Papakura Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura on Wednesday, 20 April 2016 at 4.30pm.





Bill McEntee




Deputy Chairperson

Michael Turner





Stuart Britnell





Brent Catchpole





Graham Purdy





Katrina Winn















Calum Penrose















Cherry Morgan – Cancer Society



Dawn Robbie – Positive Papakura

Public Forum





Papakura Local Board

20 April 2016




1          Welcome


Board Member Turner led the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


Resolution number PPK/2016/54

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board accept the apology from Councillors’ Cashmore and Walker for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PPK/2016/55

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 16 March 2016, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Deputation - Cherry Morgan, Cancer Society Auckland Division


Resolution number PPK/2016/56

MOVED by Chairperson WF McEntee, seconded by Member KJ Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board thank Cherry Morgan, Project Manager from the Cancer Society Auckland Division, for her presentation to the Board.





a     PLB Attachment 20 April 2016_Cancer Society Powerpoint Presentation






9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Dawn Robbie - Positive Papakura




Resolution number PPK/2016/57

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board thank Dawn Robbie, Janet McDonald, Anita and Jacqueline from Positive Papakura for their presentation to the board.





10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Councillors' Update


Resolution number PPK/2016/58

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board receive the verbal report from Councillor Calum Penrose regarding:

          - Unitary Plan

          - Bylaws Update – including Freedom Campers, Beggars, Window Washers,    Dogs and Local Alcohol Policy

          - Annual Plan Process

          - Expenditure on ASB Building – 135 Albert Street, Auckland






Replacement of Safety Fall Material at Parkhaven Park


Resolution number PPK/2016/59

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board agrees the expenditure of $15,000 from the Locally Driven Initiatives, Parks Improvement budget to replace safety-fall material from sand to cushionfall at Parkhaven Playground.












Opaheke Changing Rooms - Concept Plan


Resolution number PPK/2016/60

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Provides in principle approval for the Opaheke changing room concept designs

b)      Delegates development of detailed design to the Parks Portfolio Holders.

c)      discuss and approve the final design for the Opaheke Changing Rooms at a future business meeting.





Auckland Transport Update - April 2016


Resolution number PPK/2016/61

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board receives the Auckland Transport Update – April 2016.






Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987


Resolution number PPK/2016/62

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

a)    That the Papakura Local Board GRANTS the application by Ivan Beets – 41 Youngs Road, Papakura as recommended by Council officers, for special exemption under section 6 of the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987, subject to the following conditions:

(i)          That this exemption is personal to the owner of the property, so that on a sale of the property a new owner will need to apply for a new exemption.

(ii)        That the spa pool is not moved from its location as inspected on 31 March 2016.

(iii)       That the conditions in the NZS8500:2006 Safety Barriers and Fences Around Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs 3.10 ‘Above-ground spas and hot tubs’ 3.10 i) to xii) inclusive are met:

1.    The top of the spa pool or hot tub shall be positioned with the entire top surface not less than 760mm above the surrounding ground or deck:

2.    The cover shall be lockable and shall be kept locked when the spa pool or hot tub is not being used or supervised.  A locking device shall contain a mechanical locking mechanism or a self-locking mechanism in addition to latching shut;

3.    The locks shall not be able to be readily opened or released by a child of up to the age of six years.








Request for Funding of Environmental Education Initiatives


Resolution number PPK/2016/63

MOVED by Member B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Agrees to provide funding of $3,000 from the board’s community response fund to support a creative engagement project with Red Hill School at Keri Downs Reserve.

b)      Notes further funding for the creative engagement project will be considered as part of the development of the 2016/2017 Papakura local environment work programme.

c)      Agrees to provide funding of $904 from the board’s community response fund to support the installation of Toimata Foundation Enviroschools signage at eight schools in the Papakura Local Board area.





Community Places 2016/2017 Community Centre and Venue for Hire Fees


Resolution number PPK/2016/64

MOVED by Chairperson WF McEntee, seconded by Member B Catchpole:  

That the Papakura Local Board defer the item 18, Community Places 2016/2017 Community Centre and Venue for Hire, to the 15 June 2016 business meeting





Manukau Harbour Forum Work Programme for 2016/2017


Resolution number PPK/2016/65

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      Notes resolution MHFJC/2016/5 of the Manukau Harbour Forum

b)      Endorses year three of the Manukau Harbour Forum’s 2014-2016 work programme as appended in Agenda Attachment B

c)      Notes the recommendation regarding ongoing advocacy for hydrodynamic modelling of the Manukau Harbour





New Road Name Approvals for Two Roads and Four Private Ways for McLennan Residential Development at Battalion Drive, Takanini


Resolution number PPK/2016/66

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves, the road names “Troop Road, Bravery Road, Vigour Lane, Lieutenant Lane, Mettle Lane and Infantry Lane”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new roads within the development at Battalion Drive, Takanini (McLennan Stage One).





New Road Name Approval for the Residential Subdivision by Cabra Investments Limited at 949 Old Wairoa Road, Ardmore and 965 Papakura-Clevedon Road, Ardmore


Resolution number PPK/2016/67

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member KJ Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves, the road names “Frazen Avenue and Melgran Avenue”, proposed by the Applicant, for the new roads created by way of joint subdivision and land use consent at  949 Old Wairoa Road, Ardmore and 965 Papakura Clevedon Road, Ardmore.





Papakura Local Board Feedback on the Transport for Future Urban Growth


Resolution number PPK/2016/68

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member DG Purdy:  

That the Papakura Local Board delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to submit formal feedback on the proposed transport networks for growth areas in the south, as set out in the Transport for Future Urban Growth consultation document, before 13 May 2016.





a     PLB Attachment 20 April 2016_Tfug Attachment




Annual Plan 2016/2017


Resolution number PPK/2016/69

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Member S Britnell:  

That the Papakura Local Board:

a)      agrees the following activity level local driven initiatives (LDI) operational budgets for 2016/2017:

          i)                        Community Services - $843,000

          ii)           Local parks sport and recreation - $593,000

          iii)          Local environmental management - $50,000

          iv)          Local planning and development - $74,000

b)         Agree the following advocacy matters for discussion with the governing body on 9 May 2016:

1.    Infrastructure and Growth

(i)          Grade separation at Takanini rail crossings (existing);

(ii)        Increased park and ride capacity at Papakura rail station (existing);

(iii)       Confirm capital funding in 2016/17 for built facilities at Opaheke Sports Fields, to cater for housing growth in the area (existing);

(iv)       Confirm that Bruce Pulman Park is a local sports park and ensure that local operational funding for renewals is fully resourced (amended);

(v)        Gating/entry turnstiles at Papakura rail station platform, to improve security and the safety of rail passengers (new);

(vi)       Early programming of the Mill Road extension south to Drury (new);

(vii)        Early roll out of rail electrification south to Pukekohe and on to North Waikato (new);

(viii)      Make provision for a Karaka-Weymouth bridge to provide an alternative north-south route and serve the growth anticipated in the Paerata and Drury West areas.

(ix)       That mobility parking spaces across Auckland be painted blue as per Disability New Zealand guidelines

2.    Environment and heritage

(i)          Re-instate the capital budget for Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee (existing);

(ii)        Ensure that Rings Redoubt on Clevedon Road and the site of the Walsh Brothers first flight in Takanini are scheduled as sites of national heritage importance and their setting fully protected within development through council acquisition of open space (new);

(iii)       Commission a report on the opportunities for improvement of the Pahurehure Inlet (new);

(iv)       Undertake hydrodynamic modelling of the Manukau Harbour (existing).

c)      recommends $385,000 of 2015/2016 Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) operational expenditure (opex) to be deferred.




a     PLB Attachment 20 April 2016_Annual Plan




Papakura Local Board Submissions and Responses


Resolution number PPK/2016/70

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member KJ Winn:  

That the Papakura Local Board receives the Board’s feedback on the Business Improvement District Policy 2016 and the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number PPK/2016/71

MOVED by Member KJ Winn, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board notes the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar.






Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term


Resolution number PPK/2016/72

MOVED by Member S Britnell, seconded by Member KJ Winn:  

a)      That the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term” be received.






For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board



That the Papakura Local Board


a)      note the information from the following local board meetings:



Report Title

Item no.

Meeting Date

Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board












Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number PPK/2016/73

MOVED by Member DG Purdy, seconded by Deputy Chairperson MV Turner:  

That the Papakura Local Board receive the workshop notes for the workshops held on 2, 9 and 23 March 2016





29        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  





6.01 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









