I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 3 March 2016


Council Chamber
Henderson Civic Centre
6 Henderson Valley Road


Henderson-Massey Local Board









Vanessa Neeson, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Shane Henderson



Brenda Brady, JP



Peter Chan, JP



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Will Flavell



Tracy Kirkley



Luke Wilson



(Quorum 4 members)




Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Services (West)



Busola Martins

Local Board Democracy Advisor


29 February 2016


Contact Telephone: (09)  440 7323

Email: busola.martins@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome/Prayer                                                                                                             5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          6

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       6

7          Ward Councillor’s Update                                                                                            6

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    6

8.1     Deputation - Healthy Families Waitakere                                                          6

8.2     Deputation from Lendich Construction Ltd regarding 186 Fred Taylor Drive    6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  7

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Auckland Transport Quarterly report Henderson-Massey                                      9

13        Auckland Transport Report Update - March 2016                                                   37  

14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome / Prayer


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.





Vanessa Neeson, JP (Chairman)

Ranui Sector Trial


Shane Henderson (Deputy Chairman)

Waitemata Community Law Centre


Brenda Brady, JP

Safer West Community Trust
District Licensing Committee


 Peter Chan, JP

Cantonese Opera Society of NZ
Asian Leaders Forum
NZ-Hong Kong Business Ass.
NZ-China Business Ass.
Auckland Chinese Environment Protection Association (ACEPA)


Warren Flaunty, QSM

Westgate Pharmacy
NorSGA Properties
Westgate Pharmacy Ltd
The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd

Life North West Pharmacy

Rodney Local Board
Waitemata District Health Board
Waitakere Licensing Trust
Massey Birdwood Settlers Ass.
Taupaki Residents & Ratepayers Ass.


Elected Member
Elected Member
Elected Member

Will Flavell

Rutherford College

Literacy Waitakere Board



Tracy Kirkley

District Licensing Committee 

Churches Education Commission



Luke Wilson

NZ Police
D.A.R.E. - West

Waitakere Rotary – Board member

Silver Fern Motor Sports - Board


Board member

Board member



4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 18 February 2016, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Ward Councillor’s Update


Ward Councillors are given the opportunity to update the board on regional matters that relate to the Henderson-Massey local board.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Henderson-Massey Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation - Healthy Families Waitakere


1.       To present an overview of Healthy Families Waitakere and provide an update on how they are progressing with this initiative. It is also to discuss local board engagement with Healthy Families Waitakere in the future.

Executive Summary

2.       This deputation will consist of a presentation that will give a background on Healthy Families Waitakere. Following on, insights will be provided on the focus areas of eating well, being active, smoke free and reducing alcohol. It also covers an update on how Healthy Families Waitakere is progressing and a discussion around local board engagement in this initiative. More on Healthy Families Waitakere can be seen at the following link:




That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      Receives deputation from Kerry Allan and Jewelz Petley representatives of Healthy Families Waitakere.


a          Presentation from Healthy Families Waitakere..................................... 75



8.2       Deputation from Lendich Construction Ltd regarding 186 Fred Taylor Drive


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)         Receives deputation from the Lendich Construction Ltd deputation regarding 186             Fred Taylor Drive.



9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Auckland Transport Quarterly report Henderson-Massey


File No.: CP2016/02167





Executive Summary

1.       The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport (AT) in the three months from 1 October to 31 December 2015.


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      Receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards.

Significant activities during the period under review


Strategy and Planning

1.   Transport for Future Urban Growth (TFUG)

Under the new business case approach AT has got approved funding to develop growth-related Programme Business Cases (PBCs) to identify the transport infrastructure needed within the next 30 years for the growth areas identified in Auckland Council's Future Urban Land Supply Strategy.  The areas to be assessed are the Northwest, Southern, Northern and Warkworth areas.  A multi-disciplinary and cross organisational team has been developed and is currently working from a co-located space on the four areas.  Procurement is well advanced and consultant teams are on board with a number of workshops planned in January and February.


2.   Central Access Strategy

A Strategic Case was jointly developed by the investment partners, and approved by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) in November 2015, agreeing the problems faced for access to the city centre.  A PBC is underway to identify and agree a programme of options to address the problems, with a high level costs and benefits analysis.


PT Development

3.   Double Decker Network Mitigation works

Each route is in a different project phase.  By Jun-2018, the following routes are planned to be completed:

·    Mt Eden (31 March 2016)

·    Northern Express 2 (30 Jun 2016)

·    Great North (31 March 2017)

·    Manukau (30 June 2017

·    Remuera

·    New North

·    Onewa

Botany bus route 500 (from Botany Town Centre to Britomart) has been cleared.


4.   Public Transport (PT) Safety, Security and Amenity

Involves enhancing station safety, security and amenity.  Current projects include completion of Ellerslie Station canopies, upgrade to Morningside Level Crossing and electronic gating at Manurewa Station.  Programmed activities in various phases on these projects are:

·    Ellerslie canopies will be completed January 2016

·    Morningside Level Crossing Improvement construction work planned for April/May 2016 and interim improvements were completed in November 2015

·    Manurewa gates in early design stage.


5.   City Rail Link (CRL)

Enabling Works contract 2, construction of pipe jack (services relocation) commenced (Albert Street) on 21 December 2015.  Enabling Works Contract 1, Britomart to Lower Albert Street and Contract 2, Lower Albert Street to Wyndham Street, is to commence in May 2016.  Main Works: Construction to start in 2018/19 FY subject to funding agreement with Government.


PT Operations

6.   Highlights for the quarter

·    SuperGold Travel – a competitive tender process for SuperGold funding exempt ferry services from downtown Auckland to Matiatia Wharf, Waiheke – as per Ministry of Transport (MoT) directive.  The tender process resulted in two operators being eligible for SuperGold reimbursements from 1 January 2016.  Super Gold card holders conversion onto HOP cards has commenced, for delivery by 1 July 2016.  This will mean seniors will be required to use HOP cards to access free PT SuperGold travel.


·    Integrated Fares – just prior to Christmas Thales delivered the first release of version 7.0 (customer facing enhancements) for Integrated Fares, ready for AT to commence testing.  Some minor changes to zone boundaries were also approved to mitigate some passengers who would have had fare increases under integrated fares.  Initial testing of version 7.0 has commenced.  Integrated fares implementation is targeted for mid-2016.  A late February 2016 annual PT Fares review will be implemented as a stepping stone to integrated fares.


·    Ferry Improvements – Waiheke Ferry Services: strong growth has been experienced on the route during the year, reaffirming the route as being the most popular on the Auckland Ferry network.  A local initiative to display interpretative signage at Matiatia was delivered with the Waiheke Local Board in the last quarter, and way-finding signage was updated and replaced at Matiatia as well.  Next quarter will see the installation of a purpose-built customer information/ticket office by Explore.  Overall patronage to Waiheke has grown over 10% in the last 12 months with the combination of Fullers and Explore services.


Road Design and Development

7.   SMART (Southwest Multi-modal Airport Rapid Transit)

Future proofing of the SMART route on the Kirkbride (trench) intersection is progressing together with the infrastructure works by Highway Network Operations of NZTA.  This element of the project is expected to be complete in 2022. AT is working with the East West team to ensure the projects are well aligned at the critical points.  The indicative business case is being updated for LRT and heavy rail.  The cycle strategy for the wider Mangere area is also underway.


8.   AMETI (Auckland, Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative) – Pakuranga Road Busway

Involves provision of a signalised Panmure roundabout, two-lane busway, Walking and Cycling facilities, Panmure bridge upgrade and upgrades to existing bridge and local roads towards Pakuranga Town Centre.  A completion date is subject to the outcome/approval of a revised delivery strategy by the AT Board by February 2016.  The Notice of Requirement lodgement is ready to proceed, with lodgement pending the outcomes of cultural mitigation discussion.  The expected lodgement date is mid-February 2016.


9.   Tamaki Ngapipi Intersection Safety Improvements

Involves installation of traffic lights at the Tamaki Drive/Ngapipi Road intersection to address safety issues.  The design aims to encourage shared use by reducing conflict points and maintaining efficient movement through the intersection.  The AT Board has approved the preferred option, that allows five Pohutukawa trees to be retained, and this option will be taken forward to consenting and construction.  Detailed design is underway to finalise the proposal for consenting.



10.  Community and Road Safety Programme

·    Delivered alcohol checkpoints in partnership with NZ Police

·    Delivered child restraint checkpoints and Plunket promotions in partnership with NZ Police

·    Delivered safety messages to motorcycle riders regarding high visibility vests and training in Northcote

·    Delivered a targeted social media campaign for high risk young drivers in Henderson

·    Delivered a ‘Train the Trainer’ course to local community and NZ Police for Learners Licence in Henderson

·    Delivered learner and restricted licencing programmes to high risk young drivers in Mangere

·    Delivered a targeted social media campaign for high risk young drivers in Mangere

·    Supporting the Accident Compensation Corporation(ACC) and NZTA Young Drivers Signature programme in Mangere.


11.  Commute Travel Planning

·    Unitec Travel Plan – Unitec won the 'Think outside the car award for creative excellence' for its cycling programme including installation of 10 covered, student-designed bike racks

·    Waitemata District Health Board was awarded the carpooling award at the AT Commute awards for its Carpooling programme.


12.  Travel Demand (2015/16 Year)

Transport Choice campaign – ‘Time to cool your love affair with your car' video campaign was promoted for eight weeks primarily via online media and the AT website.  Promoted travel choice and encouraged Public Transport, Walking, Cycling, Carpooling and Flexi-working.  Over 625,000 views of the videos are recorded – which is a high rate and demonstrates increased awareness.


Road Corridor Delivery

13.  The Assets and Maintenance Group is tasked with the responsibility for a wide range of activities within the Road Corridor.  These include but are not limited to:

·    the delivery of roading and streetlight maintenance and renewal programmes

·    managing the access, co-ordination and traffic management impacts of activities taking place within the road corridor

·    promoting design innovation and efficiency around how work is carried out on the network

·    the development of long term asset management plans and modelling which support the decision making process around the management of Auckland’s roading assets.


14.  Road Corridor Delivery

·    In the 2015/2016 financial year AT is planning to deliver 37.7km of pavement rehabilitation, 480.1 km of resurfacing (comprising 88.9 km of hotmix and 391.2 km of chip sealing), 75.7 km of footpath renewals and 82.7 km of kerb and channel replacement.

Table 1: Progress against Asset Renewal Targets


·    Pavement rehabilitation projects have been completed on Kohimarama Road, Ranui Station Road, Edmonton Road, Robertson Road, Te Irirangi Drive, Ormiston Road, Whitford Road, Glenbrook Road, Linwood Road, Clyde Road, Lakeside Drive, Maygrove Drive, Brigham Creek Road, Mokoia Road, Kahika Road, Diana Drive, Glenmore Road, South Head Road, Waitoki Road, Mahurangi East Road, Hector Sanderson Road and Blind Bay Road.  Further projects are underway on College Road, Hunua Road, Roscommon Road, St George Street, Bairds Road and Cavendish Drive.


·    Contracts have been awarded to two suppliers for the provision of Light Emitting Diode (LED) luminaires for the 2015/16 year.  In the 2015/16 year approximately 11,000 of the existing 70W High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lamps on the network will be replaced with LED luminaires and connected to the new central management system.  Initially most will be in the central and north contract areas.  The LED retrofit programme is being accelerated with the aim of completing the replacement of all the existing 70W HPS lamps by 1 July 2018 so as to maximise the available subsidy from the NZTA.


15.  Road Corridor Access

·    Monitoring of Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) at work sites is continuing to ensure compliance with the approved traffic management plans and to identify opportunities for improvement.  The average percentage of low risk sites for Quarter 2 is 94% (against the target of 90%)


·    With an anticipated dip in numbers for December, the Corridor Access Request (CAR) team continues to process around 1,300 applications per month.  These requests are for AT operations (inclusive of CRL) and various utility operators to access and maintain the assets sitting within the road corridor.  Access is also sought by private operators and individuals who need to access the road network to undertake activities such as private water connections etc.


16.  Strategic Asset Management and Systems

·    AT inherited an inventory of 117 permanent traffic counting sites across the Auckland region.  These comprise inductive loops installed in the road pavement which detect passing vehicles through electro-magnetic induction.  The loops provide details of traffic flows by vehicle category.  In addition, AT can deploy pneumatic tubes installed across traffic lanes to undertake ad-hoc traffic counts.  These are used where there are no permanent loops installed.


·    The information generated by the loops provides an ongoing record of traffic growth across Auckland, which is used to inform infrastructure design as well as providing current and trend information for the Auckland traffic and growth models managed by the Auckland Joint Modelling Applications Centre (JMAC).  The output from these models has been used in the development of the Integrated Transport Programme (ITP), defining AT’s road hierarchy for ONRC, and will be used for the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP).

·    During the period October to December inclusive, a total of 493 traffic counts were undertaken using a mixture or permanent sites and pneumatic tubes.  Additionally, 57 additional counts were undertaken over the Christmas holiday period to identify recreational traffic flows which may be significant at certain locations.  Sixteen of these were on Waiheke and four on Great Barrier Island.






Schedule of activities undertaken for the first quarter (2015/16) ending 30 September 2015



Travelwise Schools activities broken down by local board



Traffic Control Committee Decisions broken down by local board



Local Board Advocacy Report



Local Board Transport Capital Fund Report









Schedule of activities undertaken for the first quarter 2015/16 ending 30 September 2015



Travelwise Schools activities broken down by local board



Traffic Control Committee Decisions broken down by local board



Local Board Advocacy Initiatives



Local Board Advocacy Report





Various Auckland Transport authors


Jonathan Anyon, Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016



Auckland Transport Report Update - March 2016


File No.: CP2016/03257






1.       The purpose of this report is to: respond to requests from the Henderson/Massey Local Board on transport-related matters, inform the board on the current status of the board’s Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF), and facilitate decisions on proposed and current, LBTCF projects and to provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities.

Executive Summary

2.       This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Henderson/Massey Local Board and its community, matters of general interest relating to Auckland Transport activities or the transport sector, and relevant Auckland Transport media releases for the information of the board and community.

          In particular, this report provides an update on:

·        Local Board Transport Capital Fund Projects

·        Consultation documents on proposed safety improvements

·        Local Board requests on transport-related matters

·        Media



That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      Receives the Auckland Transport Update 3 March 2016, report.



3.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board has outlined through its 2014-17 local board plan, that it has a strong interest in the role of transport and how it helps to create a connected community. This includes improving safety in our neighbourhoods, improving the look of our town centres, as well as supporting people to get to the places they want to go for work and recreation.

4.       The local board plan has a specific transport outcome in which Auckland Transport has a key role in bringing to life.


·    We (HMLB) have identified our transport priorities as increasing investment in walking and cycling infrastructure, improving public transport and reducing reliance on roads and cars.


Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2014-17 (Pages 38-41).




Monthly Overview

6.       The monthly Transport Portfolio Briefing was held on 2 February 2016.  Chairperson Neeson was present and received updates on

·        Local Board transport capital fund project – Glen Road

·        The consultation on the Neon Limited – McWhirter Farm Subdivision, Westgate - Consultation

7.       Auckland Transport attended a workshop on 10 February, to work through issues that had come to light with the Glen Road Project and AC Parks Te Rangi Hiroa Park.

Local board transport capital fund (LBTCF)

8.       The Henderson/Massey Local Board’s funding allocation under the LBTCF is currently $748,378 per annum.

9.       The Board’s current LBTCF projects are included in the table below (in which ROC = rough order of costs, and FEC = firm estimate of cost):


Project Description

Progress/Current Status

225 – Glen Road Safety Improvements


Firm Estimate of Cost (FEC) $1,821,000

·      Pre lodgment meetings have indicated that there could be significant consenting issues that would delay the start of this project. However, AT still hopes tender this project in March 2016.


322 - Wadier Place Footpath Improvements


·      FEC estimate of $217,000

·      Construction started January 2016

323 – Taikata Road Pedestrian Safety Improvements

·      FEC estimate of $43,000

·      Construction started January 2016

463 – Henderson Creek Shared Path Lightening Improvements

·      Investigation and Concept Design – $75,000

·      Report to be submitted to Local Board for a decision on which option

Option 1: Splitting the studied length into seven discrete sections in order to consider how to prioritise expenditure for the path upgrade, and to stage the upgrade works.

(Necessary to develop a matrix type calculation to allow ranking each section of the path.)


Option 2: Overall improvements throughout the length of the studied route to provide consistency along the entire path. ($736,125 including 30% contingency)


Option 3: Consider committing $300k only, targeting the path condition, lighting and signage for the high priority sections.




10.     The Henderson/Massey Local Board’s transport capital fund to date is summarised below.

Henderson/Massey Local Board transport capital fund summary:

The Local Board need to spend from 2012 -2016 period

 $     29,435.00



Total funds available for term (Inc carryover from 2012/13)


Total spent on completed projects

 $   856,655.00

Total committed to project approved for construction


Total left to spend by end of term

 $     29,435.00

Funds available from next term (16/17 Financial Year)

 $   748,378.00



11.     Higgins Contractors continue working in Te Atatu Road and side streets:

·    relocating services

·    re-locating property boundaries

·    building retaining walls where necessary.

·    moving power lines in side streets.

12.     Higgins has adopted a revised methodology since the last report.  This has arisen from the frequent difficulties being encountered in moving underground services.  In large part it was because the water-main was found to be very fragile. This water-main must remain in service until the new water-main is installed and to protect it from breaks, Higgins has changed its work methodology.

13.     The change in approach was also partly prompted by historically inadequate mapping of underground services.  This is not uncommon in streets the age of Te Atatu Road, where over the years services have been installed, removed and moved a number of times.  A number of historical installations were invisible to pre-works investigation as a result of being above or beneath other infrastructure or, simply not being where documents showed they were.

14.     With the need to change the methodology for the water-main, Higgins has chosen to focus the last two months work (mid-December to mid-February) on dealing with that and at the same time, exploring the underground situation to get a clear picture of what the situation actually is. This should mean that they can develop a plan designed to deal with the actual situation – rather than encountering the unexpected on a regular basis.  This will facilitate work progressing at a more rapid pace in the future. The change in methodology is why there has been the appearance of fewer contractors working. This has raised some questions from the public.  It is also why it has been possible to leave the four road lanes in operation until early to mid-March.

15.     Nevertheless, there has been significant progress with 1.2 km of new water-main installed in Edmonton Road and Te Atatu Road.  Switchover is currently scheduled for early March, at which time the old fragile main can be decommissioned and will cease to be an issue.

16.     Overhead power lines have been removed in Flanshaw Road and enabling works have been carried out in Vera Road to allow the relocation of the power supply.  These works will enable Higgins to open up more extensive construction activities in the side-roads.

17.     Communications before the holiday break included:

·    A letter to the directly affected area thanking residents for their patience, encouraging them to patronise local businesses and wishing them the compliments of the season.

This letter was distributed through a mixture of physical deliveries to homes and eMail circulation to individuals, Councillors, MPS and organisations such as HOTAS.  All of these were invited to re-circulate the information to their eMail trees.

·    Two advertisements were placed in the Western Leader; one advising of the return to four laning and the other encouraging people to patronise local businesses.

·    Signage was also erected in Edmonton and Te Atatu Roads encouraging patronage of local businesses.

·    The AT website was updated.

18.     New communications activities are now agreed and include:

·     A regular newsletter from Higgins to the directly affected areas. (circulated as above). This is in circulation at the time of writing.

·     A newsletter from AT to the wider catchment of all Te Atatu South and areas in Glendene, Kelston, Glen Eden and Henderson.  This will be issued in early March.

·     Advertising associated with the re-introduction of the three lane system, for several weeks before its introduction.

·     Businesses will be approached before the end of February, to seek their co-operation with advertising and marketing initiatives.

19.     Residents have raised some issues about aspects of the project. These have mainly arisen from misunderstandings about what had been agreed, in terms of relocation of property boundaries. Most of these issues have been attended to as they have arisen.  However, there is one in particular, that remains difficult and Board members will be advised in confidence, if normal resolution methods are ultimately unsuccessful. At the time of writing this seems a likely outcome.

20.     This report is accurate at the time of writing and any changes of consequence after publication will be notified to the Board.


21.     All ‘P’ parking signs have been installed. Two of the three advance direction signs have been installed. These are located near the carpark accessways on Gunton Drive and Tawhia Drive. These signs have been referenced as ‘D2’ and ‘D3’ and are shown in the plan below. The third sign (referenced as ‘D1’), which will be a cantilevered sign, requires a site specific post to be manufactured. Fulton Hogan have confirmed that this sign should be installed by the end of next week.

22.     Attached as pages A1 to A9 are photos of all signs that have been installed at the site thus far.

23.     Auckland Transport will provide a further update once the last sign ‘D1’, has been installed.



24.     Also detailed below are all the current issues and their current status.



Suggested improvements



Fred Taylor Drive / Fernhill Road / Tawhia Drive

Intersection efficiency and non-compliance with lane arrows

* Double right turn from Fernhill into Fred Taylor Drive

Meeting held with ATOC - going ahead with changing the kerb side lane on Fernhill Drive to a shared left /through / right turn lane.

New software has been developed to incorporate the changes to the signal phasing that accommodate the new lane arrangement.
Pavement marking changes will be aligned with the change in the software at the signals.


* Double southbound through from Tawhia into Fernhill Drive

Meeting held with ATOC - going ahead with changing the second left turn lane (middle lane) to a through movement lane. 

New software developed to incorporate changes to the signal phasing that accommodate the new lane arrangement.
Pavement marking changes to be aligned with the change in the software at the signals.


* Short phasing, right turn into Tawhia from Fred Taylor


* Short phasing straight ahead movement from Tawhia Drive to Fernhill Drive

Will be addressed through provision of an additional through movement lane - as per Item 1B above.


Throughout new Northwest centre

On street parking availability, lack of parking time limit signs on new town centre streets

Time limits to be applied to parking bays

Parking limit signs have been installed along the town centre streets


Fred Taylor Drive / Maki Street

Drivers turning right illegally from Maki Street South (formerly Fernlea Drive) onto Fred Taylor Drive

Observations indicate that this issue occurs frequently.
Short term interventions:
* Double right turn (RT) at Fernhill to be implemented soon which will reduce delays for right turners and may reduce the illegal RTs at Maki St South
* Review of signage informing RT is not allowed has been undertaken - signage considered adequate and that illegal RT is not an inadvertent behaviour
* Requested Police to enforce
* Reviewed options including temporarily extending the raised median to partially obstruct the RT movement
 Longer term solution:
Discussions currently being undertaken with NZRPG to relocate the existing sign on Maki St South (formerly Fernlea Dr). Based on these discussions a long term solution for the RT issue will be implemented.

Police enforcement requested. ATOC provided videos showing drivers making illegal right turns which have been passed onto the Police at the Police liaison meeting held at the end of January 2016. Police to undertake enforcement.

End of Jan 2016

Police enforcement requested. Other short term interventions investigated and have been / to be implemented as per 'Suggested Improvements'.

Long term solution to be based upon the discussions with NZRPG

TBC - based on the outcomes of the discussions with NZRPG

Town Square

Pedestrian safety in shared space. Speeds appear to be too high and there are few pedestrians using the space at present

* Install education signs to advise motorists to give way to pedestrians

Education signs have been installed, monitoring

Completed 1st week of December

* Survey traffic speeds for 1 week in December

Traffic count and speed survey undertaken in Dec 2015.  AT to arrange a workshop with LB.


High traffic volumes in shared space

* Direction signs to direct through traffic to Gunton Dr and Tawhia Dr instead of Kohuhu Ln and Maki St

Parking signs have been installed.
Two of the three Advance Direction Signs to external destinations have been installed. The third sign to be installed by end of Feb 2016. 


Driver confusion about how to use the one-way entry points

* Install give way limit lines and replace the narrow bridge signs with standard give way signs


Completed Dec 2015

Stub road west of Te Oronui Drive (on Rotu Drive)

People parking on the stub road at Don Buck/Kohuhu (waru) as a car park during peak shopping hours and over weekends


Construction works occurring at the stub end of Rotu Drive. To monitor if still an issue.

Feb/March 2016

Fred Taylor Drive

Speed limit signs missing. Speed limit need to be changed from 80kph to 50kph.

Adam Officers to reassess the speed limit in this location against the new criteria. Not expecting to have the formal change legalised until April-May. Need further review.

Need further review for implementing temp signs

Feb/March 2016


25.     Auckland Transport has received a request from the Chairman of the Local Board to change the Great North Road / Railside Avenue intersection, to run with a Barnes Dance pedestrian crossing phase.


26.     Auckland Transport will be trailing the pedestrian exclusive phase at this intersection. However Auckland Transport needs to monitor the congestion levels, especially the buses. The modelling done prior to the trial showed significant impact to the intersection capacity after this phase change.  AT understands the vision of the local board for the Henderson TC and fully supports this, but it’s important for the Local Board to note that AT will trial the barn dance for a period but that if there is significant impact on the buses, AT will need to revert back to the original phasing.  AT will keep the Local Board updated on progress.

27.     Auckland Transport is aiming to have the new phasing implemented before the end of this financial year. (June 2016)


28.     In December 2013, Auckland Transport sought community feedback on a proposal to introduce speed cushions along Beach Road.  Since then AT has carefully considered the feedback received and has revised the proposal.    Consultation plans showing the proposed changes are attached as pages B10 to B18.

What are the proposed changes?

29.     Auckland Transport is proposing to reduce the number of locations for the speed cushions originally proposed from eight to five. The original proposal to install four speed cushions at each location has also been reduced to two. A one way control will also be introduced as an additional traffic calming measure. A single speed cushion is proposed where the one way control measures will be introduced.

Why are the changes required?

30.     In 2013, Beach Road was investigated for speed calming measures as a response to safety concerns raised by the local community and the Henderson-Massey Local Board. In particular, concerns regarding vehicles speeding along the road. As a result of these investigations, Beach Road was identified by Auckland Transport as high priority for speed calming measures. 

31.     Auckland Transport received a majority of support from the local community for the original option proposed. However, AT also received significant feedback from those residing on Beach Road, raising concerns over the noise the speed cushions would create as vehicles passed over them. Auckland Transport also received feedback querying how cost effective this solution would be.

32.     Auckland Transport is therefore proposing a revised solution that uses a combination of both speed cushions and one way speed controls along the length of Beach Road, these measures will hopefully reduce the amount of noise created. The one way control is another safe and effective measure used to force drivers to reduce speeds.

Local Board Response

33.     The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.


34.     Auckland Transport is responding to concerns that have been raised by local residents in regard to the visibility issues of vehicles parking on Don Buck Road.  To help improve safety in this location Auckland Transport is proposing to install NSAAT ‘Broken Yellow Lines’ as shown on the attached plan at page C19

Local Board Response

35.     The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.


36.     Auckland Transport is proposing to introduce Active School Warning Signs in the local area surrounding Freyberg Community School.   This is to advise the Local Board of the outcome of the consultation.

 Consideration of public feedback

37.     Auckland Transport received a highly positive response to this proposal. As a result of this feedback the proposal will proceed to the next stage, detailed planning.

Next Steps

38.     Auckland Transport expect to implement this work by June 2016, subject to any further changes in design or funding issues.

Contractors will issue 48-hour notice to all affected residents prior to construction work.

Local Board Response

39.     The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.

Neon Ltd – Mcwhirter Farm Subdivision, Westgate

40.     A resource consent has been granted to develop a subdivision on Westgate Drive & Rush Creek Drive situated in Westgate. Extensive consultation was conducted with Auckland Transport through the resource consent specialist prior to the resource consent being granted. This resolution encompasses the following developments:

·    Construction of a new legal road (as yet unnamed) – named as “Road 1” in the drawing provided.

·    No Stopping At All Times (NSAAT) markings at the intersections of Westgate Drive/Road 1 and Rush Creek Drive/Road 1

·    Give way controls at the intersections of Westgate Drive/Road 1 and Rush Creek Drive/Road 1.

·    Indented parking along both sides of the new legal road.

41.     Construction has already commenced on site and a significant amount of work has already been completed. Please find attached a sketch of the proposed development at page D20

Local Board Response

42.     The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.


43.     Auckland Transport is proposing to install new bus stops outside 2 and 9 Seymour Road. The bus stop outside 9 Seymour Road also includes a bus shelter. Our plan for the proposal is attached.

44.     Auckland Transport are seeking feedback from property owners and occupiers directly affected by the proposed works, specifically in relation to the following:

·    any land development proposals or issues that may affect the proposed bus stops and bus

shelter location;

·    any site-specific safety issues that you think would affect the proposed bus stops and bus

shelter changes.

·    Other issues raised through feedback will be considered where access to the public transport facilities can be enhanced.

What are the proposed changes?

45.     Auckland Transport is proposing to install a new bus stop and bus shelter outside 9 Seymour Road. The bus stop will include a concrete hardstand, a bus stop sign and road markings to indicate the location of the bus stop. The installation of the bus shelter will require the construction of a retaining wall.

46.     It is also proposed to install a new bus stop located outside 2 Seymour Road. The bus stop will include a bus stop sign, road markings to indicate the location of the bus stop and new no stopping yellow lines.

Why are we installing new bus stops and a new bus stop shelter?

47.     Auckland Transport wants to make moving around Auckland easier. To contribute to this, over the next few years Auckland Transport is moving to a simpler and more integrated public transport network for Auckland. After extensive consultation during 2014, the New Network for West Auckland is being rolled out in the second half of 2016. This roll out includes changes to existing, and the installation of new bus stop infrastructure. This will fill gaps in the network and enable buses to pull into and out of the bus stops quickly while minimising delays to bus passengers and general traffic.

48.     Auckland Transport wants to improve the services that are provided to the people of Auckland. To assist with this, Auckland Transport is proposing a new bus route from Henderson to New Lynn via Seymour Road. New bus stops need to be installed on Seymour Road to service the new bus route.

49.     These specific locations have been selected for bus stops because:

·    There are currently no bus stops on Seymour Road. The proposed stops will provide the ideal spacing between the existing bus stops outside 51 and 58 Sunnyside Road and proposed new bus stops further to the south on Seymour Road.

·    The area outside 9 Seymour Road has been identified as a suitable location to install a new

bus shelter. It is desirable to install a bus shelter at this stop to provide protection from the weather for passengers waiting for a bus to Henderson. Auckland Transport believes that the proposed bus stop and bus stop shelter will attract new passengers and may encourage existing passengers to use public transport more often.

What other issues have Auckland Transport considered when selecting this location?

50.     Visibility from Driveways

51.     The position of the proposed shelter has been carefully determined to ensure that visibility for drivers’ entering and exiting the nearby driveways is not obscured.

When will the proposed changes be implemented?

52.     These changes are planned to be implemented in the second half of 2016. Copies of the plans are attached at pages E21 to E22.

Local Board Response

53.     The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.

Share the Path Campaign – February 2016

54.     From mid-February to mid-March 2016 Auckland Transport is running a “Share the Path” campaign to reduce user conflicts and increase safe and courteous use of Shared Paths in Auckland. There is over 180km of shared paths in Auckland, and the number of paths is set to increase significantly in the next 3 – 5 years with accelerated provision of cycling infrastructure, as well as the development of greenways.

55.     User surveys carried out in mid-2015 revealed that people want to feel safe and confident using shared paths, and this depends on all users knowing what behaviour is expected of them.  The Twin Streams path is one of Auckland’s most popular shared paths and has been selected for the campaign.  There are two components for this path:

Pavement decals

56.     These will be installed at one or two locations on the path.  They will be removed after two weeks and a second set of decals will be installed for another two weeks.


57.     The pavement decals will be made with a non-slip surface.




1.   Human size emojis

58.     These will be installed for three weeks at five paths around Auckland.  The emojis will be accompanied by a small information board encouraging path users to share their photo on social media.  These emojis will be promoted via facebook and other social media channels.  We’ll also be bringing these to life with activations, featuring Share the Path ambassadors and a branded cargo bike handing out bells and cycling resources. 

59.     The emojis will be installed near the path but not on the path, to avoid creating an obstruction.





60.     The decals and emojis were installed 14 - 18 February.

61.     Auckland Transport considered including the Local Board logos on the decals and the information board and we found the cost of having multiple designs (one for each Local Board involved in the campaign) was prohibitive.

62.     Auckland Transport will be evaluating the campaign at the end of March and we’ll be happy to share the results with you.  If you receive any feedback about the campaign from path users, we’d love to hear it.

63.     The campaign landing page at www.at.govt.nz/sharedpaths will be up and running by 16 February. You can share this on your Local Board facebook page and encourage park users to participate in the campaign.

Local Board Response

64.     The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.



Subject Name


Subject Requested Date

Subject Closed Date

24 Metcalfe Road, Ranui No Stopping At All Times (NSAAT) restriction

The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.


December 2015

February 2016

Active Warning Signs Near Freyberg Community School

The Local Board Portfolio Leads were supportive of what is being proposed.


December 2015

February 2016




Minor changes to bus and train fares are being made in preparation for the change to a simpler zone based system in mid-2016. The changes, were introduced on the 28 February, are a step towards making journeys which are the same distance by bus and train cost the same. Ferries are also working towards trips of similar distances having similar fares and better integrated with buses and trains.

A 10 cent increase to adult AT HOP bus train fares for stages 1 to 4 will help better align short and long distance fares. Currently those travelling a longer distance pay relatively more than those on short journeys.  The increases reflect increases in operator costs, which are determined by an NZTA public transport industry indexation.

Stage fares for the Inner City Zone, Airport Zone and trains from Orakei to Britomart will be changed to be consistent with the new zone boundaries being introduced later this year. This means that the cost of a train between Orakei and Britomart will increase by $1.40 for an adult with a HOP card.

No changes to child, tertiary and accessible single fares will be made on bus and rail, except for the removal of the Inner City and Airport fare zones and changes at Orakei.

To help the transition to Simplified Fares and further HOP integration on ferry services, some changes are being made to ferry products, including operator based products and the withdrawal of multi-trip products.

Operator costs have increased, meaning some small fare increases. Although petrol and diesel prices have dropped recently, fuel only makes up a small percentage of their costs – by far the largest expense is wages. Currently about 53 % of a fare is provided through government (NZTA) contributions and rates subsidies, so it is important to ensure fares help cover costs.

The change to Simplified Zone Fares in mid-2016 will make it easier and cheaper to connect between different bus and train services with an AT HOP card. It will allow the introduction of the new public transport network, which will provide more frequent and more connected travel.

Mr Lambert says Simplified Fares and the new public transport network in south Auckland are just part of the major improvements to public transport this year.

Work on the City Rail Link has started, light rail investigations will make further progress, construction of Manukau Bus Station and the Pukekohe Station upgrade will begin and the Otahuhu Station will open.

Latest figures show that public transport patronage is at an all-time high. Public transport patronage totaled 81.5 million trips for the 12 months to December 2015, an annual increase of 7.6%.

Following the introduction of new electric trains, rail patronage alone totalled 15.4 million trips for the 12 months to December, an annual rise of 22.9%. A rise of 2.9 million journeys in one year.

Customer communications on the fare changes started on the 2 February. For full details on the changes go to www.AT.govt.nz



Local Board views and implications

65.     This report is for the Local Board’s information and action as required.

Māori impact statement

66.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


67.     There are no implementation issues.

68.     Issues discussed in the attachments



Northwest Mall Roading Issues Update

1 to 9

Traffic Calming At Beach Road

10 to 18

Don Buck Road, Massey - Proposed No Stopping At All Times (Nsaat) Restrictions



Neon Ltd – Mcwhirter Farm Subdivision, Westgate


Proposed New Bus Stops And Bus Shelter – 2 And 9 Seymour Road











Auckland Transport report update_attachments





Owena Schuster – Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016





Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016











Item 8.1      Attachment a    Presentation from Healthy Families Waitakere Page 75

Henderson-Massey Local Board

03 March 2016