I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 25 May 2016 3.00pm Level 26,
Room 1, |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board OPEN AGENDA |
City Centre Stakeholder |
Chairperson |
Kate Healy |
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei |
Deputy Chairperson |
John Coop |
Urban design/institute of architects |
Members |
Adam Parkinson |
CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Viv Beck |
Business Improvement District |
Mayor Len Brown, JP |
Auckland Council |
Greg Cohen |
Tourism/Travel |
Shale Chambers |
Waitemata Local Board, Auckland Council |
Terry Cornelius, JP, FCA |
Retail sector |
Jillian de Beer |
Arts and Cultural Sector |
Prof Jenny Dixon |
Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology) |
Andrew Gaukrodger |
Corporate sector including financial and other professional services |
Stephen Greenfield |
CBD Residents Advisory Group |
Mark Kingsford |
Corporate sector including financial and other professional services |
Mike Lee |
Liaison councillor, Auckland Council |
Margaret Lewis |
Business Improvement District |
Nigel Murphy |
Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology) |
Alex Voutratzis |
Property Council of NZ |
Sky City representative (To be confirmed) |
Tourism/Travel |
(Quorum 6 members)
Tam White, Democracy Advisor 19 May 2016, Contact Telephone: (09) 890 8156 Email: tam.white@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 Issues of significance 7
6 City Centre Progress Update for the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board - to 18th May 2016 11
7 Revised City Centre Targeted Rate Work Programme 21
8 Auckland City Centre Walking Tour 29
9 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Apologies
An apology from Deputy Chairperson J Coop has been received.
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 27 April 2016, as a true and correct record.
4 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/09862
1. To enable Board Members to discuss issues of significance that may affect the central city area.
Executive Summary
2. The following issues have been identified for discussion and an opportunity for Board members to raise any concerns they may have:
a. Harbour related
i. Wharves
ii. Port
b. Transport related
i. City Rail Link
ii. Bus network
iii. Light Rail
iv. Pedestrian/cycle ways
c. Street life-related
i. Safety
ii. Pollution
iii. Homelessness
iv. Public open spaces
v. Public amenities
vi. Survey of Inner City Residents
3. Member Adam Parkinson has requested an update on the 2016 Survey of Inner City Residents (Attachment A) and an update on council’s proposal to repurpose heritage public toilets. A verbal update will be provided at the May meeting.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive any updates from Board members. |
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aView |
2016 Survey of Inner City Residents |
9 |
Author |
Tam White - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
Survey of Inner City Residents 2016
Gravitas Research was commissioned to undertake the 2016 Survey of Inner City Residents. Surveying commenced in late March. The survey is a repeat of a survey that was undertaken in 2013, with some slight modifications to the questionnaire.
The survey method was primarily on-the-street intercept interviews, where members of the public were approached and asked to participate in a brief survey. Additional respondents were sought by telephone surveys and an online version. It is a short survey that takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Approximately 650 completed interviews among residents aged 18 years and over were obtained. The data has been forwarded to Auckland Council’s Research and Evaluation Unit (RIMU), who will prepare a final report by early June 2016.
Funding for this survey has been granted from the 2015/16 City Centre Targeted Rate.
During the development of the City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) a monitoring framework was partially developed by the City Transformation team and RIMU, and was published as part of the CCMP. Since then, further work has been undertaken to review and streamline the targets and measures.
The current monitoring framework includes outcomes for the city centre to ‘…. meet the needs of a growing and changing residential population’ and to be ‘an exemplar of urban living’. These outcomes include several indicators concerned with residents’ perceptions of the city centre as a place to live, as well as their safety and sense of community. These cannot be adequately measured by existing surveys (eg the Quality of Life survey) as the city centre is a discrete and relatively small geographic area.
A baseline survey among a representative sample of residents aged 18 years and over living in the inner city area was undertaken in 2013, by Mobius Research. The 2013 study method included three focus groups with inner city residents to inform the development of the questionnaire, followed by on-street intercept surveys and an online booster survey with residents. The 2013 report is available on the Knowledge Auckland website or on request from RIMU.
This survey has been repeated and is being undertaken by Gravitas Research. There have been some minor modifications to the questionnaire, and the methodology has been expanded to include telephone interviewing.
Costs and funding
The survey will cost $19,860 (excl GST).
Funding has been granted from the City Centre Targeted Rate – under recommendation from the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board – to undertake an annual repeat survey. The available funding is limited ($19,860); therefore it has been spent on securing the services of a reputable research company to undertake the fieldwork and to collate the data only.
Analysis of the data and preparation of the final report will be undertaken by RIMU. The report will be subject to review through RIMU’s peer review process prior to being released.
· Fieldwork commenced in late March 2016 and ran for approximately one month.
· In late April data was sent to RIMU for analysis and write-up.
· A final report will be prepared by the end of May 2016, and will then be subject to RIMU’s peer review process.
· The final peer reviewed report will be widely distributed in June 2016.
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
City Centre Progress Update for the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board - to 18 May 2016
File No.: CP2016/09819
1. To update the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB) on progress on City Centre projects to 18 May 2016.
2. The report provides a high-level overview of progress on projects and initiatives in the city centre, including:
a. City Centre Targeted Rate projects
b. Other City Centre projects
c. City Centre strategies / initiatives
d. Forward Planner (Attachment A)
For each project, a coloured bar shows the three stages of development:
Design / Consultation |
Construction |
An arrow then shows what stage the project is currently at.
Executive summary
3. Myers Park Upgrade – Stage 2:
· Commencement of construction is forecast for mid-August 2016.
4. Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg square Upgrade:
· Detailed design is complete, construction package is progressing.
· Resource consent approved for the upgrade to the hall.
· Resource consent for the upgrade to the square is anticipated within the next few weeks.
· Building consent applications for both the hall and the square to be lodged in May.
· Construction planned to commence August 2016 and is anticipated to be completed by August 2017.
· Council are working closely with Heart of the City, business owners and residents in the area to reduce, as much as possible, the potential negative impacts of the construction.
5. Karangahape Road Streetscape Enhancement:
· Working draft of the concept plan is progressing through the design review stage with internal stakeholders and other review steps such as the capital projects accessibility group.
6. Britomart Streetscapes – Stage One: Galway Street:
· A funding agreement between Auckland Council and Cooper and Company has been drafted and is undergoing final negotiations. The agreement will enable the staged transfer of funding for the upgrade of parts of Galway Street, Gore Street and Customs Street East.
· Construction is due to begin in June.
7. City Rail Link
· The ‘Build is On’ campaign has started and is aimed at motorists travelling into the city – suggesting they rethink their mode of travel as there will be a lot of road works, fewer on-street car parks and traffic will be slower.
· New bus routes and bus priority lanes were established last year and the second phase of changes happened on 17 April with bus lanes being introduced on Queen Street and buses relocated out of Lower Queen Street.
· The sites for the pipe jacking under Albert Street for the City Rail Link have been established at two of Victoria and Albert St corners. A micro tunnel boring machine (MTBM) will start its work from there and travel underground to Swanson Street. When it reaches its destination it will be removed and put back into the Victoria Street shaft to make its way south towards Wellesley Street.
· Piling up Albert Street for the cut and cover work will start in May.
8. Downtown Public Spaces
· A hearing for the Downtown Shopping Centre Plan Change Environment Court appeal is scheduled for 18 July 2016. The writing of evidence has been completed and shared with all parties.
· Council is developing the design brief and procurement documentation to enable a design team to be engaged for both the Downtown Public Spaces and Quay Street seawall.
9. Wynyard Quarter Redevelopment
· Panuku and Auckland Transport are completing streetscape upgrades within Wynyard Quarter. Panuku is delivering Madden Street and Pakenham Street. The first phase of Madden Street opened on 2 April and phase 2 is due to open in May 2016.
· Construction of the 650 seat ASB Waterfront Theatre is well underway and expected to be open for use by the end of 2016.
10. Transport Infrastructure
· The Learning Quarter bus improvements study began in March. Engagement with key stakeholders will continue over the next six months.
11. Quay Street Interim Cycleway
· Construction began on 7th March and the cycleway is due to open in July 2016.
· Initial construction work is focused on Quay Street between Lower Hobson Street and Commerce Street. This section of the cycleway is planned to be completed by mid-May before CRL works begin in the same area.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the City Centre progress report, updated to 18 May 2016.
City Centre Targeted Rate Projects
O’Connell Street Shared Space
12. An artwork has been considered for O’Connell Street following completion of the shared space. The concept is for a suspended artwork attached to buildings on either side of the street. Two building owners on O’Connell Street have agreed in principle to host the artwork from their buildings. Structural investigations are now proceeding in order to determine the technical viability of installing the artwork.
Myers Park Upgrade – Stage 2
13. Heritage New Zealand authority was granted end of February and Resource Consent was granted mid-April 2016. Building Consent, final Auckland Transport technical approval and Engineering Plan Approval will be lodged once the construction contract is awarded.
14. The construction for the Mayoral Drive underpass and associated side entrances was originally scheduled to commence mid to end of June 2016, following the exit of the Pop-Up Globe Theatre, which has now been dismantled. The commencement of the construction works is now forecast for mid-August 2016, subject to the successful suppliers programme.
15. Additional site investigation for the splash pad construction was carried out and the project will be delivered through a separate procurement process. The construction of the splash pad will commence in June 2016 and is planned to be completed for the summer season 2016 / 2017.
Beach Road Maori Artwork
16. Five bronze sculptures are proposed to be located on the existing “waka plinths” between Britomart Place and Tangihua Street by November this year.
Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall and Freyberg Square Upgrade
17. The detailed design package and the construction package are both complete. Resource consent has been approved for the upgrade to the hall. Resource consent for the upgrade to the square is anticipated within the next few weeks. The project team are about to lodge for building consent applications for both the hall and the square.
18. Construction is planned to commence in August 2016 (subject to consents being granted) and is anticipated to be completed by August 2017. The construction period is estimated to be 9-12 months but this will be confirmed once main contractor is on board.
19. Staff are planning a programme of activation
and mitigation opportunities, in collaboration with residents, Heart of the
City and business owners, that can be implemented during the construction phase
of the Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Square upgrade.
Karangahape Road Streetscape Enhancement
20. The working draft of the concept plan is progressing through the design review stage with internal stakeholders and other review steps such as the capital projects accessibility group.
21. Traffic modelling and testing of designs with interface projects such as CRL, Light Rail Transit and Bus Network Improvements has been on-going.
22. The Open Streets event along Karangahape Road was held on Sunday 1 May and was an opportunity to discuss with participants the space allocation cross sections and how the enhancements could look and feel.
23. A pedestrian intercept survey of the entire project area has just begun to gauge perceptions of the street and potential upgrade. The findings will be fed into design thinking, with a post construction survey to gauge whether the objectives and goals of the project have been achieved.
Britomart Streetscapes – Stage One: Galway Street
24. A funding agreement between Auckland Council and Cooper and Company has been drafted and is undergoing final negotiations. The agreement will enable the staged transfer of funding for the upgrade of parts of Galway Street, Gore Street and Customs Street East.
25. Project is progressing well through concept design and early developed design stage. Open Days at Takutai Square were held on 29 and 30 April 2016 (12-3pm).
26. Construction is due to start in June.
Federal Street upgrade
27. Work has commenced on a reference design for future upgrade of Federal Street and the adjoining side-streets.
Hobson and Nelson Street upgrade
28. A reference design was completed in September 2015, to inform development of options and decision-making for adjacent projects (for example the Nelson St cycleway and potential Nelson St Slip-lane upgrade).
29. Initial staging of the streetscape upgrades will be aligned with construction of the NZ International Convention Centre, indicating a potential construction start in 2016/17.
Other City Centre Projects
City Rail Link
30. The ‘Build is On’ campaign has started and is aimed at motorists travelling into the city – suggesting they rethink their mode of travel as there will be a lot of road works, fewer on-street car parks and traffic will be slower.
31. New bus routes and bus priority lanes were established last year and the second phase of changes happened on 17 April with bus lanes being introduced on Queen Street and buses relocated out of Lower Queen Street.
32. The sites for the pipe jacking under Albert Street for the City Rail Link have been established at two of Victoria and Albert St corners. A micro tunnel boring machine (MTBM) will start its work from there and travel underground to Swanson Street. When it reaches its destination it will be removed and put back into the Victoria Street shaft to make its way south towards Wellesley Street.
33. Piling up Albert Street for the cut and cover work will start in May.
34. Lower Queen Street will become the city’s newest activation space now that buses have been relocated. It will be transformed into a flexible, multi-use space for large to small events while providing pedestrian movement through the area.
Lower Queen St & Albert St Reinstatement upgrades
35. The financial contribution to these projects has been considered as part of the review of the City Centre Targeted Rate Work Programme and the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board has endorsed contributing $20 million for the reinstatement of Albert Street and $10 million for the reinstatement of Lower Queen Street.
Victoria Street Linear Park
36. A design study is currently being undertaken by council’s Auckland Design Office (ADO). This study is to provide the background information and design principles required to inform the briefing, design and construction of the Albert Street and Victoria Street intersection.
Downtown Public Spaces
37. A hearing for the Downtown Shopping Centre Plan Change Environment Court appeal is scheduled for 18 July 2016. The writing of evidence has commenced.
38. Through the Council Annual Plan refresh process finance staff have proposed bringing forward $20m from the Long Term Plan year 2019, into 2016/17 year and subsequent financial years to enable the procurement process for design and construction of the seismic upgrade of the Quay Street seawall to begin.
39. Council is developing the design brief and procurement documentation to enable a design team to be engaged for both the Downtown Public Spaces and Quay Street seawall.
Quay St Seawall Seismic Upgrade
40. Refer to Downtown Public Spaces above.
Ferry Basin Redevelopment
41. As above, Council and AT are considering options to enable funding of initial stages to align with timing for Quay St Seawall upgrades, and delivery of Downtown Public Spaces in 2018.
Westhaven Promenade
42. Stage 2 is currently in the early design phase – construction is budgeted for in the 2016/17 financial year.
Wynyard Quarter Redevelopment
43. Panuku and Auckland Transport are completing streetscape upgrades within Wynyard Quarter. Panuku is delivering Madden Street and Pakenham Street. The first phase of Madden Street opened on 2 April and phase 2 is due to open in May 2016.
44. The upgrade of Pakenham Street between Daldy St and Beaumont St began on 4 April and the next stage (between Daldy St and Halsey St) is due to start in May 2016.
45. Construction of the 650 seat ASB Waterfront Theatre is well underway and expected to be open for use by the end of 2016.
Transport Infrastructure
46. Further reviews of the outputs of the Wynyard Interchange and Fanshawe Street bus corridor study are continuing.
47. The Learning Quarter bus improvements study began in March. Engagement with key stakeholders will continue over the next six months.
Cycle Network
48. Nelson Street Cycleway– comprised of stages as follows:
· Nelson St Bridge and Off-ramp (NZTA) – Completed
· Nelson St Off-ramp to Quay St
a. Stage 1 – Union St to Victoria St – Completed
b. Stage 2 – Victoria St to Quay St – Construction of the cycleway is planned to be completed by September 2016.
49. Quay St Interim Cycleway
· Construction began on 7 March and the cycleway is due to open in July 2016.
· Initial construction work is focused on Quay Street between Lower Hobson Street and Commerce Street. This section of the cycleway is planned to be completed by mid-May before CRL works begin in the same area.
Sky Path
50. An Environment Court pre-hearing meeting was held on 8th March 2016 and clear directions were received from the Court on the next steps prior to a hearing. The Court set key dates to work towards in terms of narrowing issues. A comprehensive report back to the Court is required by 27 May 2016.
51. A report on the SkyPath proposal will go to Governing Body on 25 May 2016. Council will be presenting on the commercial elements of the hybrid PPP proposal from the private sector. It will be a confidential presentation.
City Centre Strategies / Initiatives
City Centre Projects Intelligence Unit
52. The Auckland Chief Executives’ Forum on 28 April provided the opportunity to share the idea of the CCPIU with forty seven of the city’s largest employers.
53. Feedback was sought on the type of information people are expecting to receive regarding construction in the city centre and the best channels for that information to be relayed.
Programme and Funding
54. A review of the programme of City Centre Targeted Rate projects has been completed and endorsed by the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board on 27 April 2016.
55. Key principles underpinning the City Centre Work Programme are to:
· Provide additional funding to CRL for the high quality reinstatement of Lower Queen Street and Albert Street;
· Rephase projects in the western side of the city centre to commence construction post CRL to minimize further disruption;
· Complete projects in other parts of the city centre such as Karangahape Road, Learning Quarter and Britomart while CRL is under construction.
Precinct Frameworks
56. Framework documents are underway for key city centre precincts, to collate planning and project information and inform decisions on projects and initiatives.
a. Downtown – complete.
b. Aotea – complete (endorsed by the Auckland Development Committee in February 2016).
c. Learning Quarter – implementation plan is underway.
d. High Street District – underway.
e. Victoria Quarter – to commence 2016 (tbc).
f. Quay Park - the third workshop of key stakeholders (Council, AT, POAL, NZTA, Ngati Whatua and Kiwirail) was held on 1st March.
Central Wharves Strategy
57. The Central Wharves Strategy will be informed by early outcomes of the Port Future Study, due mid-2016.
Digital Auckland
58. Work is continuing with good progress on all of the Digital Auckland initiatives.
Local board views and implications
59. The Waitemata Local Board has been engaged with on all City Centre projects that are actively progressing. Specific engagement with the board is included in the project plans for individual projects. The board is generally supportive of the direction being taken.
Māori impact statement
60. Monthly hui are being held throughout 2016 with iwi representatives, with the purpose of seeking mana whenua input into the scoping and design process of City Centre projects.
61. The most recent hui was held on 13 May.
62. Prior to the implementation of City Centre projects and initiatives, regular meetings and workshops are held with many stakeholders including the Waitemata Local Board, Heart of the City, Learning Quarter stakeholders, iwi and the Auckland Development Committee.
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Forward Planner for ACCAB Meetings |
19 |
Author |
Catherine Edmeades - Development Programmes Lead |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
Revised City Centre Targeted Rate Work Programme
File No.: CP2016/09938
1. The purpose of this report is to provide a revised version of the City Centre Targeted Rate Work Programme (TR5) to the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board for endorsement.
Executive summary
2. At the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday 27 April 2016 the board endorsed the City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (Rev 4) - (TR5).
3. Following the meeting, Finance identified an accounting error in the spreadsheet that was attached to the report (Attachment A) and an additional typographical error was identified.
4. The errors were corrected and members were advised via a memo dated 10 May 2016 (Attachment B).
5. The revised City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (TR5) is provided for the board’s endorsement (Attachment C).
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) endorse the revised City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (TR5).
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aView |
City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works Rev 4 (TR5) Endorsed by ACCAB 27 April 2016 |
23 |
bView |
Memo: Revised City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (TR5) |
25 |
cView |
Revised City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (TR5) |
27 |
Author |
Catherine Edmeades - Development Programmes Lead |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
1. To: Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
2. From: Catherine Edmeades and Ralph Webster
Subject: Revised City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (TR5)
At the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday 27 April 2016 the board endorsed the City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (Rev 4) - (TR5).
Following the meeting, Finance identified an accounting error in the spreadsheet that was attached to the report (Attachment A to this memo) and an additional typographical error was identified.
Accounting Error
The basis of the accounting error is that the repayment of the $1.45 million loan for Downtown Public Spaces was accounted for twice. It was accounted for in line 2 of the spreadsheet in Financial Year 18/19 and the repayment of the loan from the proceeds of the sale of Queen Elizabeth Square was also accounted for in a background revenue sheet, which linked to the work programme budgets.
The error has been corrected by the removal of $1.45 million of revenue from the Downtown Public Spaces line in the spreadsheet. This had an effect on the ‘Closing CCTR balance’ and the total balance in Financial Years 18/19 and 19/20 went into deficit.
In order to maintain a positive CCTR cash balance in each financial year, an adjustment to the Learning Quarter Streets budget line is proposed. A reduction of $200,000 for Learning Quarter Streets in Financial Year 18/19 retains a positive closing CCTR cash balance for the CCTR Work Programme.
The Learning Quarter Streets budget would reduce from $5,000,000 to $4,800,000. The opportunity to increase the Learning Quarter Streets budget line exists if other budgets are underspent over the next three financial years, which would be discussed as part of the six monthly reviews.
Learning Quarter Streets |
Targeted Rate Funding |
15/16 |
16/17 |
17/18 |
18/19 |
Endorsed in TR5 |
5,000,000 |
1,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
Proposed revision |
4,800,000 |
1,000,000 |
2,000,000 |
1,800,000 |
Typographical Error
The typographical error was in the Beresford Square budget line. The Targeted Rate Funding cell correctly stated $1 million but the Project Total cell incorrectly stated $2 million, which should also have been $1 million. The correction has no effect on the budget.
Next Steps
A revised City Centre Targeted Rate Programme of Works (Rev 5) – (TR5) is Attachment B to this memo. Endorsement of the revised programme of works will be sought from the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board at the 25 May meeting.
We apologise for these errors.
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 25 May 2016 |
Auckland City Centre Walking Tour
File No.: CP2016/09900
1. The purpose of the walking tour is to:
· Walk through streets that have been completed with City Centre Targeted Rate (CCTR) funds;
· Visit sites where the construction of new CCTR funded projects is going to begin soon;
· Look at streets and spaces where developments are underway;
· Visit project offices to gain an understanding of large developments that are underway in the City Centre.
Executive summary
2. Auckland City Centre is experiencing an unprecedented level of construction activity. A walking tour through the City Centre has been organised so that board members can see projects that have recently been completed and those that are now underway.
3. This is also an opportunity to visit sites that are about to be transformed with the assistance of City Centre Targeted Rate funding.
4. We plan to leave 135 Albert Street at 3.15pm following a brief monthly update. Stopping points are planned for Freyberg Square, Britomart, Auckland Transport Operations Centre (ATOC), Precinct Properties and the City Rail Link office.
5. Please wear comfortable walking shoes.
That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) note the tour will commence at the conclusion of the business meeting.
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aView |
Walking Tour Route |
31 |
Author |
Catherine Edmeades - Development Programmes Lead |
Authoriser |
Ralph Webster - Manager Development Programmes |