Papakura Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 9 December 2015 at 4.30pm.





Bill McEntee




Deputy Chairperson

Michael Turner





Stuart Britnell





Brent Catchpole





Graham Purdy





Katrina Winn








Sir John Walker




Bill Cashmore







Calum Penrose

(from 4.55 pm)





Dale Granich, Rosemary Nash and Andrew Beyer


Rejuvenate Papakura

Sandra Cozens

Papakura Museum

Drury Milepost Interest Group

Iain Wakefield

Drury Resident

Drury Milepost Interest Group

Cody Kennedy and Amir Risdiana

Drury School

Drury Milepost Interest Group

Mr Clemow


Papakura Resident





Papakura Local Board

09 December 2015




1          Welcome


Board Member McEntee led the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


Resolution number PPK/2015/212

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member KJ Winn:   

That the Papakura Local Board accept the apology from Councillor Penrose for lateness and Councillors’ Sir John Walker and Bill Cashmore for absence.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4      Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PPK/2015/213

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:   

That the Papakura Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 November 2015, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Rejuvenate Papakura Trust


Resolution number PPK/2015/214

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member S Britnell:   

That the Papakura Local Board thank the representatives of the Rejuvenate Papakura Trust for their presentation to the board outlining their current and planned future activities in the Papakura Local Board area.




Secretarial Note:         Meeting adjourned at 4.47 pm and reconvened at 5.49 pm



9          Public Forum



Public Forum -  Drury Milepost Interest Group


Resolution number PPK/2015/215

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member B Catchpole:   

That the Papakura Local Board thank the representatives from the Drury Milepost Interest Group for their presentation.




Mr Clemow - Public Transport




Resolution number PPK/2015/216

MOVED by Member B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That Mr Clemow be thanked for his presentation to the board concerning public transport.




10        Extraordinary Business



Extraordinary Business - Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust Summer Holiday Scheme


Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust wish to run summer holiday schemes for the Smith’s Avenue community and use the hall located on the reserve for this purpose.  To enable summer activities to be provided by Te Whanau Hapori the local board want to waive hire charges from 14 December 2015 to 17 February 2016.



Resolution number PPK/2015/217

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)            consider an item of extraordinary business regarding Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust running summer holiday schemes for the Smith’s Avenue community and use the hall located on the reserve for this purpose.  The board wish  to waive the hire charges from 14 December 2015 to 17 February 2016.  The matter was not on the published agenda because it was not known about at that time. The reason for urgency is that the next board meeting is scheduled for 17 February 2016 which is after the holiday programme would be held.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Councillors' Update


Resolution number PPK/2015/218

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

a)         That the Papakura Local Board receive the verbal report from Councillor Penrose  regarding:

            -           Annual Plan

            -           Ports of Auckland Study

            -           Unitary Plan

            -           City Rail Loop

            -           Auckland Transport Alignment Project

            -           Manukau Bus Interchange

            -           Governance Forward Work Plan

            -           Otahuhu Community Hub

            -           Council’s debt level – AA rating

            -           Building and Regulatory – 25 extra staff been approved

            -           Endorsed Judith Collins reappointment to cabinet





Auckland Transport Update - December 2015


Resolution number PPK/2015/219

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)         Requests Auckland Transport to proceed to detailed design, consenting and     construction for the Covered Walkway project  (extension of the covered walkway     between platform and Railway Street West and along Averill Street to the mid-block     crossing) at a firm estimate of cost (FEC) of $760,000.

b)         Delegate to the transport portfolio holders authority to agree any minor variations to     the final costings for the covered walkway.

c)      Request Auckland Transport to proceed to detailed design and provide a Firm Estimate of Cost (FEC) for the Beautification/Greenery to complement the covered walkway.  

d)      Defer consideration of the parklet outside the library and public space at the art gallery carpark until further progress has been made with the covered walkway and beautification/greenery projects.




Resolution number PPK/2015/220

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board thank Felicity Merrington from Auckland Transport for her work for the board and passed on their best wishes for her new arrival.




FY15 Parks Discretionary Capex and Opex Expenditure


Resolution number PPK/2015/221

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:   

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      endorse the projects funded by the Local Board Discretionary Opex and Capex budgets 2014/2015 allocated under resolution number PPK/2015/14

b)      approves development of the Karaka Harbourside playground at Rossini Court in accordance with the concept plan at  Attachment 14A at a maximum cost of $115,000 of which:

            i.          $65,000 has already been expended from the Local Discretionary             Capex/Opex budget 2014/2015.

          ii.            Up to $50,000 budgeted from the Locally Driven Initiatives, Parks             Improvement Projects budget 2015/2016.




Community Gardens and Local Community Initiatives Work Programme 2015/2016


Resolution number PPK/2015/222

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:   

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      approve the 2015/16 Community Gardens work programme (Attachment A)

b)      approve the 2015/16 Local Community Initiatives work programme (Attachment B)

c)      delegate financial authority for the Community Gardens and Local Community Initiatives work programmes to the local board’s Community Portfolio holders.




Secretarial Note:       Member Turner left the meeting at 5.51 pm.



Allocation of Community Art Programmes Funding 15-16


Resolution number PPK/2015/223

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approve the allocations towards community art programmes as follows:

i)        Papakura Street Flag Art Project $12,000

ii)       Papakura Town Centre Mural Project by Charles and Janine Williams $10,000

iii)      Papakura Art Gallery Outreach $2,000

iv)      Community Arts Initiatives $14,000.

b)      Note that the Papakura Street Flag Art Project has an existing budget of $14,042 from a previous allocation made on 15 April 2015 for the Town Centre Student Street Flag Competition [PPK/2015/56]. The additional allocation made in resolution a) i) brings the total cost of the project to $26,000.

c)      Delegate approval of the final scope of the projects i) to iv) to the arts portfolio holders and the Chair, including the final selection and allocation of funding for iv) community arts initiatives, as required.





Draft Regional Pest Management Plan Review


Resolution number PPK/2015/224

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member KJ Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Delegate to the Chair and Deputy Chair to provide initial feedback on pest management issues impacting their area.

b)      Notes the October 2015 Regional Strategy and Policy Committee report and attachments titled Regional Pest Management Plan Review – approval of discussion document

c)      Notes that informal and formal local board engagement will be undertaken in early 2016 to inform the final draft Regional Pest Management Plan.


Secretarial Note:       Member Turner returned to the meeting at 5.55 pm.



Review of the Food Safety Bylaw 2013


Resolution number PPK/2015/225

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board endorse the proposal to retain the grading provision of the Auckland Council Food Safety Bylaw 2013 and require the display of food safety grade certificates.





Mangrove Removal Programme


Resolution number PPK/2015/226

MOVED by Member B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Approve the commencement of preparatory work for Conifer Grove – Wellington Park - Longford Park mangrove removal, to include any survey, consent and consultation processes required;

b)      Allocate up to $90,000 from the Locally Driven Initiatives ‘parks improvement projects’ budget to the preparatory work for Conifer Grove – Wellington Park – Longford Park mangrove removal;

c)      Request Parks officers to commence the consenting process immediately and provide a progress report to Parks Portfolio members in March 2016;

d)      Note that the Locally Driven Initiatives budget for the 2016/2017 local board agreement will need to allocate specific funding for the removal works, once the consent is obtained;

e)      Note that the removal works may need to proceed in phases over more than one financial year, dependent upon the budget available and other local funding priorities.





Annual Plan 2016/2017 – Local Consultation Content


Resolution number PPK/2015/227

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      agrees indicative locally driven initiative priorities for 2016/2017 (Attachment A)

b)      adopts local content for consultation (Attachment B)

c)      agrees that the Chairperson be delegated the authority to make any final minor changes to local consultation content for the Annual Plan 2016/2017 prior to publication, including online consultation content.




Changes required to Triennial Meeting Schedule for Papakura Local Board January 2016 Business Meeting


Resolution number PPK/2015/228

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board cancels the meeting listed to be held on 27 January 2016  triennial  meeting schedule.





Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term


Resolution number PPK/2015/229

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

a)      That the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term” be received.




For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board


Resolution number PPK/2015/230

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board


a)      note the information from the following meetings:



Report Title

Item no.

Meeting Date

Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board



Puketapapa Local Board Resolution


26 November 2015

Puketapapa Local Board


Growth Programme


16 September 2015

Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee




Secretarial Note:       Attachment 23A tabled.



Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number PPK/2015/231

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop notes for the workshops held on 4 November 11 November and 25 November  2015.







25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items




Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust


Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust wish to run summer holiday schemes for the Smith’s Avenue community and use the hall located on the reserve for this purpose.  To enable summer activities to be provided by Te Whanau Hapori the local board want to waive hire charges from 14 December 2015 to 17 February 2016.



Resolution number PPK/2015/232

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member KJ Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board waive hire charges for Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust use of the hall, located on Smith’s Avenue Reserve, Smith’s Avenue, Papakura inclusive from 14 December 2015 to 17 February 2016.







6.08 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









