Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Pukekohe Service Centre, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 22 March 2016 at 9.30am.
Chairperson |
Andrew Baker |
Deputy Chairperson |
Jill Naysmith |
Members |
Malcolm Bell |
Alan Cole |
Brendon Crompton |
Angela Fulljames |
Murray Kay |
Dr Lyn Murphy |
Member: |
Sarah Higgins |
Franklin Local Board 22 March 2016 |
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number FR/2016/31 MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: That the Franklin Local Board confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 23 February 2016, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
Resolution number FR/2016/32 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: That the Franklin Local Board accepts the request for leave of absence from Member Murray Kay. |
6 Acknowledgements
The board acknowledged the recent passing of Tahuna Minhinnick.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Dame Nganeko Minhinnick and George Flavell addressed the board in support of the proposed transfer of land adjacent to Lake Pokorua to Ngati te Ata Waiohua Inc. |
Resolution number FR/2016/33 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member LM Murphy: That the Franklin Local Board thanks Dame Nganeko Minhinnick and George Flavell for their attendance. |
9 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
Resolution number FR/2016/34 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: That the Franklin Local Board agree that Item 14 be accorded precedence at this time. |
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Gifting of Water Bore Assets at Karaka Sports Park to Auckland Council |
Resolution number FR/2016/35 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member M Bell: That the Franklin Local Board accepts the gifting of water bore assets and equipment from the Karaka Hall Rugby Bowling Playcentre Water Board at nil cost to Auckland Council. |
a Memorandum regarding operational funding |
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Land owner approval for relocation of garage on to Clarks Beach Golf Course |
The attachments referred to in the report on the agenda were omitted from the agenda and are attached to these minutes. |
Resolution number FR/2016/36 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Chairperson A Baker: That the Franklin Local Board grants landowner approval to the Clarks Beach Golf Club to locate a garage within their leased site (as shown on Attachments A & B of these minutes) at 100 Stevenson Road, Clarks Beach, subject to the requisite building and/or resource consents being in place. |
a Location Plan - Clarks Beach Golf Club b Site Plan - Clarks Beach Golf Club c Elevation plan - Clarks Beach Golf Club |
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Resolution number FR/2016/37 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member BS Crompton: a) That the Franklin Local Board recommends to the Finance and Performance Committee approval of the transfer of the land adjacent to Lake Pokorua, Pokorua Road, Kohekohe described as Lot 2 DP 171960 in the Waipipi Parish (as shown in Attachment A on page 15 of the agenda) to Te Ara Rangatū o te Iwi o Ngāti Te Ata Waiōhua Incorporated. b) That the Franklin Local Board requests staff report back on costs associated with addressing the issues of weeds on the block proposed for transferred to Ngāti Te Ata. c) That the Franklin Local Board request unitary plan staff work with Ngāti Te Ata in regard to the aspirations for Papakainga housing on the block of land. |
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Approval for development of surf life saving and community facility at Karioitahi |
Resolution number FR/2016/38 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member M Bell: a) That the Franklin Local Board recommends to the Parks, Recreation and Sport Committee that a portion of Karioitahi Gap Domain Recreation Reserve (approximately 1822m2 of Pt Allot 469 Waipipi Parish – as shown on Attachment A of the agenda) be reclassified from Recreation Reserve to Local Purpose (Surf Life Saving, Surf Education Accommodation, Kiosk and Community Buildings) Reserve subject to Section 61 of the Reserves Act 1977. b) That the Franklin Local Board agrees to meet the costs of surveying the land to be reclassified (approximately 1822m2 of Pt Allot 469 Waipipi Parish – as shown on Attachment A of the agenda) estimated at $7,000.00 from their 2015/16 Community Response Fund. c) That the Franklin Local Board approves public notification in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 of the intention to lease approximately 1822m2 of Karioitahi Gap Domain Recreation Reserve (685 Karioitahi Road) to Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated, for the construction and use of a new facility as outlined in Resource Consent R/LUC/2013/4552. d) That the Franklin Local Board grants an agreement to lease, subject to the result of the public notification process, to Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated for approximately 1822m2 of Karioitahi Gap Domain Recreation Reserve (685 Karioitahi Road) as indicated on the lease plan (Attachment B) for two years from 1 June 2016 with one renewal for a further term of one year if required. e) That the Franklin Local Board requires that the agreement to lease to Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated be subject to the following: i) Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated securing funding for the construction of the building prior to the commencement of construction works; ii) Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated providing evidence, to the satisfaction of council’s strategic funding advisor, of a sustainable ongoing operational budget to fund the facility into the future;
iii) the establishment of a project control group including club representatives and specialist council staff to oversee the detailed planning and construction phases; iv) Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated obtaining all regulatory consents required for the development of the facility; v) conditions to be supplied by the Manager Parks (South) to manage construction and reinstatement conditions to be complied with. f) That the Franklin Local Board nominates a hearings panel consisting of the board as a whole to consider any submissions received following the public notification process and make a decision. g) That the Franklin Local Board grants a community ground lease to Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Incorporated for approximately 1822m2 of Karioitahi Gap Domain Recreation Reserve (685 Karioitahi Road) as indicated on the lease plan (Attachment B) following the agreement to lease resolution d) being executed, and upon the successful completion of the building project and the issue of a building certificate of compliance subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term - 11 years from the date of building certificate of compliance with two 11-year right of renewals; ii) rent – $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded; iii) the lease to allow provision for sublease of part of the building to a community partner in the project if approved by council; iv) an approved community outcomes plan to be attached to the lease document; v) all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012. |
Resolution number FR/2016/39 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board agree that Items 21 and 22 be accorded precedence at this time. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/40 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member BS Crompton: a) That the Franklin Local Board approves the final design plan for the Pukekohe Skatepark at 21 Stadium Drive, Pukekohe as shown in Attachment A on pages 35-39 of the agenda, noting the project is to be delivered within the existing 2015/16 capital budget of $600,000. b) That the Franklin Local Board requests staff provide costs for: i) the relocation and upgrade of the exeloo toilets from Bledisloe Park to the skate park, ii) provision of new toilets at the skate park, and iii) bike parks. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/41 MOVED by Member MA Kay, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board makes the following amendments to the adopted parks work programme for 2015/16 as follows: i) transfers the $48,000 from the courts surface renewals programme to the carpark renewals programme. ii) transfers any balance that may remain within the structure renewals programme to the Tamakae Reserve foreshore renewals projects. iii) allocates $30,000 of the paving and hard surface renewals budget to improve drainage and provide new steps on the western side of the track in Clevedon scenic reserve. iv) allocates the balance of $76,000 from the paving and hard surface renewals budget to be used at Patumahoe Domain and Tamakae Reserve. |
Secretarial Note: The meeting adjourned at 10.18am and reconvened at 10.30am.
Resolution number FR/2016/42 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: That the Franklin Local Board agree that Items 23, 29 and 31-37 be accorded precedence at this time. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/43 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: a) That the Franklin Local Board approves the 2015/16 winter “Out And About” in Parks Programme (April-June 2016), as listed below:
b) That the Franklin Local Board notes that if there is any change to this programme it will be reported to the board for approval prior to the events being readvertised. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/44 MOVED by Member BS Crompton, seconded by Member A Cole: a) That the Franklin Local Board approves the 2015/16 Parks Volunteer work programme in Franklin, noting that some of this programme has already been delivered, as follows:
b) That the Franklin Local Board notes that if there is any change to this programme it will be reported to the board for approval prior to the events being advertised. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/45 MOVED by Member M Bell, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board approves the removal of the two Hollywood Juniper trees adjacent to the Whitford War Memorial Domain Pavillion, noting that the Whitford Residents and Ratepayers Association will plant replacement native trees within the domain upon consultation with, and approval by, Auckland Council Parks staff. |
Resolution number FR/2016/46 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board agree that Item 30 be accorded precedence at this time. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/47 MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Member A Cole: a) That the Franklin Local Board approves the grant of $5,000 from the 2015/16 community gardens budget to Rerenga Tahi Charitable Trust for Kayes Road Community Garden to secure a container and garden equipment for the Kayes Road garden in Pukekohe North. b) That the Franklin Local Board approves the grant of $5,000 from the 2015/16 community gardens budget to Franklin Tongan Community Association Trust for the Franklin Tongan Community Association to purchase irrigation equipment and water testing at the Belmont Road site in Pukekohe. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/48 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member MA Kay: That the Franklin Local Board notes that a second stage of the soil mapping project to have Landcare Research update S-map in Franklin, based on the Digital Soil Map, commenced in February 2016. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/49 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith, seconded by Member A Cole: a) That the Franklin Local Board notes resolution MHFJC/2016/5 of the Manukau Harbour Forum from the meeting held on 15 February 2016. b) That the Franklin Local Board endorses year three of the Manukau Harbour Forum’s 2014-2016 work programme as follows:
c) That the Franklin Local Board notes the reduced cost of $8,000 required from each of the 9 member local boards for delivery of the 2016/17 (Year 3) Manukau Harbour Forum work programme, which will be considered for allocation as part of the 2016/17 Annual Plan process. d) That the Franklin Local Board notes the recommendation regarding ongoing advocacy for hydrodynamic modelling of the Manukau Harbour. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/50 MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Member BS Crompton: That the Franklin Local Board approves funding of up to $500 from the 2015/16 Community Response Fund, towards an events forum proposed for April 2016. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/51 MOVED by Member BS Crompton, seconded by Member MA Kay: That the Franklin Local Board agrees to fund, part fund or decline the following applications:
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New Road Name Approval for a residential subdivision, naming two private ways off Isabella Drive |
Resolution number FR/2016/52 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road names ‘Rooseville Mews” and “Torrie Way”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new private ways created by way of subdivision at Isabella Drive, Pukekohe. |
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New Road Name Approval for a residential subdivision, naming one private way off Anzac Road, Pukekohe |
Resolution number FR/2016/53 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member BS Crompton: That the Franklin Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name “Braxonne Close” proposed by the Applicant for the new private way created by via subdivision at 140 Anzac Road, Pukekohe. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/54 MOVED by Member MA Kay, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: a) That the Franklin Local Board notes the updates in the ‘Auckland Transport Update – March 2016’ and the attached issues register. b) That the Franklin Local Board removes project 465 – Helvetia Road new footpath, Pukekohe, at a rough order of cost of $250,000 from the list of potential projects to be funded from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund and refers this project back to Auckland Transport for further consideration to implement utilising its regional budget for new footpaths, as the project is considered necessary infrastructure to support the new bus network in Pukekohe being implemented later this year. c) That the Franklin Local Board approves project 458 Second View Avenue, Beachlands – installation of new kerb and channel between Wakelin and Bell Roads (on both sides of the road) to progress implementation based on a firm cost estimate of $355,000 (refer to Attachment A of these minutes), to be funded from the Local Board Transport Capital fund. d) That the Franklin Local Board supports the proposed amendments by Auckland Transport to election sign sites in Franklin as follows: i) Site S-F7 at #137 Clarks Beach Road be moved to a location closer to Waiau Pa ii) Site S-F16 located in the south-western corner of the King Street and Queen Street intersection in Waiuku be removed as this intersection has been upgraded to a roundabout and there is now insufficient space for election signs to be erected within the road reserve. iii) Site S-F20 located on the north-eastern side of Paerata Road, Paerata, opposite #1040 to 1052 Paerata Road be relocated to outside #1048 to 1052 Paerata Road, as the intersection of Crown Road and Paerata Road was altered to create of a truck turnaround area and there is now insufficient space for election signs to be erected at the original locations (see Attachment C2). e) That the Franklin Local Board requests Auckland Transport evaluates for suitability the following further election sign sites in Waiuku: i) Constable Road, at Constable Road Reserve, on the left hand side just past the public car park. ii) Awhitu Road, at Lina Place Reserve. |
a Project 458 - Second View Avenue, Beachlands |
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Urgent Decision of the Franklin Local Board : Car park at Kitchener Road, Waiuku |
Resolution number FR/2016/55 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board notes the following urgent decision: Kitchener Road car park, Waiuku – Project 459 a) That the Franklin Local Board rescinds Resolution number FR/2015/1 (f) as set out below: f) That the Franklin Local Board amends project #459 Kitchener Road, Waiuku angle parking upgrade, as previously approved on 29 September 2015 under resolution FR2015/161 as follows: i) Layout as shown on Attachment 22D of the minutes, including removal of two trees and upgrade to 11 parking spaces. b) That the Franklin Local Board confirms the amendments to project #459 Kitchener Road, Waiuku angle parking upgrade as follows: i) Removal of two trees to enable the development of 11 angle car parks ii) Implementation of a battered slope to match the existing grade of the surrounding terrain, with wooden steps through up the middle of the slope iii) Notes the reduced cost of $24,443.37, compared to $44,772.67 for a timber retaining wall sand colour steel safety fence. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/56 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member BS Crompton: a) That the Franklin Local Board allocates funding from the 2015/16 community response fund to the following projects:
b) That the Franklin Local Board declines the request from the Sunset BMX Club to convert their loan to a grant including the allocation of $16,500 to cover existing arrears, but request staff work with the club to restructure the loan. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/57 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member MA Kay: a) That the Franklin Local Board endorses its feedback on the proposed new Marine Protected Areas Act as follows: i) Support the purpose of the proposed new Act to enhance, protect and restore marine biodiversity. ii) Support the unconfirmed submission points to be put forward by Auckland Council. iii) Support for a quota and/or species limit for small commercial operators to enable them to continue to operate and not be displaced into other areas, particularly the Manukau Harbour, which would create a problem there. b) That the Franklin Local Board endorses its feedback on the Better Urban Planning inquiry and the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill as follows: Better Urban Planning i) Support the move to create urban planning environment that is principle based but within those principles, allows some flexibility ii) Support the need for long term planning of infrastructure being required as part of the framework to ensure major infrastructure is delivered at the right time in the right place iii) Support requirement to ensure all agencies involved in planning use the same base data sets iv) Support a planning process that ensures there is clarity for all involved and that there is consistency within the likes of Council processes whereby the shifting of goalposts cannot occur v) Process needs to find a balance between benefits of flexibility and practicalities of delivery vi) Support the need for a range of funding tools for infrastructure and understanding of who has responsibility to fund and why – needs to be clear at start of a planning process (removal of surprises) vii) Support the need for appropriate consultation and engagement tools at the right time with the right people (early and open communication) Resource Legislation Amendment Bill i) Concern that this amendment is really not wide spread enough and simply tinkers with parts of the Resource Management Act (RMA). ii) Should be considered once other reviews of associated legislation and reports completed – e.g. Productivity Commission of Planning Framework – so whole picture can be seen as to needs and desired outcomes iii) Move to national planning templates is supported in principle as providing consistency in particular in terms of definitions iv) Support principle of standardisation of rules for common issues such as noise but concerned that localised variations should be able to be delivered – horses for courses type approach. Approach being proposed does not allow for any local flexibility and is too strict. Individual councils should be able to retain some flexibility v) Support processes which provide councils the tools to deal with RMA rule type disputes (e.g. boundary issues) vi) Do not support the degree of interventions proposed for the Minister
vii) Do not support the move to rely on experts as it weakens the ability of lay people or locals with huge local knowledge (without expert qualifications) to provide information. This will result in further evolution of the “expert witness” industry and thus comes with significant risk to the process in general. viii) Support making the process easier and quicker for applicants but must have balance to ensure purpose of the Act is met and that as many appropriate things are considered during the process. |
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Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan |
Resolution number FR/2016/58 MOVED by Member BS Crompton, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: That the Franklin Local Board delegates the Chairman to provide feedback on the draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021, with particular reference to local priorities for emergency management. |
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Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) – local board feedback |
Resolution number FR/2016/59 MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Member A Cole: a) That the Franklin Local Board supports the key feedback and proposed policy responses on the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) as follows:
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Local government elections - order of names on voting documents |
Resolution number FR/2016/60 MOVED by Member AM Fulljames, seconded by Member MA Kay: That the Franklin Local Board recommend to the governing body that candidate names on voting documents should be arranged in alphabetical order of surname. |
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Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting 2016 |
Resolution number FR/2016/61 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ Naysmith: a) That the Franklin Local Board nominates Members Baker and Fulljames to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2016 Annual General Meeting and Conference from Sunday 24 July 2016 to Tuesday 26 July 2016 on the basis that the conference programme is relevant to the local board’s work programme. b) That the Franklin Local Board confirms that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/62 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member AM Fulljames: a) That the Franklin Local Board notes the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar. b) That the Franklin Local Board adds an ordinary meeting to their triennial meeting schedule on Tuesday, 14 June 2016 in the Local Board Chamber, Pukekohe Service Centre, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe, commencing at 9.30am. c) That the Franklin Local Board advises staff that this item is not required for future business meeting agendas. |
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Resolution number FR/2016/63 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member MA Kay: That the Franklin Local Board receives the workshop notes for 16 February, 1 March and 8 March 2016. |
38 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.57 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.