I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manukau Harbour Forum will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 11 April 2016 11.00am Māngere-Otāhuhu
Local Board Office |
Manukau Harbour Forum
Chairperson |
Member Jill Naysmith |
Franklin Local Board |
Deputy Chairperson |
Member Saffron Toms |
Waitakere Ranges Local Board |
Members |
Member Ami Chand, JP |
Whau Local Board |
Member Carrol Elliott, JP |
Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board |
Member Lotu Fuli |
Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board |
Member Bridget Graham, QSM |
Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board |
Member David Holm |
Puketapapa Local Board |
Member Graham Purdy |
Papakura Local Board |
Member Daryl Wrightson |
Manurewa Local Board |
Alternate Members |
Member Brett Clark |
Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board |
Member Alan Cole |
Franklin Local Board |
Member Fa'anana Efeso Collins |
Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board |
Member Catherine Farmer |
Whau Local Board |
Member Neil Henderson |
Waitakere Ranges Local Board |
Member Michael Wood |
Puketapapa Local Board |
Member Danella McCormick |
Manurewa Local Board |
Member Leau Peter Skelton |
Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board |
(Quorum 5 members)
Riya Seth Democracy Advisor 5 April 2016 Contact Telephone: (09) 826 5103 Email: riya.seth@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Manukau Harbour Forum 11 April 2016 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
9 Public Forum 5
10 Extraordinary Business 5
11 Notices of Motion 6
12 Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme update 7
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
The Chairperson will open the meeting and welcome everyone present.
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Manukau Harbour Forum: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 15 February 2016, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Manukau Harbour Forum. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Manukau Harbour Forum 11 April 2016 |
Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme update
File No.: CP2016/04531
1. To provide an update on the work programme from February to end of March 2016.
Executive Summary
2. The Forum agreed its 2015/2016 work programme at its March 2015 meeting (resolution number MHFJC/2015/9). This was subsequently endorsed by member local boards at their meetings in April and May 2015. This report provides an update on the 2015/2016 work programme, and also a key regionally-funded project which is to evaluate the feasibility of hydrodynamic modelling for the Manukau Harbour.
That the Manukau Harbour Forum: a) note the information provided in the work programme update. b) note that the completion of the scoping study work to test the feasibility of hydrodynamic modelling of the Manukau harbour has been delayed until end of May 2016. |
3. At its meeting in March 2015, the Forum asked its member boards to support, and provide a funding contribution, towards a work programme consisting of a series of flagship sites events, the development of a communications plan, and a symposium.
Flagship Sites Programme
4. A total of three sites have been confirmed to host flagship sites this year. They are indicated in the table below;
Business |
Business Type |
Location |
Date |
Fonterra |
Milk processing plant |
Takanini |
28 April |
RA Johnstone |
Supply of chemical products |
Wiri |
20 May |
Kemsol |
Chemical manufacturer |
Airport Oaks |
22 June |
Table 2: 2016 Flagship Sites events
Communications Plan
5. The scope of the communications plan was redrawn to support the Forum to have a presence at key events taking place around the harbour. At the time of writing, three events had taken place (Sustainable Coastlines Cleanup at Cornwallis, Kauri Karnival at Parrs Park in Glen Eden, and the Karaka Vintage Festival). A verbal update will be provided to the Forum at the meeting, with a final report included in the end of year ‘wrap up’ report on the entire Forum work programme.
6. The Our Harbour brochure has been finalised and distributed at events and to local board offices, service centres and libraries.
Manukau Harbour Symposium
7. The Manukau Harbour symposium (Mana ō te Moana) will be held on Friday, 10 June 2016 at the Manukau Civic building. The intended outcomes from the symposium and associated content for the day are currently being developed. Input is being sought from mana whenua at a hui scheduled for 18th April.
8. One of the key components of the symposium will be an awards ceremony recognising individuals or groups actively advocating for the improvement of the Manukau Harbour.
Hydrodynamic Scoping Study
9. In its decision making on the Long-term Plan 2015-2015, the governing body requested that staff ‘identify the scope and feasibility of hydrodynamic modelling’ for the Manukau Harbour. Hydrodynamic modelling can provide predictions in water levels, tidal currents and waves across the harbour and model the complex movement of sediment and contaminants from their source to a deposition area within the harbour.
10. A feasibility study is currently being undertaken to determine if there is enough information to complete a hydrodynamic modelling study of the harbour. The delivery of the hydrodynamic scoping study has been delayed, and will be presented to the Forum in June 2016. All information on existing hydrodynamic models for the harbour from both Crown and Council entities has been received. This information will now be assessed to see if it is sufficient to develop a hydrodynamic model of the entire harbour.
Local Board views and implications
11. This work programme was endorsed by member boards in 2015. All nine member boards reference the Forum in their local board plans.
12. A number of member boards also sponsor projects supporting the goals and objectives of the Forum through their own environment work programmes.
Māori impact statement
13. No specific consultation with Maori was undertaken for the purposes of this report.
14. Feedback and input from mana whenua on the entire three year strategic work programme was sought at a hui in November 2014. In 2015, the Forum agreed to host up to three hui with iwi per year, and it is expected that there will be opportunities at those hui for iwi to provide ongoing feedback on the current work programme to the Forum. The next hui is scheduled for Monday, 18 April 2016.
15. Subject to the Forum being reconstituted after the October 2016 elections, iwi and mataawaka will be invited to participate in the development of the next three year work programme.
16. There are no implementation issues arising from this report.
17. The third and final year of the current three year Forum work programme will commence in July 2016. Subject to the Forum being reconstituted post-election, the Forum will have to develop a process to agree its next three year work programme. It is anticipated that this will be informed by the completion of the hydrodynamic modelling scoping report.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Emma Joyce - Relationship Advisor Theresa Pearce - Relationship Advisor |
Authorisers |
Gael Ogilvie – Environmental Services Manager Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager |