I hereby give notice that an extraordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 28 April 2016 6.30pm Manurewa
Local Board Office |
Manurewa Local Board
Chairperson |
Angela Dalton |
Deputy Chairperson |
Simeon Brown |
Members |
Michael Bailey |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Hon George Hawkins, QSO |
Danella McCormick |
Ken Penney |
Daryl Wrightson |
(Quorum 4 members)
Lee Manaia Local Board Democracy Advisor
21 April 2016
Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421 Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Manurewa Local Board Portfolios
Portfolio Lead |
Portfolio Associate |
Portfolio Activity and Responsibilities |
Angela Dalton Chairperson C/- Shop 3-5 Email: Angela.Dalton@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Simeon Brown |
· Governance portfolio · Board leadership · Board-to-Council relationships · Board-to-Board relationships · Local Board Plan · Local Board agreements · Civic duties · Advocacy (local, regional, and central government) · Community partnerships · Relationships with Maoridom and youth · Relationships with government departments and agencies · Relationships with Watercare · Relationship with Property CCO · Relationship with Auckland Waterfront Development · Local funding policy Political Working Party · Relationship with ATEED · Relationship with Regional Facilities CCO’s · Relationship COMET · Relationship Southern Initiative |
· Regulatory portfolio · Resource consents · Heritage · Gambling · Liquor (Simeon Brown as alternate) · Urban design · Swimming pools · Trees · By-laws · Airport noise · Unitary Plan · Waste management |
Simeon Brown Deputy Chairperson C/- Shop 3-5
Daryl Wrightson |
· Community and social well-being portfolio · Community development (incl. CAYAD, CAB, and Manurewa Senior Citizens) · Neighbourhood relationships · Funding for neighbourhood projects · Community safety (excl. town centres) · Graffiti removal · Community advocacy · Community facilities · Youth Council · Contact CAB |
Michael Bailey |
· Town centres and economic portfolio · Town centre renewal (incl. branding) · Design and maintenance · Town Centre marketing · Community safety within town centres · Business Improvement Districts (Michael Bailey and Simeon Brown) · Local priorities in relation to regional economic development initiatives |
Michael Bailey 10 Rimu Road Manurewa 2102 Mob: 021 287 4422 Email: Micahel.Bailey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Danella McCormick |
· Sports parks and recreation portfolio · Stewardship of sports parks · Stewardship of recreation facilities · Relationship with sports clubs · Neighbourhood parks and reserves (incl. esplanade reserves and the coastline) · Design and maintenance · Plantings, playgrounds, bollards, and walkways · Botanic Gardens and Totara Park · Skateparks · Associate for the following portfolios: · Governance · transport |
George Hawkins |
· Libraries and recreation portfolio · Stewardship of Manurewa libraries · Mobile library |
George Hawkins |
· Transport portfolio · Local transport projects (incl. roading, footpaths, cycleways) |
Daryl Wrightson Shop 3-5, 7 Hill
Road |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Arts, Culture and Events portfolio · Community celebration · Community identity · Neighbourhood gatherings and renewal · Event compliance · Artistic and cultural service levels · Promoting artistic endeavour (particularly among Manurewa youth) · Regional arts · Producing a music and arts centre for Manurewa |
Simeon Brown |
· Recreation Services portfolio · Contact Manukau Leisure |
Danella McCormick Shop 3-5, 7 Hill
Road |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Civil Defence Emergency Management portfolio · Relationships with the Civil Defence Emergency Management Group · Community preparedness, disaster response, relief, and recovery |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
· Built and Natural Environment portfolio · Restoration of wetlands, streams, and waterways · Local priorities in relation to regional environmental management · Mangroves · Manukau Harbour |
Other Board Members:
George Hawkins, QSO 30 Lakeside Drive |
Ken Penney 146e Great South
Road Email: Ken.Penney@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Angela Cunningham –Marino C/- Auckland Council Private Bag 92300 Auckland 1142 Ph: 266 4729 Mob: 027 504 0884 Email: Angela.Cunningham-Marino@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Manurewa Local Board 28 April 2016 |
1 Welcome 7
2 Apologies 7
3 Declaration of Interest 7
4 Annual Plan 2016/2017 9
1 Welcome
The chairperson will read an affirmation at the beginning of the meeting.
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Manurewa Local Board 28 April 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/06329
1. This report requests that the Manurewa Local Board:
a) makes decisions on:
i. final locally driven initiatives (LDI) budgets by activity, within funding envelopes
ii. key advocacy issues
b) provides any feedback on regional issues, including:
i. the Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC)
ii. the Interim Transport Levy (ITL)
iii Māori land rates
iv. rates for farm/lifestyle properties over 50 hectares.
c) makes recommendations to the governing body on other financial matters such as:
i. any new/amended Business Improvement District (BID) targeted rates
ii. any new/amended local targeted rate proposals
iii proposed LDI capital projects outside local boards’ decision-making responsibility.
Executive Summary
2. This report seeks input from local boards on a range of annual plan related matters, including LDI, advocacy, regional financial policy issues and other rate proposals.
3. Local board views on these matters will be considered in discussions between the local boards and the Finance and Performance Committee on 6 and 9 May; and by the governing body prior to adopting the Annual Plan 2016/2017.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) makes decisions on final 2016/2017 locally driven initiatives (LDI) budgets by activity, within funding envelopes. b) agrees key advocacy issues. c) provides any views it may have on regional financial policy issues. d) recommends any new or amended business improvement district (BID) targeted rates. e) recommends any new or amended local targeted rate proposals. f) recommends any proposed locally driven initiatives (LDI) capital projects, which are outside local boards’ decision-making responsibility. g) recommends $XX of 2015/2016 locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational expenditure (opex) to be deferred.
Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI)
4. Local boards are requested to agree the level of funding for each group of activity. This funding is further allocated to specific projects and services detailed in the work programmes.
5. As part of the funding policy, local boards can resolve to defer those projects that are funded by the LDI where there was an agreed scope and cost but have not been delivered. The Local Board may wish to resolve 2015/2016 projects that meet the criteria for deferral to 2016/2017.
6. Key information of the funding of each activity and the LDI funded projects that meet the criteria for deferral is provided in Attachment A.
Advocacy issues
7. Local boards resolved on their key advocacy issues in November 2015, for discussions with the Finance and Performance Committee and consultation. Since then, relevant council departments and Council Controlled Organisations have provided local boards with advice on the current position of each advocacy issue, and any next steps. This information was provided to local boards in April 2016, as part of a broader information pack, to consider at their workshops, and is also attached to this report for information (see Attachment B).
8. Local boards consulted on their local advocacy issues in February and March 2016. The results from the consultation have been analysed and summarised, and provided to the local boards. This has been attached to this report for information (see Attachment C).
9. In light of this information, the Local Board may now wish to agree any advocacy priorities for discussion with the Finance and Performance Committee on 6 and 9 May.
Regional issues
10. Local boards provided feedback on regional financial policy issues (in November 2015) which were going for consultation. The results from the consultation have been analysed and summarised, and provided to local boards (see Attachment C).
11. The local board may wish to provide further feedback on these issues for consideration by the Finance and Performance Committee.
Local targeted rate and business improvement district (BID) targeted rate proposals
12. Local boards are required to agree any new BID and local targeted rate proposals (noting that any new local targeted rates and/or BIDs must have been consulted on before they can be implemented).
Local board views and implications
13. Local board decisions and feedback is being sought in this report.
14. Local boards play an important role in the development of the annual plan, and provide views and information at key stages as council continues through the annual plan process.
Māori Impact Statement
15. Many local board decisions are of importance to and impact on Māori. Local board agreements and the annual plan are important tools that enable and can demonstrate council’s responsiveness to Māori. Local board plans, which were developed in 2014 through engagement with the community including Māori, form the basis of local priorities.There is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and iwi, and where relevant the wider Māori community. Ongoing conversations will assist local boards and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and issues. This in turn can influence and encourage Māori participation in council’s decision-making processes.
16. Feedback from the local boards will be summarised and provided in full to the Finance and Performance Committee and governing body for consideration and adopting the Annual Plan 2016/2017.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
2016/2017 Indicative Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) by activity - Manurewa Local Board |
13 |
bView |
Manurewa Local Board 2016/2017 draft advocacy issues |
15 |
cView |
Manurewa Local Board - draft Annual Plan 2016/2017 consultation feedback report |
19 |
dView |
Draft Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Manurewa Local Board written feedback volume 1 (Under Separate Cover to elected members – public copy available at the Auckland Council website) |
eView |
Draft Annual Plan 2016/2017 - Manurewa Local Board written feedback volume 2 (Under Separate Cover to members – public copy available at the Auckland Council website) |
Authors |
Mark Purdie - Lead Financial Advisor |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
28 April 2016 |
The following is the most recently approved list of advocacy for this local board, adopted in November 2015 as part of the annual plan process. Auckland Council departments and relevant CCO’s have provided a response to each initiative, setting out its current status.
Initiative |
Department/CCO response |
Ensure that investment in social infrastructure meets the demands of population growth and intensification. |
Manurewa Local Board will be involved in the future planning of their area,
with a particular focus in higher growth areas. In order to integrate
infrastructure, development and future community needs, the council will be
guided by strategic documents such as the Open Space Acquisition Policy,
Community Facility Network Plans and the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan. An
asset solution is not always assumed, as there may be other interventions
such as programming, partnership or funding to support community needs. |
Support for the Wiri Business Improvement District (BID) expansion. |
The BID Programme supports the development of existing BID areas to incorporate changes to their areas of influence and changes in the business environment. Wiri Business Association has long been advocating expanding their Business Improvement District (BID) Programme area to incorporate a wider geographic area and offer their services to the larger business community. The BID Programme encourages the local board to continue advocacy and support for the Wiri expansion with the governing body. There is a clearly defined process for a BID expansion that a business association operating a BID programme has to work through. Wiri is aware of the process and has been provided with all relevant council information. It is well understood by the Wiri Business Association that they are responsible for the management of the expansion process. Council staff have worked with the Executive Committee and manager since 2014 to help them understand how to approach the expansion. There will also be a workshop in April 2016 for BIDs undertaking expansion processes over the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 years. |
Support for partnerships and to maximise investment made by businesses and the local board around the rail stations at Manurewa, Homai and Te Mahia. |
ATEED recognises that having a coordinated approach to local place making around transport hubs is important to the local economy. Cohesive and strategic investment from both the private and public sector will help local business thrive. This is reflected in the Manurewa Local Economic Development Plan. |
The retention of Cheesman’s Bush and working to remove uncertainty for the owners of affected properties. |
Auckland Transport are looking to purchase the land at Cheesman’s Bush for a highway project. The land is currently owned privately. |
Investment to support the implementation of the Nathan Homestead business plan, including earthquake proofing and the building’s restoration as a heritage asset. |
High level costs have been prepared as part of the new David Nathan Park and Homestead Strategic Business Plan project, including options depending on the level of future investment. The business plan is due for Local Board approval in March 2016. |
Investment to revitalise the Manurewa Town Centre including the development of a performing arts centre |
The Development Programme Office notes the request and will consider it as part of works in the Manurewa Town Centre in collaboration with Community Facilities. This will be reported to the board in due course.
Reverse the reduction of service levels including charges for swimming pools |
No new changes to levels of service are proposed compared to what was set out for 2016/2017 in the council’s recently adopted 10-year budget. After considering extensive feedback from Aucklanders, decisions and trade-offs were made in the 10-year budget to achieve the right balance between affordability and making progress for Auckland, including some changes to delivery of day-to-day services: • standardising library hours across the region • introducing a standardised annual inorganic collection service (on-property, booked in advance) to be paid for via the solid waste targeted rate • reduced spending on planning and policy work, with more focus on core activities such as bylaws, the unitary plan and statutory monitoring of the environment • changes to the way community development services are delivered, with a greater focus on empowering communities to deliver for themselves • reductions in spending on parks maintenance and increased use of spraying instead of mechanical edging in parks • standardisation of fees and charges and greater cost recovery in some areas • a small reduction in spending on environmental advisory and education services • providing funding for emergency housing, homelessness and rough-sleeping responses across Auckland. Similarly, there is no proposal in 2016/17 to change the Swimming Pools Pricing Policy, which provides universal free access for children 16 years and under at council-owned pools, and in some areas introduced charges for adults 17 years and over. This policy was consulted on and adopted as part of the previous LTP 2012-2022. An impact assessment of the policy is being circulated to local boards for their information and to inform the 2017/18 Annual Plan process.
Local boards may wish to request the governing body set a targeted rate, or consider using their LDI funding, to change levels of service or reduce local fees, noting that targeted rates and significant or material changes to the LTP require consultation. |
Recognition of the special importance of the Manukau Harbour and of improving water quality so that people can swim and harvest kaimoana again at places like Weymouth Beach |
Staff are working with the Manukau Harbour Forum and have an agreed work programme to recognise the importance of the Harbour. Specific investigations into the water quality issues at Weymouth beach have been undertaken over 2014 and 2015. Smoke sourcing revealed some issues with wastewater connections which are being worked through with property owners. Further work on contamination is ongoing with direction from the local board. |
Improve railway crossings in Takanini through grade separation as part of the Southern Corridor Improvements project. |
NZTA recently started the Southern Corridor improvement project
that will focus on SH 1 including the Takanini Interchange but this will not
remove the issue at other level crossings in the area. |