Kaipātiki Local Board
Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held in the Kaipātiki Local Board Office, 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 4.36pm.
Chairperson |
Kay McIntyre, QSM |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ann Hartley, JP |
Members |
Dr Grant Gillon |
Danielle Grant |
Richard Hills |
John Gillon |
Lorene Pigg |
Lindsay Waugh |
Kaipātiki Local Board 27 April 2016 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
Resolution number KT/2016/32 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley, seconded by Member D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) accept the apologies from Member John Gillon, Member Lorene Pigg and Member Lindsay Waugh for absence.
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
5 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
6 Petitions
There were no petitions.
7 Deputations
There were no deputations.
8 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
9 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
10 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
11 |
Resolution number KT/2016/33 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approves the 2016/2017 Locally Driven Initiative budgets by activity, within the following funding envelopes: i) Local community services - $1,033,000; ii) Local parks, sport and recreation - $135,000; iii) Local environment management - $65,000; and iv) Local planning - $130,000. b) agrees the following key advocacy issues for discussion with the governing body, noting additional detail is provided in the tabled attachment, amended to reflect the points below: i) Retain the existing budgets for local Kaipātiki projects as identified in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, namely the Kaipātiki Connections Network Plan and Greenways, Marlborough Park Hall, and general Parks developments. ii) Community houses/centres, arts and culture facilities, sports facilities and other community assets across the Auckland region should receive an appropriate level of operational funding to an agreed service level. The current service standard is inequitable. iii) A review should be undertaken to reinstate some of the level of service changes agreed through the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, namely the rationalisation of library hours and change to the method of parks edging from mechanical to chemical spray, noting that the board continues to top up libraries funding by $13,000 to retain increased library hours, and parks funding by $54,000 to continue mechanical edging in place of spraying in parks. iv) A service level should be established for parks tracks and included as a scheduled maintenance item in the appropriate contract(s). These are not currently on any maintenance schedule. v) The Arts, Community and Events department overhead should not be charged to the board’s Locally Driven Initiative budget. vi) A fair and consistent service standard with appropriate funding should be established for artificial/hard playing surfaces, bearing in mind funding currently allocated to grass playing surfaces across the region. vii) The budget currently allocated to renewals should be increased because it is inadequate to replace the asset at current building standards. viii) A Community development / partnership fund scheme should be reinstated sub-regionally throughout Auckland as this scheme has historically provided the base funding to a large number of significant third party facility developments. ix) In-house resources need to be made available to relevant departments to provide adequate funding for feasibility, design, concept work, and consenting to support all projects. x) The Local Board Transport Capital Fund should be continued, as it is effective to respond to local issues. xi) The local board supports the Northcote Safe Cycle route as a significant cycling initiative in Kaipātiki. xii) Increased investment is required for in inner harbour ferry services and ferry fares should be included as part of a fully integrated public transport fare system. This will help reduce pressure on bus services. xiii) The board advocates to the governing body to release the former North Shore City Council – Eskdale Reserve Toilet special reserve, and for the funds to be reallocated to the development of a new toilet at Rewi Alley Reserve. c) provides the following feedback on the regional financial policy issues: i) Uniform Annual General Charge: 1. the board supports no change to the Uniform Annual General Charge for the 2016/2017 Annual Plan year. 2. retaining the current Uniform Annual General Charge figure will make it more likely that the majority of residential ratepayers will face the same percentage increase for rates. 3. the board notes that there was considerable public disquiet at the Long-term plan communications on rates increases, due to the high levels of variance at the individual property level from the percentage changes presented in council wide communications over rates changes. 4. the board requests the Governing Body uses figures that accurately reflect the actual changes faced by most residential ratepayers in any communications on rates changes. ii) Interim Transport Levy: 1. the board supports an increase in the share of the interim business levy being met by businesses from the current 14.7 percent to 32.7 percent for 2016/17 and 32.3 percent for 2017/18, based on the capital value of the property. 2. the board notes businesses have the ability to claim rates, including the interim transport levy, as expenses for tax purposes. 3. the board requests further information on the progress made in encouraging central government to introduce other funding options for transport in the Auckland region. iii) Rural rating policy: 1. the board does not support changes to the rural rating policy. d) recommends to the Governing Body that $6,000 of 2015/2016 Kaipātiki Local Board Locally Driven Initiative operational expenditure be deferred.
12 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
4.52 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.