I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 17 February 2016


Whau Local Board Office
31 Totara Avenue
New Lynn


Whau Local Board









Catherine Farmer


Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu



Derek Battersby, QSM, JP



Ami Chand, JP



Duncan Macdonald, JP



Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel



Simon Matafai



(Quorum 4 members)




Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)



Riya Seth

Democracy Advisor


11 February 2016


Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103

Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               6

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          6

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       6

7          Ward Councillor’s Update                                                                                            6

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    6

8.1     Healthy Families Waitakere                                                                                 6

8.2     Sustaining Our Streams Whau Project                                                             7

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  7

9.1     Sean Freeman - The Tree Council                                                                     7

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          8

12        Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer's report                                  9

13        Local board members' reports                                                                                   11

14        Introducing an alcohol ban on Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park                   13

15        Whau  Local Grant Multiboard Applications : Round One 2015/2016                   53

16        Change of dates for the Whau Local Board Grants Programme 2015/16             71

17        New community lease to EcoMatters Environment Trust, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn                                                                                                                                       77

18        Governance Forward Work Calendar                                                                       85

19        Confirmation of Workshop Records: December 2015                                            91  

20        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 


21        Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public                                                                 97

C1       Special Housing Areas: Tranche 10                                                                          97  


1          Welcome


Whakataka te hau ki te uru                Cease the winds from the west

Whakataka te hau ki te tonga            Cease the winds from the south

kia mäkinakina ki uta                         Let the breeze blow over the land

kia mätaratara ki tai                           Let the breeze blow over the ocean

E hï ake ana te atakura                      Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air

He tio, he huka, he hau hü                 A touch of frost, a promise of glorious day

Tihei Mauri Ora                                  Let there be life


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

Members declared conflict of interests as below. 


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Catherine Farmer

·            Avondale-Waterview Historical Society – Committee Member

·            Blockhouse Bay Historical Society – Member

·            Portage Licensing Trust – Trustee

·            Blockhouse Bay Bowls - Patron

Susan Zhu

·            Chinese Oral History Foundation – Committee member

·            Auckland Regional Migrant Resource Centre (ARMS) – Board member

Derek Battersby

·            Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust –Trustee

·            New Lynn Tennis Club – Patron

·            West Lynn Gardens – Patron

·            Tag Out Trust – Chairman

Ami Chand

·            Kelston Community Trust – Trustee

·               Portage Licensing Trust – Deputy Chair

·            Rupa Aur Aap Trust – Trustee

·            Kelston Community Hub – Chair

·            Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) Waitakere City Local Distribution Committee– Committee Member

Duncan Macdonald

·            Avondale Business Association – Chairman

·            Avondale Community Society – Chairman

·            Avondale RSA – Committee Member

·            Historical Society - Member

·            Avondale Jockey Club – Member

Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel

·            Wesley College - Trustee          

·            Kelston Girls College – Trustee

Simon Matafai

·            Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust - Trustee

·            WAS Collective Trust - Trustee

·            Williams Creative Trust - Trustee

·            Majesty Productions Trust - Trustee

·            Nexfit Trust - Trustee

·            Aspire Community Trust - Trustee


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Whau Local Board:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 9 December 2015, as a true and correct record.


5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Ward Councillor’s Update


An opportunity is provided for the Whau Ward Councillor to update the board on regional issues he has been involved with since the last meeting.  


8          Deputations


8.1       Healthy Families Waitakere


1.       Kerry Allan and Jewelz Petley from Healthy Families Waitakere will be in attendance to present an overview of Healthy Families Waitakere and provide an update on how they are progressing with this initiative and to discuss local board engagement with Healthy Families Waitakere moving forward.


That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Receives the deputation from Kerry Allan and Jewelz Petley of Healthy Families Waitakere and thank them for the presentation.




8.2       Sustaining Our Streams Whau Project


1.       Melissa Hastings and Pamela Gill from EcoMatters Trust will be in attendance to introduce Sustaining Our Streams Whau Project and ask for board’s support for the placement of murals on bridges at Bolton Street, Portage Road and on a fence at the end of McWhirter.  The murals are being produced by Blockhouse Bay Intermediate students in partnership with EcoMatter's Sustaining Our Streams Whau Project.


That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Receives presentation from Melissa Hastings and Pamela Gill of EcoMatters Trust and thank them for their presentation.


a          Map of artwork placement adjacent to the Waitahurangi Stream....... 101

b          Designs for Sustaining Our Streams Whau project............................. 103



9          Public Forum


9.1       Sean Freeman - The Tree Council


1.       Sean Freeman, Chair of the Tree Council will be in attendance to speak about requesting notification of works impacting on scheduled trees.


That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Receives presentation from Sean Freeman of the Tree Council and thanks him for the presentation.



10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer's report


File No.: CP2016/01409





Annual Plan:

1.         This year we are on track to achieving our local board plan priorities, however we need your input on how we are going.  Your chance to do that will be at our Annual Plan Have Your Say event:

·        Wednesday 9 March, 6.30 – 8.30pm, Bay Olympic Football Club, 36 Portage Rd, New Lynn or provide your feedback at shapeauckland.co.nz until Thursday 24 March.

2.         What we are proposing:

·        to allocate funding to build a new destination playground in Kelston

·        increasing community involvement in environmental restoration

·        continuing our provision of additional library opening hours

·        supporting more non-chemical weed management around sites like community gardens

·        continuing local community grants, local events, neighbourhood developments, parks and community environmental programmes and services and sustainability initiatives.

3.         Let us know what you think.

Tree Protection:

4.         One of our local board plan priorities is more and older trees and a key agency supporting us is the Tree Council.  It has come to our attention that public notification for resource consents to remove, prune or work within the drip line of scheduled trees is not automatically referred to the Whau local board.

5.         We need a better way to be aware of these applications and I are requesting that Council staff bring these matters to our attention.





That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Receives Whau Local Board Chairperson Catherine Farmer’s report

b)      Requests that the Auckland Council General Manager Resource Consents, Ian Smallburn ensures notification to the Whau local board of any resource consent application to remove, prune, or work within the dripline of scheduled trees in the Whau local board area.




There are no attachments for this report.      



Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Local board members' reports

File No.: CP2016/01184





1.       To provide Whau Local Board members with an opportunity to verbally update the local board on the projects and issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)         Receives local board member verbal reports.




There are no attachments for this report.    



Riya Seth - Democracy Advisor


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Introducing an alcohol ban on Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park


File No.: CP2015/27301





1.       To provide information from Albert Eden Local board regarding the alcohol bans on Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park.

2.       To consider making a 7.00 pm – 7.00 am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on that part of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park that lies within the Whau Local Board area.

Executive Summary

3.       Local boards have the delegated authority to make alcohol bans within their local board area pursuant to the Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014.

4.       Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park previously both had a 10pm – 8am daylight savings and 8pm – 8am outside daylight savings, 7 days a week alcohol ban. That alcohol ban expired on 31 October 2015.

5.       The Albert – Eden Local Board considered the evidence of alcohol related crime and disorder and decided there was sufficient evidence to adopt a 7.00 pm – 7.00 am, 7 day a week alcohol ban in the parts of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park that lies within their local board area.

6.       Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park lies across both the Albert – Eden Local Board and the Whau Local Board. The Albert – Eden Local Board has requested the manager of Social Policy and bylaws to forward this information to the Whau Local Board for their information. (resolution number AE/2015/119).

7.       These alcohol bans were made by Albert - Eden Local board to address alcohol related issues occurring across both local board areas. These issues occurred in the reserves mainly in the evening and late at night. Issues included vandalism to a toilet block in Alan Wood reserve and issues with alcohol related litter in both alcohol ban areas.

8.       A map of the alcohol ban areas is shown in Attachment A.

9.       Council staff have identified two feasible options for the local board to consider:

·     Option 1 – make a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on that part of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park that lies within the Whau Local Board area

·     Option 2 - consider that there is insufficient evidence to make an alcohol ban on that part of Alan Wood Reserve and / or Heron Park that lies in the Whau Local Board area.

10.     Council staff recommend Option 1 as it would help address alcohol related crime and disorder in all parts of Alan Wood Reserce and Heron Park and is consistent with the alcohol ban in the majority of the rest of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park.

11.     The decision required from the Whau Local Board is whether or not to make an alcohol ban on that part of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park within its local board area.



That the Whau Local Board:


a)      Makes a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban pursuant to the Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 on that part of Alan Wood Reserve that lies in the Whau Local Board area and as shown in Attachment A.

and / or

b)      Makes a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban pursuant to the Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 on that part of Heron Park that lies in the Whau Local Board area and as shown in Attachment A.


c)      Confirms that the decision in (a) is in accordance with relevant requirements of the Local Government Act 2002 and Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014


d)      Decides there is insufficient evidence to make an alcohol ban pursuant to the Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 on that part of Alan Wood Reserve and / or Heron Park that lies in the Whau Local Board area.



12.     Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park lies within both the Albert – Eden Local Board area and the Whau Local Board area. The majority of these two alcohol ban areas are within the Albert – Eden Local Board area.

13.     Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park previously both had a 10pm – 8am daylight savings and 8pm – 8am outside daylight savings, 7 days a week alcohol ban. That alcohol ban expired on 31 October 2015.

14.     Recent changes to legislation required a review of all alcohol bans against a new, higher threshold. Staff undertook a review of all of Auckland Councils alcohol bans between December 2014 and October 2015.

15.     The views of the community were sought by local boards in the recent review of permanent alcohol bans prior to 31 October 2015. The Whau Local Board received over 70 submissions. The public were generally supportive of alcohol bans as a means of addressing alcohol related crime and disorder.

16.     Submissions received by the Albert – Eden Local Board supported the use of alcohol bans also.

17.     No direct evidence of alcohol related crime or disorder on Alan Wood Reserve was provided by police for both Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park.

18.     No evidence of alcohol related crime or disorder on Alan Wood Reserve was provided by residents in written submissions to Albert-Eden Local Board.

19.     Evidence was received from Albert - Eden local board members regarding alcohol consumption and disorder in Alan Wood Reserve. This occurred during night hours and included vandalism to a toilet block and alcohol related litter.

20.     Evidence of alcohol related crime and disorder in Heron Park has been provided by residents (Attachment D) and includes issues that occurred mainly in the evening and at night time. This includes alcohol related litter and damage to private property.

21.     The staff recommendation to the Albert – Eden Local Board, for that part of Alan Wood Reserve that falls within their local board area, was to let the ban lapse as there was insufficient evidence to support a new alcohol ban.

22.     The Albert – Eden Local Board considered there was sufficient evidence of alcohol related crime and disorder and decided to adopt a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on that part of Alan Wood Reserve that lies within its local board area.

23.     The staff recommendation to the Albert – Eden Local Board, for that part of Heron Park that falls within their local board area, was to make a new 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban. There was sufficient evidence to support a new alcohol ban.

24.     The Albert – Eden Local Board supported the recommendation and adopted a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban for Heron Park.

25.     The local board requested the manager Social Policy and Bylaws to forward these alcohol ban area maps for information to the Whau Local Board.  (resolution number AE/2015/119) – see Attachment B.


26.     The Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 delegates to local boards the ability to make alcohol bans within its local board areas pursuant to the Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014.

27.     In making decisions on an alcohol ban a local board must be satisfied that it complies with a range of statutory and bylaw requirements. This includes the following requirements outlined in Clause 7(2) of the Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014 (Attachment C):

·           evidence that the alcohol ban area has experienced a high level of crime or disorder that can be shown to have been caused or made worse by alcohol consumption in the area

·        that the alcohol ban is appropriate and proportionate in the light of the evidence and can be justified as a reasonable limitation on people's rights and freedoms

·        consideration of community-focused solutions as an alternative to or to complement an alcohol ban area

·        consideration of the views of the police, and owners, occupiers, or persons that council has reason to believe are representative of the interests of owners or occupiers, of premises within the area to which the alcohol ban will apply

·        consideration to using one of the following times for consistency:

§  24 hours, 7 days a week (at all times alcohol ban);

§  7.00pm to 7.00am daily (evening alcohol ban)

§  10.00pm to 7.00am daylight saving and 7.00pm to 7.00am outside daylight saving (night time alcohol ban)

§  7.00pm on the day before to 7.00am on the day after any weekend, public holiday or Christmas/New Year holiday period (weekend and holiday alcohol ban).

28.     The area that staff recommend Whau Local board to make a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on is highlighted and shown in Attachment D.

29.     The whole of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park previously both had a 10pm – 8am daylight savings and 8pm – 8am outside daylight savings, 7 days a week alcohol ban.

30.     The Albert Eden local board has adopted a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on all parts of the Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park that falls within its local board area.

31.     There is currently no alcohol ban on the Whau local board side of both Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park.

Options open to the Whau Local Board.

32.     The following reasonably practicable options have been identified and analysed by staff.

Option 1 (Recommended option)

33.     Make a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on both Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park.

34.     Council staff recommend this option as it would:

·        be consistent with the alcohol ban in the majority of the rest of the park / reserve area

·        help address alcohol related crime and disorder in all parts of the park / reserve

·        enable a consistent enforcement regime across the whole of the area

·        ensure consistent messaging to both residents and visitors

35.     Council staff do not consider introducing a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on that part of the park/ reserve area that lies within the Whau Local Board area would be an unreasonable limitation on people's rights and freedoms to possess or consume alcohol.

Option 2

36.     Do not make an alcohol ban.

37.     As there is currently no alcohol ban on that part of the Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park area that lies within the Whau Local Board area it will mean no change from the status quo. However this would be a change from the previous status of the area prior to the lapsing of the legacy bans on 31 October 2015.

38.     This option would:

·        mean that in Alan Wood Reserve people on the north side of Oakley Creek would be prohibited from consuming alcohol but people in the new reserve areas being developed on the opposite bank of the creek would be allowed to do so

·        mean that in Heron Park there would be a narrow strip of land down the west edge of the park where people could consume alcohol, but they would be prohibited from consuming alcohol everywhere else within the park

·        be inconsistent with the alcohol ban on the rest of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park

·        result in a fragmented enforcement regime across the whole of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park

·        result in confusing and conflicting messaging to both residents and visitors and

·        not help address alcohol related crime and disorder on all parts of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park.

Staff recommendation to Whau Local Board

·    Staff recommend that the Whau Local Board adopt a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on that part of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park that lies within its local board area.

·    This would help address alcohol related crime and disorder in all parts of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park. It provides consistency for both enforcement and residents and visitors.


Local board views and implications of making an alcohol ban 

·    The Albert – Eden Local Board consider a 7.00pm - 7.00am, 7 day a week alcohol ban on Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park is justified and provides consistency for police enforcement and public awareness.

Māori impact statement

·    Managing alcohol related harm associated with people consuming alcohol in public places increases opportunities for health and wellbeing, which is consistent with the outcomes of the Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau. 

·    Feedback from mana whenua representatives at a hui held in March 2015 supported alcohol bans in principle, and a suggestion that non-regulatory approaches should be considered to help reduce alcohol related harm.


·    If the Whau Local Board decide to make an alcohol ban on its portion of Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park new signage will be erected, and council’s website will be updated.

·    No action is required if the Whau Local Board decide not to make an alcohol ban on these parks / reserves.








Alan Wood Reserve and Heron Park Maps



Albert - Eden Local Board resolution



Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014, Clause 7(2)



Attachment D Heron Park Evidence





Janine  Green - Policy Analyst

Bonnie Apps - Policy Analyst


Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau  Local Grant Multiboard Applications : Round One 2015/2016


File No.: CP2016/00549






1.       The purpose of this report is to present the multiboard applications received for Round One of the Whau Local Board Local Grants 2015/2016.  The local board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive Summary

2.       The Whau Local Board set a total local community grants budget of $190,000 for the 2015/2016 financial year.

3.       A total of $133,929 has been allocated to date in the first half of the financial year, leaving a balance of $56,071.

4.       Four multiboard applications were received for the Whau Local Board, with a total requested of $10,721.The four multiboard applications were not received within the reporting timeframe for Round One of the Whau Local Board Local Grants.

5.       The Whau Local Board are now requested to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Considers the applications listed in Table One and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

Table One: Whau Multiboard Round One Local Grants applications:

Application Number

Organisation Name







Rainbow Youth

HealthWEST Partnership




Mind over Manner Ltd

Shifting Community Youth and Culture through Applied Theatre Practice workshops




Autism New Zealand Incorporated - Auckland Branch

Autism New Zealand Incorporated Auckland Branch Operating Costs




Sport Waitakere

Waitākere Walking Festival/ Walk it Waitākere




Total amount requested







6.       The implementation of the new Community Grants Policy commenced on 1 July 2015. The policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme for 2015/2016 and the Whau Local Board adopted its grants programme on 30 April 2015 (see Attachment A)

7.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·        local board priorities

·        lower priorities for funding

·        exclusions

·        grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·        any additional accountability requirements.

8.       The Whau Local Board will operate two local grants and five quick response rounds for this financial year. The first local grants round closed 11 September 2015.

9.       The new community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the new council grant webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters and Facebook pages, council publications, radio, local newspapers and community networks. Staff have also conducted a series of public workshops in local board areas, which have been attended by approximately 1000 people across the Auckland region.

10.     The Whau Local Board set a total local community grants budget of $190,000 for the 2015/2016 financial year.

11.     A total of $133,929 has been allocated to date in the first half of the financial year, leaving a balance of $56,071.

12.     Four multiboard applications were received for the Whau Local Board, with a total requested of $10,721.The four multiboard applications were not received within the reporting timeframe for Round One of the Whau Local Board Local Grants.

13.     The Whau Local Board are now requested to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.


Local Board views and implications

14.     Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants.  The Whau local board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

15.     The board is requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time.”

Māori impact statement

16.     The provision of community grants provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes, activities that benefit a wider range of individuals and groups, including Maori. As a guide for decision-making, in the allocation of community grants, the new community grants policy supports the principle of delivering positive outcomes for Maori.


17.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and local board agreements.

18.     Following the Whau Local Board allocating funding for round one multiboard local grants, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board decision.







Whau Multiboard Round One Local Grants  applicaitons



Whau Local Board Grants Programme  2015/2016





Fua  Winterstein - Community Grants Advisor


Marion Davies - Community Grants Operations Manager

Jennifer Rose - Operations Support Manager


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Change of dates for the Whau Local Board Grants Programme 2015/16


File No.: CP2016/00662






1.       The purpose of this report is to seek Whau Local Board resolution to change the original agreed activation dates of Round Two Local Grants and Round Five Quick Response of the Whau Local Board Community Grants Programme 2015/2016.  

Executive Summary

2.       The Whau Local Board adopted the Whau Local Board Community Grants Programme 2015/2016 on 30 April 2015.

3.       The current closing date for Round Two Local Grants is 15 May 2016 for decision in June/July for projects to occur after August 2016 and the closing date for Round Five Quick Response is 1 June 2016 for decision in July for projects to occur after July 2016.

4.       In order to disburse funds within the Auckland Council financial year, Commerce and Finance recommend moving to earlier opening  and closing dates.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Agrees to bring forward the activation dates of Round Two Local Grants and Round Five Quick Response of the Whau Local Board Community Grants Programme 2015/2016  to open 1 April 2016 and close 29 April 2016

b)      Will make decisions on the grant applications received at the 15 June 2016 business meeting.



5.       The existing and proposed changes to activation dates is shown in the table below:

Local Contestable/Discretionary Grants


Applications Close

Date of Decision

Round 1 CLOSED

Open 3  Aug -  11 Sep  2015

Oct/Nov 2015     for Projects AFTER Nov 2015

Round 2

Proposed NEW R2 dates

Open 1 Apr – 15 May 2016

Open 1 Apr – 29 Apr 2016

Jun/July 2016 

15 June decision for projects after July 2016


Quick response Grants

015 / 16Round

Application Period

Date of Decision

Projects to occur AFTER:


Open 13 Jul -  14 Aug 2015

September 2015

September 2015


Open 14 Sep  - 16 Oct 2015

November 2015

November 2015


Open 11 Jan  - 12 Feb 2016

March 2016

March 2016


Open 14 Mar – 15 Apr 2016

May 2016

May 2016


Proposed New R5 dates

Open 2 May – 1 June 2016

Open  1 Apr -  2 May 2016

July 2016

June 2016

July 2016

July 2016

4.   R

6.       The above dates will allow for the decisions to be made in the 2015/16 financial year and allow for applicants to have the outcome of their application in time for the beginning of the 2016/17 financial year.

7.       The implementation of the new Community Grants Policy commenced on 1 July 2015. The policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme for 2015/2016, and the Whau Local Board adopted its grants programme on 30 April 2015 (see attachment A). 

8.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·        local board priorities,

·        lower priorities for funding,

·        exclusions,

·        grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close,

·        any additional accountability requirements.


Local Board views and implications

9.       Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants.  These grants enable the Whau Local Board Plan desired outcome of delivering great local communities across the Whau.  The subject of this report was discussed at a Whau Local Board workshop on 3 February 2016.

Māori impact statement

10.     The provision of community grants provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes, activities that benefit a wide range of individuals and groups, including Maori.


11.     Following the decision of the Whau Local Board, Commercial and Finance staff will notify community groups and organisations of the change of dates and update the Whau Local Board Grants Programme 2015/2016.







Whau Local Board Grants Programme  2015/2016





Antonina Georgetti - Local Board Advisor


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



New community lease to EcoMatters Environment Trust, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn


File No.: CP2015/27061






1.       This report seeks Whau Local Board approval to grant a new community lease to EcoMatters Environment Trust, located on part of Olympic Park, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn.

Executive Summary

2.       Beacon Pathway Limited had a community lease with legacy Waitakere City Council for a period of 5 years commencing 1 December 2004 with one 5-year right of renewal, reaching final expiry on 30 November 2014.  On 14 March 2008 a Deed of Assignment of Lease was signed between Beacon Pathway Limited and the EcoMatters Environment Trust (the Trust).  The Trust owns the building known as The Trusts EcoHouse.

3.       The Trust wishes to continue leasing with Auckland Council.  The Trusts EcoHouse is located on part of Olympic Park, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn being Part Section 9 SO 446232.  The Park is held by the Crown through Department of Conservation as a classified recreation reserve and vested in Auckland Council in trust, for recreation purposes and is subject to the Reserves Act 1977.  The activity of the Trust is of a local purpose nature rather than recreation. A lease under Section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977 (RA) is required.  Prior to granting the lease, public notification of the lease is required under Section 73(4) of the RA, iwi consultation under Section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987, and approval from the Minister of Conservation or their delegate.

4.       As specified in the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012, groups that own their own buildings have an automatic right to re-apply at the end of their occupancy term without public notification.

5.       This report recommends the granting of a new community lease to EcoMatters Environment Trust for ten years commencing 1 December 2014 with one ten-year right of renewal. This is the recommended term in the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Approves a new community lease under Section 73 (3) of the Reserves Act 1977 to EcoMatters Environment Trust for part of Olympic Park, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn (Attachment A) subject to one months’ public notification, and with no objection, on the following terms and conditions:

i)        Term – 10 years commencing 1 December 2014 with one 10-year right of renewal;

ii)       Rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if requested;

iii)      EcoMatters Environment Trust Community Outcomes Plan as approved be attached to the community lease document (Attachment B)

b)      Approves all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.




6.       Beacon Pathway Limited had a community lease with the legacy Waitakere City Council for a period of 5 years commencing 1 December 2004 with one 5-year right of renewal, reaching final expiry on 30 November 2014.  On 14 March 2008 a Deed of Assignment of Lease was signed between Beacon Pathway Limited and the EcoMatters Environment Trust (the Trust).

7.       The Trust wishes to continue leasing part of Olympic Park, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn and being Section SO 446232.  The Trust owns the building known as The Trusts EcoHouse.

8.       As specified in the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012, groups that own their own buildings have an automatic right to re-apply at the end of their occupancy term without public notification.

9.       The land is held by the Crown through Department of Conservation as a classified recreation reserve and vested in the Auckland Council in trust, for recreation purposes and is subject to the Reserves Act 1977. The activity of the Trust is of a local purpose nature rather than recreation. A lease under Section 73(3) of the Reserves Act 1977 (RA) is required.  Prior to granting the lease, public notification of the lease is required under Section 73(4) of the RA, iwi consultation under Section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987, and approval from the Minister of Conservation or their delegate.

10.     The Olympic Park Reserve Management Plan dated December 2003 provides for the continuation of leasing areas of land within the reserve to provide for community use and well-being and that buildings should only be allowed on the reserve where they facilitate and support the use of Olympic Park as a sports ground for education associated with the natural environment and its care.

11.     The Trust has been incorporated under the Charitable Trust Act 1957 since 28 June 2002.  The Trust’s objectives are:

·    To promote, develop, co-ordinate and facilitate environmental enhancement activities and opportunities through:

·    Providing leadership in environmental and ecological enhancement services, and community awareness in relation to all aspects of the environment and natural ecology

·    Promoting, facilitating and co-ordinating collaboration between other entities engaged in environmental and ecological upgrade work, including the undertaking of advocacy and joint planning initiatives

·    Developing, undertaking, and/or facilitating environmental and ecological restoration services and education programmes in relation to the environment and natural ecology, and establishing systems to monitor the delivery of such services and programmes and ensure performance outcomes

12.     The Trust delivers a wide range of community-based environmental initiatives, predominantly in partnership with local authorities, including sustainable living programmes and projects in the areas of waste minimisation, energy efficiency, water conservation, stream restoration, and edible gardening.

13.     The Trusts EcoHouse was built by Beacon Pathway Limited in collaboration with legacy Waitakere City Council.  Several innovations of sustainability were integrated into the design and construction to demonstrate how these initiatives are both affordable and practical.  The house was built for no more than the cost of building an average home of its size.  Once construction was completed it was tenanted for a period of two years by a young family with three children.  The operation and performance of the home was monitored to gauge the effectiveness of the special features.  The end of this tenure signalled the conclusion of Beacon Pathway Limited’s project and the house was made available to the Trust.

14.     The Trusts EcoHouse is open to the public from 10am-4pm Monday to Friday and 10am-1pm on Saturdays to view practical applications of sustainability in home architecture, including double-glazing and passive heating systems.

15.     Council staff has sought input from relevant council departments.


Local Board views and implications

16.     Council staff sought input from the Community Facilities Portfolio Holder on 3 November 2015.

17.     The recommendations within this report fall within the local board’s allocated authority relating to local, recreation, sport and community facilities.

Māori impact statement

18.     There are no changes in use or operational activities being conducted on the land.

19.     Ensuring community facilities are well maintained and accessible for all members of the community, will be of benefit to all, including Maori.

20.     Consultation with Kaitiaki representatives with an interest in the area has taken place.  A submission supporting the Trust’s lease application was received from Te Akitai Waiohua.  There were no objections received.


21.     The recommendations contained in this report do not trigger the Auckland Council Significance Policy.

22.     Provided there are no objections the cost implication for Auckland Council is the public notification of the lease with the initial costs estimated at $750.00.







Site Plan for EcoMatters Environment Trust, Olympic Park, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn



EcoMatters Environment Trust Community Outcomes Plan





Donna Cooper - Community Lease Advisor


Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016




Attachment A:  Site Plan for EcoMatters Environment Trust, Olympic Park, 6 Olympic Place, New Lynn


Location Map and Lease Area


Park outlined in blue and lease area outlined in red.



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016




Name and Location of Land/Facility

Olympic Park, 1 Olympic Place, New Lynn

The Trusts EcoHouse

Name of the Community it serves

The wider Auckland area

Local Board Area


Name of Community Group

EcoMatters Environment Trust

Postal Address

PO Box 15215, New Lynn, Auckland 0640

Contact person

Kevin Healy, General Manager – Operations

email: kevin@ecomatters.org.nz

Name of Community Lease Advisor

Donna Cooper



Auckland Council and/or Local Board Priority

Performance Measure



LB Outcome 3:  Stronger local businesses providing more and higher paid work

Growing capacity for local business to participate in the export and emerging green economy through innovation and collaboration


AP 6. 4:

Enhance investment in people to grow skills and a local workforce

Give environmentally-focused businesses and not-for-profit providers the opportunity to showcase their products, services and programmes at the annual Eco Festival

List the number of businesses and not-for-profit providers who showcased their products, services and programmes at the annual Eco Festival or similar event

(Annual report)

LB Outcome 4: 

A healthy Whau River and valued environment

More people recognise the importance of our natural environment and our role in its health


AP 7:

Acknowledge that nature and people are inseparable

Promote sustainable living to residents of the Auckland Region, and assist them to gain the skills, knowledge and resources to make positive choices for sustainable living


Work collaboratively with other agencies who may be delivering similar events in the other sub-regions at the same time





The Trusts EcoHouse be open to the public to view practical applications of sustainability




Facility upkeep






Onsite environmental care



Deliver an Eco Festival or similar annually in the West Auckland area




List the other agencies you have collaborated with who may be delivering similar events, advice and initiatives


The Trusts EcoHouse be open to the public for a minimum of 30 hours per week


Ensure repairs to the facility and any graffiti is removed in a timely manner – weekly inspection


Ensure that the leased area is clean and tidy and free of any litter or rubbish






























(Annual report)


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Governance Forward Work Calendar


File No.: CP2016/00140






1.       To present to the Whau Local Board with an upcoming governance forward work calendar.

Executive Summary

2.       This report introduces the governance forward work calendar: a schedule of items that will come before the board at business meetings over the next few months. The governance forward work calendar for is included in Attachment A.

3.       The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

·    ensuring advice on agendas and workshop material is driven by local board priorities

·    clarifying what advice is required and when

·    clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.       The calendar will be updated every month. Each update will be reported back to business meetings and distributed to relevant Council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Notes the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar.



5.       Council’s Quality Advice Programme aims to improve the focus, analysis, presentation and timeliness of staff advice to elected representatives. An initiative under this is to develop forward work calendars for governing body committees and local boards. These provide elected members with better visibility of the types of governance tasks they are being asked to undertake and when they are scheduled.

6.       Although the document is new, there are no new projects in the governance forward work calendar. The calendar brings together in one schedule reporting on all of the board’s projects and activities previously approved in the local board plan, long-term plan, departmental work programmes and through other board decisions. It includes governing body policies and initiatives that call for a local board response.

7.       This initiative is intended to support the boards’ governance role. It will also help staff to support local boards, as an additional tool to manage workloads and track activities across council departments, and it will allow greater transparency for the public.

8.       The calendar is arranged in three columns, “Topic”, “Purpose” and “Governance Role”:

·    Topic describes the items and may indicate how they fit in with broader processes such as the annual plan

·    Purpose indicates the aim of the item, such as formally approving plans or projects, hearing submissions or receiving progress updates

·    Governance role is a higher-level categorisation of the work local boards do. Examples of the seven governance categories are tabled on the following page.

Governance role


Setting direction/priorities/budget

Capex projects, work programmes, annual plan

Local initiatives/specific decisions

Grants, road names, alcohol bans

Input into regional decision-making

Comments on regional bylaws, policies, plans

Oversight and monitoring

Local board agreement, quarterly performance reports, review projects

Accountability to the public

Annual report


Community hui, submissions processes

Keeping informed

Briefings, cluster workshops


9.       Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar. The calendar will be updated and reported back every month to business meetings. Updates will also be distributed to relevant Council staff.


Local Board views and implications

10.     All local boards are being presented with governance forward work calendars for their consideration.

Māori impact statement

11.     The projects and processes referred to in the governance forward work calendar will have a range of implications for Māori which will be considered when the work is reported.


12.     Staff will review the calendar each month in consultation with board members and will report an updated calendar to the board.







Governance Forward Work Calendar for Whau Local Board, February 2016





Neil Taylor - Senior Local Board Advisor

Kris Munday - Senior Advisor - Local Board Services


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Confirmation of Workshop Records: December 2015


File No.: CP2016/01183





1.       This report presents records of workshops held by the Whau Local Board on:

2 December 2015

9 December 2015



That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Confirms the records of the workshops in Attachments A - B held on the following dates: 

2 December 2015

9 December 2015







Record of Workshop 2 December 2015



Record of Workshop 9 December 2015





Riya Seth - Democracy Advisor

Mark Allen - Senior Local Board Advisor


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016






Whau Local Board Workshop Records


Date of Workshop:         Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Time:                                 10.04am – 11.47am

Venue:                              Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,

                                           New Lynn


Present: Catherine Farmer, Ami Chand, Susan Zhu (from 10.09am, item 1; until 11.40am, item 2), Simon Matafai (from 10.16am, item 1)


Apologies: Derek Battersby (for absence), Duncan Macdonald (for absence), Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel (for absence)






Events: Partnership & Other

Presenters: Barbara Cade, Antonia Vai


Events work programme for 2016/17 was discussed with the board. The following points were noted to help make partnership agreements more effective:

·     Staff to make calendar bookings clear to reflect host local board for all west citizenship ceremonies.

·     Whau Chinese New Year – board requested that Chinese translation should be included underneath each English sentence on all advertising material eg. posters, brochures etc.

·     It was agreed that KPI for Chinese New Year is high (currently 80%) and should be lowered (75%) to bring it in line with other events.

·     A survey to be done for one of the large board funded event next year to get the public feedback which will help making the events better.

·     Member Ami Chand requested to be involved in ATEED’s Dewali festival planning for next year.

·     It was noted that the current cost of each movie in Movie in the Park event is around $6,250 and that any extra movie will cost $12,000 from next year.

·     Avondale Christmas market – 11 December.


10.04am – 11.05am


Pavement Art in Infratil Corridor

Presenters: Hanna Scott, Xanthe Jujnovich


The board received an update on Arts installation in Infratil corridor. Monitoring period for the site concluded in early November.

The board agreed to go ahead with extra cleaning regime as a start. Nitrogen blasting may help with this but needs to be tested to check suitability.

It was agreed that the staff will continue to monitor the wear and tear and maintenance requirements of the artwork.

Quality pedestrian movement around New Lynn civic area is a growing area of concern. Issues raised have included rain and sun shelter, lighting and safety. Options to develop possible improvements will come to the board in a workshop in early 2016. This will provide an opportunity to discuss this walkway and the wider role of the artwork in improving the area.


11.05am – 11.47pm


Relationship Manager:  Glenn Boyd


Whau Local Board

17 February 2016






Whau Local Board Workshop Records


Date of Workshop:         Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Time:                                 3.00pm – 5.50pm

Venue:                              Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue,

                                           New Lynn


Present: Catherine Farmer, Ami Chand (until 3.45, item 1), Susan Zhu, Simon Matafai, Derek Battersby, Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel


Apologies: Duncan Macdonald (for absence)






Western corridor community needs and facilities investigation (pools, recreation centres, community centres including Avondale, libraries)

Presenters: Antonia Butler, Paul Clark, Steve Wilcox

The board received a briefing on the project, discussed community engagement early next year and decision making processes.

This project is important as it will inform Board decision-making in July next year on

a) the Avondale community facility scope and location,

b) Avondale and New Lynn library future developments

c) Pool development in the Albert Eden and Whau areas

d) New Lynn Community centre renovations.

First meeting of joint Board group is in February 2016.

3.00pm – 3.40pm


Whau Open Space Network Plan

Presenters: Jenny Macdonald, Wendy Rutherford


Staff discussed the approach and preliminary analysis of the Open Space Network with the board.

3.50pm – 4.50pm


Injury Prevention Action Plan for Pacific people

Presenters: Sandy Harrop, Chairperson, Pasifika Injury Prevention Aukilana Inc (PIPA) and Pepe Sapolu-Reweti


The board received a presentation from Sandy Harrop, Chairperson, PIPA on scope of an Injury Prevention Action Plan for Pacific people.

5.30pm – 5.50pm


Relationship Manager:  Glenn Boyd




Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Whau Local Board:

a)      Excludes the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Special Housing Areas: Tranche 10

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(b)(ii) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information.

In particular, the report contains commercially sensitive information and information that could potentially give parties a commercial advantage if released..

s7(2)(c)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information or information from the same source and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied.

In particular, the report contains commercially sensitive information and information that could potentially give parties a commercial advantage if released..


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016











Item 8.2      Attachment a    Map of artwork placement adjacent to the Waitahurangi Stream                                                           Page 101

Item 8.2      Attachment b    Designs for Sustaining Our Streams Whau project Page 103

Whau Local Board

17 February 2016



Whau Local Board

17 February 2016