Hauraki Gulf Forum
Minutes of a meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Monday, 14 December 2015 at 1.03 pm.
Chairperson |
Mayor John Tregidga |
Hauraki District Council, |
From 1.07 pm, Item 7. |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ms Liane Ngamane |
Tangata Whenua |
Members |
Cr Peter Buckley |
Waikato Regional Council |
Deputy Mayor Peter French |
Thames-Coromandel District Council |
Cr Rob McGuire |
Waikato District Council |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Auckland Council |
Mr Jeff Cleave |
Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Cr Chris Darby |
Auckland Council. |
Until 2.42 pm, Item 9. |
Cr Christine Fletcher |
Auckland Council. |
Until 2.30 pm, Item 8. |
Mr John Meeuwsen |
Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Mr Chris Charles |
Department of Conservation (alt.) |
Mr Leo Koziol |
Te Puni Kōkiri |
Mr Terrence Hohneck |
Tangata Whenua |
Ms Nicola MacDonald |
Tangata Whenua |
Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Steve Halley |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Cr Michael Lee |
Auckland Council |
Mr Paul Majurey |
Tangata Whenua |
Ms Meg Poutasi |
Department of Conservation |
Ms Lucy Steel |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr James Thomas |
Matamata-Piako District Council |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Auckland Council |
Hauraki Gulf Forum 14 December 2015 |
The meeting opened with a karakia.
Note: In the absence of the Chair, Deputy Chairperson L Ngamane convened the meeting.
1 Apologies
Resolution number HGF/2015/28 MOVED by Cr P Buckley, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) accept the apologies from Cr ME Lee, Member P Majurey, Member M Poutasi, Cr J Thomas and Cr WD Walker for absence, Chair J Tregidga for lateness, and Cr CE Fletcher for early departure. |
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HGF/2015/29 MOVED by Deputy Chair L Ngamane, seconded by Member Moana Tamaariki-Pohe: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 14 September 2015, as a true and correct record. |
4 Public Forum
There was no public input.
5 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
6 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
7 |
Chairperson J Tregidga entered the meeting at 1.07 pm. |
Note: Deputy Chairperson L Ngamane vacated the chair in favour of Chairperson J Tregidga. |
Sheri-Ann Atuaviha, Te Whanau A Haunui representative, was in attendance and spoke to the item. |
Resolution number HGF/2015/30 MOVED by Chair J Tregidga, seconded by Deputy Chair L Ngamane: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Sheri-Ann Atuahiva for the update. b) note the precedent set through the resource consent conditions. c) seek further updates on the implementation of the joint agreement. d) urge councils to facilitate pre-application engagement between iwi and future consent applicants. |
8 |
Introduction to the review of the fisheries management system |
Andrew Hill, Manager – Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Policy, Ministry for Primary Industries, gave a PowerPoint presentation in support of this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HGF/2015/31 MOVED by Chair J Tregidga, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Andrew Hill for his presentation. b) note the invitation to contribute to the review and the advisory note drawing on the Forum’s previously published reports. c) request further engagement in the review consultation phase and the identification of a range of policy options to address issues relevant to the Hauraki Gulf/ Tikapa Moana. d) request a report back, prior to completion of the review, on how matters specific to the Hauraki Gulf/ Tikapa Moana have been considered and addressed. |
a 14 December 2015, Hauraki Gulf Forum, Item 8 - Future-proofing fisheries management |
9 |
Cr CE Fletcher retired from the meeting at 2.30 pm. |
Lisa Dunshea, Manager - Region Wide Design Policy Unit, Auckland Council, gave a PowerPoint presentation in support of this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Kitt Littlejohn, Barrister, was in attendance in support of the item. |
Resolution number HGF/2015/32 MOVED by Cr P Buckley, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Lisa Dunshea for her presentation. b) note the significance of the work of Auckland’s Urban Design Panel. c) note the potential contribution of the marine spatial plan to provision of training and pre-application review processes that promote the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act management objectives. d) reiterate its support for ‘further scoping and development of projects to assist awareness building and promotion of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act’s management objectives’. |
a 14 December 2015, Hauraki Gulf Forum, Item 9 - Auckland Urban Design Panel |
Note: The meeting Adjourned at 2.42 pm and reconvened at 3.07 pm.
Cr C Darby retired from the meeting at 2.42 pm.
10 |
Hauraki Gulf Forum Community Monitoring Programme annual report 2014 - 2015 |
Hazel Meadows, Environmental Initiatives Manager, Auckland Council, was in attendance and spoke to the item. |
Resolution number HGF/2015/33 MOVED by Deputy Chair L Ngamane, seconded by Member Moana Tamaariki-Pohe: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) note the outcome of the Auckland Council Long Term Plan (LTP) and the implications it will have on the programme. b) note that Auckland Council will facilitate discussions with all current parties and potential additional parties on potential options for the future of the programme and report back to the Forum in June 2016 on results. c) seek ongoing council and Department of Conservation support for surveys where there is community interest. |
11 |
Tim Higham, Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer, gave a PowerPoint presentation in support of this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HGF/2015/34 MOVED by Cr R McGuire, seconded by Cr P Buckley: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Officer’s report. b) note the passing of Dr Bill Ballantine. |
a 14 December 2015, Hauraki Gulf Forum, Item 11 - Executive Officer's presentation |
12 |
Resolution number HGF/2015/35 MOVED by Member Moana Tamaariki-Pohe, seconded by Member J Cleave: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the Constituent party report. |
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
The meeting closed with a karakia.
3.51 pm The Chairperson thanked members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.