I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue: |
Wednesday, 24 February 2016 3.00pm Level 26,
Room 1 |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board OPEN AGENDA |
City Centre Stakeholder |
Chairperson |
Kate Healy |
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei |
Deputy Chairperson |
John Coop |
Urban design/institute of architects |
Members |
Adam Parkinson |
CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Viv Beck |
Business Improvement District |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Auckland Council |
Greg Cohen |
Tourism/Travel |
Shale Chambers |
Waitemata Local Board, Auckland Council |
Terry Cornelius, JP, FCA |
Retail sector |
Jillian de Beer |
Arts and Cultural Sector |
Prof Jenny Dixon |
Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology) |
Andrew Gaukrodger |
Corporate sector including financial and other professional services |
Stephen Greenfield |
CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Mark Kingsford |
Corporate sector including financial and other professional services |
Mike Lee |
Liaison councillor, Auckland Council |
Margaret Lewis |
Business Improvement District |
Nigel Murphy |
Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology) |
Alex Voutratzis |
Property Council of NZ |
Sky City representative (To be confirmed) |
Tourism/Travel |
(Quorum 6 members)
Tam White, Democracy Advisor, 18 February 2016 Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8156 ,Email: tam.white@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz, Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 February 2016 |
1 Apologies 7
2 Declaration of Interest 7
3 Confirmation of Minutes 7
4 Extraordinary Business 7
5 Issues of significance 9
6 City Centre Progress Update for Auckland City Centre Advisory Board - to 12th February 2016 11
7 Britomart Streetscape Framework Plan presentation 25
8 Britomart Precinct Streetscape Developments 27
9 Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre Upgrade 37
10 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
Apologies from Member M Kingsford and Cr ME Lee have been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 16 December 2015, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 February 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/02149
1. To enable Board Members to discuss issues of significance that may affect the central city area.
Executive Summary
2. The following issues have been identified for discussion and an opportunity for Board members to raise any concerns they may have:
a. Harbour related
i. Wharves
ii. Port
Port future Study: Reference Group Meeting
The next Reference Group Meeting is scheduled for 19 February 2016 at 1pm to 3pm, at 545 Parnell Road, Parnell.
The Chair will provide a verbal update at the meeting.
b. Transport related
i. City Rail Link
ii. Bus network
iii. Light Rail
iv. Pedestrian/cycle ways
c. Street life-related
i. Safety
ii. Pollution
iii. Homelessness
iv. Public open spaces
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive any updates from Board members. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Tam White - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 February 2016 |
City Centre Progress Update for Auckland City Centre Advisory Board - to 12th February 2016
File No.: CP2016/02358
1. To update the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB) on progress on City Centre projects to 12th February 2016.
Executive Summary
2. The report provides a high-level overview of progress on projects and initiatives in the city centre, including:
a. Targeted Rate Projects
b. Other City Centre Projects
c. City Centre Strategies / Initiatives
d. Information Requested in Response to Board Resolutions
e. Forward Planner
For each project, a coloured bar shows the three stages of development:
Feasibility / Investigation |
Design / Consultation |
Construction |
An arrow then shows what stage the project is currently at.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the City Centre progress report, updated to 12th February 2016.
Targeted Rate Projects
O’Connell Street Shared Space
3. Two building owners on O’Connell Street have agreed in principle to commence with developing designs to host an artwork from their buildings. Discussions are ongoing to agree requirements.
Myers Park Upgrade – Stage 2
4. Construction works for the Mayoral Drive underpass, associated side entrances and alterations to the Queen Street park frontage were tendered in December 2015 and tenders are closing mid February 2016.
5. Resource Consent and Heritage New Zealand applications are lodged and approval is expected mid-March 2016. Building Consent and final Auckland Transport technical approval will be lodged once the construction contract is awarded, to invite the tenderers to submit alternative solutions for the works.
6. The construction for the Mayoral Drive underpass and associated side entrances was originally scheduled to commence mid to end of May 2016, following the exit of the Pop-Up Globe Theatre.
7. Auckland Transport has recently identified the need to undertake a seismic assessment of the Mayoral Drive bridge, including abutments, to ensure the structure meets current earthquake standards. The extent of the assessment and potential strengthening works are not confirmed yet but will likely impact on the construction programme.
8. Further site investigation for the splash pad construction is underway and the project will be delivered through a separate procurement process. The construction of the splash pad will commence in June 2016 and is planned to be completed for the summer season 2016 / 2017.
Beach Road Cycleway
9. A new artwork has been suggested by mana whenua as part of this project’s final component. Expressions of Interest closed before Christmas, with selection of a short listed candidates occurring in January. Two short listed proposals were chosen to be taken forward into a preliminary concept design stage. An artist has been selected and his appointment was communicated with mana whenua at the 12 February City Centre project hui.
Wayfinding Signage
10. Prototypes of the Explorer, the Mini Explorer and Gateway type Information Hubs have now been manufactured including artwork.
11. Installing the test signage in Wynyard Quarter is scheduled for the first quarter of 2016.
Freyberg Square and Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall
12. At the December 2015 meeting of the ACCAB the Board endorsed taking a staged approach for the implementation of the Freyberg Square project based on modifications to the publicly consulted design.
13. The key change is there will be managed vehicle access through the square, moving from mostly open access to mostly closed access over a three to five year timeframe.
14. The design of Freyberg Square has been updated to reflect the changes endorsed by the Board.
15. Construction is planned to commence in August 2016 and is anticipated to be completed by August 2017.
16. See separate report on agenda for further detail.
High Street Precinct
17. Staff have commenced work on the development of a precinct plan, which will include potential activation / mitigation opportunities.
18. It was agreed that options will be trialled ahead of future any High St Improvements.
Karangahape Rd
19. A community reference group has been established for the Karangahape Rd Streetscape Enhancement project as a sounding board for how the public realm can be improved upon including how to integrate cycle infrastructure into this street environment.
20. In December 2015 the project team met with Mana Whenua on site to discuss opportunities for incorporating Te Aranga principles into the design process. A Hui was held on 12 February 2016 to discuss design thinking and begin the process of agreeing the Te Aranga principles and opportunities.
21. The soft launch of the project is planned for the ‘Myers Park Medley’ with a number of consultation events to coincide with other K Rd area events. The draft concept is scheduled to be brought to the Board in March 2016.
Federal Street upgrade
22. A reference design for future upgrade of Federal Street and the adjoining side-streets is nearing completion.
Nelson St Cycleway – Public Realm Enhancements
23. Since Stage 1 of the Nelson Street Cycleway, Te Ara I Whiti, was officially opened on the 3rd December 2015, more than 50,000 cyclists have used the cycleway.
24. This project has been delivered within the agreed budget. Accounts are being finalised and will be reported to the March meeting.
Other City Centre Projects
City Rail Link
25. In January the Prime Minister confirmed government support for the CRL with a view to funding the next construction phase following on from the current enabling works in 2018.
26. The utility location and moving is progressing before the first shaft for the pipejack is dug in February. An unexpected find was the electricity network for the old electric trams.
27. The second phase of bus shifts will be in April before digging for the cut and cover tunnels starts in Albert Street. The Britomart designation alteration hearing has been completed. For more information on the City Rail Link visit: www.at.govt.nz/crl and www.facebook.com/cityraillink
28. The first construction phase of CRL works including the reinstatement of Lower Queen Street and Albert Street is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.
Hobson and Nelson Street upgrade
29. A reference design was presented to the Board in September 2015, to inform development of options and decision-making for adjacent projects (for example the Nelson St cycleway and potential Nelson St Slip-lane upgrade).
30. Initial staging of the streetscape upgrades will be aligned with construction of the NZ International Convention Centre, indicating a potential construction start in 2016/17. A presentation on the NZICC will be arranged for the Board in early 2016.
Lower Queen St & Albert St Reinstatement upgrades
31. The preliminary design for the Albert St public realm has been completed and will be presented to the Board in March. Detailed design is underway.
32. The preliminary design for Lower Queen St public realm is due for completion in March 2016.
33. The reinstatement of Lower Queen Street and Albert Street (from Quay Street to Wyndham Street) will be delivered in conjunction with the CRL Enabling Works contract, and is scheduled for 2017-2019.
Victoria Street Linear Park
34. No further update.
Downtown Public Spaces
35. In October 2015 the Board endorsed the allocation of $1.45 million of CCTR funding for the investigation, design & consultation for new downtown public spaces (phased over 2016-18). A recommendation will be made to council’s Finance and Performance Committee during the Annual Plan process to make funding available from July 2016.
36. Staff will provide an update to the Board on the satisfaction of the conditions of the Development Agreement between Precinct Properties and Council prior to drawing on targeted rate funds in the second half of 2016.
37. A decision approving the Downtown Shopping Centre Plan Change (with minor modifications) was released on 22 January 2016. This is a significant step towards meeting the condition that development zoning of the site is achieved for the sale of QE Square to proceed. Appeals to the decision have been lodged and a verbal update will be provided at the meeting.
38. A review and update of the existing Quay Street reference design to incorporate the current thinking for future public spaces west and east of the Ferry Building, Lower Queen Street and the central wharves will be prepared and consulted on through 2016 (led by Council’s DPO and ADO in collaboration with AT and Panuku).
39. The reference design will enable the evaluation of construction options and cost estimates for the affected portion of the Quay Street Seawall and ferry operations. This will assist in determining how much Long Term Plan funding needs to be brought forward from future years.
40. An assessment of construction options will also assist in decision making around the feasibility of undertaking repairs to the seawall and constructing new public spaces in this vicinity while Stage One CRL works are underway.
Quay St Seawall Seismic Upgrade
41. Project funding is deferred until 2020 under the LTP proposal. See Downtown Public Spaces update above as options for the seawall upgrade will be considered as part of the reference design the Downtown Public spaces.
Ferry Basin Redevelopment
42. As above, Council and Auckland Transport are considering options to enable funding of initial stages of the ferry basin redevelopment to align with timing for Quay St Seawall upgrades and delivery of downtown public spaces.
Westhaven Promenade
43. Budget for Stage 2 construction is in 2017/18. Design phase will commence late 2016.
Wynyard Quarter Redevelopment
44. Stage 2 (Gaunt to Pakenham): Works in progress - due to complete late 2016.
Transport Infrastructure
45. Investigation and design work on the proposed Wynyard Interchange and Fanshawe Street bus corridor is underway.
Cycle Network
46. Nelson Street Cycleway– comprised of stages as follows:
· Nelson St Bridge and Off-ramp (NZTA) – Completed
· Nelson St Off-ramp to Quay St
a. Stage 1 – Union St to Victoria St – Completed
b. Stage 2 - Victoria St to Quay St – Construction of the cycleway is planned to be complete by September 2016.
47. Quay St Cycleway
· Final design (not including section from Commerce to Queen St) confirmed 17 February.
· Construction due to start 29 February and cycleway due to open late May 2016.
48. Federal St Cycleway (interim)
· Council and AT are working on potential scope and a plan to engage with stakeholders.
Sky Path
49. The Environment Court has assigned the SkyPath appeal its “priority case management track”. The parties have agreed to court-assisted mediation and this is now in progress. The likely time-frame for the mediation process is until late February 2016.
City Centre Strategies / Initiatives
Programme and Funding
50. A review of the programme of City Centre Targeted Rate projects has commenced and will be reported to the March meeting of the ACCAB.
51. Of priority is to minimise further disruption in the western side of the City Centre while Stage One CRL works and other large private developments are under construction.
City Centre Public and Private Works Programme Integration
52. A verbal update will be provided at the meeting.
53. The 2012 City Centre Master Plan Outcomes and Targets have been finalised (subject to future review and update), and have received support from the Board. The refreshed CCMP Targets were endorsed by the Auckland Development Committee on 11 February 2016.
Precinct Frameworks
54. Framework documents are underway for key city centre precincts, to collate planning and project information and inform decisions on projects and initiatives.
a. Downtown – complete.
b. Aotea
i. The Auckland Development Committee approved the adoption of the Aotea Quarter Framework at the February meeting. The framework document is now being finalised with a printed book and possible launch being worked on.
c. Learning Quarter – to be refreshed 2016 (tbc)
d. Victoria Quarter – to commence 2016 (tbc)
e. Quay Park
i. The third workshop of key stakeholders (Council, AT, POAL, NZTA, Ngati Whatua and Kiwirail) will be held in early March. Initial findings will be reported to the Board for feedback.
Central Wharves Strategy
55. No further update - the Central Wharves Strategy will be informed by early outcomes of the Port Future Study, due mid 2016.
Digital Auckland
56. Work is continuing with good progress on all of the Digital Auckland initiatives.
Information Requested in Response to Board Resolutions
57. Refer to Attachment A – ‘Report on Progress from Previous Meetings’.
Forward Planner
58. Refer to Attachment B – ‘Forward Planner’.
59. The Board is encouraged to identify further topics of interest for discussion at future meetings.
Local Board views and implications
60. The Waitemata Local Board has provided feedback on issues for the city centre, including Freyberg Square and Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall.
61. The Board has expressed its concern around allowing vehicle access to Freyberg Square after the redevelopment is complete.
Māori impact statement
62. City Centre Integration held monthly hui throughout 2015 with Iwi representatives, to engage them in the scoping and design process of city centre projects. Monthly hui with the same representatives will continue throughout 2016.
63. A hui was held on 12 February 2016 to consider input to the Karangahape Road Cycleway Public Realm Enhancements project and for Beach Road Cycleway Stage 2 artwork.
64. Regular meetings and workshops have been held with the Local Board, Learning Quarter, Iwi and the Auckland Development Committee prior to implementation of city centre proposals.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Report on Progress from Previous Meetings |
19 |
bView |
Forward Planner |
23 |
Author |
Catherine Edmeades - Development Programmes Lead |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 February 2016 |
Britomart Streetscape Framework Plan presentation
File No.: CP2016/02294
1. Cooper & Company will present their proposed Britomart Streetscape Framework Plan to the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Cooper and Company for their attendance. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Tam White - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 February 2016 |
Britomart Precinct Streetscape Developments
File No.: CP2016/02161
1. To update the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB) on streetscape developments in the Britomart precinct and to seek the board’s endorsement for proceeding with the first stage of the proposed streetscape works.
Executive Summary
2. Cooper and Company have progressively been developing the Britomart precinct for over a decade turning it into a vibrant and celebrated area of the city. This development has included an estimated $10 million of private investment into the public realm by Cooper and Co. To date none of the city centre targeted rate has been spent within the precinct.
3. $20 million of the city centre targeted rate was endorsed by the AACAB for expenditure within the Britomart precinct, at the board’s meeting on 26 August 2015, phased in the following financial years:
· $500,000 in FY16
· $5 million in FY17
· $5 million in FY18
· $5 million in FY19
· $1 million in FY20, and
· $3.5 million in FY21.
4. Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance Committee approved the above allocation of funds for the Britomart Precinct Streetscapes on 17 September 2015 and these budgets are included in council’s Long Term Plan.
5. As requested by the board, staff are now reporting back on a proposal for implementing the first stage of streetscape upgrades in the Britomart precinct.
6. Council staff and Cooper and Co have been working closely together to establish an appropriate staging and approach for the use of targeted rate funds earmarked for the Britomart precinct (see staging plan in attachment A).
7. Cooper and Co is seeking to align the first stage of the streetscape upgrades with their latest building redevelopment of the Australis Nathan heritage building during 2016.
8. The proposal is to undertake streetscape works around the Australis Nathan heritage building which includes footpath upgrades and a short section of shared space on Galway Street connecting the building with Takutai Square.
9. Cost estimates provided by a quantity surveyor indicate the first stage of streetscape works will cost approximately $1.5 million.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: 10. endorse the first stage of the Britomart streetscape upgrade; 11. request that staff seek to align the delivery of the streetscape upgrade with the timing of development proposals for the Australis Nathan building in 2016. |
12. This report provides an update on the progress made with streetscape developments proposals in Britomart since the last report to the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board in October 2015. Cooper and Co will also provide a supporting presentation at the board meeting and be available to discuss the Britomart precinct and the wider context.
13. Since the last update report staff have continued to work closely with Cooper and Co to progress proposals and to align the timing of streetscape developments funded through the targeted rate with their development plans.
Investment in the area to date
14. Over the past 10 years Cooper and Co have restored ten heritage buildings, built the central ‘Pavilions’ and built three new commercial office/carpark buildings. The precinct is now a vibrant and celebrated area in the city.
15. Cooper and Co have also invested in the upgrade of a number of footpaths, lanes, pedestrian crossings and developed Takutai Square, estimated by the developer to be valued in the order of $10 million. To date there has been limited funds applied to the public realm by Auckland Council and no use of the city centre targeted rate in the Britomart precinct.
16. Cooper and Co currently maintains the precinct. Council and Auckland Transport provide a base maintenance fund to Cooper and Co, who then contract the works and provide additional funding for higher levels of service.
Staging plan for future developments
17. Cooper and Co has developed a proposed staging plan for future developments. The staging plan is shown in attachment A. This outlines the current thinking for how the public realm in the area can be developed over time.
18. The staging plan takes into account Auckland Transport projects and Cooper and Co’s developments in order to reduce potential disruption for business or damage to completed works. In keeping with their agile development approach the staging is likewise flexible to respond to any changes to development activity.
19. Broadly the staging plan focuses on upgrades to the eastern end of the precinct where major building works have been largely completed. Streetscape upgrades to the central area of the precinct are subject to timing of the development of the central site and therefore the associated streetscapes are pushed back until that development occurs. Upgrades to the western part of the precinct will be delivered through the City Rail Link enabling works package led by Auckland Transport.
20. To support these streetscape upgrades, the budgetary requirements from the city centre targeted rate for the area have been endorsed by the ACCAB in August 2015 and approved by council’s Finance and Performance Committee in September 2015. As outlined in the Executive Summary and recommendations, these are expected to be $20 million in total to be spent over six years from FY16 to FY21.
Streetscape upgrades related to Nathan Australis
21. Cooper and Co are currently refurbishing the historic Nathan Australis building on the corner of Galway, Gore and Customs Streets. Construction of the building works is expected to be completed by June 2016 followed by internal fit out of offices and retail units. As noted in the staging plan the streetscape upgrade associated with this building is the first project that will be funded by the city centre targeted rate.
22. Cooper and Co have worked with Auckland Council to develop a concept and established a proposal for this first stage over recent months. The concept and extent of works is shown in attachment B.
23. The proposal includes upgrading the footpaths surrounding the building and a short section of shared space on Galway Street connecting the building with Takutai Square. This concept is currently being reviewed by specialists and asset owners within Auckland Council and Auckland Transport.
24. These works will see the beginning of the laneway circuit being developed within the Britomart Precinct aligning with the City Centre Masterplan. The proposal will extend Takutai Square across Galway Street via a shared space concept. This introduces the notion of extending Takutai Square from building edge to building edge to cement its role as the heart of the precinct.
25. The budget for these works is estimated to be in the order of $1.5 million.
Local Board views and implications
26. Feedback from the Waitemata Local Board on the first stage of the streetscape upgrades will be sought before the design is confirmed and proceeds to construction.
Māori impact statement
27. Cooper and Co and Council will engage with iwi through the established monthly city centre hui when a design is available for discussion.
28. If endorsed by the board, council staff will work with Cooper and Co on an appropriate funding agreement and mechanisms to allow for implementation.
29. Cooper and Co will aim to complete works prior to the opening of new retail at the end of 2016. This will reduce disruption to local businesses.
30. In order to align the works with the building development and as part of a proposed cost share proposal Cooper and Co have offered to lead the project delivery and provide funding for design fees, and project management fees. This has been supported in principle by council staff as an appropriate approach to ensure alignment with the building development works.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Britomart Streetscape Staging Plan |
31 |
bView |
Britomart Streetscape Stage 1 Concept |
33 |
Author |
Catherine Edmeades - Development Programmes Lead |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 24 February 2016 |
Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre Upgrade
File No.: CP2016/02160
1. To seek endorsement from the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB) for the final design proposal for Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre (see attachment B) and to bring forward funding, from within the City Centre Targeted Rate programme, to enable delivery of the recent changes to Freyberg Place and upgrades to Courthouse Lane and the Metropolis terrace area, as a result of further design investigation and feedback received during public consultation.
Executive Summary
2. Auckland Council is undertaking an upgrade of Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre. Consultation on the project opened in September and closed in December 2015. Public consultation on the concept design (see attachment A) showed strong support for the redesign of Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre; including a new pedestrian connection up to the Metropolis terrace and the extension of the shared space on O’Connell Street up Courthouse Lane to the entrance of the Metropolis car park.
3. On 16 December 2015 the ACCAB resolved that Freyberg Place would retain vehicular access in the short term allowing managed vehicle access through the square, moving from open access towards closed access.
4. A final design has been completed incorporating this decision and public feedback (see attachment B).
5. In line with the public feedback, it is now recommended that the ACCAB endorse allocating $1.1 million funding from the High Street Precinct budget (of $15.6 million), brought forward from the 2017/2018 financial year (FY18), to deliver the extension works to Courthouse Lane, the connection to Metropolis terrace area and the redesign of Freyberg Place as part of the Freyberg Square upgrade.
6. The benefits of completing the extended scope area as part of the upgrade of Freyberg Square include:
a. providing much stronger pedestrian access through and around the square helping to support local business,
b. creating a square that is accessible to all users,
c. slowing vehicles through a pedestrian priority area, and
d. the redesign is likely to reduce the existing anti-social behaviour that occurs within the Metropolis terrace area by opening up this space and better connecting it with the square below.
7. As a result, there are significant savings gained and business disruption avoided by doing these works at the same time as the Freyberg Square upgrade.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board; a) endorse the final design proposal for Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre to enable the start of the construction phase. b) endorse bringing forward from FY18, $1.1 million from the High Street Precinct budget, to be incorporated into the Freyberg Square upgrade project; including works to Courthouse Lane, Metropolis terrace and the strengthening of Freyberg Place for vehicle access. |
8. Council has received 337 pieces of feedback on the Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre upgrade with strong support being expressed overall for both elements of the project.
9. In response to this formal feedback and workshops with local retailers, Heart of the City and the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board the design has been revised (see attachment B).
10. The final design proposal (see attachment B) incorporates all the viable changes that could be made to the consulted concept design as agreed at the 16 December 2015 ACCAB meeting.
11. The variation items outside of the original scope (prepared in 2014 – see attachment C) are shown in the table below. More details about the benefits of each item is provided below under the Cost Breakdown Summary.
Variations |
Budget |
Courthouse Lane shared space extension (beyond the agreed raised table connection) |
$500,000 |
Metropolis terrace area (including connections and re-planting) |
$300,000 |
Strengthening and construction of Freyberg Place for vehicular access |
$300,000 |
Total |
$1.1 million |
Connection to Metropolis terrace area
12. The benefits of constructing a link up to the Metropolis building was consulted on with the Metropolis residents through an Extraordinary General Meeting with the Body Corporate held 12 November 2015.
13. Over 100 residents attended and voted in support of the connection of Freyberg Square up into the Metropolis terrace area to better support the retail businesses under the Metropolis, to eradicate the anti-social behaviour in this area and to better connect the square with the grassed area for events and pedestrian desire lines.
14. The residents expressed support for sharing their amenity with the public and blur the boundary between private and public outdoor space. The ongoing maintenance of the private land post construction will remain with the Metropolis Body Corporate.
15. Metropolis Body Corporate has indicated they will contribute to the cost of the demolition works associated with the Metropolis terrace area.
Extension to Courthouse Lane
16. The benefits of extending the shared space up Courthouse Lane (beyond the previously agreed raised table at the junction of O’Connell Street and Courthouse Lane) include ensuring that Freyberg Square better connects pedestrians to the Chancery building and caters to the increasing number of pedestrians moving down into the High Street precinct from Auckland University. By completing these works with the Freyberg Square upgrade pedestrian accessibility improvements are realised along the edge of Freyberg Square and vehicle speeds are slowed. Additional business loading zones can also be incorporated into the shared space extension which will cater for the whole High Street precinct.
17. The benefit of undertaking these small extension works as a part of the Freyberg Square upgrade greatly reduces the construction costs involved and the future disruption impacts on businesses in the area.
Strengthening of Freyberg Place
18. The benefit of strengthening the sub base and increasing the thickness of the stone paving through Freyberg Place will minimise damage to pavers that could result from vehicular traffic.
Cost Breakdown Summary
19. The costs breakdown below is based on information from Council’s independent Quantity Surveyor at Developed Design stage and are estimated as follows (see attachment D for a better understanding of project design areas);
Courthouse Lane extension (Area = 300m2) representing a 16% increase in site area
- Consultant fees $20,500
- Trees and irrigation $40,000
- Tree pits $130,000
- Street furniture (including benches, lighting and cycle stands) $49,500
- Paving $100,000
- General services work $40,000
- Excavation $30,000
- Stabilised base course and concrete base $70,000
- Traffic management $20,000
Metropolis terrace area (Area = 260m2) representing a 14% increase in site area
Note that Metropolis Body Corporate has agreed in principle to contribute to the costs of demolition and clearing of existing structures and planting on their private land.
- Consultant fees $17,800
- Concrete terrace and benches and connections behind Lord Freyberg $100,000
- Paving and sealant $20,000
- Trees $90,000
- Shrub and lawn planting $24,000
- Earthworks and demolition (inclusive of P&G and margin) $48,200
Strengthening of Freyberg Place (Area = 280m2) includes shared space roadway, ramp, bollards and dropped kerb)
- Consultant fees $20,000
- Paving stone (15% increase in supply and thickness of stone) $80,000
- Stabilised base course and concrete base $80,000
- Ramp, kerb and channel $40,000
- Planter and terrace realignment $30,000
- Automatic bollards and controls $20,000
- Additional drainage channels $30,000
Local Board views and implications
20. The Waitemata Local Board is being updated through workshops and business meetings on the Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre final design proposal.
21. To date the project team has received general support for the final design proposal from the Waitemata Local Board (noting their strong opposition to Freyberg Place being open to vehicles) including the work to extend Courthouse Lane and the Metropolis connection which they believe is fundamental to the success of the square.
Māori impact statement
22. Engagement with iwi has occurred through the City Centre Integration mana whenua monthly hui. An iwi artist is collaborating with project artist John Reynolds to develop narratives and how these will manifest in the terraced area. The area of consideration is predominantly the water feature.
23. Mana whenua representatives on the City Centre Integration hui have expressed support for the consulted design proposal which has been driven by the Te Aranga Design principles.
24. If approved, an implementation update on the Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre will be provided at a future meeting once all the consents are gained and the project has concluded the tendering stage to confirm construction costs and timing.
25. Once the contractor is confirmed discussions regarding how to minimise construction noise and disruption will be held.
26. It is possible that further funding may be required once construction costs are confirmed, as all figures to date have been based on Quantity Surveyor estimates; however, the project team is undertaking value engineering throughout the design stages to ensure the costs are closely managed.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Publically Consulted Concept Design Plan - Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre |
43 |
bView |
Final Design Proposal Plan - Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Centre |
45 |
cView |
2014 Concept Design Proposal - Freyberg Square |
47 |
dView |
Project Design Areas |
49 |
Author |
Lisa Spasic - Senior Project Leader |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |