I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Puketāpapa Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 26 May 2016


Fickling Convention Centre
546 Mt Albert Road
Three Kings


Puketāpapa Local Board









Julie Fairey


Deputy Chairperson

Harry Doig



David Holm



Ella Kumar



Nigel Turnbull



Michael Wood



(Quorum 3 members)




Brenda  Railey

Democracy Advisor


24 May 2016


Contact Telephone: 021 820 781

Email: brenda.railey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Puketāpapa Local Board

26 May 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


28        Local Board input into the Empowered Communities Approach Progress Update Report                                                                                                                                         5   



Puketāpapa Local Board

26 May 2016



Local Board input into the Empowered Communities Approach Progress Update Report


File No.: CP2016/10258





1.       To provide an opportunity for local boards to formally feedback on the progress and implementation of the Empowered Communities Approach to date. 

Executive summary

2.       On 4 June 2015, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee approved the implementation of the Empowered Communities Approach.

3.       The Community Empowerment Unit was established to lead and operationalise the Empowered Communities Approach. The unit became operational on 1 October 2015.

4.       In March 2016, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee received its first update on the transition and implementation of the new structure and approach.

5.       Local board views are being sought to inform the July 2016 progress update report to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee.

6.       This report provides an opportunity for the local board to formalise its views on progress made to date.



That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      formally endorse the feedback on the progress and implementation of the Empowered Communities Approach to date.



7.       The Mayor’s Proposal for the Long Term Plan 2015 – 2025 (LTP) included developing an Empowered Communities Approach to the work of Auckland Council and sought changes to the community development function as follows:

·     To transition delivery to a more empowered community approach;

·     To move away from direct delivery (and therefore save overheads) and fund community groups to deliver more;

·     For local boards to play a much more active role by allocating more funding through the boards.

8.       The Budget Committee approved the proposal on 7 May 2015. It resolved to:

a)   Note that an Empowered Communities approach will be implemented during the 2015/2016 financial year with detail of the proposed Community Development and Safety model to be presented to the Regional Strategy and Policy (RSP) Committee on 4 June 2015;

b)   Note that the associated savings target of $1.6 million in 2015/2016 and $2.0 million per annum each year thereafter, until 2025, has been included in the budget and that any necessary review of implementation and related budget can be undertaken as part of the Annual Plan 2016/2017 process.

(Resolution number: BUD/2015/18

9.       On 4 June 2015, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee resolved to:

a)   Endorse the implementation of the ECA which will result in a new operating model for the Community Development and Safety unit;

b)   Request that progress against outcomes, implementation of the structure and operation of the model be reviewed and reported back to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee in February and July 2016;

c)   Endorse that additional funding to deliver locally driven initiatives be considered as part   of the 2016/2017 Annual Plan.                                   

                                                                                                            (Resolution number: REG/2015/41)

10.     The Empowered Communities Approach provides clear strategic direction for a whole of council shift to working in ways that are more empowering of communities.

The approach:

·     provides a framework to enable council to deliver services in a more effective and empowering way;

·     supports community-led development and builds on the Thriving Communities’ Action Plan Ngā Hāpori Momohi (April 2014);

·     involves a shift away from direct service delivery to supporting community-led initiatives, with a view to embedding a new way of working across the council family;

·     encourages flexibility to meet the varying requirements of communities and local boards, rather than taking a ‘one size fits all’ approach.

11.     The Community Empowerment Unit was established to lead and operationalise the Empowered Communities Approach. The unit became operational on 1 October 2015.

Progress update report

12.     In March 2016 the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee received an update on the progress of the implementation of the new structure, the operational model and outcomes of the approach to date. Staff will be presenting a further update to the Committee in July 2016.

13.     This report provides an opportunity for the local board to formalise its views on progress to date of the implementation of the approach to inform the July 2016 Regional and Strategy update report.

Three year evaluation

14.     The Empowered Communities Approach is being evaluated over a three year period. An evaluation plan is currently being developed.

15.     To ensure a good spread of data and input from a variety of viewpoints and experiences (elected members, community groups and staff), the local boards’ views captured during this process will also help inform the baseline and formative phase of the wider three year evaluation.


Local board views and implications

16.     Local board feedback will help inform the report to the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee in July 2016 on the progress and implementation of the Empowered Communities Approach to date. 




17.     Local boards are providing feedback on the following questions:

·     What do you see working well in the initial stages of the roll out of the Empowered Communities Approach?

·     In the future, how would you know that the Empowered Communities Approach is working well in your local board area?

·     What has been the impact of transitioning into an Empowered Communities Approach for your local board area?

·     What do you see as the key barriers to the implementation and uptake of the Empowered Communities Approach?

·     How can the Community Empowerment Unit ensure that the approach is embraced by the whole of council for the betterment of the community?

Māori impact statement

18.     The council’s Māori Responsiveness Framework has guided and shaped the Empowered Communities Approach.

19.     Te Waka Angamua (TWA) is involved in the cross-council evaluation reference group.

20.     The Community Empowerment Unit is also developing more enabling and responsive ways of working with mana whenua, mataawaka, marae and Māori organisations across the region to nurture community-led development initiatives. 


21.     The Empowered Communities Approach will continue to be implemented and evaluated with the model being operational in the 2016 /2017 financial year.



There are no attachments for this report.      



Madelon de Jongh - Senior Policy Advisor


Anna Bray - Policy & Planning Manager - Local Boards

Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager