Henderson-Massey Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Henderson Civic Centre, 6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson on Thursday, 3 March 2016 at 6.31 pm.
Chairperson |
Vanessa Neeson, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Shane Henderson |
Members |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Peter Chan, JP |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Will Flavell |
Tracy Kirkley |
Luke Wilson |
Henderson-Massey Local Board 03 March 2016 |
1 Welcome/Prayer
The Chairperson welcomed those present and Member Brenda Brady opened the meeting with a prayer.
2 Apologies
Resolution number HM/2016/2 MOVED by Member WI Flavell, seconded by Member WW Flaunty: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Accepts the apology from member Luke Wilson for absence. |
3 Declaration of Interest
Vanessa Neeson, JP (Chairman) |
Ranui Sector Trial |
Chair |
Shane Henderson (Deputy Chairman) |
Waitemata Community Law Centre |
Employee |
Brenda Brady, JP |
Safer West Community Trust |
Trustee |
Peter Chan, JP |
Cantonese Opera Society of NZ Whau Coastal Walkway Trust |
Trustee |
Warren Flaunty, QSM |
Pharmacy Life North West Pharmacy Rodney Local
Board |
Contractor Elected Member |
Will Flavell |
Rutherford College Literacy Waitakere Board |
Employee Member |
Tracy Kirkley |
District Licensing Committee Churches Education Commission |
Member Contractor |
Luke Wilson |
NZ Police Waitakere Rotary – Board member Silver Fern Motor Sports - Board |
Employee Board member Board member |
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HM/2016/3 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson, seconded by Member TJ Kirkley: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 18 February 2016, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Resolution number HM/2016/4 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey local board: a) observes a minute silence for Dr Ranginui Walker (1932 – 2016) and Martin Crowe. b) acknowledges Buffie Mawhinney for her contribution to the refurbishment of the Ranui Community House c) acknowledges Tracy Haggo for her extraordinary service and contributions to the community, local board and Auckland Council. |
a Acknowledgements at the Henderson-Massey local board |
7 Ward Councillor’s Update
There was no Ward Councillor’s update.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Resolution number HM/2016/5 MOVED by Member TJ Kirkley, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives deputation from Kerry Allan and Jewelz Petley, representatives of Healthy Families Waitakere. |
a Presentation from Healthy Families Waitakere |
8.2 |
Deputation from Lendich Construction Ltd regarding 186 Fred Taylor Drive |
Resolution number HM/2016/6 MOVED by Chairperson VS Neeson, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives deputation from the Lendich Construction Ltd deputation regarding 186 Fred Taylor Drive. |
Secretarial note: Tabled presentation have been placed on file and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
a Presentation from Lendich Construction |
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Mr. Leitch spoke to the board on bollards at Lowtherhurst Reserve and requested that they be removed.
Resolution number HM/2016/7 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson, seconded by Member TJ Kirkley: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: A) receives public forum submission from Mr. Leitch. |
Secretarial note: Tabled document has been placed on file copy of these minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. |
a Cycle map - West Auckland |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
Resolution number HM/2016/8 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson, seconded by Member B Brady: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards. |
13 |
Resolution number HM/2016/9 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson SP Henderson, seconded by Member M Chan: That the Henderson-Massey Local Board: a) Receives the Auckland Transport Update report for March 2016. |
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
7.56 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.