I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Youth Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 22 February 2016

Kai from 5.00pm, meeting from 6.00pm

Level 2, Reception Lounge
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Youth Advisory Panel









Flora Apulu


Deputy Chairperson

Alex Johnston



Janice Auva'a

Ben Moimoi


Lit Wei Chin

Caroline Paepae


Savannah Cox

Lesina Ponifasio


Loniana Fifita

Micah Stininato


Danielle Goh

Caryn Strang


Matthew Greive

Mackenzie Valgre


Georgina Halstead

Sam Yoon


Antony Kapeli-Sua

Aileen  Zhou


Mosa Mafile'o



(Quorum 9 members)




Jaimee Maha

Democracy Advisor


16 February 2016


Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8126

Email: jaimee.maha@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Youth Advisory Panel

22 February 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


8          Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi Update and Community Summit Update                         5   



Youth Advisory Panel

22 February 2016



Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi Update and Community Summit Update


File No.: CP2016/02275




1.       To receive an update on two key items on the Youth Advisory Panel’s work programme, including progress on Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi and the community summit plan.

2.       To approve the proposed community summit plan.

Executive Summary

3.       This report provides a progress update on two main items on the Youth Advisory Panel’s work programme; specifically the progress of Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi, which was presented to the Community Development and Safety Committee on 3 February 2016, and the proposed Youth Advisory Panel community summit plan for 2016.

4.       The Youth Advisory Panel’s Community Summit Working Party has developed a draft Youth Advisory Panel 2016 community summit plan and seeks the approval of the panel for this plan and associated budget expenditure to support it. 



That the Youth Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update on Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi.

b)      approve the community summit plan.

c)      delegate authority to finalise a run-sheet for the community summit to the Community Summit Working Party.



Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi

5.       On 3 February 2016, Savanna Steele and Jason Mareroa of Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi presented to Auckland Council’s Community Development and Safety Committee on the development of the organisation.

6.       Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi was derived from goal seven, Rangatahi tū rangatira, of the ‘I am Auckland’ strategic action plan, which focuses on supporting rangatahi to thrive. The project was a rangatahi-led initiated by a Youth Advisory Panel sub-working group established in the 2014/2015 financial year. 

7.       The presentation included an update on the progress of establishing a formal entity and the potential services Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi will offer to the council and other organisations. Youth Advisory Panel member, Tony Sua, also attended to support the presentation on Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi.

8.       This work is well aligned with the strategic direction of I Am Auckland and resolutions passed by the Youth Advisory Panel on this initiative. A report back on the outstanding resolution requesting ‘a report from council staff investigating the practicalities surrounding the addition of two positions on the Youth Advisory Panel, specifically allocated to Rangatahi Roopu representatives’ (YOU/2015/24) is programmed for the April 2016 meeting of the Youth Advisory Panel.



Community Summit

9.       The Youth Advisory Panel established a community summit working party (working party) to develop the panel’s community summit in 2016. The working party members are Flora Apulu, Alex Johnston, Antony Kapeli-Sua and Mosa Mafile’o. The working party proposes a one day event with two main topics including community empowerment for youth voices and the local government 2016 elections. The two themes are also focus areas detailed in the Youth Advisory Panel’s adopted work programme for 2015/2016. A draft run-sheet for this summit is attached to this report (Attachment A). The community summit event is currently scheduled for 30 April 2016 and is aiming for 300 youth voices members to participate. 

10.     The Youth Advisory Panel is entitled to organise or host a community summit in each financial year to engage with and hear the voices of young people in Auckland. Themes and topics of a community summit must be aligned with the Youth Advisory Panel’s work programme. As per the Terms of Reference for advisory panels, the Youth Advisory Panel can negotiate with the council for any resources and services required for community summit in advance of any decision making. The community summit plan and resources must be approved by the Youth Advisory Panel.

11.     The first theme for the summit will focus on community empowerment for youth voices. The Youth Advisory Panel is made up of the representatives from 21 local youth voices, supported by Auckland Council’s Community Development and Safety unit. Following its establishment in October 2015, a new Community Empowerment unit has taken over this function. This unit is in the process of developing a new set of community-led practices based on the Thriving Communities Action Plan. The proposed Youth Advisory Panel community summit will provide an opportunity to discuss how local youth voices and the Youth Advisory Panel can effectively work together based on the principles of community empowerment.

12.     The second main theme will concentrate on a plenary session for young people’s participation in the 2016 local government elections. The 2016 local government elections will be held on 8 October 2016. Aucklanders are encouraged to participate in the local government elections with a targeted voting rate of 40 per cent. Auckland Council’s election team has committed to providing resources for this plenary session and Rockenrol (a youth designed initiative aimed at building and activating political power for young people in Aotearoa New Zealand) has also been confirmed as a speaker for this session.

13.     The Youth Advisory Panel has a budget of $20,000 specifically for community summits. The Youth Advisory Panel can approve a community summit budget when the purpose of a community summit is in line with the work programme. This report seeks approval from the panel for the proposed summit plan and associated budget costs from this budget.


Local Board views and implications

14.     The Youth Advisory Panel’s community summit in 2016 will offer an opportunity to discuss with local youth voices how to strengthen collaboration between Youth Advisory Panel and local youth voices.

Māori impact statement

15.    The Youth Advisory Panel’s work programme includes ‘build and strengthen a relationship with Rangatahi Roopu as per Goal 7 of ‘I am Auckland’. The Youth Advisory Panel will continue to work closely Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi to support leadership of Rangatahi Roopu. The report back on these topics provides an update on progress on this work to date.

16.    Specific engagement with Te Ohu Mana Rangatahi was not undertaken for this report but will be undertaken for the specific report back on this topic due at the April 2016 Youth Advisory Panel meeting.

17.    No specific consultation with Maori was undertaken in the development of the draft summit plan.


18.     The community summit plan may have minor changes pending discussions with wider council departments and other partners to make the event more successful. The Youth Advisory Panel’s community summit working party will be authorised to have meetings with relevant stakeholders to finalise the plan.







Draft Youth Advisory Panel Community Summit Timetable





Austin Kim - Principal Advisor Panels


Mara Bebich - Stakeholder Liasion Manager


Youth Advisory Panel

22 February 2016



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