I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Seniors Advisory Panel will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 21 March 2016 10.00am Level 26,
Room 1 |
Seniors Advisory Panel
Chairperson |
Margaret Devlin |
Deputy Chairperson |
Russell Rigby |
Members |
Dr Judy Blakey |
Janet Clews, CNZM,QSO, JP |
Roger Fowler, QSM |
Joan Lardner-Rivlin, QSM |
Sonny Niha |
Richard Northey, ONZM |
Liaison Councillor |
Councillor Dr Cathy Casey |
(Quorum 5 members)
Bree Kurtovich Democracy Advisor
16 March 2016
Contact Telephone: 021 710 159 Email: bree.kurtovich@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 2016-2017 Annual Budget Input 7
6 Panuku Development Auckland update on Housing for Older People project 9
7 Affordable housing update 11
8 Multi-sector Action Plan - Elder Abuse update 13
9 Seniors Advisory Panel Work Programme Update 15
10 Information Items 23
11 Manurewa Local Board Chair Angela Dalton 25
12 Age Concern presentation 27
13 Feedback on Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021 29
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 15 February 2016, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/04208
1. To finalise the Seniors Advisory Panel’s feedback on the Auckland Council Annual Budget 2016/2017. This feedback is due for submission by 24 March 2016.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) agree its feedback on the Auckland Council Annual Budget 2016/2017 and request that the Lead Officer Support submit the final feedback document. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Bree Kurtovich - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
Panuku Development Auckland update on Housing for Older People project
File No.: CP2016/03092
1. To inform the Seniors Advisory Panel about the Housing for Older People project, and to seek guidance on the liaison process for this project leading up to the 2016-2017 Annual Plan.
Executive Summary
2. In December 2015, Council approved the Selwyn Foundation as the preferred partner to deliver services to older people.
3. The Housing for Older People project is a proposed housing partnership between Council and the Selwyn Foundation, as the preferred partner.
4. Panuku Development Auckland, as the agent of Council, has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Selwyn Foundation. The MOU established the scope, project governance, project tasks and the preliminary negotiation and approvals framework.
5. Panuku is in a business planning phase with Selwyn and Council to establish the terms of the partnership and finalise the appointment of Selwyn as the partner.
6. The business planning governance framework provides for a Reference Panel to advise the process which comprises the Seniors Panel, Age Concern and Grey Power, amongst others.
7. Council will undertake the necessary consultation with the public as part of the Annual Plan consultation to enable Council to make a final decision on the provision of services to older people via a partnership approach by June 2016.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the report b) indicate its preference for the provision of further advice to the Housing for Older People project.
8. Pursuant to the Council decision in December 2015, approving the Selwyn Foundation as the preferred partner to deliver older people services, Panuku Development Auckland executed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Selwyn Foundation to drive the business planning phase.
9. The MOU established the scope, project governance, project tasks and the preliminary negotiation and approvals framework.
10. Alongside the business planning, Council must undertake consultation with the public as part of the 2016-2017 Annual Plan, to enable Council to make a final decision on the provision of services to older people via a partnership approach by June 2016.
11. The Business Plan comprises:
· Part A - The structure, governance and policy framework for the business going forward
· Part B - Details of the business operations, including a three year business plan
· Part C - Asset review and agreement on the portfolio growth/development strategy.
12. Informing and being informed by the above process will be the Maori Responsiveness commitment, the consultation requirements and the human resource implications of outsourcing the service provision.
13. To assist the business planning phase will be the appointment of a principal advisor to the project, particularly for Parts A and B above.
14. The following has occurred to date:
· Appropriate project structures, terms of reference and work streams are in place within Panuku Development Auckland, Auckland Council and the Selwyn Foundation. It is noted that the project structure makes provision for a “Reference Panel” that includes the Seniors Advisory Panel and organisations such as Grey Power and Age Concern.
· Panuku Development Auckland, together with Auckland Council, is reviewing the proposed business structure and relationship between the proposed structure and the council assets with the intention of optimising the outcome for both parties. Council is proceeding with the public consultation process
· Progress is being made within all the work streams in terms of the tasks and milestones established
· Panuku Development Auckland is working collaboratively with the Mana Whenua Forum to give effect to the Māori Responsiveness objectives.
Local Board views and implications
15. The establishment of a partnership to deliver improved and expanded services to older people in Auckland is a regional initiative that will benefit all communities.
16. Once the partnership is established it is anticipated that consultation will occur with Local Boards in respect of any villages that may be affected within each Local Board area, particularly where it is planned to redevelop and improve these villages.
17. An established principle for the partnership is that the amenity and well-being of our tenants is paramount in any development proposals.
Māori impact statement
18. The Panuku Mana Whenua Forum has been involved in the process from the Request for Proposals stage of the project and has established a sub-committee of members to provide input to the business planning stage and to provide recommendations on opportunities that the proposed partnership may offer Māori and mana whenua.
19. The Housing for Older People project liaison process is likely to commence in April 2016. There is a need for the Seniors Advisory Panel to determine the optimum liaison process between itself and the Housing for Older People project, including the role of Age Concern, Grey Power, and any other key stakeholder groups.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Allan McGregor - Manager Strategic Planning, Panuku Development Auckland |
Authoriser |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/04484
1. Rohan Bush, Manager Affordable Housing will provide a verbal update to the Seniors Advisory Panel on what her department is doing.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the Affordable housing update and thank Rohan Bush, Manager Affordable Housing for her attendance.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Bree Kurtovich - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
Multi-sector Action Plan - Elder Abuse update
File No.: CP2016/04544
1. Manu Pihama, Practice Manager – Operations, Community Empowerment will provide a verbal update to the Seniors Advisory Panel on the Multi-sector Action Plan with regard to elder abuse.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the Multi-sector Action Plan – Elder Abuse update and thank Manu Pihama for his attendance.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Manu Pihama - Practice Manager - Operations, Community Empowerment |
Authorisers |
Christine Olsen - Community Empowerment Manager Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
Seniors Advisory Panel Work Programme Update
File No.: CP2016/04212
1. To receive up-to-date information regarding the Seniors Advisory Panel’s work programme and how the panel’s advice has been used.
Executive Summary
2. This report updates on the advice and input it has provided. The lead officer now requests staff, where possible, to indicate how advice from the Seniors Advisory Panel is applied.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the Seniors Advisory Panel Work Programme Update for March 2016.
3. This report provides an update on the panel’s programme of work and advice provided.
4. The panel has highlighted to need for a decision on whether Auckland will seek accreditation as an age-friendly city. An item on WHO age-friendly accreditation is scheduled for the agenda of the Community Development and Safety Committee meeting on 30 March 2016. In April the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee will consider an item on broader policy investigations relating to older people in Auckland. Panel members will be kept up to date with developments following these committee meetings.
5. The project to develop the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021 has incorporated feedback from the Seniors Advisory Panel. Please refer to the feedback report provided to the panel in this agenda.
6. At its February meeting the panel provided feedback on the lead up to the World Masters Games 2017. Panel members emphasized the importance of building linkages across communities of interest and culture. Media stories to capture the hearts of Aucklanders could feature the efforts individuals have made to attend the games. There are many older adults’ organisations and sports catering for older people to involve. This is an opportunity to help address ageism in the media by focusing on older people’s participation. The World Masters Games team is encouraging community networking and is open to ideas for groups to contact. The opening and closing events and programme at the entertainment hub should involve a range of ages. Panel members asked about the costs to spectators. Generally there will not be a charge for attending events as a spectator.
7. On 15 February the panel discussed a matter of topics aligned to its programme of work. Panel members re-emphasized the importance of:
· positive imaging of older people by the council
· a commitment to International Day of the Older Person (IDOP) as a catalyst for change
· engagement with older people across Auckland’s diversity and their participation in the life of Auckland
· the need for an older people’s housing plan for Auckland
· decision making around the age-friendly city accreditation
· the importance of an elder abuse action plan.
8. These priorities will be used by the Lead Officer to request updates and other agenda items for upcoming meetings.
9. A discussion about the council’s acknowledgment of kaumatua and kuia is planned. The discussion on pedestrian safety has been referred to Auckland Transport. Libraries has indicated its intention to deliver a meaningful event for IDOP 2016.
10. In a workshop following the 15 February meeting, input from panel members identified some issues to include in any review of how the demographic advisory panels have functioned in this term.
11. Panel meetings are set for 2 May, 13 June, 25 July and 5 September 2016.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Seniors Advisory Panel Work Programme |
19 |
bView |
Advice and Feedback Provided |
21 |
Author |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
21 March 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/04209
1. The Chair will give a verbal update on any items of interest, and will invite members to give brief updates on matters of relevant significance to the panel’s work.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the information items update.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Bree Kurtovich - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
Manurewa Local Board Chair Angela Dalton
File No.: CP2016/03136
1. Angela Dalton, Manurewa Local Board Chair will speak about Manurewa Local Board's support of the positive ageing strategy, engagement with the seniors sector, and how best to seek advice.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the presentation and thank Angela Dalton, Manurewa Local Board Chair for her attendance.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Bree Kurtovich - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/04401
1. Kevin Lamb, Chief Executive Officer and Sheena Revington, Fundraising and Communications Manager of Age Concern Auckland Incorporated will present to the Seniors Advisory Panel regarding the results of their recent member survey.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the Age Concern presentation and thank Kevin Lamb and Sheena Revington of Age Concern Auckland Incorporated for their attendance.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Bree Kurtovich - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |
Seniors Advisory Panel 21 March 2016 |
Feedback on Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021
File No.: CP2016/01880
1. To seek feedback from the Seniors Advisory Panel (the panel) as experts, and members of their community, on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021.
Executive Summary
2. Auckland Council is required under the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act (2002) to develop and review the direction for civil defence and emergency activities within Auckland through a five yearly review of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan. The current CDEM Group Plan for Auckland is due to expire in June 2016.
3. A draft Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Group Plan 2016-2021 (draft Group Plan) has been developed for consultation (a copy is appended as Attachment A). The draft Group Plan is primarily centered on community empowerment and resilience across all environments (social, economic, environmental and infrastructure).
4. This report asks the Panel to provide feedback on the draft Group Plan.
That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) provide feedback on the draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021. |
5. The Auckland CDEM Group is a statutory committee of Auckland Council as required under section 12 of the CDEM Act. The CDEM Group has overall responsibility for the provision of CDEM within Auckland. It comprises five elected members of the Auckland Council and a number of co-opted observers from CDEM agencies invited by the committee to attend.
6. The CDEM Group has delegated authority to develop, approve, implement, and monitor the CDEM Group Plan. The purpose of the Group Plan is to enable the effective, efficient and coordinated delivery of CDEM across Auckland while building a resilient Auckland with our communities. All CDEM groups are required every five years to consult on the development of group plans under the CDEM Act (2002). The current Group Plan for Auckland expires in June 2016.
7. The draft Group Plan has been developed as a framework for action which will form the basis for more detailed business planning and development of civil defence and emergency management work programmes. The key framework areas for consultation are:
· Knowledge through education
· Volunteer participation
· Emergency Management planning
· Business and organisational resilience
· Strong partnerships
· Response capability and capacity
· Information and communications technologies
· Build Back better
· A safe city
· Research
· Building resilient communities
8. It is important to consider the needs of certain groups, such as senior citizens, as part of planning for emergency response and recovery. In addition, planning needs to be mindful of the needs of an aging population. A report prepared for the Earthquake Commission following the Canterbury earthquakes noted that seniors are among the most vulnerable groups following an earthquake or other civil defence emergency.
9. Research findings stress the benefit of pre-disaster public information and the need for mutual and self-help in communities. Coordination among relief organisations and identification of vulnerable people by both specialised (for older people) services and general services (power supply, for example) are seen as essential.
10. Feedback received from the panel highlighted that planning needed to be mindful that seniors often did not access technology, and that communication needed to consider alternatives such as information hubs in a physical location.
11. Public consultation timelines on the draft Group Plan is from 15 February to 18 April 2016 with significant consultation as part of the Have your Say annual plan events. The final Group Plan is due to be formally adopted by the CDEM Committee in August 2016.
Local Board views and implications
12. Local board portfolio holders have been briefed on issues relevant to the draft Group Plan and, on their recommendation, workshops were held with 20 of the local boards in October 2015. The results of these workshops helped formulate relevant sections of the draft Group Plan.
13. Local board views on the draft Group Plan will be sought in February and March 2016 through a report on their business meeting agendas. Subject to consultation, the Group Plan indicates a wider role for local boards in emergency management.
Māori impact statement
14. Māori will have the opportunity to submit on the draft Group Plan during the statutory consultation phase.
15. In addition, the CDEM department is developing a Māori Responsiveness Plan to support a more proactive approach to engaging iwi and mataawaka in emergency management planning.
16. The draft Group Plan is to be adopted by the CDEM Committee in August 2016. The Group Plan is also provided to the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management for review.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Draft Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021 |
35 |
bView |
Process for developing the draft Group Plan |
99 |
Author |
Janice Miller - Manager Logistics |
Authorisers |
John Dragicevich - Director Civil Defence and Emergency Management Greg Morgan - Lead Officer Support |