Waitematā Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Jubilee Hall, 545 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 at 6.03 pm.
Chairperson |
Shale Chambers |
Deputy Chairperson |
Pippa Coom |
Members |
Christopher Dempsey |
Greg Moyle |
(until 8.47 pm, Item 19) |
Vernon Tava |
Rob Thomas |
Member |
Deborah Yates |
Councillor |
Mike Lee |
(until 7.30 pm, Item 13) |
Councillor |
Cathy Casey |
(until 7.15 pm, Item 12) |
Waitematā Local Board 08 December 2015 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
Resolution number WTM/2015/198 MOVED by Member RAH Thomas, seconded by Member GJ Moyle: That the Waitematā Local Board accept the apology from member Deborah Yates for absence on leave. |
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number WTM/2015/199 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle: That the Waitematā Local Board confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 24 November 2015, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Public Forum - Reuben McPeak - Stormwater Remediation on Higher Gradient Slopes |
Resolution number WTM/2015/200 MOVED by Member RAH Thomas, seconded by Member VI Tava: That Reuben McPeak be thanked for his presentation and attendance.
A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.
a Waitemata Local Board Public Forum - Reuben McPeak - Stormwater Remediation on Higher Gradient Slopes |
9.2 |
Public Forum - Nicholas Albrecht, Grafton United Cricket Club (Inc.) |
Resolution number WTM/2015/201 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: That Nicholas Albrecht be thanked for his presentation and attendance.
A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.
a Waitemata Local Board Public Forum - Nicholas Albrecht - Grafton United Cricket Club (Inc.) |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
11.1 |
Notice of Motion – Options for re-naming Lower Khartoum Place |
Resolution number WTM/2015/202 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Chairperson S Chambers: That the Waitematā Local Board requests the Resource Consenting and Compliance team, in consultation with relevant council departments, report options for re-naming lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ to a local board business meeting for its consideration in time for the renaming to occur by Suffrage Day 2016. |
12 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/203 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the verbal update from the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee be received. b) That Councillor Mike Lee be thanked for his attendance and presentation.
13 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/204 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member CP Dempsey: a) That the Auckland Transport Update – December 2015 report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Notes the public feedback analysis for the Nelson Street Cycleway Phase 2 and requests Auckland Transport provide a direct connection to Wynyard Quarter via Market Place and the Western side of Nelson St in addition to the proposed Quay St connection. ii) Congratulates NZTA and Auckland Transport on the successful opening of the Nelson St cycleway Phase 1. iii) Requests that NZTA and Auckland Transport urgently undertake measures (interim if necessary) to provide safe connections from K’Rd, Grafton Gully Cycleway and Ian McKinnon Drive to the entrance of Te ara i whiti/Lightpath at Canada St including: a. Installation of an advance cycle box on K’Rd at the intersection of Pitt St and Mercury Lane for the right hand turn on to Mercury Lane b. Traffic calming on Mercury Lane c. Treatment to provide for riders moving across the traffic lane to enter the right hand slip lane on Mercury lane to cross over Canada St to the entrance to the Canada St bridge d. Traffic calming on the approach to the Canada St give way sign at the intersection with Mercury Lane e. Installation of a cycle facility from Upper Queen St bridge to the K’Rd intersection on the western side of Upper Queen St f. Wayfinding signage on K’Rd g. Appropriate kerb ramps for riders wishing to enter the Canada St shared path from Mercury Lane h. Signalised crossing from Grafton Gully to the southern side of Canada Street across Upper Queen St
iv) Requests the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and Auckland Transport to report back to the February 2016 meeting of the Waitemata Local Board on the actions taken.
c) That Priscilla Steel, Elected Members Relationship Manager, be thanked for her attendance.
Resolution number WTM/2015/205 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member CP Dempsey: That Auckland Transport be requested to undertake a rough order cost estimate for the internal refurbishment of the Parnell Train Station, with a contribution from the Board’s Transport Capital Fund and to report back to the Board.
14 |
Establishment of Waitemata Local Board Accommodation Grant 2015/2016 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/206 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Establishment of Waitemata Local Board Accommodation Grant 2015/2016 report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Establishes an Accommodation Grant in 2015/2016 with a budget of $125,000, utilising its 2015/2016 Central Joint Funding Committee budget. ii) Adopts the updated Waitemata Local Board Grants Programme to include additional exclusions and the eligibility and criteria for the Accommodation Grant and the Local Events Development Fund. c) That Marion Davies, Community Grants Operations Manager, be thanked for her attendance. |
15 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/207 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle: a) That the Local Events Development Fund Update report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Approves $4,000 from the Local Events Development Fund to the Japanese Society of Auckland Inc. for the Japan Day 2016 event. c) That Marion Davies, Community Grants Operations Manager, be thanked for her attendance. |
16 |
2015/16 Lease Workplan – Expedited Renewal Process and Review of Ongoing Lease Management |
Resolution number WTM/2015/208 MOVED by Member CP Dempsey, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: a) That the 2015/2016 Lease Workplan – Expedited Renewal Process and Review of Ongoing Lease Management report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: I) Approves the renewal of leases to the community organisations shown on Attachment A on the existing terms and conditions. Those community organisations being: i) Doctors for Sexual Abuse Care Incorporated 4 Warnock Street - office 5 (1 term of 5 years from 31/07/16). ii) Herne Bay Petanque Club Incorporated 19 Salisbury Street, Herne Bay (1 term of 10 years from 23/02/15). iii) Kinder House Society Incorporated 2 Ayr St Parnell (1 term of 5 years from 31/12/15). iv) Victoria Park Sports & Cultural Trust 203 -271 Victoria St West (1 term of 5 years from 19/12/15).
II) Notes that community outcome plans are not required or provided with these lease renewals. c) That Ron Johnson, Community Lease Advisor, be thanked for his attendance. |
17 |
Landowner Approval for an Underground Wastewater Pipeline within Victoria Park |
Resolution number WTM/2015/209 MOVED by Member GJ Moyle, seconded by Member VI Tava: a) That the Landowner Approval for an Underground Wastewater Pipeline within Victoria Park report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: I) Endorses the granting of an unregistered easement over part of Victoria Park, (Lots 1-52 DRO CITY 37 PT Lots 4 5 DP 8709 PT Lot 8 DRO 4027), for a wastewater pipeline as shown on the Rising Main – Plan & Long Section – Sheet 3, drawing number 2011044.003, Issue: 2, prepared by Watercare Services Ltd., dated 27/02/15. II) Endorses the granting of the easement subject to the following conditions: i) Detailed design and methodology of works (including, but not limited to, temporary access, pipe alignment, location of shafts and borehole testing locations) to be approved by the Manager Sports Parks prior to the pipe installation works. ii) Mitigation measure(s) being agreed to by the Parks portfolio holders as recommended by Parks staff and prior to the pipe installation works. iii) Conditions to control the construction effects and provide for reinstatement to be provided by the Manager Parks Central/West. c) That Mark Miller - Manager Local and Sports Parks Central, Tania Utley - Team Leader Parks & Open Space Specialist, Brent Evans - Watercare and Pieter Maarschalk - Watercare, be thanked for their attendance. |
18 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/210 MOVED by Member VI Tava, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: That the Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee – Growth Programme report be received and resolutions noted. |
Secretarial Note: The Chairperson with the consent of the meeting adjourned the meeting.
8.40 pm The meeting adjourned.
8.47 pm The meeting reconvened. Member Greg Moyle was absent.
19 |
Urgent Decision of the Waitematā Local Board - Pocket Park Party Event |
Resolution number WTM/2015/211 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Urgent Decision of the Waitemata Local Board – Pocket Park Party Event report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Notes the urgent decision for the allocation of $1,510 towards a Pocket Park Party event in Costley Reserve from the 2015/16 Local Event Development Fund budget. ii) Notes that the $1,510 will now be used for a similar event at Brown Street Reserve on the 20th February 2016. |
20 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/212 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Annual Plan 2016/2017 – Local Consultation Content report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Approves indicative LDI priorities for 2016/2017 (Attachment A) as tabled. ii) Approves local content for consultation (Attachment B) as tabled. iii) Delegates to the Chair and Deputy Chair the authority to make any final minor changes to local consultation content for the Annual Plan 2016/2017 prior to publication, including online consultation content.
Copies of the tabled documents has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.
a Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Local Consultation Content - Indicative LDI Priorities for 2016/2017 b Annual Plan 2016/2017d - Local Consultation Content |
21 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/213 MOVED by Member RAH Thomas, seconded by Member VI Tava: a) That the Draft Regional Pest Management Plan Review report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Notes the October 2015 Regional Strategy and Policy Committee report and attachments titled Regional Pest Management Plan Review – approval of discussion document. ii) Notes that informal and formal local board engagement will be undertaken in early 2016 to inform the final draft Regional Pest Management Plan. iii) Delegates to the Natural Environment Portfolio holders, Deborah Yates and Rob Thomas any initial feedback on pest management issues impacting our local board area. |
22 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/214 MOVED by Member VI Tava, seconded by Member CP Dempsey: a) That the Review of the Food Safety Bylaw 2013 report be received. b) That the Waitematā Local Board endorses the proposal to retain the grading provision of the Auckland Council Food Safety Bylaw 2013 and require the display of food safety grade certificates. |
23 |
Performance Report for the Waitemata Local Board for the Three months ending September 2015 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/215 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Performance Report for the Waitemata Local Board for the Three months ending September 2015 be received.
b) That the Waitematā Local Board: i) Notes that the following 2015/16 discretionary funds will not be utilised by 30 June 2015 and $64,500 is available for re-distribution
ii) Approves the allocation of $64,500 2015/16 operational budget to the following projects:
24 |
Regional Facilities Auckland - First Quarter Report 2015-2016 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/216 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: That the Regional Facilities Auckland – First Quarter Report 2015-2016 report be received. |
25 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/217 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member VI Tava: That the Chair’s verbal report be received. |
26 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/218 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas: That the Deputy Chairperson’s Report be received. |
27 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/219 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: a) That the Board Member Vernon Tava’s written report be received. b) That the Board Members’ Christopher Dempsey and Rob Thomas’ verbal reports be received. |
28 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/220 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: That the workshop proceeding notes for the meetings held on 6, 15, 20 and 27 of October 2015 and 3, 12 17 and 24 November 2015, be received. |
29 |
Resolution number WTM/2015/221 MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom: That the Reports Requested/Pending report be received. |
30 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
9.38 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.