I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Franklin Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Tuesday, 26 April 2016 9.30am Local Board
Chambers |
Franklin Local Board
Chairperson |
Andrew Baker |
Deputy Chairperson |
Jill Naysmith |
Members |
Malcolm Bell |
Alan Cole |
Brendon Crompton |
Angela Fulljames |
Sarah Higgins |
Murray Kay |
Dr Lyn Murphy |
(Quorum 5 members)
Anthea Clarke Democracy Advisor
20 April 2016
Contact Telephone: (09) 237 1310 Email: Anthea.Clarke@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Franklin Local Board 26 April 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/06919
1. This report requests that the Franklin Local Board:
a) makes decisions on:
i) final Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) budgets by activity, within funding envelopes
ii) key advocacy issues
b) provides any feedback on regional issues, including:
i) the Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC)
ii) the Interim Transport Levy (ITL)
iii) Māori land rates
iv) rates for farm/lifestyle properties over 50 hectares
c) makes recommendations to the governing body on other financial matters such as:
i) any new/amended Business Improvement District (BID) targeted rates
ii) any new/amended local targeted rate proposals
iii) proposed LDI capital projects outside local boards’ decision-making responsibility.
Executive Summary
2. This report seeks input from local boards on a range of annual plan related matters, including LDI, advocacy, regional financial policy issues and other rate proposals.
3. Local board views on these matters will be considered in discussions between the local boards and the Finance and Performance Committee on 6 and 9 May; and by the governing body prior to adopting the Annual Plan 2016/2017.
That the Franklin Local Board: a) makes decisions on final 2016/2017 LDI budgets by activity, within funding envelopes b) agrees key advocacy issues c) provides any views it may have on regional financial policy issues d) recommends any new or amended BID targeted rates e) recommends any new or amended local targeted rate proposals f) recommends any proposed LDI capital projects, which are outside local boards’ decision-making responsibility g) recommends $177,000 of 2015/2016 LDI opex to be deferred
4. Local boards are requested to agree the level of funding for each group of activity. This funding is further allocated to specific projects and services detailed in the work programmes.
5. As part of the funding policy, local boards can resolve to defer those projects that are funded by the LDI where there was an agreed scope and cost but have not been delivered. The Local Board may wish to resolve 2015/2016 projects that meet the criteria for deferral to 2016/2017.
6. Key information of the funding of each activity and the LDI funded projects that meet the criteria for deferral is provided in Attachment A.
Advocacy issues
7. Local boards resolved on their key advocacy issues in November 2015, for discussions with the Finance and Performance Committee and consultation. Since then, relevant council departments and Council Controlled Organisations have provided local boards with advice on the current position of each advocacy issue, and any next steps. This information was provided to local boards in April 2016, as part of a broader information pack, to consider at their workshops, and is also attached to this report for information (see Attachment B).
8. Local boards consulted on their local advocacy issues in February and March 2016. The results from the consultation have been analysed and summarised, and provided to the local boards. This has been attached to this report for information (see Attachment C).
9. In light of this information, the Local Board may now wish to agree any advocacy priorities for discussion with the Finance and Performance Committee on 6 and 9 May.
Regional issues
10. Local boards provided feedback on regional financial policy issues (in November 2015) which were going for consultation. The results from the consultation have been analysed and summarised, and provided to local boards (see Attachment C).
11. The Local Board may wish to provide further feedback on these issues for consideration by the Finance and Performance Committee.
Local targeted rate and BID targeted rate proposals
12. Local boards are required to agree any new BID and local targeted rate proposals (noting that any new local targeted rates and/or BIDs must have been consulted on before they can be implemented).
Local Board views and implications
13. Local board decisions and feedback is being sought in this report.
14. Local boards play an important role in the development of the annual plan, and provide views and information at key stages as council continues through the annual plan process.
Māori impact statement
15. Many local board decisions are of importance to and impact on Māori. Local board agreements and the annual plan are important tools that enable and can demonstrate council’s responsiveness to Māori. Local board plans, which were developed in 2014 through engagement with the community including Māori, form the basis of local priorities.There is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and iwi, and where relevant the wider Māori community. Ongoing conversations will assist local boards and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and issues. This in turn can influence and encourage Māori participation in council’s decision-making processes.
16. Feedback from the local boards will be summarised and provided in full to the Finance and Performance Committee and governing body for consideration and adopting the Annual Plan 2016/2017.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
LDI and Deferrals |
9 |
bView |
Advocacy 2016/17 |
11 |
cView |
Consultation Feedback |
13 |
Authors |
Mark Purdie - Lead Financial Advisor |
Authorisers |
Angeline Barlow - Relationship Manager Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards |
26 April 2016 |
The following is the most recently approved list of advocacy for this local board, adopted in November 2015 as part of the annual plan process. Auckland Council departments and relevant CCO’s have provided a response to each initiative, setting out its current status.
Initiative |
Department/CCO response |
Erosion |
regional approach has been agreed by the Regional Strategy and Policy
Committee at its meeting on 3 December 2015. It was resolved to: |
Roads |
Auckland Transport will work with the Franklin Local Board to ensure the rural roads in its area are both safe for the rural setting and conditions. In relation to roading improvements necessitated due to growth, Auckland Transport, NZTA and Auckland Council are taking a proactive approach to support the growth identified in Auckland Council's Future Urban Land Supply Strategy by identifying possible future transport networks, which include a mix of new or upgraded roads, new public transport and cycling infrastructure. Six weeks of public consultation will be carried out to get feedback on the proposed transport networks, beginning with an initial feedback period between 18 February and 3 March and followed by a 4-week consultation period in mid-April. |
growth with appropriate and timely infrastructure |
The Franklin Local Board will be involved in the future planning of their area, with a particular focus in the higher growth areas. In order to integrate infrastructure, development and future community needs, the council will be guided by strategic documents such as the Open Space Acquisition Policy, Community Facility Network Plans and the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. For example a priority action under the Community Facility Network Plan is to investigate, within the next three years, the future community facility provision in the Pukekohe/Wesley area in view of predicted growth. |
Greenways |
Local Boards will be consulted on an Auckland Greenways Plan prior to the end of the financial year.This plan will include criteria to inform the allocation of available budget to specific greenways projects on a rolling three year investment programme. |
Planning and regulatory functions |
Consideration of implementation and enforcement implications are a key consideration in every stage of policy and bylaw development. Local impacts and whether a regulatory approach should include local variations are also a key consideration and a number of our policies and bylaws have either included local variations or built in the capacity for future localised variation through the use of controls. |
26 April 2016 |
Annual Budget 2016/2017 consultation feedback report for Franklin Local Board
1. Purpose
A. This report summarises all feedback received through the Annual Budget 2016/2017 consultation on Franklin Local Board proposals. It also summarises feedback on the regional proposals from people or organisations based in the Franklin local board area.
B. The purpose of this report is to inform the Franklin Local Board of the views of their local community on the annual proposals. This will build on the boards understanding of community priorities and preferences as established in the development of the Franklin Local Board Plan 2014.
C. The feedback received will inform the Franklin Local Board decisions on allocation of their local budgets in their local board agreement for 2016/2017. It will also inform the Franklin Local Board discussions with the Finance and Performance Committee on 6 and 9 May on advocacy and local priorities in relation to the regional budgets and proposals.
2. Executive Summary
Out of the 3,324 submissions received on the Annual Budget 2016/2017, 222 were submissions from people living in Franklin local board area or concerning Franklin Local Board local proposals. There were 44,076 individual pieces of feedback on the received, with 3,373 points of feedback from people living in Franklin or about proposals concerning Franklin local board area.
A. Franklin Local Board local proposals consulted on for 2016/2017
1. Work with the community to develop a greenways plan
2. Strongly advocate for coastal erosion to be addressed as a regional issue
3. Complete the process for rural halls to be managed by the community
4. Support local community organisations and event organisers
5. Support youth in Franklin and develop options for improving the transition from school to work
6. Work with volunteers on projects in our local parks
7. Do you support bringing forward a kerbside recycling collection for all Franklin residents, paid for with a targeted rate?
B. Regional proposals consulted on for 2016/2017
Fixed charge (Uniform Annual general Charge or UAGC)
Responses to what level the UAGC should be at were evenly split with 42% of respondents supportive of retaining it at the current level of $397. Another 42%, however supported an increase in the UAGC. 13% supported a decrease and 4% were unsure what it should be set at.
Interim Transport Levy (ITL)
62% of respondents supported keeping the ITL at the current level of $114, 24% thought that businesses should pay more.
54% supported keeping the ITL for businesses as a fixed charge, 35% thought it should be based on the property value of the business.
Farm and lifestyle rates
26% of respondents were in support of keeping the differential for farm and lifestyle properties at 80%. 63% were in support of reducing it to 60%.
Māori land rates
36% supported reducing the rates collected from Maori land, whilst 54% did not support the reduction.
3. Context
A. This report is being provided to the Franklin Local Board summarising the local consultation feedback received on the annual budget. Council received feedback in person at three community engagement events, through written forms (including those submitted online) and through social media.
B. Feedback on Franklin Local Board local proposals and on regional proposals from the Franklin local board area was received through:
· Written feedback – 49 feedback forms
· In person – Feedback was received through three Have your say events – held in Pukekohe, Waiuku and Beachlands.
4. Feedback received on the local proposals
In Franklin, the following methods of providing written feedback were used. Online form was the most popular, followed by the form in OurAuckland and a posted submission form:
Sources of feedback were from the following sectors:
There were 222 written submissions, and a total of 80 people attended Have Your Say events held in Pukekohe, Waiuku and Beachlands.
A. Key themes across all written feedback received on local issues
The general response to local board proposals was as follows:
The main local proposals received the following written comments:
· introduction of targeted rate for to bring forward a kerbside recycling collection service (46 in support – 9 other comments)
· complete the process for rural halls to be managed by the community (33 in support – 5 not sure)
· work with volunteers on projects in local parks (32 in support – 2 against)
· support local community organisations and event organisers (32 in support – 1 against)
· strongly advocate for coastal erosion to be addressed as a regional issue (31 in support – 3 against)
· work with the community to develop a Greenways Plan (28 in support – 1 against)
· support youth in Franklin and develop options for improving the transition from school to work (28 in support – 4 against).
B. A summary of key themes from feedback received through each channel is provided below.
Feedback received through written submissions
Support for bringing forward rural kerbside recycling
“Please prioritise curb side recycling in rural areas. Having come back to NZ from a much less "green" country we are so disappointed that after having curb side recycling for over 20 years we are back to trying to find a recycling centre and dealing with the mess and hassle of recyclables building up. Or worse, and more common, we begrudgingly put our recycling in the rubbish. We can do better Franklin!”
“Most definitely - will reduce landfill immensely!!”
“Pleased that the kerbside recycling service is going to be brought forward by 8 months in rural Franklin. Support a targeted rate for those areas receiving the service.”
“Franklin rural recycling needs to be instigated at the earliest possible time.”
“I strongly support the rural Franklin comingled recycling proposal and the proposed targeted rate.”
Other comments on kerbside recycling
“I am concerned about kerbside recycling as it may apply to the rural areas. Forgive me if I am not an expert in this area. I just wonder how it would work in practical terms. My farm, and I know this applies to most farms, seems to have a huge amount of waste that would take a great deal of expense for the Council to remove. I am all in favour of the Council providing 'kerbside recycling' but who pays and just how practical is it in rural areas. If some are getting it free, all should get it free.”
“Bring back transfer station in Pukekohe, why change something for the hell of it.”
Coastal erosion:
“Coastal erosion needs much more attention and investment.”
Rural halls managed by the community:
“Halls should be managed by the community.”
Support for young people to improve the transition from school to work:
“More central Government funding should be used for School to work transition it is not a ratepayer’s responsibility. The council is funding too many social policies that are a central government mandate.”
Working with volunteers on projects in local parks
“Some of our parks can also be managed by the community very effectively.”
Waiuku Sports Park development
“Very pleasing to see the Waiuku Sports Park proposal revisited after having been promised it and some budget for it at least a decade ago when I attended a public meeting! It would also be nice to see the pool developed at the sports park as planned at that time also”.
Pukekohe town centre upgrade
“Pukekohe main street was upgraded a few years ago. Complete waste of $1.4m.”
“The town centre does not require an upgrade just more cleaning work done - the bricks are dangerous and hard to clean. Grass is growing between them and making more un-slightly and slippery.”
Community gardens
“I see community gardens in the local board plan but they are not costed. More resources should go towards this.”
Feedback received through Have Your Say events
Greenways Plan
“Greenways - would be worrying if people did not want them - but basic works need to be undertaken before we consider Greenways.”
Coastal erosion
“Coastal erosion is a major problem - local volunteers carry out planting and have had issues with procurement not acting in a timely manner resulting in the loss of plants.”
“Support for coastal erosion as a local board priority.”
“More help is needed from council to address coastal erosion and a quicker response from the procurement team.”
Local governance and support
“Franklin Local Board is doing a good job with the budget allocated to them but they need a bigger budget to be more effective e.g. coastal erosion.”
“The Franklin Local Board should have evening meetings in the local area to discuss local issues with the community.”
“Structure planning is needed for the local area (Beachlands/Maraetai).”
Feedback received through other community events
Priority outcomes for the Franklin Local Board area were voted on by attendees at the Clevedon A&P Show in November 2015 and the Franklin A&P Show in February 2016.
The four priority outcomes for the local board area were as follows:
• Parks
• Pest management
• Waterways
• Waste management
• Local jobs
• Economic development
• Tourism and events
• Business association
• Roads
• Public transport
• Safety
• Recreational use
• Youth/older people
• Community development
• Events
• Safety
• Libraries
• Heritage
The public were asked to vote on their top priority outcome for the local board area. The voting results were as follows:
Clevedon A&P Show
Environment 111
Community 52
Transport 46
Economy 31
The environment was the highest priority for people attending the Clevedon show.
Franklin A&P Show
Transport 202
Environment 146
Community 84
Economy 63
Transport was the highest priority for people attending the show in Pukekohe.
5. Overview of feedback received on regional proposals from Franklin local board area
The consultation on the proposed annual budget focused on four key issues, Uniform Annual General Charge, Interim Transport Levy, Rural rates and Maori Freehold Land rates. The written feedback received from the Franklin area on these key consultation topics is summarised below, along with an overview of any other areas of feedback on regional proposals with a local impact.
Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC)
Auckland’s residents and ratepayers were asked if the UAGC should be kept at $397 so that rates are spread differently between high and low value properties, and should it be changed to $350, $450, $550 or $650.
The graphs below give an overview of the responses from the Franklin local board area.
Question 1a” What is your opinion on the fixed charge portion of the rates (UAGC)?
Question 1 b: If changed, what should the fixed charge be?
Interim Transport Levy (ITL)
People were asked if businesses should pay more than they currently do toward the ITL (meaning other ratepayers pay less) and should the levy continue to be a fixed charge for businesses or be based on the size of the business (meaning small businesses pay less than large ones).
The graphs below give an overview of the responses from the Franklin area.
Question 2a: What is your opinion on the ITL amount paid by businesses versus the amount paid by all other ratepayers?
Question 2b: What is your opinion on the amount businesses pay in relation to their property value?
Farm and Lifestyle rates
Auckland’s residents and ratepayers were asked to provide their thoughts on the rates paid by farm/lifestyle properties (over 50 hectares) reducing to 60 per cent from 80 per cent of the urban residential rate (meaning all other ratepayers pay more).
The graphs below give an overview of the responses from the Franklin area.
Question 3: What is your opinion on the rates paid by farm/lifestyle properties over 50 hectares?
Māori Freehold Land rates
People were asked if they supported reducing rates for some Māori land to reflect restrictions on its use.
The graph below gives an overview of the responses from the Franklin area.
Question 4: What is your opinion on reducing the rates collected from Māori land to reflect restrictions on its use?
Feedback on other regional proposals with a local impact
Feedback was received from the Franklin Local Board area on other regional proposals. The graph below shows the areas covered by this feedback.
6. Feedback on other local topics
Feedback was provided by individuals on a wide range of individual topics, however no key themes were identified within the feedback.