Great Barrier Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Great Barrier Local Board held in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island on Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 10.00am.
Chairperson |
Izzy Fordham |
Deputy Chairperson |
Susan Daly |
Members |
Jeff Cleave |
Judy Gilbert |
Christina Spence |
Councillor |
Mike Lee |
Great Barrier Local Board 09 December 2015 |
1 Welcome
Chairperson IM Fordham opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. Member JC Cleave led the meeting in a karakia.
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number GBI/2015/172 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 11 November 2015 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 25 November 2015, as a true and correct record. b) confirm the ordinary minutes of its Draft Local Board Plan meeting, held on Monday, 29 August 2011 and the ordinary minutes of its Annual Plan Hearings, held on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Extraordinary Business
10.1 |
A decision must be made prior to the board’s 10 February 2016 business meeting to enable the board’s feedback to help inform the content of the review and the drafting of a Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan in early 2016. |
Resolution number GBI/2015/173 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) consider the Draft Regional Pest Management Plan Review as an extraordinary business at item 22.1. A decision must be made prior to the board’s 10 February 2016 business meeting to enable the board’s feedback to help inform the content of the review and the drafting of a Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan in early 2016. |
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Resolution number GBI/2015/174 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) approve the detailed investigation of local parks in the Claris Crossroads area and Okiwi Park for the development of new cemeteries for Aotea Great Barrier Island with initial work being a geotechnical study and input from Ngati Rehua Ngatiwai ki Aotea. b) agree that should the sites in the Claris Crossroads area and Okiwi Park prove unsuitable for cemeteries it will expand its investigation to other council owned or managed land, Department of Conservation land and private land if landowners agree.
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Emma Joyce, Relationship Advisor, from Infrastructure and Environmental Services was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the Resource Recovery and Reuse Trial report. |
Resolution number GBI/2015/175 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SP Daly: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) endorse a resource recovery and reuse trial on Aotea Great Barrier. b) thank Emma Joyce, Relationship Advisor, for her attendance and presentation on the Resource Recovery and Reuse Trial report. c) thank Ian Stupple, Waste Solution Manager, and the waste solutions team for all their hard work on the Resource Recovery and Reuse Trial.
Secretarial note: Councillor Mike Lee was invited to address the board at this point in the meeting.
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Kaitoke Stream Monitoring (heavy metals) and review of bore monitoring data |
Emma Joyce, Relationship Advisor, from Infrastructure and Environmental Services was in attendance and Kirsten Meijer, Senior Water Quality Advisor, and Nigel Donovan, Senior Landfill Specialist, were in attendance via teleconference, to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the Kaitoke Stream Monitoring (heavy metals) and review of bore monitoring data report. |
Resolution number GBI/2015/176 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the costs of testing the Kaitoke Stream for presence of heavy metals. b) consider the development of a management plan for the Claris landfill and sludge disposal site as part of its 2016/2017 local environment work programme. c) agree to fund a Kaitoke Stream heavy metals testing programme for commencement in the 2016/17 financial year and asks officers to undertake the necessary work to enable this to commence as soon as practicable post 1 July 2016. d) thank Emma Joyce, Relationship Advisor, for her attendance and Kirsten Meijer, Senior Water Quality Advisor, and Nigel Donovan, Senior Landfill Specialist, for their attendance via teleconference, and presentation on the Kaitoke Stream Monitoring (heavy metals) and review of bore monitoring data report.
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Two documents were tabled in respect to the Annual Plan 2016/2017 – local consultation content. A copy of the tabled documents has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number GBI/2015/177 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) agree indicative locally driven initiative priorities for 2016/2017 (Attachment A – tabled at the meeting). b) adopt local content for consultation (Attachment B – tabled at the meeting). c) agree that the chairperson be delegated the authority in discussion with other board members, to make any final minor changes to local consultation content for the Annual Plan 2016/2017 prior to publication, including online consultation content. d) approve funding from its discretionary opex budget for a further community noticeboard for Shoal Bay wharf to be installed in consultation with Auckland Transport.
a Indicative locally driven initiative priorities for 2016/2017 b Local content for consultation |
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Auckland Transport Report - December 2015 - Great Barrier Island |
Ivan Trethowen, Elected Member Relationship Manager from Auckland Transport was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Local Board in respect to the Auckland Transport Report - December 2015 - Great Barrier Island report. |
Resolution number GBI/2015/178 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the Auckland Transport Report – December 2015. b) thank Ivan Trethowen, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, for his attendance and presentation on the Auckland Transport Report - December 2015 - Great Barrier Island report.
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Resolution number GBI/2015/179 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the correspondence for the month of November and December 2015, including the two tabled documents.
a 30 November 2015 - Letter from Roger Bright - thanking the board for their support of the Bluelight HUNTS course b 8 December 2015 - Letter from Jim Greening - response to member Christina Spence's letter regarding on island education |
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Resolution number GBI/2015/180 MOVED by Member J Cleave, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the chairperson’s report.
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Resolution number GBI/2015/181 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert: a) That the report of Board Member Susan Daly be noted. b) That the verbal report of Board Member Jeff Cleave be noted. c) That the report of Board Member Judy Gilbert be noted. d) That the report of Board Member Christina Spence be noted.
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Resolution number GBI/2015/182 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the proceedings for the workshops held on 4, 10, 11 November 2015 and the Environment Committee workshop on the 25 November 2015.
21 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
22.1 |
A document was tabled in respect to the Draft Regional Pest Management Plan Review. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number GBI/2015/183 MOVED by Chairperson IM Fordham, seconded by Member CA Spence: That the Great Barrier Local Board: a) provide initial feedback on pest management issues impacting its area at its 3 February 2016 workshop. b) note the October 2015 Regional Strategy and Policy Committee report and attachments titled Regional Pest Management Plan Review – approval of discussion document. c) note that informal and formal local board engagement will be undertaken in early 2016 to inform the final draft Regional Pest Management Plan.
a Draft Regional Pest Management Plan review report including the three attachments |
11.29 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.