I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Wednesday, 30 March 2016


Auckland Town Hall
Ground Floor
301-305 Queen Street


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel









Dave Tomu


Deputy Chairperson

Anita Keestra



Asoka Basnayake



Naoe Hashimoto



Yee Yang 'Square' Lee



Angela Lim



Wong Liu Shueng



Christian Dee Yao


Liaison Councillor

Councillor Denise Krum



(Quorum 5 members)




Bree Kurtovich

Democracy Advisor


23 March 2016


Contact Telephone: 021 159 710

Email: bree.kurtovich@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz








The Terms of Reference set out the purpose, role and protocols of the Panel. 


Panel members will also be expected to abide by the Code of Conduct for members of Auckland Council advisory panels.





The purpose of the panels is to provide strategic advice to the Council on issues of significance to their communities and to advise on effective engagement by Council with those communities.





The Panel will provide advice through an agreed annual work programme, integrated wherever possible, with other panels and approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.



Annual work programme


The Council will advise the Panel of the areas of strategy, policy and plan development that are likely to require comment or advice from the Panel during the course of the year. The work programme should also provide scope for the Panel to respond to issues and concerns arising from its communities and to develop its own priorities.


As resources allow, budget is available for the Panel to support activities that clearly contribute to the agreed work programme but the Panel may not access external resources for activities or events, except with the agreement of Council





Panel advice will contribute to Council decision-making, but panels will not make formal submissions on Council strategies, polices and plans, for example, the Long Term Plan.

In their advisory role to the Council, Panels may have input to submissions made by the Council to external organisations but do not make independent submissions, except as agreed with Council.


This does not prevent individual members being party to submissions outside their role as Panel members.


* The above information is a summary of the 2014 Terms of Reference document and is based on the Governing Body decisions of 19 December 2013




Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

4          Extraordinary Business                                                                                                5

5          World Masters Games 2017                                                                                          7

6          Sports Facilities Investment Plan and Golf Facilities Investment Plan - Discussion Documents                                                                                                                   11

7          Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021                                                                                                                                       47

8          Communications and Media Support                                                                     117

9          Information items                                                                                                       119

10        Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: work programme update March 2016             137 

11        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 17 February 2016, as a true and correct record.



4          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



World Masters Games 2017


File No.: CP2016/05169



1.       To seek the Panel’s advice on how to better engage with the Ethnic Community with participation in the World Masters Games 2017.

Executive Summary

2.       World Masters Games 2017 (WMG2017) will be held throughout the Auckland and Waikato regions between 21 and 30 April 2017. 25,000 athletes from over 100 different countries will compete in 28 sports, featuring 45 disciplines, across some 45 venues.

3.       The World Masters Games is the largest participant based, multi-sport event in the world. In terms of athlete numbers, it is bigger in scale than even the Olympics. The World Masters Games is a unique event that is underpinned by a sport-for-all philosophy. Governed by the International Masters Games Association, the event is held every four years and is open to sports people of all abilities, with the minimum age limit set by each sporting discipline. Toronto staged the first World Masters Games in 1985. Since then, World Masters Games have also taken place in Denmark (1989), Brisbane (1994), Portland, Oregon (1998), Melbourne (2002), Edmonton (2005), Sydney (2009) and Torino, Italy (2013).

4.       WMG2017 will offer the largest ever Para-Sport programme as part of a World Masters Games event. The following 11 Para-Sports will be available in the sports programme: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Canoe, Cycling, Lawn Bowls, Rowing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis and Triathlon. Events in each sport have been identified in conjunction with each sport delivery partner.

5.       Jennah Wootten, Chief Executive of World Masters Games 2017, will seek advice from the Panel on how to better engage with older people regarding participation in this event.



That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the presentation. 

b)      provide advice and feedback to Jennah Wootten Chief Executive and Tim Downson, General Manager Ceremonies and Events, World Masters Games 2017.







20160330, Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel, World Masters Games 2017, Briefing Paper





Jenna Wootten - Chief Executive, World Masters Games 2017

Tim Dowson - General Manager Ceremonies and Events, World Masters Games 2017


Bernard Te Paa - Pae Urungi Tuhono - Manager Maori Outcomes


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Sports Facilities Investment Plan and Golf Facilities Investment Plan - Discussion Documents


File No.: CP2016/05098



1.       To provide copies of the discussion documents for the Sports Facilities Investment Plan and the Golf Facilities Investment Plan and seek feedback on these documents.

Executive Summary

Sports Facilities Investment Plan – Discussion Document

2.       One of the key functions of Auckland Council is to undertake long-term planning for the provision of services and facilities to meet the demands of a changing population.

3.       The attached Sports Facilities Investment Plan – Discussion Document has been prepared for engagement with stakeholders to explore investment possibilities and to develop a robust investment framework to inform future funding decisions.

4.       The key challenge addressed in the discussion document is to find a way to effectively respond to increasing demand for sports facilities over the next 20 years in the face of growing financial and land supply constraints. Delivering a return on investment in terms of physical activity, community and social as well as economic outcomes is also fundamental.

5.       At its 30 March meeting, the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel will be invited to share its views and experience on any access, supply and demand issues currently faced by various ethnic groups. Auckland Council would also like feedback on investment options to increase sport participation across ethnic groups.

6.       Initial feedback from the meeting will be recorded. Additional written feedback from the panel on the discussion document would be gratefully received. The feedback process closes on 21 April 2015.  All feedback received will be considered before drafting the Sports Facilities Investment Plan, which will set out Auckland Council’s investment framework and priorities for sports facilities.

Golf Facilities Investment Plan – Discussion Document

7.       A Golf Facilities Investment Plan – Discussion Document has also been prepared. Its primary focus is to review the performance of the council’s investment in golf against expectations. Auckland Council will use the discussion document to engage with stakeholders and to gain a detailed understanding of the performance of its investments.

8.       Auckland Council would like to hear the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel’s views and experience about golf facilities across Auckland and record any suggestions it has regarding council’s golf investment as it relates to various ethnic groups.



That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      provide initial feedback on the two discussion documents during the meeting, particularly regarding investment options to increase sport participation and suggestions for Auckland Council’s golf investment.








Sports Facilities Investment Plan - Discussion Document



Golf Facilities Investment Plan - Discussion Document





Nancy Chu - Policy Analyst


Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy

Bernard Te Paa - Pae Urungi Tuhono - Manager Maori Outcomes


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021


File No.: CP2016/01867



1.       To seek feedback from the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel as experts, and members of their community, on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021.

Executive Summary

2.    Auckland Council is required under the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act (2002) to develop and review the direction for civil defence and emergency activities within Auckland through a five yearly review of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan. The current CDEM Group Plan for Auckland is due to expire in June 2016.

3.    A draft Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan 2016-2021 (draft Group Plan) has been developed for consultation (a copy is appended as Attachment A). The draft Group Plan is primarily centered on community empowerment and resilience across all environments (social, economic, environmental and infrastructure). 

4.    This report asks the panel to provide feedback on the draft Group Plan.



That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      provide feedback on the draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021.


5.    The Auckland CDEM Group is a statutory committee of Auckland Council as required under section 12 of the CDEM Act. The CDEM Group has overall responsibility for the provision of CDEM within Auckland. It comprises five elected members of the Auckland Council and a number of co-opted observers from CDEM agencies invited by the committee to attend.

6.    The CDEM Group has delegated authority to develop, approve, implement, and monitor the CDEM Group Plan. The purpose of the Group Plan is to enable the effective, efficient and coordinated delivery of CDEM across Auckland while building a resilient Auckland with our communities. All CDEM groups are required every five years to consult on the development of group plans under the CDEM Act (2002). The current Group Plan for Auckland expires at the end of 2016.

7.    The draft Group Plan has been developed as a framework for action which will form the basis for more detailed business planning and development of civil defence and emergency management work programmes. The key framework areas for consultation are:

·   Knowledge through education

·   Volunteer participation

·   Emergency Management planning

·   Business and organisational resilience

·   Strong partnerships

·   Response capability and capacity

·   Information and communications technologies

·   Build Back better

·   A safe city

·   Research

·   Building resilient communities

8.       Like the rest of the populace, all aspects of life for ethnic peoples are affected in an emergency. However we recognise that we need to consider appropriate forms of personal and community preparedness and public education, immediate emergency response capability, long term recovery planning for ethnic peoples, during and after an emergency in Auckland.

9.       It is noted that for some ethnic communities, there may be communication barriers during an emergency if English is not a first language, or the primary language of communication.  Receiving or accessing information may also be difficult for some people if they have limited access to media such as radio, television, or the internet.

10.     Feedback from the panel at a workshop prior to the development of the draft Group Plan focused on how to support international students, particularly as they were unlikely to have physical or familial connections in New Zealand. (This feedback was also provided by the Youth Advisory Panel). As ethnic communities are spread throughout Auckland, the panel noted the importance of planning at a neighbourhood, and location, level. The Youth Advisory Panel also suggested that educating community leaders, and in schools, would provide a mechanism for communicating the role of CDEM, and what to do in an emergency situation, to ethnic communities.

11.     Public consultation timelines on the draft Group Plan is from 15 February to 18 April 2016 with significant consultation as part of the Have your Say annual plan events. The final Group Plan is due to be formally adopted by the CDEM Committee in August 2016.


Local Board views and implications

12.  Local board portfolio holders have been briefed on issues relevant to the draft Group Plan and, on their recommendation, workshops were held with 20 of the local boards in October 2015.  The results of these workshops helped formulate relevant sections of the draft Group Plan. 

13.  Local board views on the draft Group Plan will be sought in February and March 2016 through a report on their business meeting agendas. Subject to consultation, the Group Plan indicates a wider role for local boards in emergency management.

Māori impact statement

14.  Māori will have the opportunity to submit on the draft Group Plan during the statutory consultation phase.

15.  In addition, the CDEM department is developing a Māori Responsiveness Plan to support a more proactive approach to engaging iwi and mataawaka in emergency management planning.


16.  The draft Group Plan is to be adopted by the CDEM Committee in August 2016.  The Group Plan is also provided to the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management for review.






Draft Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021



Process for development of draft Group Plan





Janice Miller - Manager Logistics


John Dragicevich - Director Civil Defence and Emergency Management

Bernard Te Paa - Pae Urungi Tuhono - Manager Maori Outcomes


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Communications and Media Support


File No.: CP2016/04707



1.       To provide a brief update on the communications and media support for the Ethnic People’s Advisory Panel.

Executive Summary

2.       Mike George, Senior Communications Advisor, will provide a brief update.



That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the introduction from Mike George, Auckland Council Communications Advisor, and accept communications and media support for the Ethnic People’s Advisory Panel




There are no attachments for this report.     



Teresa Burnett - Manager Corporate Communication


Bernard Te Paa - Pae Urungi Tuhono - Manager Maori Outcomes


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Information items


File No.: CP2016/04706




1.   The Chair will give a verbal update on any items of interest, and will invite members to give brief updates on matters of relevant significance to the panel’s work.

2.   The Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel had previously asked whether a workshop should be held to up-skill panel members on Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi. The Chair will ask for an update from the Bernard Te Paa, Lead Officer Support.

3.   Bernard Te Paa, Lead Officer Support, will provide a brief update on the Annual Plan process.

4.   The Summit Working Group will provide a brief update.



That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the information.







20160330, Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel, Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi presentation.





Suad Allie - Democracy Advisor


Bernard Te Paa - Pae Urungi Tuhono - Manager Maori Outcomes


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: work programme update March 2016


File No.: CP2016/04928



1.       To note updates on the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel’s work programme.

Executive summary

2.       This report includes an update on the panel’s work programme and the advice provided to the council.



That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)      note the panel’s work programme updates.  


3.       Staff will discuss work programme priority, and community-summit related progress.







Work programme 2015/2016 for Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel - Advice and Feedback Schedule March 2016





Austin Kim - Principal Advisor Panels


Bernard Te Paa - Pae Urungi Tuhono - Manager Maori Outcomes


Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016



Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel

30 March 2016