Howick Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Howick Local Board held in the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, 7 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga on Monday, 9 May 2016 at 6.00pm.
Chairperson |
David Collings |
Deputy Chairperson |
Adele White |
Members |
Garry Boles |
Katrina Bungard |
Jim Donald |
Lucy Schwaner |
John Spiller |
Steve Udy |
Bob Wichman |
Howick Local Board 09 May 2016 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number HW/2016/220 MOVED by Member JR Donald, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 11 April, including the confidential section and Thursday, 28 April 2016, as a true and correct record. |
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
There were no acknowledgements.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
8.1 |
Deputation - Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show Committee |
The presentation shown at the meeting is attached to the back of the minutes. |
Resolution number HW/2016/221 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board thanks Rev Dr Richard Waugh (Chairman), Marion Clements, (Secretary) and Laurie Hayward from the Auckland Brit & Euro Classic Car Show Committee for their attendance and presentation.
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
12 |
The Chairs report tabled at the meeting is attached to the back of the minutes. |
Resolution number HW/2016/222 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member JR Spiller: That the Howick Local Board receives the Chair’s written report. |
13 |
Resolution number HW/2016/223 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board receives the verbal updates from Cr Stewart and Cr Quax. |
14 |
Performance Report for the Howick Local Board for the quarter ending March 2016 |
Resolution number HW/2016/224 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board receive the Performance Report for the Howick Local Board for the financial quarter ended March 2016. |
15 |
Resolution number HW/2016/225 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board receives the report entitled ‘Auckland Transport Update – May 2016’ and the attached issues register from Auckland Transport’s Elected Member Relationship Manager (South). |
16 |
Resolution number HW/2016/226 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member G Boles: a) That the Howick Local Board receives the Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards report. MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member SA Udy: b) That Auckland Transport provide business cases to support cycleway and shared paths within Auckland that better reflects the cost benefits ratio. |
Secretarial Note: Item 23 and 20 were considered after Item 16.
17 |
Resolution number HW/2016/227 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White: That the Howick Local Board approved or granted the applications listed in Table One. Table One: Howick Local Board Round Four Quick Response Grant Applications
MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White:
Secretarial Note: Member Jim Donald abstained from voting on QR1607-405 Manukau Concert Band. |
18 |
Resolution number HW/2016/228 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member G Boles: That the Howick Local Board adopt the Howick Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017.
19 |
Locally Driven Initiatives updates for Macleans Park, 310 Te Irirangi Drive and Bramley Reserve. |
Resolution number HW/2016/229 MOVED by Member G Boles, seconded by Member JR Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) Approves $183,000 for CAPEX projects from LDI funding as follows: (i) $100,000 for further recreational and play facilities at Macleans Park. (ii) $70,000 for a dog exercise area at 310 Te Irirangi Drive. (iii) $13,000 for a BBQ at Bramley Reserve.
20 |
Youth Facility Feasibility Study: Allocating Funding From Youth Funding Budget |
Resolution number HW/2016/230 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board approve funding to Co-CreatioNZ to undertake a youth facility feasibility study.
Secretarial Note: Item 20 was considered after Item 23.
21 |
New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Botany Mews Consortium at 49 to 55 and 59 Point View Drive, East Tamaki Heights |
Resolution number HW/2016/231 MOVED by Member JR Spiller, seconded by Deputy Chairperson AJ White: That the Howick Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name ‘Fortuna Place’, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 49 to 55 and 59 Point View Drive, East Tamaki Heights.
Secretarial Note: Member Bob Wichman abstained from voting on item 21. |
22 |
New Road Name Approval for the residential subdivision by Botany Mews Consortium at 49 to 55 and 59 Point View Drive, East Tamaki Heights |
Resolution number HW/2016/232 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member L Schwaner: That the Howick Local Board, pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974, approves the road name ‘Roxborough Place’, proposed by the Applicant, for the new road created by way of subdivision at 49 to 55 and 59 Point View Drive, East Tamaki Heights. |
23 |
MOVED by Member SA Udy, seconded by Member JR Donald: a) ii) identify the areas within Table 8 of statement of proposal (Attachment A) as high use areas subject to the following time and season rules:
g) Request that Council strengthen enforcement laws and activities before any changes are made to current dog control regulations.
A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:
The motion was declared lost by 3 votes to 5.
Resolution number HW/2016/233 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member JR Spiller: That the Howick Local Board: a) Adopt the following options in relation to the Howick Local Board dog access rules: i) identify the areas within Table 7 of statement of proposal (Attachment A) as highly sensitive areas where dogs are prohibited. ii) identify the areas within Table 8 of statement of proposal (Attachment A) as high use areas subject to the following time and season rules:
iii) identify the areas within Table 9 of statement of proposal (Attachment A) as dog friendly areas where dogs are allowed under control off a leash. iv) identify the areas within Table 10 of statement of proposal (Attachment A) as standard areas where dogs are allowed under control on a leash.
v) remove the specific rules for under control on a leash for farm paddocks occupied by stock. b) Confirm its intention to amend the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 pursuant to section 10(8) of the Dog Control Act 1996. c) Confirm that the proposed amendments contained (a): i) are consistent with the policy, principles, criteria and rules contained in the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012. ii) are in accordance with relevant legislative requirements in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996. d) Authorise the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws, in consultation with the local board chair, to make any amendments to the Statement of Proposal to reflect decisions made by the local board. e) Authorise the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws to make any minor edits or amendments to the Statement of Proposal to correct any identified errors or typographical edits. f) Appoint a panel of the whole to receive, hear and deliberate on submissions and other relevant information and decide on changes to the local dog access rules. CARRIED |
Secretarial Note: Item 23 was considered after Item 16.
24 |
Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 July to 31 December 2015 |
Resolution number HW/2016/234 MOVED by Member G Boles, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly update 1 July to 31 December 2015. |
25 |
Implementing the Howick Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan - 2015/2016 investment. |
Resolution number HW/2016/235 MOVED by Chairperson DA Collings, seconded by Member SA Udy: That the Howick Local Board: a) Notes officers’ updates for 2015/2016 priority projects from the Howick Sport and Active Recreation Facilities Plan. b) Approves an extension of the 2013/2014 Facilities Partnership Grant of $100,000 to Pakuranga Athletics Charitable Trust (Resolution number HW/2015/90) until 30 June 2017, subject to a satisfactory meeting with the Trust that clarifies the direction of the project. c) Approves a facility partnership grant to Howick Gymnastic Club of up to $250,580 to advance the gymsports facility project to the next stage.
Secretarial Note: Item 29 was considered after Item 25.
26 |
Resolution number HW/2016/236 MOVED by Member L Schwaner, seconded by Member JR Spiller: That the Local Board delegates to the Chair and Deputy Chair to provide views on the proposed variations to the 2015 Contributions Policy for the Governing Body to consider, following a workshop on 10 May 2016.
Secretarial Note: Item 26 was considered after Item 29.
Member Spiller left the meeting at 8.02pm and returned at 8.03pm.
27 |
Report back on Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study and request for funding for ongoing development of resource recovery activity |
Resolution number HW/2016/237 MOVED by Member JR Spiller, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board: a) Notes the results of the Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study. b) Approves the allocation of $10,000 as part of the board’s 2016/2017 environment work programme to implement a southern capacity building and mentoring programme to support community-led resource recovery activity in the south, with particular support for the Chinese Conservation and Education Trust, subject to further discussion with the local board. |
28 |
New Community Lease to The Uxbridge Community Projects Incorporated for 31-37 Uxbridge Road, Howick, approval to enter into a sublease and support the classification of part of the land |
29 |
Resolution number HW/2016/238 MOVED by Member JR Donald, seconded by Member RD Wichman: That the Howick Local Board: a) Adopts the Howick Tourism Development Action Plan (see attachment A). b) Allocates $30k deferred from 2016 Howick Economic Development Audit and 10k deferred from Howick Tourism Plan to implement Howick Tourism Development Action Plan and tourism initiatives with a focus on Howick ward.
Secretarial Note: Item 29 was considered after Item 25.
30 |
Resolution number HW/2016/239 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member JR Donald: That the Howick Local Board note the Howick Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar. |
31 |
Resolution number HW/2016/240 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson AJ White, seconded by Member K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board receives the workshop notes for workshops held on 29th and 31st March and 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th and 19th April 2016.
32 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.07pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
Item 8.1 Presentation