Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 2 Glen Road, Browns Bay on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 at 4.30pm.
Chairperson |
Julia Parfitt, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Greg Sayers |
Members |
David Cooper |
Janet Fitzgerald, JP |
Gaye Harding-Kirikiri |
Lovisa Rasmussen |
Lisa Whyte |
Member |
Gary Holmes |
Member |
Mark Thomas |
Councillors |
Calum Penrose (from 5.50pm - 7.45pm) |
Item 26 |
Penny Webster (from 5.50pm - 7.45pm) |
Item 26 |
John Watson (from 6.30pm - 8.30pm) |
Item 9 |
George Wood (from 6.35pm - 7.45pm) |
Item 9 |
Wayne Walker (from 6.42pm – 8.30pm) |
Item 9 |
Hibiscus and Bays Local Board 16 March 2016 |
1 Welcome
The chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.
2 Apologies
Resolution number HB/2016/23 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member GR Holmes for absence. |
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HB/2016/24 MOVED by Member DR Cooper, seconded by Chairperson JG Parfitt: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 17 February 2016, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
10 Extraordinary Business
10.1 |
Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board March 2016 |
During the compilation of the agenda for this business meeting a system error was encountered in relation to Item 26 Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board, March 2016. This resulted in the report being removed from the agenda to allow the process to run successfully. The intention was to include this report on a supplementary agenda. The supplementary (Addendum Agenda) was not published to the council website within two clear days of today’s meeting. The item needs to be dealt with today to provide direction: a) in regard to Project 486, construction of a footpath along East Coast Road, Silverdale, from its intersection with Hibiscus Coast Highway to the entrance of 59 Tavern Rd, together with other related aspects of this work. b) to reconfirm the firm cost estimate of $4,500 for the installation of the art poles with respect to Project 091 - Mairangi Bay Art Walk and request that installation proceed as soon as they are available. |
Resolution number HB/2016/25 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LM Whyte: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) consider an extraordinary item regarding the Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board, March 2016 at item 26 of this agenda. The matter was not on the published agenda because of a system error when compiling the agenda and needs to be dealt with today for the following reasons: i. to provide direction in regard to Project 486, construction of a footpath along East Coast Road, Silverdale, from its intersection with Hibiscus Coast Highway to the entrance of 59 Tavern Rd, together with other related aspects of this work ii. to reconfirm the firm cost estimate of $4,500 for installation of the poles for Project 091 Mairangi Art Walk as soon as they are available.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Letitia McColl, Senior Advisor Portfolio Review, Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number HB/2016/26 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member DR Cooper: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) endorse the proposed disposal of 601 Beach Road, Rothesay Bay b) does not support the disposal of the property at 19 Anzac Road, Browns Bay due to the perceived shortage of parking in Browns Bay c) request that the Panuku Development Auckland Board defer making a decision on the disposal of 19 Anzac Road, Browns Bay, as there has been a failure to consult on the future needs of the Browns Bay area and in particular the transport and parking needs of the area d) express concern that the local board was not consulted by Auckland Transport before they made their decision that this property no longer served current or future transport functions e) request that Auckland Transport undertake a parking study in Browns Bay to take into account the cumulative effects of approved Special Housing Areas and proposed intensification resulting from the Unitary Plan changes. |
13 |
Landowner approval for restoration of D’Oyly Reserve, Stanmore Bay, for offset purposes |
Wolfgang Kanz, Senior Stormwater Specialist, Adam Sadgrove, Development Manager, Project Development, Panuku Development Auckland and Nicola Terry, Parks and Open Space Specialist were in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number HB/2016/27 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) supports in principle the restoration of D’Oyly Reserve, Stanmore Bay for offset purposes subject to a Parks assessment, a clear process of engagement and public consultation and the resulting detailed design. b) accepts for the purposes of the proposed resource consent application for 20 Link Crescent, that the D’Oyly Reserve, Stanmore Bay is the approved location to meet the offset requirements proposed in the resource consent application.
14 |
Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) – local board feedback |
Resolution number HB/2016/28 MOVED by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri, seconded by Member LM Whyte: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) delegate to the local board chairperson, Local Board Member Cooper and Local Board Member Holmes the authority to provide the local board’s feedback on the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016).
15 |
Resolution number HB/2016/29 MOVED by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) delegates to the local board chairperson and the chairperson of the Facilities and Reserves Committee authority to provide the local board’s views on new applications for the programme in the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board area. b) expresses its supports for the project at Peter Snell Youth Village at Whangaparaoa. |
16 |
Steve Branca, BID Partnership Advisor, was in attendance and gave a brief overview of the proposed survey of businesses in Whangaparaoa. At the beginning of the survey all participants are to be advised that all information is shared and will not be confidential. |
Resolution number HB/2016/30 MOVED by Member J Fitzgerald, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) approve funding of $23,000 to conduct a survey of businesses in Whangaparaoa, from the 2015/2016 Locally Driven Initiatives budget line “Local Planning and Development – BIDs for Silverdale and Whangaparaoa.”
17 |
Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan |
Resolution number HB/2016/31 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LM Whyte: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) delegate to the Chairperson of the Facilities and Reserves Committee and Local Board Members Cooper and Sayers the authority to provide feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan. |
18 |
Local government elections - order of names on voting documents |
Resolution number HB/2016/32 MOVED by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri, seconded by Member LM Whyte: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) recommends to the governing body that candidate names on voting documents should be arranged in alphabetical order of surname. |
19 |
Resolution number HB/2016/33 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) nominates local board member Fitzgerald as the local board’s representative to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2016 Annual General Meeting and Conference from Sunday 24 July 2016 to Tuesday 26 July 2016 on the basis that the conference programme is relevant to the local board’s work programme b) confirms that conference attendance including travel and accommodation will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy. c) notes that if the local board is successful with either one of the its two nominations for the Local Government New Zealand Excellence Awards, the number of members attending may be larger, the cost of which would be met by the local board. |
26 |
Auckland Transport Update to Hibiscus and Bays Local Board, March 2016 |
Ellen Barrett, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Council, was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number HB/2016/34 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) refers the decision to proceed further with Project 486, construction of a footpath along East Coast Road, Silverdale, from its intersection with Hibiscus Coast Highway to the entranceway of 59 Tavern Road, together with the installation of a pedestrian phase on the north-eastern side of the traffic signals at the intersection of East Coast Road and Hibiscus Coast Highway and an associated pram crossing/pedestrian refuge in the vicinity of 59 Tavern Road, to the local board elected in October 2016 b) reconfirms the cost of $4,500 for the installation of the art poles for Project 091, Mairangi Bay Art Walk c) approve the final design for Local Board Transport Capital Fund Project 411, Torbay revitalisation work d) allocate a further $175,000 of its Local Board Transport Capital Fund project 411 to initiate the project noting that up to $45,000 of this is for work to be carried out on private land and will be reimbursed by the Torbay Business Improvement District to the Local Board Transport Capital Fund. This also includes $55,000 for construction contingency which will be returned to the fund if not required. Note that the total cost of the Project 411, Torbay Revitalisation is estimated to be $800,000. |
Councillors Penrose and Webster present at 5.50pm
20 |
Resolution number HB/2016/35 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AG Sayers: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar. |
23 |
Resolution number HB/2016/36 MOVED by Member J Fitzgerald, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) endorse the record of the workshop meetings held on 3 and 10 February 2016.
Dinner adjournment 6.00pm – 6.30pm
Councillor Watson present at 6.30pm
Councillor Wood present at 6.35pm
Councillor Wayne Walker present at 6.42pm
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Mrs Lorraine Sampson was in attendance to request the removal of the gum trees at Titan Place/Hibiscus Coast Highway. A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number HB/2016/37 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) Thank Mrs Sampson for her presentation. |
a Tabled presentation |
9.2 |
Bernard Feehan was in attendance to discuss various issues. Intensification is causing major traffic problems throughout Auckland and locally parking problems in Browns Bay. Mr Feehan said once you have intensification you need to improve the roading network. Long Bay Restaurant - Mr Feehan said no public forum has been held on the closing of this restaurant and he also said he believed that the heritage issues are not insurmountable. Browns Bay Beach needs another drinking fountain in the middle of the beach and also better access onto the beach from the grassed reserve area. |
Resolution number HB/2016/38 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LM Whyte: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) Thank Mr Feehan for his presentation. |
8 Deputations
8.3 |
Councillor Calum Penrose, Councillor Penny Webster, Councillor George Wood, Grant Barnes, General Manager Licensing and Compliance Services and Max Wilde, Manager Bylaws and Compliance were in attendance to present this item. |
Resolution number HB/2016/39 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member GA Harding-Kirikiri: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) Thank Councillors Penrose, Webster and Wood and Mr Barnes and Mr Wilde for the presentation. |
8.1 |
Mr Lee was not in attendance for this item. |
8.2 |
Pauline Smith and Anne Graham from the Hibiscus Coast Branch of Forest and Bird Society were in attendance to provide an update on the pest free peninsula project. A copy of the tabled documents has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number HB/2016/40 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member J Fitzgerald: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) Thank Ms Smith and Ms Graham for their presentation. |
a Tabled map |
22 |
Local Board Member Sayers tabled written communication he had received from Mr John Clements. Mr Sayers is to contact Mr Clements and advise the process to log calls through the call centre. If Mr Clements wants to follow up these logged calls he needs to provide specific details at the time of logging them and refer to the log numbers when requesting follow up. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
Resolution number HB/2016/41 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AG Sayers, seconded by Member LM Whyte: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) note the information. |
a Tabled documentation |
21 |
Councillor Watson said he has been dealing with the traffic problems caused by the new entrance to New World, Stanmore Bay, on Whangaparaoa Road. Councillor Walker advised that Auckland Transport are investigating how to address the matter. Councillor Walker commented on the issue of chemical spraying. |
Resolution number HB/2016/42 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LC Rasmussen: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) thank Councillors Walker and Watson for their report. |
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
This was dealt with under Item 26
Resolution number HB/2016/43 MOVED by Chairperson JG Parfitt, seconded by Member LC Rasmussen: That the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board: a) exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting. b) agree that Nicola Terry, Parks and Open Space Specialist and Gerry Fitzgerald, Parks Liaison and Development Team Leader be permitted to remain for Confidential Item C1, Acquisition of land for public walkway – Long Bay after the public has been excluded, because of their knowledge of the item to be discussed, which will help the Hibiscus and Bays Local Board in its decision-making. The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows. This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows: C1 Acquisition of land for public walkway - Long Bay
The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting. |
8.30pm The public was excluded.
Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.
8.35pm The public was re-admitted.
It was resolved while the public was excluded:
C1 |
b) confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments or resolutions.
8.35 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.