Waitākere Ranges Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board held in the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Office, 39 Glenmall Place, Glen Eden on Thursday, 28 April 2016 at 6.30pm.





Sandra Coney, QSO




Deputy Chairperson

Denise Yates, JP





Neil Henderson





Greg Presland





Steve Tollestrup













Saffron Toms







Simon Matafai

Whau Local Board Member












Waitākere Ranges Local Board

28 April 2016




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


2          Apologies


Resolution number WTK/2016/29

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         Accepts the apology from member Saffron Toms for absence.





3          Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

At its meeting on 28 November 2013, the Waitakere Ranges Local Board resolved (resolution number WTK/2010/5) to record any possible conflicts of interest in a register. 


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Sandra Coney

·       Waitemata District Health Board – Elected Member

·       Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

Neil Henderson

·       Portage Trust – Elected Member

·       West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

·       EcoMatters Environment Trust  – Employee

Greg Presland

·       Portage Trust – Elected Member

·       Lopdell House Development Trust – Trustee

·       Titirangi Residents & Ratepayers Group – Committee Member 

·       Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee

·       Combined Youth Services Trust – Trustee

·       Glen Eden Bid - Member

Steve Tollestrup

·       Waitakere Licensing Trust – Elected Member

·       West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

·       Waitakere Task force on Family Violence – Appointee

Saffron Toms


Denise Yates

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Committee member

·       EcoMatters Environment Trust – Trustee

·       Charlotte Museum Trust – Trustee


Member appointments

Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council.


Board Member

Organisation / Position

Sandra Coney

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

Neil Henderson

·       Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

·       Living Cell Technologies Animal Ethics Committee – Member

·       Rural Advisory Panel - Member

Saffron Toms

·       Ark in the Park – Governance Group Member


There was no change to the register.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WTK/2016/30

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         Confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 14 April 2016, as a true and correct record subject to the following addition to item 17.

Secretarial Note:      Further to resolution a) staff confirm that there is an opportunity for a subsequent Development fund proposal to be considered in 2016/17. Therefore, parks staff will continue investigations with regards to positioning the proposed skate park addition on the site identified by the local board, and the preparations of a revised proposal for future consideration.





5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Update from Ward Councillors


Secretarial note:  Apologies from Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse and Councillor Linda Cooper were noted.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.

9          Public Forum



Ulalemamae Te’eva Matafai from Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust was in attendance and spoke about:

·          Introduction of Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust.

·          Support Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust can offer to the Waitakere Ranges Local Board.

·          Future collaboration to activate any established or new events.


Ed King

·          Requested for funding from the board for renovation of the Titirangi Community House.


Resolution number WTK/2016/31

MOVED by Member GB Presland, seconded by Member SR Tollestrup:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives the public forum presentations from Ulalemamae Te’eva Matafai and Ed King and thank them for attending the Waitakere Ranges Local Board Meeting.




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Swanson Preparing for Growth


Resolution number WTK/2016/32

MOVED by Member SR Tollestrup, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Allocates $10,000 from Economic Development budget line to undertake retail market research and hold a facilitated workshop with Swanson based businesses to outline to those businesses the nature of the change and opportunities it presents, signpost them to sources of support in responding to the opportunity and develop a strategy for how those businesses can best benefit from the planned residential growth.






Auckland Transport Update Report


Resolution number WTK/2016/33

MOVED by Member GB Presland, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives the Auckland Transport Update Report April 2016.




Public Excluded

Resolution number WTK/2016/34

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Deputy Chairperson DA Yates:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         Excludes the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

b)        Agrees that Ian Vincent from Urban Logic be permitted to remain for Item 14: Glen Eden Library upgrade after the public has been excluded, because of his knowledge of the matter, which will help the in its decision-making.

            The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:

14        Glen Eden Library upgrade

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

In particular, the information contained in this report is commercially sensitive prior to public tendering process.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.






7.08pm            The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.


7.20pm            The public was re-admitted.





It was resolved while the public was excluded:



Glen Eden Library upgrade


Secretarial Note:     Attachments for the report were tabled, copies of which have been placed on file copy of minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council website. Copy of confidential attachment C has been placed on file copy of minutes.

Attachment A - Glen Eden Library Concept (open space) (UrbanLogic)

Attachment B - Glen Eden Library concept (canopy) (Make Architects)

Attachment C - QS costing of open space and canopy concept – CONFIDENTIAL



That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Approves the concept for the library open space upgrade in Attachment A.

b)      Approves the budget for the library open space upgrade provided in Attachment C, with allocations to be made from the library renewals budget, the local board discretionary capex of $50,000 (from the 2015-2016 budget), with any balance being allocated from the local board’s discretionary capital budget.

d)     Delegates authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to approve any budget variations up to $20,000.

e)      Thanks library and facilities project staff, and supporting consultants for their timely progression of the Glen Eden library development proposals and supporting information.

f)       Agrees that these resolutions (except resolution c) be restated in the public minutes.           

g)      Agrees that resolution C and attachment C remain confidential until the reason for confidentiality no longer exists.



a     Glen Eden Library Concept (open space) - Urban Logic

b     Glen Eden Library concept (canopy) - Make Architects




New Road Name Approval for the Residential Subdivision by Ping Wang at 25 Kashmir Road and 47A Withers Road, Glen Eden.


Resolution number WTK/2016/35

MOVED by Member NR Henderson, seconded by Member SR Tollestrup:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Approves pursuant to Section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, the road name “Han Court”, proposed by the Applicant, for the JOAL created by way of subdivision at 25 Kashmir Road and 47A Withers Road, Glen Eden.






Annual Plan 2016/2017


Resolution number WTK/2016/36

MOVED by Chairperson S Coney, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Agrees the following provisional 2016/2017 LDI budget envelopes by activity, noting that these will be finalised when the local board adopts its 2016/17 local board agreement in June 2016.

i)     Local Community  Services                  $847,000

ii)    Local Parks, Sports and Recreation    $47,000

iii)   Local Environment Development         $353,000

iv)   Local Planning and Development        $85,000

                                                LDI total         $1,332,000

b)      Agrees the following key advocacy areas:

·           Governing Body to recognise its responsibilities under the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008: The Act gives the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area specific national and regional significance.  Identified funding drops from $225k to $128k per annum in 2018.  At the same time the five-yearly Heritage Area Monitoring Report (equivalent in scale to a State of the Environment report) required by legislation is due.  This cost approximately $100k in 2013. The implication of this is that all programmes will have to be put on hold while the report is produced.

·           Regional Parks and Auckland Transport to receive increased weed and pest control management budget at a regional level:  AT and Council are obligated to deliver a regional pest management strategy, with impacts particularly in relation to the rainforest and high-value ecosystems of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area. The board is advised that for general and roadside vegetation and pest control (specifically possums) that there is a shortfall of regional funding, and that AT needs specific weed control service levels and budgets.

·           Governing body to adopt the pilot retrofit scheme for septic tanks in both the Waitakere Ranges and Little Oneroa (Waiheke Island).

·           Service levels in urban areas: The Council needs to commit to quality service levels.  Efficiency savings are not delivering the promised maintained level of service. This is particularly obvious in and around Glen Eden.

c)         Provides the following views on regional financial policy issues:

i)     supports the retention of the fixed charge portion of rates, known as the UAGC, at the current inflation adjusted amount of $397.

ii)    does not support a having a stand-alone transport levy as it should be part of the general rate take. However, if it is to be retained then the WRLB:

·         supports a change in the way that the Interim Transport Levy is allocated between residential and business ratepayers so that business contributes a greater share.

·         supports the allocation of the interim transport levy across all ratepayers to be on the basis of capital value rather than via a fixed charge.

iii)   supports reducing the rates collected from Maori land to reflect restrictions on its use noting this will have less than a 25c per year effect on all other ratepayers.

iv)   supports the retention of the current rate differential for farm and lifestyle blocks at 80% of the general rate.

v)    supports the establishment of a financial assistance pilot for onsite wastewater systems (septic tanks) upgrades in the Waitakere Ranges and Little Oneroa areas.

d)      Notes that the Glen Eden Business Improvement District (BID) has recently completed a ballot process on a BID expansion and this has yet to be formally presented to the board.

e)      Recommend to the Finance and Performance Committee of the Governing Body that the following Waitakere Ranges Local Board LDI opex budgets be deferred to enable delivery in 2016/2017:




Glen Eden Town Centre Development


Coastal and marine monitoring report


WRHA – gateway signs for the heritage area


WRHA – new residents pack









Third Quarter Waitakere Ranges Local Board work programme review and amendment


This item was withdrawn.




Portfolio Update:  Greg Presland Portfolio


Resolution number WTK/2016/37

MOVED by Member GB Presland, seconded by Member NR Henderson:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      Receives the Portfolio Update from Member Greg Presland.





19        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items. 






8.04pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









