Waitematā Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Waitematā Local Board Office, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 at 6.00pm.





Shale Chambers




Deputy Chairperson

Pippa Coom

Until 8:03pm

Item 18



Christopher Dempsey





Greg Moyle

From 7:16pm

Item 17



Vernon Tava





Rob Thomas





Deborah Yates









Mike Lee

Until 6:45pm         Item 9.1



Waitematā Local Board

08 March 2016




1          Welcome


2          Apologies


Resolution number WTM/2016/2

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava:  

That the Waitematā Local Board accept the apology from Member GJ Moyle for lateness and Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom for early departure.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WTM/2016/3

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas:  

That the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 9 February 2016, including the confidential section, be accepted as a true and correct record, subject to the following amendment to item 17, Approval of Conference - IPENZ Transportation Conference, resolution number WTM/2016/229, as follows;

b)      That the Waitematā Local Board approves Member Pippa Coom’s attendance at IPENZ Transportation Conference from 7 March to 9 March 2016 at a cost of $1223 (registration fee), to be funded from the FY15/16 professional development budget.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.














8          Deputations



Gary Holmes – Uptown Business Association


Spoke to the board regarding issues currently being experienced in and around the public car-parking area by the Watercare water tanks at the top of Symonds Street / New North Road / Mount Eden Road.


Resolution number WTM/2016/4

MOVED by Member RAH Thomas, seconded by Member DA Yates:  

That Gary Holmes Tony Smith be thanked  for their attendance and presentation. 



A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the file copy of the minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council’s website.



a     Deputation from Up Town Business Association



9          Public Forum



Ruth Sliedrecht - Healthy Auckland Together


Spoke to the board about working together to change policy, infrastructure design and planning so that our environments can encourage physical activity and good nutrition.


Resolution number WTM/2016/5

MOVED by Member RAH Thomas, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom:  

a)         That Ruth Sliedrecht, David Hopkins and Michael Hale be thanked for             their attendance and presentation.

b)         Refers the matter to the Community and the Sports and             Recreation portfolio holders to undertake discussions with council             officers around how best to support and move the Healthy Auckland             Plan forward. 



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Councillor's Report


There was no Councillor report for this month.    










Waitematā Local Board Performance Report for the six months ending December 2015


Resolution number WTM/2016/6

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member CP Dempsey:  

That the Performance Report for the Waitematā Local Board for the financial quarter ended December 2015 and the ATEED performance Report for six months  be received.





Temporary Alcohol Ban for the Auckland City Limits Concert


Resolution number WTM/2016/7

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava:  

a)      That the Temporary Alcohol Ban for the Auckland City Limits Concert be          received. 

b)      That the Waitematā Local Board:

          I)       make a temporary alcohol ban, pursuant to the Auckland Council Alcohol          Control Bylaw 2014, to operate from 6am Saturday 19 March 2016 to 6am          Sunday 20 March 2016 in the area marked in Attachment A to this report          and described as follows:

· Western Springs Lakeside, Western Springs Outer Fields, Bullock Track, Stadium Road, Motions Road, Old Mill Road, West View Road, Sherwood Avenue, Stanmore Road, Francis Street, Wilton Street, Castle Street, Browning Street, Selbourne Street, Firth Road, Surrey Crescent, Gilbert Avenue, Sefton Avenue, Ivanhoe Road, Clifford Road, Wexford Road, Shirley Road, Tay Road, Tuarangi Road, Barrington Road, Rona Road, Herringson Avenue, and that part of Great North Road between Motions Road and Bond Street.

c)         That Paul Wilson, Team Leader Policies & Bylaws and Jacqueline Ahmu, Event Operations Manager,  be thanked for their attendance. 





March 2016 Quarterly report of the Youth Advisory Panel Waitematā representative of the Waitematā Local Board


Resolution number WTM/2016/8

MOVED by Member DA Yates, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom:  

That the March 2016 Quarterly report of the Youth Advisory Panel Waitematā representative of the Waitematā Local Board be received. 



Secretarial Note:  The Chair with the consent of the meeting accorded Item 17 Auckland Transport Report – March 2016 precedence at this time.








Auckland Transport Report - March 2016


Resolution number WTM/2016/9

MOVED by Member CP Dempsey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom:  

a)      That the Auckland Transport Report – March 2016 Report be received.

b)      That Ivan Trethowen, Elected Member Relationship Manager, be thanked for his           attendance.



Secretarial Note:  The order of business resumed at item 16 Pioneer Woman’s and Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg Square Upgrade. 



Pioneer Women's and Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg Square Upgrade


Resolution number WTM/2016/10

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas:  

a)         That the Pioneer Woman’s and Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg Square             Upgrade be received.

b)        That the Waitematā Local Board:  

            I)          Endorse the final design proposal for Pioneer Women’s and Ellen                                Melville Hall and Freyberg Square upgrade to enable the start of the                                             construction phase.

            II)         Endorse the new name of the community facility to be officially called                            ‘Ellen Melville Centre’ whilst retaining the heritage lettering Pioneer                                                 Women’s Memorial Hall on the outside of the building.

c)         That Lisa Spasic, Development Programmes Senior Lead and Gary McShane,             Technical Project Manager, MPM Project Ltd, be thanked for their attendance. 



Secretarial Note:  Item 17 Auckland Transport Report – March 2016 was considered prior to item 16 Pioneer Women's and Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg Square Upgrade



Pembridge House 31 Princes Street, Auckland Central – Application for Commercial Lease to The University of Auckland


Resolution number WTM/2016/11

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle:  

a)         That the Pembridge House 31 Princess Street, Auckland Central – Application             for Commercial Lease to The University of Auckland be received. 

b)        That the Waitematā Local Board:

          I)                        approves a commercial lease offer being made to the University of                                   Auckland at   Pembridge House, 31 Princes Street, Auckland Central,                   subject to the following terms and conditions:

(i)    that an initial lease term of 10 years with two 5 year rights of renewal is agreed;

(ii)   the above lease is granted on the condition that the University of Auckland  carry out the interior refurbishment works in accordance with the approved plans and consents for the property.



Secretarial Note:  Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom left the meeting.



Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Report 2015-2016


Resolution number WTM/2016/12

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle:  

That the Regional Facilities Auckland Second Quarter Report 2015-2016 be received.





Approval of Conference - Financial Governance 201 - Wellington (LGNZ)


Resolution number WTM/2016/13

MOVED by Member CP Dempsey, seconded by Chairperson S Chambers:  

a)         That the Approval of Conference – Financial Governance 201 – Wellington             (LGNZ) be received.  

b)         That the Waitematā Local Board:

            I)          approves Member Vernon Tava’s attendance at LGNZ Financial                                  Governance 201 on 15April 2016 at a cost of $1031.84 (registration fee                         of $680 plus flight tickets at a maximum price of $351.84), to be funded                         from the FY15/16 professional development budget.





Submission to the New Marine Protected Areas Act: Consultation Document


Resolution number WTM/2016/14

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas:  

a)         That the Submission to the New Marine Protected Areas Act: Consultation             Document be received. 

b)         That the Waitematā Local Board endorse the feedback on the New Marine             Protected Areas Act: Consultation Document for inclusion in Auckland             Council’s submission. 





Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) – local board feedback


Resolution number WTM/2016/15

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)      That the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) – local board feedback report be received

b)      That the Waitematā Local Board delegates to the Board Chair Shale Chambers and Member Vernon Tava and Deputy Chairperson Pippa Coom to provide feedback on the draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) before the feedback deadline of 31 March 2016.








Waitematā Local Board Feedback to the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme Review


Resolution number WTM/2016/16

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member RAH Thomas:  

a)      That the Waitematā Local Board Feedback to the New Zealand Emissions          Trading             Scheme Review be received. 

b)      That the Waitematā Local Board endorse the feedback on the New Zealand           Emissions Trading Scheme Review. 





Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan


Resolution number WTM/2016/17

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle:  

a)         That the Feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management             Group Plan be received. 

b)        That the Waitematā Local Board delegates to the Natural Environment portfolio holders, Member Deborah Yates and Member Rob Thomas, to provide feedback on the draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021, with particular reference to local priorities for emergency management, by Monday 18 April 2016.





Community Led Small Build Programme


Resolution number WTM/2016/18

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava:  

a)         That the Community Led Small Build Programme report be received. 

b)        That the Waitematā Local Board considers that new applications for the programme in the Waitematā Local Board area shall remain whole-of-board decisions, with the board Chair the initial point of contact, but further delegations will be considered in future once the programme has matured.





Chairperson's Report


Resolution number WTM/2016/19

MOVED by Member RAH Thomas, seconded by Member CP Dempsey:  

That the Chair’s verbal report be received.





Deputy Chair Report


Resolution number WTM/2016/20

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava:  

That the Deputy Chair Report be received. 




Board Members' Reports


Resolution number WTM/2016/21

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member GJ Moyle:  

a)         That Board Members Vernon Tava and Deborah Yates’ written reports be received.

b)         That Board Members’ Christopher Dempsey, Greg Moyle and Rob Thomas verbal reports be received.





Governance Forward Work Programme


Resolution number WTM/2016/22

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava:  

That the Governance Forward Work Programme be received. 





Waitematā Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number WTM/2016/23

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member VI Tava:  

That the workshop proceeding notes for the meetings held on 2, 11, 16 and 23 February 2016 be received. 





Reports Requested/Pending


Resolution number WTM/2016/24

MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member DA Yates:  

That the Reports Requested/Pending report be received. 




32        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  






8.48 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









