Rural Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Rural Advisory Panel held in Room 1, Level 26, 135 Albert Street, Auckland on Friday, 15 April 2016 at 12.30pm.
Chairperson |
Cr Bill Cashmore |
Deputy Chairperson North |
Thomas Grace |
From 1.21pm, Item 4 |
Deputy Chairperson South |
Alan Cole |
Members |
Marie Appleton |
Tracey Bryan |
Wendy Clark |
Richard Gardner |
Neil Henderson |
Chris Keenan |
Steve Levet |
Andrew Maclean |
Andrew McKenzie |
Helen Moodie |
Roger Parton |
Geoff Smith |
Peter Spencer |
Bronwen Turner |
Keith Vallabh |
Dean Blythen |
Callum McCallum |
Viv Dostine |
Trish Fordyce |
Cr Penny Webster |
Glenn Wilcox |
Rural Advisory Panel 15 April 2016 |
The Chairperson welcomed members and opened the meeting.
The Chairperson advised the meeting of Member Trish Fordyce’s resignation and noted that he would write to Trish thanking her for her contribution to the work of the panel.
1 Apologies
Resolution number RUR/2016/9 MOVED by Chairperson W Cashmore, seconded by Member R Parton: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) accept the apologies from Members D Blythen, T Fordyce and G Wilcox for absence and from Cr P Webster for absence on council business.
2 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number RUR/2016/10 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson South A Cole, seconded by Member W Clark: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Friday, 4 March 2016, as a true and correct record. |
4 Additional Items for Consideration
There were no additional items.
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Deputy Chairperson North TP Grace entered the meeting at 1.21 pm.
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number RUR/2016/11 MOVED by Chairperson W Cashmore, seconded by Deputy Chairperson South A Cole: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) thank Christine Brown, Sharon McGinity and Barbara Cade for their presentation on Events in Rural Areas. |
a 15 April 2016 - Rural Advisory Panel - Item 4 - Events in Rural Areas PowerPoint presentation |
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A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
The Chairperson invited Siani Walker back to further update the panel at its last meeting of the term.
Resolution number RUR/2016/12 MOVED by Chairperson W Cashmore, seconded by Member NR Henderson: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) thank Siani Walker for her presentation on the Māori Heritage Programme. |
a 15 April 2016 - Rural Advisory Panel - Māori Heritage Programme PowerPoint presentation |
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Update on National Policy Freshwater Statement Implementation (NPFS) |
A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
The Chairperson requested a further high-level discussion on the NPFS in a few months.
Resolution number RUR/2016/13 MOVED by Chairperson W Cashmore, seconded by Deputy Chairperson South A Cole: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) thank Dave Allen, Gael Ogilvie, Greg Holland and Phil Jaggard for their update on the implementation of the National Policy Freshwater Statement. |
a 15 April 2016 - Rural Advisory Panel - Item 7 - Update on National Policy Freshwater Statement Implementation PowerPoint presentation |
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The Chairperson advised that 2016 Supreme Award Winner, Richard Kidd, would be present for the next panel meeting and that panel members were invited to the 6 May Field Day.
Resolution number RUR/2016/14 MOVED by Chairperson W Cashmore, seconded by Member A McKenzie: That the Rural Advisory Panel: a) thank Phil Brown for his update on the Ballance Farm Environmental Awards.
5 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
3.22 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.