I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland Domain Committee will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 30 March 2016 3.30pm Room 1 Level 26 |
Auckland Domain Committee
Chairperson |
Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shale Chambers |
Members |
Cr Mike Lee |
Cr Calum Penrose |
Member Vernon Tava |
Member Rob Thomas |
Member Glenn Wilcox |
Member Karen Wilson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Ashleigh Pihema Democracy Advisor
23 March 2016
Contact Telephone: 027 209 7561 Email: ashleigh.pihema@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Parent Bodies:
Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee (PRSC) and Waitemata Local Board (WLB)
Area of Activity
Decision-making responsibility for parks, recreation and community services and activities in Auckland Domain including those anticipated in the Auckland Domain Act 1987 which are currently exercised by PRSC or the WLB
All powers of the PRSC and WLB necessary to perform the Committee’s responsibilities including those powers conferred on Council pursuant to the Auckland Domain Act 1987 except:
a. powers that the Governing Body cannot delegate or has retained to itself (section 2)
b. where the Committee’s responsibility is limited to making a recommendation only
c. where a matter is the responsibility of another committee or local board
d. the approval of expenditure that is not contained within approved budgets
e. the approval of expenditure of more than $2 million
f. the approval of final policy
g. deciding significant matters for which there is high public interest and which are controversial
Chairperson: Appointed from the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee
Deputy Chairperson: Appointed from the Waitemata Local Board
Members: 2 other members from the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee 2 other members from the Waitemata Local Board
Ex officio: Mayor
IMSB appointees (s 85 (1)): Two appointees
Quorum: Half or majority
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly or as required but at least annually
Auckland Domain Committee 30 March 2016 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Petitions 5
5 Public Input 5
6 Local Board Input 5
7 Extraordinary Business 6
8 Notices of Motion 6
9 Auckland Domain Event Guidelines 7
10 Park Managers Report 33
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
An apology from Chairperson CE Fletcher has been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 10 February 2016, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
4 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
5 Public Input
Standing Order 7.7 provides for Public Input. Applications to speak must be made to the Democracy Advisor, in writing, no later than one (1) clear working day prior to the meeting and must include the subject matter. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders. A maximum of thirty (30) minutes is allocated to the period for public input with five (5) minutes speaking time for each speaker.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public input had been received.
6 Local Board Input
Standing Order 6.2 provides for Local Board Input. The Chairperson (or nominee of that Chairperson) is entitled to speak for up to five (5) minutes during this time. The Chairperson of the Local Board (or nominee of that Chairperson) shall wherever practical, give one (1) day’s notice of their wish to speak. The meeting Chairperson has the discretion to decline any application that does not meet the requirements of Standing Orders.
This right is in addition to the right under Standing Order 6.1 to speak to matters on the agenda.
At the close of the agenda no requests for local board input had been received.
7 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
8 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Auckland Domain Committee 30 March 2016 |
Auckland Domain Event Guidelines
File No.: CP2016/02352
1. To adopt the Auckland Domain Event Operational Guidelines.
Executive Summary
2. An initial report on the need for operational guidelines to assist in the assessment of events in the Auckland Domain was considered by the Committee in August 2015. This outlined the significant demand for the Domain to cater for larger scale events and the complex array of statutory and policy documents that do not necessary offer a unified approach to event management.
3. The draft guidelines were then considered by the Committee in a workshop in December 2015 and have been amended to reflect the Committee’s feedback, refer to Attachment A. It is proposed that these be tested over the coming year and that these be further reported to the Committee in 2017.
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) adopt the Auckland Domain Event Operational Guidelines, as per Attachment A. b) confirm that the Auckland Domain Event Operational Guidelines be reviewed in one year’s time to assess their effectiveness. |
4. A report to the Committee in August 2015 outlined the need for operational guidelines to assist in the assessment of events in the Auckland Domain. This noted the Domain is currently in demand for a range of events due to its central location, large capacity, easy access from public transport, limited adjacent residents and good hospitality offerings.
5. The ability to cater for events is however restricted by:
· The operative District Plan which only permits three large-scale events during the summer season from 2 October to 31 April, though further events can seek consent.
· The significant heritage and cultural values of the site, including numerous archaeological sites and scheduled and protected trees.
· The high demand for the sports fields. The park has 19 artificial wickets making it the largest and most used cricket ground in Auckland during the summer season. This use is recognized in the Auckland Domain Act 1987 as a cornerstone and traditional activity on Auckland Domain.
6. As identified in the earlier report to the Committee there are a range of statutory and policy documents that guide the management of the Domain. These include: the Auckland Domain Act 1987, the Auckland Domain Management Plan 1993, the Auckland City District Plan Isthmus section, the Proposed Unitary Plan (PAUP) and the Trading and Events in Public Places Bylaw 2014. An outline of these is included in the Appendix 1 of the guideline.
7. On review of these documents there is not a unified approach to events in the Domain. The Auckland Domain Act is the overarching document and this applies restrictions to events being held on the cricket ground only; recognising the significance of these to organised sport. The District Plan and the PAUP have placed limits on the number of events in the whole of the Domain.
8. It appears that the original restriction on the cricket ground (with events of no more than 7 days duration and no more than 20 days in a year) may have been translated over time to become a restriction of three events for the entire park. Or this may have resulted from the historic three large events that did take place in the Domain being Christmas in the Park, Opera in the Park and Symphony under the Stars. Some years ago Auckland City Council allocated the three large-scale events through a public tender process.
9. The guidelines recognise the Act’s requirement to restrict event use of the cricket ground, being the use of all fields. This would apply to events such as Christmas in the Park. It is also recognised that the future upgrade of the lower fields from soil fields to sand fields scheduled in 2019 will make these more vulnerable to event use, but that the upper fields will remain more resilient for events.
10. The guidelines also endeavour to protect the significant heritage values and features. There are numerous archaeological sites recorded in the Domain which includes historic buildings, monuments, gardens, midden, terraces and a number of heritage trees. The operative District Plan identifies the whole of the Domain as an Archaeological and Geological Feature. The PAUP heritage layers also show the whole of the Domain is considered a Historic Heritage site.
11. In particular there are two zones identified as No Event Zones, which includes Pukekaroa Pa. There is also a special Civic Events zone taking in the museum surrounds noting any event activity in this area needs to take into account an appreciation of the museum being a war memorial. This area includes the space were the new World War One Centenary Memorial will be developed.
12. Since the guidelines were work-shopped with the committee two further zones have been included in the guidelines. As the Kari St nursery site is going to be reinstated as parkland and brought back into the Domain it is proposed, due to the modified nature of the site and large areas of hard stand, that it be recognised as an active recreational area. This would include use for events.
13. It is recognised that significant works will be required to activate the Kari Street “Active Zone” and planning work for this is underway. Aside from its daily use as parkland, it is anticipated the site could, in the future, cater for events with up to 20,000 attendees or be utilised as a support base for events being held in other more sensitive areas of the Domain.
14. Two “No Infrastructure Zones” in the vicinity of Domain Drive, where there are significant and vulnerable trees, have also been added. Consideration of this followed the recent Lantern Festival which was a very well-attended event. These zones have been added to recognise the greater level of protection required for these particular areas.
15. Further amendments to the guideline resulting from feedback on the Lantern Festival event included the need to recognise the multiple entry points into the Domain, planning for the movement of people through the Domain and recognising the wider logistical footprint of large-scale events.
16. As a result of feedback from the committee at the 2015 workshop the guidelines now also include a greater explanation around the influencing factors that determine whether an event is considered large-scale. Greater clarity has been provided on the Domain Act’s requirements around events on the cricket ground and rationale for the No Event Zones has been added.
Local Board views and implications
17. The Auckland Domain Committee has three representatives of the Waitemata Local Board. At the time of writing this report the updated draft guidelines have been sent to the whole of the Waitemata Local Board for their information and feedback. Any comment/feedback will be presented at the meeting.
Māori impact statement
18. Auckland Domain is considered of great importance to many iwi in the region and beyond. The Auckland Domain is a historic site of conflict and peace. The memorial on Pukekaroa and the displays and interpretation managed by the Auckland War Memorial Museum pay tribute to significant events and the importance of the site to iwi.
19. The Auckland Domain Master Plan has recognised a key pressure on the Domain is from events. Mana whenua consultation on the master plan has included four hui and a site visit and staff have also worked with mana whenua to identify how Te Aranga, Māori Design Principles, can be incorporated throughout the master plan.
20. Consultation with mana whenua will be ongoing as part of the development and implementation of the master plan. Specific engagement over the event guidelines is currently being undertaken and feedback from mana whenua will be provided at the meeting.
21. It is anticipated that consultation will be undertaken with mana whenua on specific event applications and this is noted in the guideline.
22. Once this guideline is adopted by the committee this will be utilised in the assessment of any future applications for large-scale events and be brought to the committee for approval.
23. It is proposed that the guideline be implemented over the coming year, after which time these be assessed for their effectiveness. This would include a review any feedback from the Auckland Domain Committee, the Waitemata Local Board, the Parks and Event teams, permanent users of the Domain and the wider public. It will also enable an update to reflect the further planning and development in the Kari St Active Event Zone.
No. |
Title |
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aView |
Draft Auckland Domain Event Operational Guidelines |
11 |
Authors |
Annette Campion - Policy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation |
30 March 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/05305
1. To provide an update for the Auckland Domain Committee on activities associated with the management of Auckland Domain since the last report on 14 October 2015.
Executive Summary
2. Over the last five months the main highlights or significant activities occurring in Auckland Domain were:
a) Auckland Domain Master Plan. This attracted a high level of public interest during the active public consultation period (February 2016). As a result public consultation has been extended to 24 March. Feedback will be analysed and presented to the Auckland Domain Committee in early June.
b) A WWI Memorial. A decision has been made, by the Governing Body, to appoint Wraight Athfield Landscape and Architecture, in conjunction with Auckland artist Ross Hemera. They have been asked to develop their concept Te Takuahi – the Hearth. This is a concept that will be on the central axis of Auckland War Memorial Museum at the bottom of the “close” or grass area to the north of the Museum and adjacent to Domain Drive.
c) Major Events. Lantern made Auckland Domain its home in February 2016 for the first time. It was an enormously popular event providing plenty of challenges for event managers, parks staff and stakeholders but it was generally well received. In addition eight other notable events or event programmes occurred in Auckland Domain and are detailed in this report.
That the Auckland Domain Committee: a) receive the Park Managers report.
Auckland Domain Master Plan
3. Over the course of February consultation on the Master Plan was widely publicized. There was also an open day and display over the three days of the Lantern Festival. In response to public requests and in consultation with the Chair of the Auckland Domain Committee the public consultation period was extended to 24 March. This coincides with consultation over the Auckland Council Annual Plan which is helpful as some submitters to the Annual Plan cross-referenced the Domain Masterplan.
4. An active social media campaign to promote the master plan and encourage public input has also been conducted. This has been well received (based on the level of engagement we’ve been able to track through Facebook). The video’s developed for the social media campaign can all be found on You Tube and at the following links:
· About the trees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPfFQDRHIy4
· About cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwEtIzx6poA
· About Parnell Station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeDb-oSevv8
· About the cycleways: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hagK6psSjgc
· About the fields &amenities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeb87KsR8cM
· About the play spaces: https://youtu.be/4H_o1YtrP80
· Te Reo version - about the play spaces: https://youtu.be/Xdj2oS_yrrU
5. Feedback on the Masterplan will be reported to a workshop in early June.
WWI Memorial
6. A decision on the development of a commemorative and contemplative memorial on the centenary of WWI was made by the Governing Body in February. New Zealand firm Wraight Athfield Landscape and Architecture, in conjunction with Auckland artist Ross Hemera, have been invited to develop their concept Te Takuahi – the Hearth. This is a concept that will be on the central axis of Auckland War Memorial Museum at the bottom of the “close” or grass area to the north of the Museum and adjacent to Domain Drive.
7. This was a recommendation of the World War One Commemoration Political Steering Group.
8. The chosen design is an open and simple concept which maintains the sanctity and open space character of the “close” or grass area in front of the Museum; something which public feedback indicated was very important
9. The decision of the Governing Body included a request to refine the design and explore the option of a suitable and subtle way of connecting the new memorial with the Auckland War Memorial Museum while being careful to protect and retain the open grass area in front of the cenotaph.
10. The World War One Commemoration Political Steering Group and working party will continue to oversee this developed design and keep the Auckland Domain Committee informed of progress.
11. The proposal is currently subject of a funding application with Lotteries NZ and it is proposed that it will be constructed in time for the conclusion of the centenary in 2018.
12. Wraight Athfield have previously delivered large civic projects such as the Pukeahu National War Memorial Park in Wellington, the New Zealand Memorial in London’s Hyde Park and the Cenotaph Square upgrade in Wellington’s Parliamentary precinct, as well as Queenstown Post Office and Christchurch Civic Building projects for Ngai Tahu.
13. The Auckland Lantern Festival was held in the Auckland Domain for the first time from 18- 21 February 2016.
14. The logistics of such a large event were significant. This included managing the placement of containers (3m away from the sports fields along the edge of Football Rd), fencing off all artificial cricket wickets, pruning and mulching a large number of trees, putting a hold on renewal works and closing roads. Sub football bookings were able to continue with only minor changes to line marking. Due to the rain throughout the pack in period no vehicles movements where allowed on the sports fields until the grounds had dried on Saturday morning.
15. While verified attendance numbers will not be available until the post-event research is complete in the next few weeks, the festival project team and sponsors’ observations and opinions were that this was the biggest Lantern Festival they have experienced. These increased numbers had an impact on the park and the surrounding streets.
16. Overall the move to the new location was well-received by the majority of festival-goers, however, ATEED acknowledges that moving to the new location revealed some challenges, which it will work to address in its planning for next year’s festival.
17. As part of ATEED’s standard debrief process, feedback is being sought from all key stakeholders (including Parks, Auckland War Memorial Museum and Auckland Hospital) and delivery partners to inform planning for future events.
18. This planning will include working closely with operational partners like Parks and Auckland Transport to address challenges like access, egress and increased traffic congestion around the Auckland Domain.
Lantern Festival 2016
19. ATEED has also supported two other major events in the Auckland Domain: the ASB Classic ‘Baseline Expansion’, which saw the tennis centre expand hospitality areas into the park to enhance the visitor experience, and the Red Bull Trolley Grand Prix, down Lower Domain Drive.
20. Both of these events went well with minimal impact on the park.
21. 24 events are being facilitated by Council’s Arts Culture and Events (ACE) team in the Auckland Domain from November 2015 to November 2016.
22. Apart from the normal weddings and small scale activations the following significant events occurred over the summer months:
· Cocacola Christmas in the Park
· WANA in the park
· Jazz in the Band Rotunda as part of the Regional Music in Parks Programme (x8)
· Music in Parks – Wintergardens
· Carabose, Auckland Arts Festival 2016
23. The events were largely successful and well attended although there is some learnings from all events that will be fed into the management of future event applications.
Cocacola Christmas in the Park
Carabouse, Auckland Arts Festival 2016
WANA in the Park
Gardens capture the imagination
24. Starting in November 2015, Our Auckland has featured a Flower of the Month from the Wintergardens. This initiative follows on from the enormous interest the public showed in Amorphophallus titanum (titan arum) or corpse flower and the subsequent establishment of a facebook page for the Wintergardens which now has 3880 followers.
25. The first flower featured, in November, was that of the Epiphyllum cacti:
Accompanying this image was a brief history and description:
“The Wintergarden grows hybrids descended from species native to the humid jungles of Mexico and Central and South America.
Being an epiphyte they grow in the sides and forks of trees in the canopy of the rainforest and survive by taking a lot of their moisture and nutrients from the air.
Perfect for growing in baskets, their stunning flowers emerge in spring, opening in the evenings and lasting for a few days.”
26. Most recently, in March, Our Auckland, featured a “Host of Hostas at the Wintergarden”:
This lovely image was accompanied by this brief description:
“This pure white flower, a member of the Lily family, provides a cool visual contrast to the vibrant colours on display in the temperate house at the Auckland Domain Wintergarden this week.
Hostas, also known as plantain lilies, are summer-blooming perennials that originated in South East Asia and are now among the most popular shade-loving plants in Europe, the USA and Australasia. Hardy and easy to care for, they are highly prized for their lush foliage.”
27. As a demonstration of the level of public engagement in the Domain Gardens, staff put a call out to friends via the Wintergardens Facebook page last November asking if anyone could take a surplus of Monarch caterpillars on the Domain swan plants. With 233 shares of this post the staff were overwhelmed with responses. The caterpillars were rehoused in private homes and kindergartens.
![]() |
28. The Planthunter is an online magazine “devoted to celebrating plants and the varied ways humans interact with them. Plants have been inspiring, feeding, sustaining and soothing humans for aeons. The Planthunter documents and celebrates these connections.” (extract from the website). The magazine has a variety of contributers from around the world and is based in Australia. Their March 2016 issue featured a lovely article on the history and joys of the Fernery. An extract from the article is below:
“You’ll find a pair of glasshouses in Auckland Domain’s Wintergarden: one is temperate, filled with an ever-changing display of colourful, cottage flowers; the other is hot and humid, harbouring a permanent display of alien exotica. Between them is an open-air courtyard with a sunken pool, a place to sit, face raised to the sun, and listen to the meditative mutterings of gentle fountains. Inside/outside, lush/spare, temperate/tropical, the array of contrasts ignites the senses like degustation. It is clear that the ploy of juxtaposition has been used by the designers – and to very good effect. But so far they’ve just been teasing.
At the rear of the courtyard, in the centre of an apsidal-curved wall, underplayed and coy, is the entrance to the fourth garden in the complex, the fernery, and it is here at this touching point that two very different worlds collide, where solid, constant light meets dappled, moving light, warmth meets cool, and rigour meets looseness.
Being in the fernery is a multi-sensory experience, as the best gardens always are. The clean, earthy odour of leaf mould subtly pervades the space and sylvan whispers fill the air as arching fronds dance in the breeze, choreographing shadows.”
29. The full article can be found here: http://theplanthunter.com.au/gardens/fern-mania-in-auckland/.
30. From time to time the maintenance team at the Auckland Domain are asked to show people around the Domain. One such visit to the Nursery, by a group of home schooled students and their parents, occurred at the end of last year. Nick Lloyd, from the Winter Gardens maintenance team, showed the group around and received some really positive feedback:
“All together there were four adults, and eight children, ranging in age from 2 - 8 years old... Nick was very accommodating of the various needs of children… It was fascinating seeing the historical buildings still standing, and in use, some of the children were especially impressed by seeing the cotton plant, the allspice plant, and the wide range of carnivorous plants… This visit has enhanced our understanding of what's involved in creating some of the spaces we enjoy, and seeing real people doing real jobs. Even though it is a working nursery, and there were health and safety factors to keep in mind, it was still a welcoming and friendly place to visit.”
Homeless in Auckland Domain
31. Like many of Auckland’s Parks, Auckland Domain is sometimes used as refuge by Auckland’s homeless.
32. In general Auckland Council works closely with the Auckland City Mission, bylaw enforcement and the NZ Police in monitoring and managing homeless peoples’ use of public places in Auckland. The risk or issues that arise from homeless use of parks are fire (cooking), poor behaviour, permanent infrastructure (camping), rubbish and the perception or concern from neighbours.
33. Late last year in Auckland Domain a number of homeless camps were observed and staff were concerned about the levels of rubbish, damage to the bush and risk of fire. In November parks staff, NZ Police and our bylaws team undertook a review.
34. The review uncovered two people sleeping outside the grandstand, five camps with people in, five either recently abandoned or just vacant camp sites, three campsites where fires had been used to cook and lots of rubbish left dumped. Some photos from this review are below.
35. By law notices were issued to the campers and staff cleaned up the areas shown in the photos. Parks staff continue to monitor the situation.
A sample of what was found during the review of homeless sleeping in Auckland Domain
Reflection Pond
36. The reflection pool and bronze statuary in Auckland Domain behind the Nursery area (commonly referred to as Watson’s bequest) was unveiled in October 1955. This feature was funded by a bequest from Alexander Richard Dickey Watson, hence the informal name of the area. Since 1995 the reflection pond has deteriorated and several years ago it was tagged for renewal. The deterioration was mainly to the base of the reflection pond which had cracked and heaved to such an extent that the pond was no longer able to hold water. This movement was due to tree roots and ground movement.
37. This renewal project has been underway for some time but is now nearing completion. The detail/complexity of the project and the dependency on the weather has stretched this project out. At the time of writing the following work had been undertaken:
· The ornate tiling has been carefully removed and put in storage
· The upper perimeter wall has been rebuilt in concrete with the original bluestone edging being re-laid as a vineer (previously it was just the bluestone haunched with concrete which also leaked)
· A new concrete floor has been laid
· The concrete outer wall and lower and upper ponds have been waterproofed with a multi-layer epoxy waterproofing membrane applied.
38. In order to recruit more animal pest control volunteers for the Auckland Domain a special one-off training session was carried out in November 2015. In addition, one of the two training sessions usually held in February of each year was held in the park. These efforts resulted in enough new recruits to service an additional two pest control lines in the park, taking the total number of lines to four. Contractors installed the new lines in late February in readiness for the resumption of trapping this month. As well as engaging more volunteers, additional trap lines should help to reduce the high numbers of possums in particular that inhabit the Domain.
Volunteer pest control training session held in February in Auckland Domain
39. Auckland Domain sports fields have an ongoing challenge with surface water and compaction. The volcanic subsoil base with a silt and/or clay cap lacks the organic matter and humus content of topsoil and the fields are heavily compacted. The sports fields were therefore mole ploughed before summer to fracture and crack the soil/clay in order to improve the capacity of the soil to transmit water.
40. A flyer was sent out to all sportsfield users regarding the misuse of sportsfields (contributing to the compaction problems):
“There are increasing concerns about the parking of vehicles on the Auckland Domain during sporting events. Vehicles can cause damage to the grassed areas as well as being a danger to pedestrian users of the Domain.“
The brochure asked people to park in a designated carpark you risk being fined or towed.
41. In addition to the mulching that occurred last winter and again as part of the Lantern Festival preparation, a team from Conservation Volunteers New Zealand will undertake the mulching of a stand of totara trees just north of the grandstand in May. The planting of these totara around the mid-1860s was one of the first native parks planting in Auckland.
42. The birdlife at Auckland Domain is an important part of the park and staff keep a close eye on the wellbeing of birds as part of their day to day stewardship role. The following brief story demonstrates the level of care and attention paid.
43. Auckland Domain is home to the Pūtangitangi / Paradise shelduck (NZ native). The oldest Paradise shelduck recorded in the Domain is 23 years old. They are generally known to pair up for life. The duck pictured below, and her partner, have lived in the Domain for approximately seven years. However about six months ago parks staff noticed she was alone and they have not seen her partner since. Every day she waits alone in the Domain for him to return. Parks staff have been in touch with bird rescue who advise that all we can do is leave her where she is and if bird rescue get a male Paradise shelduck they will bring him to the Domain to see if they pair up.
Female Pūtangitangi / Paradise shelduck (NZ native) at Auckland Domain
Local Board views and implications
44. Auckland Domain is the only example of a park in the Auckland Region that is subject to split governance. Three members of the Waitematā Local Board are on the Auckland Domain Committee and effectively represent the views of the local board. However all of the Waitematā Local Board are highly engaged in Auckland Domain and will be informed of significant projects, opportunities, events and issues as they arise.
Māori impact statement
45. Auckland Domain is a site of significance for a range of iwi in the region. Staff work with iwi on significant activities, changes and proposed projects as they arise.
46. This reports details the day to day management of Auckland Domain including some elements of implementation of the planning, renewal and development work programme.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Jane Aickin - Paeurungi Te Waka Tai-ranga-whenua |
Authorisers |
Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation |