Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Committee  held in the Albert Eden Local Board Office, 135 Dominion Road, Mt Eden on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 2.08pm.





Glenda Fryer


Deputy Chairperson

Lee Corrick



Helga Arlington



Graeme Easte



Peter Haynes






Margi Watson









Rachel Langton



Tim Woolfield




Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Committee

11 May 2016




1          Welcome




2          Apologies


Resolution number AEG/2016/4

MOVED by Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Deputy Chairperson LA Corrick:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Committee:

a)         Accepts the apologies from Members Langton and Woolfield for absence.




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number AEG/2016/5

MOVED by Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Committee:

a)         Confirms the minutes of its ordinary meeting, held on Wednesday, 6 April 2016, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.




Albert-Eden Local Board Accommodation Support Fund 2015/2016


Danielle Hibson, Community Grants Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AEG/2016/6

MOVED by Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member PD Haynes:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board:

a)      Receives the Albert-Eden Local Board Accommodation Support Fund 2015/2016 report.

b)      Approves the following applications for funding from the Albert-Eden Local Board Accommodation Support Fund 2015/2016:


Amount Requested

Amount Allocated

The Auckland Asthma Society Incorporated



Dress for Success Incorporated



The Documentary New Zealand Trust



Stop Demand Foundation



Mt Eden Hockey



Mt Eden Swimming Club



The Music Association of Auckland



Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated



Royal NZ Plunket Society Auckland City Area Incorporated



Ngatira Tennis Club



Pt Chevalier Bowling Club Incorporated



Panacea Arts Charitable Trust t/a Mapura Studios



Somerville Hockey Club Incorporated



No. 19 (Auckland) Squadron Air Training Corps - Branch of the Air Training Corps Association of New Zealand



Autism New Zealand Auckland Branch



Auckland Choral Society Incorporated







c)         Declines the following applications for funding from the Albert-Eden Local Board Accommodation Support Fund 2015/2016:


Amount Requested

Reason for decline

Urdu Hindi Cultural Association of New Zealand


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.

Communicare CMA (AK) Incorporated


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.

Parent Aid Waitakere


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.

Dance Therapy NZ


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.

Mika Haka Foundation


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.

Ngā Aho Whakaari - Māori in Screen Production


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.

Hurun Trust


Declined due to application not meeting the fund’s criteria.





d)        Thanks Danielle Hibson, Community Grants Advisor, for her attendance.











Albert-Eden Local Board Quick Response: Round Five 2015 - 2016


Danielle Hibson, Community Grants Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number AEG/2016/7

MOVED by Chairperson GJ Fryer, seconded by Member MJ Watson:  

That the Albert-Eden Local Board Grants Committee:

a)      Receives the Albert-Eden Local Board Quick Response: Round Five 2015-2016 report.

b)      Approves the following applications for funding from Round Five of the 2015-2016 Albert-Eden Local Board Local Grants:


Amount Requested

Amount Allocated


No. 19 (Auckland) Squadron Air Training Corps - Branch of the Air Training Corps Association of NZ Incorporated




Dance Therapy NZ




Project Litefoot Trust



Funding conditional on the applicant acknowledging the committee and using the local board’s logo in its publicity.




The Committee requests the applicant to acknowledge the local board.

Multiple Sclerosis Auckland




Citizens Advice Bureau Auckland City Incorporated (CABAC)




Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust




Connected Media Trust



The Committee requests the applicant to acknowledge the local board.

StarJam Charitable Trust




Mt Albert Ramblers Softball Club




The Parenting Place









c)      Declines the following applications for funding from Round Five of the 2015-2016 Albert-Eden Local Board Local Grants:


Amount Requested

Reason for decline

Breakthrough Centre New Zealand


Decline due to insufficient funds to support lower priority applications

Kelmarna Community Garden Trust


Declined noting that the applicant is based outside the local board area and will have minimal benefit to the local board area.

Central Auckland Parents Centre Incorporated


Decline, noting the Committee requests officers to liaise with the applicant to build a business case and reapply during the next financial year’s funding rounds.

Point Chevalier School


Decline, noting the Committee requests officers to liaise with the applicant with Council’s waste management staff for access to free bins.

Miss Erica McQueen


Decline due to insufficient funds to support lower priority applications and noting that the event is currently ticketed.

Mr Nathaniel Dunn


Declined noting that the applicant is based outside the local board area and will have minimal benefit to the local board area.

Auckland Badminton Association


Decline, noting the Committee recommends that the local board considers funding through next year’s Local Development Initiatives (LDI) budget.

Application to be added to the list for discussion with Community Facilities portfolio leads.

Miss Salva Shah


Declined noting that the applicant is based outside the local board area and will have minimal benefit to the local board area.

Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust


Decline noting that the event is very similar to an existing event delivered by the local board.

BSG Events


Decline due to insufficient funds to support lower priority applications and noting that the event is currently ticketed.





e)         Thanks Danielle Hibson, Community Grants Advisor, for her attendance.





14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  






2.45 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









