Great Barrier Environment Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Great Barrier Environment Committee held in the Claris Conference Centre, 19 Whangaparapara Road, Claris, Great Barrier Island on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 10.00am.





Susan Daly




Deputy Chairperson

Jeff Cleave





Izzy Fordham





Judy Gilbert





Christina Spence


















Fenella Christian

Department of Conservation


Cara Fraider

Department of Conservation


Nick Turoa

Department of Conservation


John Ogden

GBI Environmental Trust


Kate Waterhouse

GBI Environmental Trust


Bill Carlin

Supporters of the Barrier Fishery


Kathy Cumming



Rendt Gorter

Aotea Family Support Group






Great Barrier Environment Committee

27 April 2016




1          Welcome


Chairperson SP Daly opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Deputy JC Cleave led the meeting in a karakia.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number GBESP/2016/12

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 24 February 2016, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Fenella Christian, Cara Fraider and Nick Turoa - Department of Conservation


Fenella Christian, Cara Fraider and Nick Turoa from Department of Conservation were in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Environment Committee in respect to their report and introduction of Nick Turoa as acting manager.


Resolution number GBESP/2016/13

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)        note the Public Forum presentation.

b)        thank Fenella Christian, Cara Fraider and Nick Turoa from Department of Conservation for their Public Forum presentation.





John Ogden - GBI Environmental Trust


John Ogden from GBI Environmental Trust were in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Environment Committee in respect to an update on the Trust.


A document was tabled in respect this item. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website


Resolution number GBESP/2016/14

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)        note the Public Forum presentation.

b)        thank John Ogden from GBI Environmental Trust for his Public Forum presentation.





a     Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust Report 27/4/2016



Bill Carlin - Supporters of the Barrier Fishery


Bill Carlin from Supporters of the Barrier Fishery was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Environment Committee in respect to planting for birds, Marine Protected Areas Act and the voluntary fishing code of conduct.


Resolution number GBESP/2016/15

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)        note the Public Forum presentation.

b)        thank Bill Carlin from Supporters of the Barrier Fishery for his Public Forum presentation.




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report


Emma Joyce, Relationship Advisor, was in attendance to present to the Great Barrier Environment Committee in respect to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report.


A document was tabled in respect this item. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number GBESP/2016/16

MOVED by Member J Cleave, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      note the information in the Infrastructure and Environmental Services update report.

b)      ask officers to provide historical council and community studies on both fresh and marine water quality testing results for Great Barrier for consideration as part of the current water quality testing results

c)      thank Emma Joyce, Relationship Advisor, for her attendance and presentation on the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Update Report





a     April Biosecurity Update




Community group and agency reports


Resolution number GBESP/2016/17

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member J Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      note the Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust Annual report 2015, Great Barrier Island Environmental Trust Report – April 2016, Wastewise Aotea Brief - April 2016 and Department of Conservation April 2016 report.






Aotea Great Barrier Ecology Conversations Phase 2 update


Marie McEntee, Aranovus, was in attendance via teleconference to present to the Great Barrier Environment Committee in respect to the Aotea Great Barrier Ecology Conversations Phase 2 update report.


A document was tabled in respect this item. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number GBESP/2016/18

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      note the Aotea Great Barrier Ecology Vision Phase 2 - April16 - project update.

b)      thank Marie McEntee, Aranovus, for her attendance via tele-conference and presentation on the Aotea Great Barrier Ecology Conversations Phase 2 update report





a     Motairehe Marae letter of support




Great Barrier Local Board submission to the Marine Protected Areas Act consultation document


Resolution number GBESP/2016/19

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      note its submission on the Government’s Marine Protected Areas Act consultation document for attachment to the Auckland Council submission








Documents  were tabled in respect this item. Copies of the tabled documents have been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number GBESP/2016/20

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member J Cleave:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      note the correspondence for the month of March and April 2016.

b)      receive the Report on the Public Survey into a Proposed Voluntary Fishing Code of Conduct for Great Barrier Island Waters including the final proposed Voluntary Code of Fishing Conduct contained in  Appendix C and:

i)  agrees that there is strong concern and interest in the health of the Barrier fisheries and strong support for a Voluntary Fishing Code of Conduct evident in survey responses

ii) agrees to assist in the promotion of this important community initiative through its e-newsletter and website

iii) notes that it will consider further opportunities to advance the use of the Voluntary Fishing Code of Conduct for Aotea Great Barrier

         iv) thanks the Supporters of the Barrier Fishery for their excellent work in            pursuing this important initiative





a     Bill Carlin - Planting For Birds: Great Barrier Island

b     Report on survey into Proposed Voluntary Fishing Code for Great Barrier Island Waters




Annual Plan 2016/2017


A document was tabled in respect this item. A copy of the tabled document has been attached to the official minutes and can be viewed on the Auckland Council website.


Resolution number GBESP/2016/21

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member JJ Gilbert:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      agree final 2016/2017 LDI budgets by activity, within funding envelopes as per the tabled document

b)      agree key advocacy issues as per attachment B on the agenda with the following additions:

·  request additional LDI funding of $57,230 to offset the additional costs imposed under the empowered communities model

·  requests additional funding to continue and support the board’s ongoing initiatives to extend wireless mobile coverage to communities without adequate or any service

·  requests that the Great Barrier and Waiheke LDI budgets be adjusted annually for inflation noting that unlike other boards their LDI budgets are based on fixed (ex-Auckland City Council) legacy  budgets which don’t reflect true costs

·  requests as a joint advocacy position that the Governing Body re-instate a sub-regional fund similar to the Central Facility Partnership Fund

c)      recommend that $90,000 of 2015/2016 LDI opex budget be carried forward as per the tabled document





a     Final 2016/2017 LDI budgets by activity and carried forward 2015/2016 LDI opex budget




Annual Locally Driven Initiative budget negotiation for 2016/17


Resolution number GBESP/2016/22

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member IM Fordham:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      request additional Local Driven Initiative funding of $57,230 to offset the additional costs imposed under the empowered communities model overhead calculation on the basis that the board’s LDI funding is fixed and adversely impacted by this increase.






Central Facility Partnership Joint Advocacy Positions


Resolution number GBESP/2016/23

MOVED by Member SP Daly, seconded by Member CA Spence:  

That the Great Barrier Environment Committee:

a)      note that since 2010, the Central Facilities Partnership Committee has allocated $10 million, which was leveraged to provide community projects with a total value of $45m.  This community-led approach was consistent with the empowered communities’ philosophy. 

b)      note that with the establishment of the $10M Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex Fund as part of the 2015-2025 long-term plan the Central Facility Partnership Fund was ceased

c)      agree to include in the boards key advocacy issues the proposed joint advocacy positions:

i)       request the Governing Body to re-instate a sub-regional fund similar to the Central Facility Partnership Fund

ii)      request the approval for the Central Facility Partnership Committee to undertake under its governance responsibilities the ability to re-invest funds, up to the value of current commitments, in the event of a current facility partnership commitment failing to crystallise

d)      agree to include as part of the Local Boards individual achievement reports the inclusion of the collective outcomes of the Central Facilities Partnership Committee




20        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  



12.03 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









