Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Boardroom, Auckland Town Hall, Ground Floor, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 at 6.03pm.
Deputy Chairperson |
Anita Keestra, Presiding |
Members |
Asoka Basnayake |
From 6.09pm, item 5. |
Naoe Hashimoto |
From 6.25pm, item 5. |
Yee Yang 'Square' Lee |
Angela Lim |
Until 8.09pm, item 8. |
Mabel Msopero |
Pratima Nand |
Christian Dee Yao |
From 6.08pm, item 5. |
Liaison Councillor |
Councillor Denise Krum |
Chairperson |
Dave Tomu |
Wong Liu Shueng |
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 30 March 2016 |
Resolution number ETH/2016/6 MOVED by Member P Nand, seconded by Member Y Lee: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) accept the apology from Chairperson Dave Tomu for absence and Asoka Basnayake for lateness. |
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number ETH/2016/7 MOVED by Member Y Lee, seconded by Member M Msopero: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 17 February 2016, as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
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Member C Dee Yao entered the meeting at 6.08 pm. Member A Basnayake entered the meeting at 6.09 pm. Member N Hashimoto entered the meeting at 6.25 pm. |
Tim Downson, General Manager Ceremonies and Events of World Masters Games 2017 presented to the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel regarding the World Masters Games 2017. A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number ETH/2016/8 MOVED by Member A Lim, seconded by Member Y Lee : That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the presentation b) provide advice and feedback to Tim Downson, General Manager Ceremonies and Events, World Masters Games 2017. |
a 30 March 2016, Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel, World Masters Games 2017, Presentation |
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Sports Facilities Investment Plan and Golf Facilities Investment Plan - Discussion Documents |
Paul Marriott-Lloyd, Team Leader Parks & Recreation Policy spoke to the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel regarding the Sports Facilities Investment Plan and Golf Facilities Investment Plan - Discussion Documents. |
Resolution number ETH/2016/9 MOVED by Member C Yao, seconded by Member M Msopero: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank Paul Marriott-Lloyd for his attendance b) provide initial feedback on the two discussion documents during the meeting, particularly regarding investment options to increase sport participation and suggestions for Auckland Council’s golf investment. |
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Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021 |
Kiri Maxwell, Senior Advisor Readiness, Civil Defence and Emergency Management spoke to the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel regarding Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021. Submissions to Shape Auckland were sought from Panel members and their networks. |
Resolution number ETH/2016/10 MOVED by Member N Hashimoto, seconded by Member A Basnayake: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank Kiri Maxwell for her attendance b)provide feedback on the draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021. |
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Member A Lim left the meeting at 8.06 pm. |
Mike George, Auckland Council Communications Advisor, spoke to the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel regarding Communications and Media Support. The Panel also discussed its concerns in response to recent safety incidents in the international student community. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ETH/2016/11 MOVED by Member Y Lee, seconded by Member C Yao: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) thank Mike George for his attendance b) receive the update regarding ways he can provide communications and media support to the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel c) chair request that Lead Officer Support Bernard Te Paa and Deputy Lead Officer Support Abigael Vogt, facilitate the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel members engagement with the Mayor’s Office for the purpose of providing advice on the safety issues of international students d) request that Mike George support the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel to issue appropriate communications (e.g. media release) regarding the safety issues of international students, alongside other Council communications on this topic, and in alignment with Council’s advisory panel terms of reference. |
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Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi presentation was deferred to the next meeting. Member Y Lee provided a verbal update on the Summit Working Group. The panel members discussed considerations and options for panel activities in 2016, including actions leading up to the local body elections. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number ETH/2016/12 MOVED by Member N Hashimoto, seconded by Member A Basnayake: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) defer the Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi presentation to the next meeting b) receive the update from the Summit Working Group. |
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Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: work programme update March 2016 |
Austin Kim, Principal Advisor Panels provided the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel with an update for March 2016 on the panel’s work programme. This was the last meeting for Suad Allie as Democracy Advisor for the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel. Bree Kurtovich would support this panel going forward. Bernard Te Paa, Lead Officer Support advised that roles and responsibilities of panels leading up to the election will change, and that a process of information sharing will commence. |
Resolution number ETH/2016/13 MOVED by Member Y Lee , seconded by Member M Msopero: That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) note the panel’s work programme updates b) note a process of information sharing will commence for the next three meetings, commencing with basic guidelines for panel members leading into the election period. |
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.49 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.