Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee held in the Whangateau Hall, Leigh Road, Whangateau on Monday, 14 March 2016 at 2.00pm.
Chairperson |
Phelan Pirrie |
Deputy Chairperson |
Steven Garner |
Members |
James Colville |
Thomas Grace |
Beth Houlbrooke |
John McLean |
Greg Sayers |
Brenda Steele |
Member |
Warren Flaunty QSM |
Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee 14 March 2016 |
1 Welcome
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed all those in attendance.
2 Apologies
Secretarial Note: Member Flaunty sent an apology in an email over the weekend to Local Board staff, however as this was an off-site meeting with an early start, the message was not picked up until the following day.
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number RODTP/2016/1 MOVED by Member BP Houlbrooke, seconded by Member AG Sayers: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 7 December 2015, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
8.2 |
Peter Jackson and Peter Hooper of Omaha Beach Community Group gave a video presentation on a proposal for a footpath along Omaha Drive. Written documents were tabled, a copy of which has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website. There is a You Tube link to the video presentation; |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/2 MOVED by Member BM Steele, seconded by Member BP Houlbrooke: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) thank Peter Jackson and Peter Hooper for their presentation on a proposal for a footpath along Omaha Drive.
a Omaha Beach Community Group footpath proposal |
9 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
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Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development representatives Michael Goudie (Senior Advisor – External Relations) and Chris Lock (Senior Strategic Advisor – Local Boards) in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/3 MOVED by Member BM Steele, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SR Garner: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) allocates $25,000 from the Rodney Economic Development Implementation Plan budget to erect visitor information signage at locations to be determined in accordance with the North West Business Association visitor programme.
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Ellen Barrett (Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport) in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/4 MOVED by Member TP Grace, seconded by Member BP Houlbrooke: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) receive the Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards.
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Auckland Transport Update to the Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of the Rodney Local Board, March 2016 |
Ellen Barrett (Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport) in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/5 MOVED by Member BM Steele, seconded by Member AG Sayers: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) receive the Auckland Transport Update (March 2016) report. b) note that the request for construction of a footpath on Leigh Road, Whangateau, from the settlement at Whangateau to Ashton Road, will be included for consideration in the local board footpath prioritisation list.
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Frank Lovering (Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor in attendance for this meeting). |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/6 MOVED by Member BM Steele, seconded by Member BP Houlbrooke: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) approve the new road name of Rosa Villa Lane for the Traverse Limited residential subdivision at 98 Ahuroa Road, Puhoi, Council reference R66039 in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.
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New road name in the Subdivision at 67 Auckland Road, Warkworth |
Frank Lovering (Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor in attendance for this meeting). |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/7 MOVED by Member BP Houlbrooke, seconded by Member TP Grace: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) approve the new road name of Fairwater Road for the Square and Main Street Limited commercial and residential subdivision at 67 Auckland Road, Warkworth, Council reference R65327 and R66310 in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.
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New road names in the Subdivision at 80 Solan Drive, Waimauku |
Frank Lovering (Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor in attendance for this meeting). |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/8 MOVED by Member BM Steele, seconded by Member TP Grace: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) approve the new road names of Pheasant Lane, Pondview Lane, and Solan Drive for the Solan Heights Limited subdivision at 80 Solan Drive, Waimauku, Council reference R60585 in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.
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New road name in the subdivision at 46A Worker Road, Wellsford |
Frank Lovering (Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor in attendance for this meeting). |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/9 MOVED by Member JG McLean, seconded by Member BM Steele: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) approve the new road name of Waharoa Lane for the FJJ Partnership residential subdivision at 46A Worker Road, Wellsford, council reference R57807, noting that the applicant’s preference was Kotare Lane, however this name is used in another area of Rodney and it was not considered appropriate.
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Frank Lovering (Land Surveyor/Senior Subdivision Advisor in attendance for this meeting). |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/10 MOVED by Member BM Steele, seconded by Member JG McLean: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) approve the new road names of Lewis Younie Road, and Walter Ruddock Avenue for the Neil Construction Limited residential subdivision at 215 Matua Road, Huapai, council reference R62764 in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.
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Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/11 MOVED by Chairperson PM Pirrie, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SR Garner: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) support the draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021.
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Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) – local board feedback |
Resolution number RODTP/2016/12 MOVED by Chairperson PM Pirrie, seconded by Deputy Chairperson SR Garner: That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee: a) provide the following general feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016: (i) supports the drafting of a new BID policy and considers that it is an improvement on the BID Policy (2011) to have the operating details removed from the policy document. (ii) the approach taken in the policy to reduce the bureaucracy around BID management is supported, as is the new policy’s approach to minimal interference by the council in day to day BID processes. (iii) the principle that BIDs should be allowed to manage their own activities as they (and their members) see fit and that, in principle, the council should only act as the target rate collector for the BIDs is supported. (iv) the policy would benefit from the creation of an executive summary (or quick reference guide), particularly one that can be used by BID’s and local boards for quick reference on the varying roles and responsibilities etc. A similar executive summary should be prepared for “Part 2 – Policy Operations Standards”. (v) council should consider discounted fees for BIDs that fund and deliver public events such as permit fees for parades etc. This should be inserted into the policy, which should recognise that when a BID undertakes those activities for the community it ultimately saves the council money. Offering cost savings would encourage BIDs to undertake those events and, in turn, to be involved in the community. b) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating to ongoing BID support: (i) Whilst the approach taken in the policy for minimal council interference in BIDs is appreciated, BIDs require ongoing council service and support to be available to them should they need it, in order to help them remain viable and sustainable. This resourcing requirement should be reflected in the policy. (ii) It is unclear in the policy and operation standards who BIDs can contact if they require assistance from council. Local boards are not resourced (nor do they have the expertise) to fulfil this role. BIDs will liaise with and help each other, but the council must also support BIDs or the lack of support could potentially undermine current relationships with existing BIDs. c) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating to the local boards role and strategy: (i) the policies greater emphasis on collaborative relationships between local boards and the business associations running the BID programmes is strongly supported. In particular, that the policy notes the benefits of such relationships, considering that BID programmes and local boards are both trying to achieve better local economic development outcomes in the same place. (ii) the greater clarity provided about the role of local board representatives on BID programme boards is supported, however, most of the relevant content is included the operating standards and it suggests that the principles of this role be included in the policy itself. These include voting rights of the local board representative and that the nature of the role played by the local board representative is at the discretion of the business association. d) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating to Section 1.3 – Key Partners: (i) the responsibilities of the parties involved (local boards, business associations and the governing body) needs to be refined, with greater clarity provided on the obligations on accounts, reporting, audits etc. (ii) Clarification is needed on the process and policy with emerging BIDs as no detail exists on the level of support available for an emerging BID, or how those BIDs might be made to function efficiently and become fully established. The policy should recognise that some business associations need help gathering initial momentum to start the process to form a BID and provide some detail on what that help might be. e) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating Section 1.7 – Auckland BID Programme Alignment: (i) the BID programme alignment processes needs to reflect the overall intention of the BID policy to be more ‘hands off’ leaving the BID members to decide how the BID should function and whether the BID is successful. (ii) The wording in section 1.7 requires BIDs to align with all council plans, which is overly restrictive and counter to the “hands off” philosophy. (iii) The BID should be recognised as independent and responsible to their own members and not a ‘part of’ council, nor required, only encouraged, to align with council plans. f) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating to Section 2.0 – Roles and Responsibilities: (i) local boards should not have key decision making responsibilities for the strategic direction of the BID. The relationship should be that of a partnership to align local board priorities and BID priorities where possible as is currently the case. Table 2 should be amended to note that both the BID and the local board have a responsibility to “work together” to make this intended partnership clearer. (ii) in keeping with the partnership approach, allowing BIDs to take the lead in their own success the policy should be clear that responsibility for the BID programme, including its successes and activities, ultimately sits with the BID. If BIDs want to move in a different direction to the local board, or if it wants to expand (or amalgamate with another BID), that should be up to the BID(s), not the local board. (iii) Table 2 of the policy, summarising the roles and responsibilities of the key partners in the BID programmes should be amended to clarify the role of local board in BID disestablishment and amalgamations of BID programmes. g) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating to Accountability: (ii) the retention of KPIs for BIDs, which is also in the existing BID Policy (2011) is supported. The policy should require KPIs to be meaningful, measurable and aligned to the outcomes in the business association’s strategic plan, using reporting to the local board as a mechanism to determine the effectiveness of a BID programme, which would otherwise be difficult for a local board to determine. (ii) clarification is sought regarding the purpose of a BID deputation in Table 3 and whether the local board are being asked to approve a report presented or merely to note it as the local board should not approve reports presented via a deputation. (iii) a deputation from a BID, detailing successes and providing an update, will always be welcome, however, the council, at a minimum, needs to provide a formal agenda report to enable a “sanity check” of BID activity to ensure that obligations under the partnership agreement are met, including KPIs. (iv) council needs to ensure that the BID is aware of its obligations at the operational level, not at the governance (local board) level. This will require council officer involvement with the BIDs and forms part of the ongoing support noted above. (v) references to “grant funding” throughout the policy are confusing as targeted rates are not grants as communities generally understand them. These references should be replaced with “targeted rate” in order to alleviate any confusion. (vi) The penultimate paragraph on page 24 of the policy, starting “Auckland Council and its CCOs deliver…” requires clarification to better state where the accountability lies; i.e. to the BIDs or ratepayers. h) provide the following feedback on the proposed Business Improvement District (BID) Policy 2016 relating to Rating Mechanisms: (i) reference to Special General Meetings (SGMs) in section 5 should be removed as although a change can be made through a BID’s constitution, the policy should not explicitly highlight that changes can be made at any time as it may promotes instability in a BID. i) delegate to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee to provide any additional feedback that the local board deems necessary. |
22 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
3.35 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee HELD ON