I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 25 February 2016 6.30pm Waitakere
Ranges Local Board Office |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board
Chairperson |
Sandra Coney, QSO |
Deputy Chairperson |
Denise Yates, JP |
Members |
Neil Henderson |
Greg Presland |
Steve Tollestrup |
Saffron Toms |
(Quorum 3 members)
Glenn Boyd (Relationship Manager) Local Board Services (West)
Tua Viliamu Democracy Advisor
22 February 2016
Contact Telephone: (09) 813 9478 Email: Tua.Viliamu@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 25 February 2016 |
17 Chairperson's Report - February 2016 5
18 Portfolio Update: Member Sandra Coney 7
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 25 February 2016 |
Chairperson's Report - February 2016
File No.: CP2016/02789
1. The Board is hard back at work preparing for consultations on what is now called the Annual Budget, what formerly was the Annual Plan.
2. The public of Auckland is being asked what it thinks about a number of regional issues, while citizens of our Board area are also asked what they think of our priorities and how we spend the Local Board’s money.
3. At a regional level people are being asked:
· Whether they think the Uniform Annual General Charge or UAGC of $397 is the right amount. The UAGC is the fixed part of rates. Everyone pays the same amount. A high UAGC hits low value properties, while a modest UAGC like Council’s current one, is fairer for low value properties, which are usually owned by people on low incomes. This Board supports the current level.
· Whether the Interim Transport Levy should remain at $114 for residential properties (and ($183 for businesses), or be decreased to $90 for residences and increased to $407 for businesses. People have made the point that a household in Glen Eden currently pays not a lot less than Sky City, which clearly benefits a great deal more from transport developments. This Board is not very keen on the transport levy at all, as it is a flat tax with the burden falling more on low-income households, and it is paid by everyone, regardless of the transport services a particular area receives.
· Whether they support a proposal to reduce the rates for large over 50 ha farms with the rates burden shifting to residences. While the amount per household is small, rural ratepayers already have an 80% rate differential, and they can claim back GST and treat rates as a business expense for tax purposes. The Board has opposed this proposal.
4. At the local level, the Council is asking people on septic tanks in our outer areas whether they support piloting a scheme to provide loans to upgrade and replace old septic tanks, to be paid off through the rates’ bill. There is a similar scheme for home insulation. The pilot would occur in our Board area and Waiheke Island.
5. The Board is also asking what people think about the way we propose to spend our budget. Among the activities we propose to fund are:
· Works on improving the town centre in Glen Eden
· Continuing delivery of the Waitakere Ranges Strategic Weed Management Plan
· Developing information about the Heritage Area and living in the Area
· Continuing cycle and pedestrian pathways from Oratia to Parrs Park and through to Sunnyvale
· Increased emphasis on the marine environment
· Working with Swanson community on a heritage survey and design guide
· More interpretation around parks and public places
· Design guidelines for parks
· Waste minimisation policy for parks and public places in the Local Board area.
6. There is more detail that can be seen at shapeauckland.co.nz, or in any local library or at the Local Board office.
7. You can write a submission or come to a drop-in Have Your Say event at the Local Board office on Thursday 3 March, 7-9 pm. You can just turn up and talk.
Transport programme in local board area
8. The Board has a capital works fund to undertake various transport improvements that are not priorities for Auckland Transport. After looking at a number of potential projects, and facing steadily rising costs as detailed design is carried out, the Board is considering two projects:
· Footpaths/walkways in Mountain Road, Henderson Valley. A proposal for this was brought to the Board in Public Forum in about early 2014. This is a gravel path where the terrain is flat with concrete in steep areas.
· Oratia shared path. This has streetscape improvements in front of the community hall, better road crossings by the school, and a walking/cycling path all the way the Parrs Park roundabout. We hope in the future to be able to continue this on with a good crossing over West Coast Road, through Parrs Park to Sunnyvale Station.
9. We are also looking into streetscape improvements at Captain Scott Road in Glen Eden.
10. Over the summer Auckland Transport has been consulting on a possible new shuttle/feeder service from outer areas into transport hubs. They have started with surveys of visitors to Piha to see whether holiday makers, beach goers, bach owners, Nippers and the like would use a service like this to get to the beach. Surveys of residents to ascertain their needs will be starting soon too.
Waste minimisation
11. Rubbish collection in our area is set to undergo some changes.
· All households are entitled to a free inorganic rubbish collection. These can be booked online. Households are notified of the dates for collection in their street.
· From 1 July fortnightly recycling is changing. Bins are bigger – 240 litre up from the current 140 litre and paper and cardboard can be put in the bin. You can request a smaller bin.
· General rubbish collection will remain as user-pays in the orange bags which are available in two sizes, with a plan to more towards bins for household rubbish and composting food waste. Eventually, in 2019, rural areas will have the choice of a bin or bag.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Receives the Chairperson’s report.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Tua Viliamu - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 25 February 2016 |
Portfolio Update: Member Sandra Coney
File No.: CP2016/02790
1. This report provides an opportunity for Member Sandra Coney to give an update with regards to activity within her portfolio areas.
2. Portfolio holders are responsible for leading policy development in their portfolio area, proposing and developing project concepts, overseeing agreed projects within budgets, being active advocates, accessing and providing information and advice.
3. Member Coney has lead for the portfolios of Historic Heritage/Character and Parks area.
Executive Summary
Heritage and WW1
4. The main activity I’ve been involved in is preparations for the first Waikumete Cemetery Open Day on Sunday 28 February 2016.
5. A good group has come together from across Council, including the local board, regional events team, cemetery staff, comms and libraries, joined by Friends of Waikumete, the Urupa Committee, Ancestry.com, western RSAs, Museum, New Zealand Society of Genealogists, and Waiouru Army Museum. A lot of hard work has been put in, but it has been a pleasure to work with this group who are so enthusiastic about the event.
Some of the working group outside the main chapel
6. There are walks and talks and interp sites about the heritage of the cemetery, and a research hub where people can find out about relatives and friends buried in the cemetery and where their graves are.
7. You can also find out how the cemetery works, with grave digging, explanations of natural burials, Muslim burials, mausoleums and how to clean old graves.
8. The cemetery will be closed to traffic but buses will be taking people from place to place.
9. The main chapel and cemetery offices are where the research hub is located, while The Chapel of Faith in the Oaks will host a sitting, eating, listening to music area.
10. I particularly like the cheery branding our Comms team developed for the day, all turquoise and pink, not at all what people expect for a cemetery!
11. We now await the crowds rolling up!
12. IT was a relief on 18 February when the Governing Body voted to support the WW1 memorial project going ahead with the Wriaght/Athfield proposal Te Takuahi – the Hearth being chosen to work with on the final design.
13. There has been a huge effort from elected members and staff to assess the five short-listed proposals, look at public feedback from a period when they hung in the Museum, and hear from stakeholders such as RSAs.
14. The memorial is not a war memorial, that is the role of the Museum and cenotaph, but a centenary memorial, with the role of considering the impact on Auckland and Auckland communities of the War, and also the returning soldiers.
15. The process of carrying this out went to the WW1 Centenary Memorial Working Party which I was on, and which reported to the WW1 Commemorations Political Steering Group which I chair. However, it needed to be agreed to by Council as a whole, which occurred on the 18th.
16. A proposal now has to go to the Lotteries WW1 grants with the hope it will attract a good-sized grant. The Council has allocated 1 million in the Long-Term Plan for the project, but the total budget will be around 3 million.
Other heritage matters
17. We are still getting together a plan and people to lead the Swanson heritage survey, but hope to get it going in the next few months.
18. I hear that the Exhibition Drive history book, which the Board contributed to funding, will be out any day now. Looking forward to seeing it.
19. We were also pleased to hear the project to restore the windows of the WW1 Soldiers’ Memorial Church in Park Road, Titirangi, is completed. The Board contributed $2000 towards the writing of a history on the church to ensure the works were historically accurate.
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) Receives the Portfolio Update from Member Sandra Coney.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Tua Viliamu - Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau |