7

6          Modification of signage to accessible toilets in council office buildings             33

7          World Masters Games 2017                                                                                        37

8          Auckland Transport - Integrated meetings                                                              45

9          Disability Advisory Panel Work Programme                                                            47

10        Empowering Communities - Update                                                                         51 

11        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


An apology from Chairperson C Lansink has been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Monday, 2 November 2015 as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”




Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Item 5 - Disability Operational Action Plan


File No.: CP2015/19618






1.       To receive the Disability Operational Action Plan.

Executive Summary

2.       Commitments to creating a strong, inclusive and equitable society and a well-designed environment are set out in the Auckland Plan.

3.       The Disability Operational Action Plan details how the council and the wider council family will focus resources on activities that make a positive difference to people with disabilities.

4.       The plan identifies a range of practical and achievable actions that build on commitments made in existing strategy and policy documents.

5.       Many of the actions are already underway and new actions are funded within existing Long Term Plan 2015- 2025 budgets.

6.       The actions in the plan are organised into four key themes:

·    Creating accessible buildings, places and spaces

·    Knowledge, communications and engagement

·    Events and services

·    Our workplace

7.       Progress will be reported annually to the Disability Advisory Panel.



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the report and the Disability Operational Action Plan (Attachment A).




8.       This operationally focused action plan is in response to the Disability Advisory Panel’s submission to Auckland Council calling for a disability strategy.


9.       At their meeting in May 2015, the panel supported the development of a disability action plan and nominated members to provide advice throughout the process.


10.     The process has included:

·    desktop analysis of documents, submissions and review of other cities’ plans

·    engagement and workshops with staff and the panel.


11.     The plan is aligned with the Auckland Plan and a wide range of strategic documents. It provides visibility of the commitments that the wider council family has made to ensure that their services meet the needs of people with disabilities, and reflects a one organisation approach to ensuring that barriers to access and participation are minimised. 


12.     Departments throughout council have committed to actions in the plan.  The following council controlled organisations have also actively engaged in the plan’s development:

·        Regional Facilities Auckland

·        Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development

·        Auckland Transport

·        Panuku Development Auckland.


13.     The actions in the plan are organised into four key themes:

1.       Creating accessible buildings, places and spaces

2.       Knowledge, communications and engagement

3.       Events and services

4.       Our workplace.


14.     The plan includes actions that will be the responsibility of various council departments and council controlled organisations to implement. Some are based on existing activities and some are new, all of which will be undertaken within the next two years.

15.     The plan provides a collective approach to ensuring that Auckland becomes more accessible and inclusive and that this becomes part of our everyday business. This work will deliver ongoing benefits to people with disabilities as well as families, older people and visitors.

16.     The plan will be internally monitored and reported to the Disability Advisory Panel on an annual basis beginning in July 2016. Any updates to the plan will be aligned to future annual plan timeframes.


Feedback from the Disability Advisory Panel on the draft action plan

17.     The Disability Advisory Panel members considered the draft plan at a workshop in November 2015.  Most of the feedback related to minor gaps, the refinement of action points and the use of plain English. Other feedback relates to the acknowledgement of human rights and the governance relationship between Auckland Council and the council controlled organisations.

The general themes from this feedback are summarised below along with staff responses.


General themes

Staff response

Broad positive support for the action plan and biannual reporting.


Request to include the human rights principle of reasonable accommodation in the plan.

Interpretation of what is considered reasonable accommodation is not always agreed, and law in this area is evolving both in New Zealand and overseas. Due to the lack of clarity on the term’s meaning, and the operational and practical focus on the plan, reasonable accommodation has not been included as a guiding principle.

Request to include a fifth theme on how council will assess council controlled organisations’ performance as it relates to the plan.

Council controlled organisations have demonstrated a commitment to delivering on actions included in the plan. The reporting framework will enable the panel to see how they are tracking against their committed actions.

Emphasis on strengthening the actions relating to accessible events – seek a commitment to include accessibility in all events.

Additional actions relating to events have been included (see actions 3.2, 3.3 and 3.5).


Gap identified regarding the role of council procurement.

An additional action relating to procurement has been included (see action 1.4).

Advocate for all documents to be 100% accessible.

The focus on providing accessible formats for summary documents remains (e.g. Long Term Plan, Annual Plan, rates and elections). In addition we will ensure that all long-form documents produced by our in-house studio are screen-readable (see action 2.12).  The recently updated accessible information and communication guidelines will also assist the council family to produce communications in alternative accessible formats.


Local board views and implications

18.     As the plan is operational in focus, local board views were not sought through its development. 

19.     A common theme across local board plans is building a sense of belonging where people from all walks of life feel valued and can connect with each other. The plan supports this theme as it relates to people with disabilities.

Māori impact statement

20.     The action plan has been developed with a view to making a positive impact on people living with disabilities in Auckland. The 2013 New Zealand Disability Survey found Māori people were more likely to be disabled than non-Māori.  Twenty four percent of the New Zealand population were identified as disabled and 26% of the Māori population were identified as disabled. Operational actions identified in the plan will provide a positive impact on Māori with disabilities particularly across the four themes.


21.     The implementation of this plan will be led by the Community Empowerment Unit.  Progress on the plan will be reported to the Disability Advisory Panel annually commencing in July 2016.

22.     Implementation of the plan will be achieved within existing Long Term Plan 2015 - 2025 budgets.






Disability Operational Action Plan





Teena Abbey - Principal Policy Analyst


Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy

Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Item 6 - Modification of signage to accessible toilets in council office buildings


File No.: CP2015/24961






1.       To seek the Panel’s advice on potential new signage of the accessible toilets in council buildings.

Executive Summary


2.       Auckland Council is considering new signage of the accessible toilets in council buildings including 135 Albert Street and Bledisloe House to expand the use of the accessible toilets to the following groups:

· wheelchair users

· crutch and walking stick users

· people who are intersex, transgender or transsexual

· pregnant women

· people with babies or children

· people with a guide dog.

3.       A proposed process will include a consultation and engagement process with council employees regarding the modification of the accessible toilet signage in council buildings. A new pictogram will be considered to replace the current signage of accessible toilets. Attachment A shows examples of more inclusive signage in other countries.




That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      provide advice and feedback on the proposal.

b)      support in principle the proposal to modify the signage to accessible toilets in council office buildings.







Examples of more inclusive signage from other countries





Julian Gonzalez – Workspace Business Partner


Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Item 7 - World Masters Games 2017


File No.: CP2015/25381






1.       To seek the Panel’s advice on the World Masters Games 2017.

Executive Summary

2.       World Masters Games 2017 (WMG2017) will be held throughout the Auckland and Waikato regions between 21 and 30 April 2017. 25,000 athletes from over 100 different countries will compete in 28 sports, featuring 45 disciplines, across some 45 venues.

3.       The World Masters Games is the largest participant based, multi-sport event in the world. In terms of athlete numbers, it is bigger in scale than even the Olympics. The World Masters Games is a unique event that is underpinned by a sport-for-all philosophy. Governed by the International Masters Games Association, the event is held every four years and is open to sports people of all abilities, with the minimum age limit set by each sporting discipline. Toronto staged the first World Masters Games in 1985. Since then, World Masters Games have also taken place in Denmark (1989), Brisbane (1994), Portland, Oregon (1998), Melbourne (2002), Edmonton (2005), Sydney (2009) and Torino, Italy (2013).

4.       WMG2017 will offer the largest ever Para-Sport programme as part of a World Masters Games event. The following 11 Para-Sports will be available in the sports programme: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Canoe, Cycling, Lawn Bowls, Rowing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis and Triathlon. Events in each sport have been identified in conjunction with each sport delivery partner.

5.       To compete in a Para-Sport event, athletes will need to meet minimum disability criteria aligned to the International Paralympic Committee’s classification process. WMG2017 is currently working in conjunction with Paralympics NZ to develop opportunities for athletes with a disability to participate in the Games.




That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      note the presentation. 

b)      provide advice and feedback to Jennah Wootten.








WMG2017 Briefing Paper for Disability Advisory Panel 14 Dec 2015





Jennah Wootten – Chief Executive WMG 2017 Limited


Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Item 8 - Auckland Transport - Integrated meetings


File No.: CP2015/26887






1.       To update the Disability Advisory Panel on progress with Auckland Transport’s Public Transport Accessibility Group and Capital Project Accessibility Group meetings.  

Executive Summary

2.       On 23 November 2015, Auckland Transport trialled concurrent meetings of the Public Transport Accessibility Group and Capital Project Accessibility Group.

3.       At the Public Transport Accessibility Group meeting, Auckland Transport announced:

·    the launch of a bus driver training DVD on 11 December 2015

·    in February 2016 the new double decker buses for the Auckland network can be viewed

·    passenger terms of carriage to be devised.

4.       At the Capital Project Accessibility Group meeting, Auckland Transport indicated they would be appointing a Disability Advisor to deal with Total Mobility and other disability related issues.



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update on the Auckland Transport accessibility group meetings.




5.       On 23 November 2015, Auckland Transport trialled running the two accessibility group meetings concurrently. Auckland Transport chaired both meetings.

6.       The terms of reference for the two groups were discussed briefly. Draft terms will be discussed at each group’s first meeting in 2016.

7.       Below is a detailed update of the discussions at the meetings.

Public Transport Accessibility Group

8.       On 11 December 2015, Auckland Transport will launch its enhanced bus driver training. Auckland Transport is developing more specific training for the drivers to accompany the use of the DVD and provide drivers with a better understanding of disabled passengers.

9.       Auckland Transport will send an email link to all meeting attendees and Total Mobility users to inform them how the newsletter can be downloaded.

10.     New double decker buses will be in operation on the Auckland network in 2016. It is expected that interested persons will be invited to view the buses in February 2016.

11.     Currently bus companies are responsible for writing their own terms of carriage of passengers (including provisions for prams, bicycles, and wheelchairs). The group agreed that Auckland Transport should develop terms of carriage which apply to all bus companies.

12.     Auckland Transport has included action points in Auckland Council's Disability Action Plan. The Auckland Transport’s Disability Action Plan will be completed in May 2016.

            Capital Project Accessibility Group

13.     A further update was provided on the Quay Street cycleway. Auckland Transport has modified the initial concepts shown at the 20 October 2015 meeting.

14.     Auckland Transport has advised that they will be appointing a Disability Advisor to deal with Total Mobility and other disability related matters.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Martine Abel – Specialist Advisor Community Empowerment


Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events

Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Item 9 - Disability Advisory Panel Work Programme


File No.: CP2015/26268






1.       To provide an update to the Panel on progress with the work programme.

Executive Summary

2.       At its meeting on 2 November 2015 the Panel resolved (Resolution DIS/2015/60) to approve the draft work programme for the period 1 November 2015 – 30 September 2016.

3.       A summary of progress with the work programme up to 1 December 2015 is contained in Attachment A.



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      note progress with the Panel’s work programme








Disability Advisory Panel - Work Programme 1 November 2015 to 30 September 2016





Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support


Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support


Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Disability Advisory Panel – Draft Work Programme  1st November 2015 to 30 September 2016


Key Programmes and Priorities


Other key agencies



Overlap with other Panels

Planned date


Progress to 1st December 2015


Input to AT (directly and via CPAG and PTAG) to support universal access in its designs and service delivery; including:

·   ongoing input to support accessible public transport that is user-friendly and safe around rail crossings, terminals and interchanges

·   promotion of the need for clear signage and audible information on transport movements, destinations and timetables.

Auckland Transport

Community Development, Arts and Culture Auckland Transport

Auckland Transport




Regular updates to the Panel will continue to be provided by Martine Abel the Specialist Advisor Community Empowerment.


Carol Greenwood from Auckland Transport will make a presentation to the Panel in February 2016 relating to the new rail link works around Britomart and Albert Street.

Auckland Design Manual – Universal Access

Input into Auckland Design Manual and Universal Access considerations.

Council and CCO

Auckland Design Office


Council and CCOs

Auckland Design Office


Council and CCOs



Panel Members Don McKenzie and John Herring will continue to be the Panels spokes persons on universal design and will liaise with appropriate Council staff involved with universal design and the design manual.


Claire Wilson the new Principal Specialist Universal Access and Design was introduced to the Panel and gave an update on her role and future relationship with the Panel.




More in depth discussion concerning forward planning with the Principal Specialist Universal Access and Design to be organised.



Council and CCOs


February 2016 Panel


Community Summit(s)

Engagement in the next steps from the Community Summit held on the 16th October 2015


Council and CCOs

Council and CCOs



Summit held on the 16th October

Disability Operational Action Plan

Engagement in the completion of the Disability Operational Action Plan



Council and CCOs


Workshop in November 2015


The Panel provided comment on the draft Disability Operational Action Plan at its meeting on the 2nd November 2015.The final version will be presented to the Panel on the 14th December 2015.

Empowered Communities Model

Receiving regular updates from the Community Empowerment Unit on progress with the Empowered Communities Model




Other Panels

Attendance by CEU at each Panel meeting

ACE  to advise which staff member will be attending the Panel meetings.

The first update will be provided at the Panel meeting of the 14th December 2015.






Civil Defence

Providing a disability perspective to Civil Defence Plans




Other Panels


Presentation made by CDEM to the Panel in September 2015


Produce some key statistics in a useable form from the Statistics New Zealand Disability Survey for Panel Members





February 2016

Further meetings have been held with RIMU









Actions completed 1st November 2015  to September 2016










Disability Advisory Panel

14 December 2015



Item 10 - Empowering Communities - Update


File No.: CP2015/26262






1.       To provide the Panel with an update on progress with the Empowering Communities model.

Executive Summary

2.       At its meeting on 14 September 2015 the Panel resolved (Resolution DIS/2015/54) to request that the Community Empowerment Unit’s disability portfolio holder report back to each meeting of the Panel on progress and outcomes achieved and to receive feedback and support from the Panel.

3.       Martine Abel Specialist Advisor from the Community Empowerment Unit will provide a verbal update to the Panel on progress. 



That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the verbal update from Martine Abel on progress with the Community Empowerment model.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Martine Abel – Specialist Advisor Community Empowerment


Andrew Wood – Lead Officer Support