I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Papakura Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 18 May 2016 4.30pm Local Board
Chambers |
Papakura Local Board
Chairperson |
Bill McEntee |
Deputy Chairperson |
Michael Turner |
Members |
Stuart Britnell |
Brent Catchpole |
Graham Purdy |
Katrina Winn |
(Quorum 3 members)
Trish Wayper Local Board Democracy Advisor
11 May 2016
Contact Telephone: (09) 295 1331 Email: Patricia.Wayper@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 6
8.1 Deputation - Richard Finn, Papakura Crimewatch Community Patrol 6
9 Public Forum 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Notices of Motion 7
12 Councillors' Update 9
13 Development of Opaheke Park, Papakura 11
14 Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the Quarter Ending March 2016 25
15 Auckland Transport Update - May 2016 61
16 Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards 65
17 Papakura Art Gallery Business Planning Project 89
18 Local Dog Access Review 93
19 Great Spring Clean Papakura 141
20 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia Divestment Recommendation 145
21 Contributions Policy Variation A 151
22 Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017 169
23 Report back on Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study and Request for Funding for On-going Development of Resource Recovery Activity 175
24 Allocation of Papakura Locally Driven Initiatives Budgets for 2015/2016 215
25 Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 July to 31 December 2015 217
26 Governance Forward Work Calendar 239
27 Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term 243
28 For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board 257
29 Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes 259
30 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
1 Welcome
Board Member will lead the meeting in prayer.
2 Apologies
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
3 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
That the Papakura Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 20 April 2016, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 Acknowledgement – Phil Waterhouse and Elizabeth Thomson |
Purpose 1. To give the Papakura Local Board the opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding work undertaken by Phil Waterhouse and Elizabeth Thomson regarding the Margans Bush area primarily but also their support for work being continued in Kirks Bush, Willis Bush, Butterworth Reserve and Herkts Bush |
Recommendation/s That the Papakura Local Board: a) acknowledge Phil Waterhouse and Elizabeth Thomson for their outstanding volunteer work with regards to Margans Bush and wish them well for the future.
7 Petitions
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
8 Deputations
Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Papakura Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
10 Extraordinary Business
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
11 Notices of Motion
At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/09115
1. An opportunity is provided for Councillors’ Calum Penrose, Sir John Walker and Bill Cashmore to update the Board on Governing Body issues they have been involved with since the last meeting.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
a) That the Councillors’ update be received. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Development of Opaheke Park, Papakura
File No.: CP2016/09062
1. To seek land approval for the development of the northern portion of Opaheke Park, Papakura.
Executive Summary
2. Motleon Limited is seeking to develop the former Papakura Golf Course and the adjoining property at 117 Opaheke Road, Papakura, as a Special Housing Area (SHA). The residential development will result in approximately 500 homes. The site adjoins Opaheke Park comprising approximately 41 hectares (refer to Attachment A for a location plan).
3. A key component of the development is a stormwater mitigation strategy that involves re-contouring the northern portion of Opaheke Park, and Motleon then developing the parks asset. Motleon has developed a concept master plan that integrates the Bellfield SHA with Opaheke Park and landowner approval is sought to enable its progression.
4. The design seeks to create a series of rustic natural spaces within Opaheke Park that provide a range of experiences for all ages including a mixture of passive and active recreational opportunities, ecological enhancement and educational opportunities (refer to Attachment B for the concept development plans).
5. The applicant has initiated consultation with the local community and iwi which has included two public open days, creation of a website, media articles, and one-on-one meetings with locals, neighbours and local iwi (Ngati Tamaoho). A number of formal and informal meetings have also been held with the local board and elected representatives. In June 2016 another public open day will be held to share the latest plans and discuss the project with the local community.
6. Parks staff are supportive of the development proposal as it will create a unique park for the enjoyment of the wider Auckland community that will be substantially funded and completed by the applicant. It is recognised that there will be some further refinement of the design and flexibility in the plan is required to enable changes as the project and consenting progresses.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) Provides landowner approval in principle for the concept development plans for Opaheke Park, Papakura, prepared by Surface Design Inc, dated April 2016. b) Delegates future decisions concerning detailed design for the development of Opaheke Park to the Parks Portfolio Holders.
7. The former Papakura Golf Course and the adjoining property at 117 Opaheke Road, Papakura, owned by Motleon Limited, is a Special Housing Area (SHA). The land available for development will depend primarily on the results of storm water modeling, but Motleon are expecting to promulgate planning provisions that facilitate the development of approximately 500 homes. Papakura is considered an area of high demand for new homes.
8. The site adjoins Opaheke Park (165 Opaheke Road) which is approximately 41 hectares in size and is held as a recreation reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977 (refer to Attachment A for a location plan). There is no reserve management plan for the park.
9. Opaheke Park is zoned Rural Plains in the Auckland District Plan (Papakura section) and Public Open Space, Sport and Active Recreation in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP). Both Plans include flood plain and flood prone areas within the northern and central portions of the park.
10. The southern part of Opaheke Park has recently been developed and contains eight sports fields, and a parking and hard stand area. Plans for a staged development of changing rooms/toilets and a future clubroom facility have recently been approved by the local board at their April 2016 meeting.
11. The northern area of the park is currently un-developed and primarily maintained in grass. It is used for informal recreation and includes informal use by the Papakura Pony Club.
12. The Papakura Golf Course has a 999 year encumbrance which was put in place in 1993 when the property was sold by the former Papakura District Council. Motleon has an agreement with Auckland Council to pay to uplift the encumbrance to enable the residential development to proceed. The money will be spent on improvements and facilities at Opaheke Park to benefit the local community. The encumbrance cannot be lifted until the resource consent is approved for the development.
Proposed Development of Opaheke Park
13. Motleon has developed a master plan that will integrate the Bellfield SHA with Opaheke Park. A key component of the plan is to better control the flood path through the Slippery Creek system and surrounding landscape. The stormwater mitigation strategy involves raising the ground level of the SHA land above the floodplain and modifying the area of Opaheke Park already affected by flooding, to assist in containing and slowing storm events. This in turn will provide an opportunity to develop the northern portion of the park.
14. The base stormwater model has been developed and peer reviewed and endorsed by Council’s stormwater unit. Throughout the first half of 2016 the model will be used to test various scenarios, refine the concept plan, and then be reported on as part of the SHA assessment and consenting processes. Consent applications will be lodged in mid-2016. Motleon will include the works to the northern portion of Opaheke Park in those applications, and the works will be undertaken as Stage 1 of the SHA development.
15. The design of Opaheke Park has been led by an internationally-acclaimed landscape architect and is based on the grain of the Kauri tree which is reflective of the Kauri swamps which originally inhabited the area. It is a dynamic design which reflects the changing landscape driven by the management of storm events and maturing of the landscape. The intention is to create a series of spaces that provide a range of experiences for all ages with design elements that are natural, rustic and simple. Refer to Attachment B for the concept development plans.
16. Council’s parks staff, have attended two workshops to discuss the proposal. Recommendations by staff have generally been incorporated into the design. The main components are as follows;
· A mix of passive and active recreational opportunities including;
- bike facilities (pump and BMX tracks and learn to ride)
- varied formal and informal play opportunities
- confidence course, volleyball and fitness equipment
- dog off leash area
- open grassland areas for passive recreation and socialising.
Note: the overall drainage (flooding levels), recurrence and the impacts on the year round usability will influence what type of recreational activities and associated infrastructure can be established. As the environment settles and there is a greater understanding of how the environment operates, more activities could be introduced over time that are appropriate for the environment and the community.
The current use of the park by the pony club will be affected by the proposal.
· Varied access and circulation including;
- connections between the residential development and Opaheke Park, the main one being a centralised boardwalk
- pathway network hierarchy throughout the park including a shared pathway for cyclists and pedestrians around the park perimeter (the Sir John Walker track)
- relocation of the vehicle entrance along Opaheke Road to address safety concerns
- provision for future parking areas.
Note: there is a possibility of providing a link between Gatland Road and the sportsfields in the future.
· Protecting and enhancing the ecology of the park including improving biodiversity.
· Creating an active interface with the sportsfield including grass terracing and a lookout point.
· Educational opportunities around stormwater management, culture and ecology.
17. To date consultation with the local community and iwi has been undertaken by the applicant. This includes;
· Two public open days at Rosehill Intermediate in September 2014 where the concept proposal was presented and discussed. The open days were publicly advertised and attended by approximately 125 people. Representatives of the local board were in attendance. A spreadsheet was available for attendees to supply their name, contact details and to register any comments. Three emails have since been dispatched to all contacts providing periodic updates.
· A website has been created as an information portal for the community.
· A number of formal and informal meetings have been held with the local board and elected officials to ensure they are continually updated on the development concepts and specialist expert assessments.
· The proposed development has been reported in media articles including in the local community newspaper.
· Motleon and their advisors made themselves available for one-on-one meetings with locals and neighbours. To date 15 meetings have been held.
· Motleon have attended the PIPS AGM and a meeting with the Southern Initiative to discuss the project.
· A meeting and subsequent discussions have been held with the local iwi, Ngati Tamaoho.
18. In June 2016 another public open day will be held to share the latest plans and discuss the project with the local community. Parks staff will be in attendance. The consent application will also be publicly notified in accordance with the special housing legislation.
Development and Consequential Costs
19. Development of Opaheke Park will be funded in most part by the applicant ($4.25M) and the payment received through lifting the encumbrance. This cost excludes the cost of the earthworks which are necessary for stormwater mitigation.
20. The design has been developed in conjunction with a quantity surveyor to help establish what can be delivered within the budget parameters. However it might be that all the components shown on the plan cannot be delivered by the applicant and may need to be prioritised.
21. The consequential operational costs of maintaining the proposed park will depend on the final extent and nature of the development. Consideration will be given to using low maintenance plants, infrastructure location and materials in terms of longevity and maintenance. Motleon has undertaken to manage the maintenance for the first two years.
22. If the park is developed as outlined in the concept plan, the annual maintenance is estimated to be $160,000. Provision of operational costs is provided for in the 2015 Long Term Plan, and will be allocated to the appropriate park maintenance budgets as and when maintenance costs are met by council.
23. Staff consider the development proposal provides an exciting opportunity to create a unique park for the wider Auckland community. The stormwater management works will better control the flooding events and the development of the northern portion will be substantially funded and completed by the applicant. It will provide a range of experiences in a rather unique environment that will complement and diversify the existing sports facilities.
24. It is anticipated that there will be some further refinement of the design when it enters the detailed design phase. This can be addressed by staff through discussion and the QD process. It is recognised that some flexibility in the plan is required to enable changes as the project and consenting progresses.
Local Board views and implications
25. Decision making responsibility for the development and maintenance of Opaheke Park is allocated to the local board.
26. The proposed redevelopment has been discussed with the local board on a number of occasions over the past year and formally at workshops, the last being in April 2016. The local board has indicated its support for the redevelopment proposals.
Māori impact statement
27. The applicant has had a meeting and subsequent discussions with the local iwi group, Ngati Tamaoho. Another meeting is arranged for 24 May 2016, where Ngati Tamaoho will be invited to comment on the latest concept development plans and prepare a Cultural Impact Assessment for the consent application. The only other iwi group to express an interest in the project at this stage is Ngati Te Ata Waiohua.
28. There are no known sites of significance to Maori identified on Opaheke Park in the Auckland District Plan (Papakura section) or the PAUP.
29. Should the concept plan for the redevelopment of Opaheke Park be approved by the local board from the landowner perspective, a QD will be lodged with the DPO office, anticipated to be mid-2016. Works to the northern portion of Opaheke Park will be included.
30. Through the QD process detailed design will be undertaken in conjunction with Parks staff. This will include determining the maintenance requirements.
31. Works within Opaheke Park will be undertaken prior to the residential development as the stormwater strategy needs to be established from the outset.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Opaheke Park Location Plans |
17 |
bView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Concept Development Plans - Opaheke Park |
19 |
Authors |
Sophie Bell - Parks and Open Space Specialists Manager |
Authorisers |
Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
18 May 2016 |
Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the Quarter Ending March 2016
File No.: CP2016/06910
1. To update the Papakura Local Board members on progress towards their objectives for the year from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 as set out in the Local Board agreement.
Executive summary
2. A financial performance report is presented to the local boards for the accounting quarters ending September, December, March and June.
3. To improve overall performance reporting the Financial Advisory Services – Local Boards team produces a combined quarterly financial report and department performance report.
4. The attached report contains the following reports this quarter
i) Local Community Services including Libraries
ii) Local Environmental Management
iii) Local Sports Parks and Recreation
iv) Local Board Financial Performance
v) Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development – nine monthly 1 July to 31 March 2016.
5. Auckland Council staff from the above departments have also provided a reforecast of what LDI (Locally Driven Initiatives) projects cannot be delivered this year.
6. Following discussions with and advice from the board members deferral of some LDI funds was agreed at the 20 April 2016 business meeting. The reallocation of other LDI funding is the subject of a separate report on this agenda.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive the Performance Report for the Papakura Local Board for the financial quarter ended March 2016. |
7. In consultation with local boards this report provides the elected members with an overview of local activities from council departments for discussion.
Local board views and implications
8. The report is presented to the Papakura Local Board members at a workshop prior to the business meeting.
Maori impact statement
9. Maori, as stakeholders in the council, are affected and have an interest in any report of the local board financials. However, this financial performance report does not impact specific outcomes or activities. As such, the content of this report has no particular benefit to, or adverse effect on Maori.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Papakura Local Board Quarterly Performance Report to March 2016 |
27 |
Authors |
Mark Purdie - Lead Financial Advisor |
Authorisers |
Christine Watson - Manager Financial Advisory Services - Local Boards Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
18 May 2016 |
Auckland Transport Update - May 2016
File No.: CP2016/09095
1. This report updates the Board on the current status of its Local Board Transport Capital Fund and projects, responds to: resolutions made by the Board and issues raised by board members and, provides information on matters of specific application and interest to the Papakura Local Board.
Executive Summary
1. This report provides information on the following Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects:
a) The Covered walkway between platform and Railway Street West
b) Colour Treatments – Intersections
c) Refresh of signage in Papakura
d) Arimu Road
e) Clark Road
2. And also provides information on:
a) The status of the Papakura Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund
b) Issues raised by Papakura Local Board
That the Papakura Local Board: a) Receives the report Auckland Transport Update – May 2016
Papakura Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF)
2. The Papakura Local Board is allocated $306,184 per annum from the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).
3. The Board’s current Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects are summarised in the table below:
Project |
Description |
Status |
Projected Cost |
Connection of Railway Station and Town Centre (Project Id: 432,433,434) |
Looking at ways of cognitively linking the town Centre with the Railway station. The Board have agreed to focus on the following projects: · Covered walkway between platform and Railway Street West · Extension of walkway along Railway Street West & Averill St · Beautification greenery
The Board passed a resolution requesting AT proceed to design and provide a ROC for the original six identified projects on 20 May 15. Following the December 2015 Board meeting the Board deferred consideration of the parklet outside the library and public space at the art gallery carpark. The Board have reviewed and provided feedback on the detailed design. Auckland Transport has determined that a Resource Consent will not be required for the walkway. The project team are going through the Building Consents process. |
$810,000 has been allocated out of the LBTCF for design and construction of these projects. |
Colour Treatments - Intersections |
Road treatment (red) on 4 entrance intersections into Papakura
Auckland Transport’s Traffic Operations team met with the Transport Leads to clarify and confirm scope. The project will proceed when the Board has confirmed this scope. Auckland Transport has confirmed this area is due for resurfacing in the following financial year. The transport leads have agreed to put the project on hold. |
$34,000 has been allocated out of the LBTCF for design and construction of this project.
Refresh of signage in Papakura |
Directional Signage to motorway and key destinations around the Papakura CBD. |
Auckland Transport has awarded the contract for the project and expects all installation to be complete by 27th May 2016 |
Approved to a maximum of $110,300 |
Arimu Road |
Traffic calming |
A rough order of cost for two options was given to the Transport Leads in March 2016. The Transport Leads have requested further information on these proposals. |
Clark Road |
Traffic calming |
A rough order of cost was prepared in March 2016. The Transport Leads have requested further information on the proposals. |
4. See below for a financial update of expenditure against the Local Board Capital Fund as of the 4th of May 2016.
Issues Register
Description |
AT Response |
Security issues with the Bike shed at Papakura Station. |
Auckland Transport Business Technology has identified a low cost, easy to use solution that provides sufficient security to users. There are a few administrative details surrounding this solution we need to address but anticipate that the door will be returned to the shed in the near future.
“Requests that Auckland Transport undertake a traffic management assessment which takes into account both speed and volumes for Milson Drive.”
Auckland Transport is investigating Milson Road as per the Board’s resolution. However this process can sometimes be reasonably lengthy depending on the completeness of existing information on the street. The teams have accommodated this within their existing workload and we anticipate a response shortly. |
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Ben Halliwell – Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon – Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager, Papakura |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards
File No.: CP2016/09108
1. The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport (AT) in the three months 1 January – 31 March 2016.
Attachments include:
A – Auckland Transport activities
B – Travelwise Schools activities
C – Decisions of the Traffic Control Committee
D – Report against local board advocacy issues
That the Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards be received.
Significant activities during the period under review
Strategy and Planning
2. Transport for Future Urban Growth (TFUG)
Under the new business case approach, AT has received approved funding to develop growth related Programme Business Cases (PBCs) to identify the transport infrastructure needed within the next 30 years for the following growth areas identified in Auckland Council's Future Urban Land Supply Strategy: Northwest, Southern, Northern and Warkworth.
A multi-disciplinary and cross organisational team has been established on these four growth areas and is currently working from a co-located space. Councillors, local boards, iwi, developers and other stakeholders have been informed and public consultation has taken place. Sequencing Workshops were scheduled for 22-23 March and the second round of public consultation scheduled from 15 April.
3. Central Access Strategy
A Programme Business Case for the Central Access Plan (Isthmus to City Centre) is jointly being developed with New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and Auckland Council. It is anticipated that a preferred programme which identifies a series of interventions to resolve growing bus patronage demands against corridor/terminus capacity constraints will be provided to the NZTA Board in May for their approval.
Public Transport (PT) Development
4. City Rail Link
Enabling Works ECI Contract 2, construction of pipe jack (services relocation) commenced (Albert Street) 21 December 2015; Enabling Works Contract 1, Britomart to Lower Albert Street and Contract 2, Lower Albert Street to Wyndham Street, to commence in May 2016. Main Works: Construction start 2018/19 FY subject to funding agreement with Government.
5. Double Decker Network Mitigation works
Mitigation works on identified risks for Double decker buses such as building verandas, street furniture, signage, low hanging power/phone lines, service poles, overhanging trees, and low bridge structures to allow the safe passage of double decker buses. Botany route is cleared for double decker bus with some minor works on defects list to be completed. Mt Eden and Northern Express bus routes to be cleared in March 2016.
6. PT Safety, Security and Amenity
An evaluation is underway of the benefits of installing ticket barriers at selected stations on the network to improve safety and security. Current projects include completion of Ellerslie Station canopies, upgrade to Morningside Level Crossing and electronic gating at Manurewa Station. Onboard train digital information screens will commence testing in April.
PT Facilities Infrastructure Development
7. Wharf Renewals
Design is currently underway on a number of urgent wharf renewal project requests received from AT Metro (25th Feb). These are targeted to be completed by 30 June 2016. AT is on track to deliver these.
8. Bus Infrastructure Improvements
AT is still on target to spend the $4.7m budget. A significant number of physical works will be undertaken over May and June.
PT Operations
9. Highlights for the quarter
Rail patronage growth continues at around 20% year-on-year, and the month of March saw more than 1.6 million passenger journeys on the network, the highest month on record. Service delivery has maintained levels of around 95% of services arriving at the destinations on-time. The new operator tender process has been placed on hold, with the current contract with Transdev being conditionally extended for a period of up to 12-24 months, while the impacts on the rail services contract of long term projects such as CRL are assessed.
10. Integrated Fares
The 28 February 2016 annual AT Metro fare review included final fare zone boundary alignment between bus and rail prior to mid-2016 integrated fares implementation, including alignment at Orakei of two zone rail from the CBD with the existing two zone bus and removal of the inner CBD and airport mini-zones. An independent review of the proposed integrated fares product structure and price modelling by Deloitte is nearing completion and will support a final recommendation to the AT Board in April.
Road Design and Development
11. SMART (Southwest Multi-modal Airport Rapid Transit)
Future proofing of the SMART route on Kirkbride (trench) intersection is progressing together with the infrastructure works by Highway Network Operations of NZTA. This element of the project is expected to be complete in 2022. A funding application is in progress with NZTA and the team is working with the East West team to ensure the projects are well aligned at the critical points. The indicative business case is being updated for light and heavy rail. The cycle strategy for the wider Mangere area is underway.
12. Whangaparaoa Road Dynamic Lane Trial
In the last quarter, designs for the trial along Whangaparaoa Road (between Red Beach Road and Hibiscus Coast Highway) have been assessed. A driver behaviour survey was undertaken, to understand perceptions of the trial and responses to a simplified scheme using just Light Emitting Diode (LED) in road markings. The purpose of this was to test reactions and guide design requirements for signage and LED requirements. The survey illustrated 21 scenarios with different markings and LED lights along the route (i.e. no signage or overhead lane control arrows were assumed).
The outcome of the survey showed the following:
Positives recognised: · Improves traffic flow · Flexible traffic control · Better use of road space · Increases road capacity |
Concerns raised: · Confusing · Accident risk · Unclear (lane direction) – Need clear signage · Need to educate |
Understanding gained from the driver perception survey and traffic condition surveys will be applied to the design before consultation is undertaken.
13. Auckland Bike Challenge
The Auckland Bike Challenge was undertaken in February encouraging businesses and workplaces to support staff to cycle. The month-long online challenge has had a significant success in encouraging greater uptake of cycling in Auckland. It has been well supported by key stakeholders including Healthy Auckland Together, Auckland Regional Public Health, the Sustainable Business Network and Bike Auckland. A total of 166 workplaces took part, and over 2,860 people registering to ride a bike in February including 600 new cyclists. A total of 23,111 trips were logged amounting to over 329,374 km travelled by bike.
14. Personalised Journey Planning for commuters
Three Personalised Journey Planning (PJP) projects are underway in Kingsland/ Morningside, Hauraki/Belmont and Stonefields residential areas. These are key areas for commuters to the city centre and reflect congested corridors on the network. Residents in each area who currently drive alone in peak times were offered personalised journey planning advice on other suitable modes of transport, and those that commit to trialling a new option are provided with supporting incentives. The goal of these projects is to encourage residents to make a long-term change, supporting modal share changes and reducing morning peak congestion.
15. Safer Communities
The Safer Communities programme is now underway with the Community and Road Safety team working more intensively in high risk communities to increase safe access to active and sustainable transport modes. The Community Transport team has delivered two safer Communities workshops for lead teacher and school management. These workshops were designed to provide information on the new delivery model for high risk communities and were very successful with 21 school attending. This was followed by two lead teacher workshops for the schools outside of the high risk communities.
16. Walking School Bus – Walking School Bus Week 15-19 February
Pedestrian safety is a high priority in the Auckland Region with an upward trend in Deaths and Serious Injuries (DSI) over the past five years. The Walking School Bus (WSB) Programme has an important role in improving pedestrian safety around schools while also reducing morning peak congestion. The Community and Road Safety team developed and delivered the first regional WSBs promotion week for primary schools across the Auckland region. The key objective was to raise awareness of the benefits of the programme and seek more participation from parents and students, as well as highlighting the road safety benefits the programme brings.
Currently, 154 schools in Auckland have WSBs (out of 345 total schools in Auckland with primary aged students) with over 4000 children on WSB routes and more than 1000 volunteers. During WSB Week, more than 4900 students registered to participate in themed days across the week. AMI Insurance sponsored Thursday’s ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ theme day with guest walkers including Jerome Kaino and Police dogs, who walked with WSBs across the region. WSB Week was a great success with positive media promotion including interviews on Radio Live, Stuff.co.nz, and articles in local papers.
17. Road Corridor Delivery (RCD)
The Assets and Maintenance Group is tasked with the responsibility for a wide range of activities within the Road Corridor. These include but are not limited to:
· The Delivery of roading and streetlight maintenance and renewal programmes
· Managing the access, co-ordination and traffic management impacts of activities taking place within the road corridor
· Promoting design innovation and efficiency around how work is carried out on the network
· The development of long term asset management plans and modelling which support the decision making process around the management of our roading assets.
18. RCD Key Highlights
In the 2015/2016 financial year, AT is planning to deliver 37.7 km of pavement rehabilitation, 480.1 km of resurfacing (including 88.9 km of hotmix and 391.2 km of chip seal), 75.7 km of footpath renewals and 82.7 km of kerb and channel replacement.
Table 1: Progress against Asset Renewal Targets
Note* data is to February 2016
19. The team is 81% of the way through its Pavement Rehabilitation projects. Table 2 following outlines where key projects have been completed.
Table 2: Completed Rehabilitation Projects
20. The following table outlines the key projects which are currently underway and are due for completion in Quarter 4.
Table 3: Rehabilitation Projects still underway
21. Year 5 (2015/16) of the UFB rollout is continuing and planning for Year 6 (2016/17) has already commenced.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Schedule of activities undertaken for the third quarter (2015/16) ending 31 March 2016 |
71 |
bView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Travelwise Schools activities broken down by local board |
83 |
cView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Traffic Control Committee Decisions broken down by local board |
85 |
dView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Local Board Advocacy Report |
87 |
Authors |
Various Auckland Transport authors |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon – Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager, Papakura |
18 May 2016 |
Papakura Art Gallery Business Planning Project
File No.: CP2016/06953
1. Approve the scope of the Papakura Art Gallery Business Planning Project.
Executive Summary
2. Papakura Art Gallery is one of two council-owned and operated arts and culture facilities in the Papakura Local Board area. (The other is Hawkins Theatre.)
3. Council’s Arts, Community and Events department (ACE) is developing operational business plans for all council-operated arts and culture facilities to ensure that each facility has a clear and agreed vision, mission, objectives and an annual action plan.
4. In May 2016, staff will begin to develop a new three-year business plan for Papakura Art Gallery.
5. Two groups have been established to oversee the development of the Papakura Art Gallery business plan:
· project team (staff from ACE and Local Board Services)
· project steering group (staff from ACE and Local Board Services).
6. The business planning project includes community consultation and input by the local board.
7. Mana whenua groups who have registered interest in the Papakura Local Board area will be invited to engage in the project and provide feedback on the draft business plan as well as other documents.
8. Staff intend to present the business plan to the local board for adoption in December 2016.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) approve the scope of the Papakura Art Gallery Business Planning Project. |
9. Papakura Art Gallery is a community art gallery focused on visual arts and is one of two council-owned and operated arts and culture facilities in the Papakura Local Board area; the other is Hawkins Theatre. Both are located in the vicinity of the Papakura Town Centre.
10. The facility first opened at its current location in 1995 and was managed by the Papakura Community Arts Council until 2006, when the organisation dissolved and management of the gallery was transferred to the Papakura District Council.
11. Since Auckland Council formed in November 2010, Papakura Art Gallery has been operated by ACE’s Arts and Culture unit.
12. In May 2016, staff will begin to develop a new three-year business plan for the gallery as part of implementing operational business plans for all council-operated arts and culture facilities.
13. Staff will present the business plan for the local board’s endorsement in December 2016.
Scope of Project
14. The business plan will establish an agreed vision, mission, objectives and annual action plan to guide programming and activities at Papakura Art Gallery. The scope of the business planning project is set out in Table One below:
Table One: scope of Papakura Art Gallery Business Plan |
In scope |
Out of scope |
All public spaces within the gallery |
Auckland Council arts and culture facilities other than Papakura Art Gallery |
All programming activities within the gallery |
Auckland Council community facilities |
All community outreach activities by staff |
All relationship management activities between the gallery and stakeholders |
All expenditure |
Business Plan Oversight
15. To oversee the business plan’s development, two groups have been established:
· project team (staff from ACE and Local Board Services)
· project steering group (staff from ACE and Local Board Services).
16. The project team will deliver:
· a summary report on local board demographics based on the 2013 Census
· a summary report on previous years’ visitor, programme participant and audience numbers and satisfaction survey results
· an online survey (distributed to community members) to inform the business plan
· a stakeholder workshop
· a three-year business plan for the facility.
17. Mana whenua will be invited to engage in the business planning project and provide feedback on documents, including the draft business plan.
18. The steering group will oversee the development of a draft business plan. The Board will inform development of the plan and review elements of the draft at key steps in the process.
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
19. Business plans for council’s arts facilities demonstrate how each facility’s delivery will cater to the needs of the local community. To this end, staff will invite local residents in Papakura to provide input to the business plan through an online survey.
20. The gallery’s key stakeholders will be invited to a targeted workshop to discuss ideas for future improvement at Papakura Art Gallery. The invitation list for the workshop will be developed by the project team with final approval from the steering group.
21. Papakura Local Board has existing relationships with mana whenua and supports mana whenua engagement to the project.
Local Board views and implications
22. The local board has responsibility for local community arts and culture under the allocation of decision-making for non-regulatory activities, including adoption of the business plan.
23. Local board members will be invited to participate in the stakeholder workshop. Staff meet regularly with the local board arts portfolio holders who have been briefed about the intention to develop a business plan for Papakura Art Gallery.
Māori impact statement
24. The gallery provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to engage with arts and culture including Māori communities and stories.
25. The population in the Papakura Local Board area is 28 per cent Māori; more than two times greater than the Auckland-wide average of 10.7 per cent.
26. Mana whenua groups who have registered interest in the Papakura Local Board area will be invited to participate in the business planning project and provide feedback on documents, including the draft business plan.
27. The business plan will be presented to the local board for their adoption in December 2016. Following this, staff will implement the business plan.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Catalina Vercelli - Arts and Culture Project Lead Kaye Glamuzina - Manager Arts and Culture |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/08807
1. To adopt the Statement of Proposal containing proposed changes to local dog access rules for the Papakura local board area and appoint a hearings panel to receive, hear and deliberate on the submission on the Statement of Proposal.
Executive Summary
2. Dog access rules help ensure positive interactions between dogs and people in public places and the protection of wildlife. For non-dog owners this typically relates to dogs not causing a nuisance, and for dog owners being able to enjoy an outing with their dogs.
3. Dog access rules need to be easy to understand to the public. In deciding local dog access rules, local boards may want to consider decisions made to date by other local boards. Simple dog access rules across the region aids in increasing public understanding and enforcement.
4. The board resolved at its 18 November 2015 business meeting to undertake a review of local dog access rules in 2016. As part of the review process, the local board must adopt a Statement of Proposal for public consultation, and consider submissions to the proposal before making a final decision.
5. Staff recommend adopting options that would provide a balance between public safety and comfort and the needs of dog owners that:
· restricts dog access to ecologically sensitive areas to protect saltmarsh and wetlands birds in the central part of Drury Creek at the mouths of the Whangapouri, Oira and Drury Creeks
· retains nine of 11 dog friendly areas that will allow for dog owners to exercise dogs without significant impact on other users.
6. Staff will update the Statement of Proposal where required to reflect the decisions made by the local board.
7. Staff recommend that the local board appoints a panel of the whole to receive, hear and deliberate on submissions and other relevant information, and decide on changes to the local dog access rules.
8. Public consultation is proposed to start in June 2016 to coincide with dog registration. It will run for approximately six weeks. Local Board hearings and deliberations are planned for August, to be completed in time for its decision to be reported to the governing body in September 2016.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) Confirm its intention to propose an amendment as contained in a Statement of Proposal to the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 pursuant to section 10(8) of the Dog Control Act 1996. b) Adopt the Statement of Proposal in Attachment A and confirm: i) identify the areas within Table 5 of Statement of Proposal (Attachment A) as highly sensitive areas where dogs are prohibited ii) the time and season rule set out in Table 3 of Statement of Proposal (Attachment A) for use if high use areas are identified. iii) identify the areas within Table 7 of the Statement of Proposal (Attachment A) as dog friendly areas where dogs are allowed under control off a leash iv) identify the areas within Table 8 of the Statement of Proposal (Attachment A) as standard areas where dogs are allowed under control on a leash v) remove the specific rules for picnic and fitness areas, recreational walkways, public gardens, and sports parks. c) Confirm that the proposed local dog access rules contained in the Statement of Proposal (Attachment A): i) are consistent with the policy, principles, criteria and rules contained in the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 ii) are in accordance with relevant legislative requirements in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996. d) Authorise the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws, in consultation with the local board chair, to make any amendments to the Statement of Proposal to reflect decisions made by the local board. e) Authorise the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws to make any minor edits or amendments to the Statement of Proposal to correct any identified errors or typographical edits. f) Appoints a panel of the whole to receive, hear and deliberate on submissions and other relevant information and decide on changes to the local dog access rules.
9. Within the Papakura Local Board area approximately 15 per cent of households have one or more dogs on their properties[1].
10. Local boards have the delegated responsibility to review dog access rules for local park, beach and foreshore areas. The following local access rules apply:
· a default under control on a leash dog access rule in all park, beach and foreshore areas, unless otherwise specified
· an under control off a leash rule in specified parks and foreshore areas
· general under control on a leash rules on recreational walkways, public gardens, sportsparks, picnic areas, and fitness apparatus areas.
11. In deciding local dog access rules, local boards may want to consider decisions made to date by other local boards. Simple dog access rules across the region aids in increasing public understanding and enforcement.
12. The governing body has established a standard annual process to assist local boards with the review of local dog access rules as follows:
13. The board resolved at its 18 November 2015 business meeting (PPK/2015/203) to undertake a review of local dog access rules.
14. To assist with developing this proposal, the attached Statement of Proposal summarises information gathered from:
· council staff involved in parks, animal management and biodiversity (see Attachment 5 of the Statement of Proposal)
· Māori through hui in March 2015
· residents and visitors through an on-line survey in March 2016.
There were 191 respondents to this survey (63 per cent non-dog owners and 37 per cent dog owners).
A summary of the results of the survey is contained in Attachment 4. The summary covers matters related to dog owner and non-dog owners’ preferences for dog access, people’s comfort around dogs, and the use of local beach and foreshore areas.
Decision-making requirements
15. The decisions required of the board are:
· whether or not to propose any changes
· to adopt a Statement of Proposal for public consultation (if changes are proposed) and
· to appoint a hearing panel.
16. The local board can also decide to rescind its decision from November 2015 (PPK/2015/203), and postpone the review to a later date.
17. In making a decision on the Statement of Proposal, the local board must be satisfied that any proposed changes comply with a range of statutory, policy and delegated authority requirements. The relevant statutory and policy considerations are set out in Attachment 2 of the Statement of Proposal. They include:
Table 1: Considerations for dog access rules
Considerations |
Public safety and comfort |
· the need to minimise danger, distress, and nuisance to the community · the need to avoid the inherent danger in allowing dogs to have uncontrolled access to public places that are frequented by children (regardless if children are accompanied by an adult) · the importance of enabling, to the extent that is practicable, the public (including families) to use streets and public places without fear of attack or intimidation by dogs. |
Protection of wildlife |
· to ensure that dogs are controlled near protected wildlife · to reduce dog owners’ risk of incurring penalty under the Dog Control Act 1996 and the Wildlife Act 1953 |
Recreational needs of dogs and their owners |
· access to dog walking areas are important for exercise for both the dog and the owner · consider places that are easily accessible and desirable for both the dog and the owner |
Ensure that dog access rules are easy to understand |
· consider rules that are practical, enforceable and clear · where appropriate, consider consistency across Auckland |
Types of areas
18. To enable dog access rules to be easier to understand within the local board area and across Auckland, the following categories are used:
Table 2: Area types
Types |
Description |
Appropriate dog access rule |
Highly sensitive area |
A place where the mere presence of a dog can have a negative effect on the area. Examples are ecologically sensitive areas. |
Prohibited |
High use area |
A place that attracts a lot of people at certain times of the day or year to which a time and season is necessary to manage the interactions between dogs and other users. These areas are typical beaches and associated parks. |
Time and season |
Dog friendly area |
A place that is large and suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash. |
Under control off a leash |
Standard area |
A place that does not fall into any of the other three categories. |
Under control on a leash |
19. A full description if the area types are provided in the Statement of Proposal.
Time and Season
20. It is noted that the staff do not recommend that any locations in this local board area be identified as a high use area. However, a time and season rule is presented here to enable the local board to consider the use of the high use category, for instance in response to submissions on this proposal.
21. A time and season rules is proposed to be used in high use areas to better manage the safe interaction between people and dogs through allocating access rules based on time rather than area. This reduces the risk of conflicts between different users by encouraging them to access the area at different times.
22. The Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 introduced a region-wide standard summer beach time and season of 10am and 5pm, Labour Weekend to 1 March.
23. The local board must decide whether or not using the standard times and season is appropriate on local beaches as part of its review. Where an alternative time and season is adopted, approval is required from the Auckland Council Governing Body.
24. It is important to note that the standard only provides a definition of daytime hours and a summer season. Local boards determine any winter times (if required) and the type of dog access (i.e. prohibited, on-leash, off-leash or dog exercise area) for each of these.
25. The following options have been considered within the Statement of Proposal:
Option 1 – Retain the current rules
26. The Dog Management Bylaw (2012) ensures that the former dog access rules for local parks, beaches and foreshores are retained until such a time as the Local Board reviews and amends these.
27. Currently there are no time and season rules within the Papakura local board. Any area that is not identified as either a dog friendly or highly sensitive area currently defaults to a standard area.
Option 2 – Adopt a time and season definition based on the regional standard and align rules based on community preferences
28. The Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 provides a standard definition for time and season for the summer period but does not define the access rules for these times. The access rules presented in this option have been developed based on the feedback received from the community to date. A more detailed description of the community’s views is provided in Attachment 4 of the Statement of Proposal.
Table 3: Time and season based on the regional standard and community preferences
Summer (Labour Weekend until 1 March) |
Before 10am |
10am to 5pm |
After 5pm |
Under control off a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Winter (1 April until Friday before Labour Weekend) |
Before 10am |
10am to 4pm |
After 4pm |
Under control off a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
29. The access rules for the summer season and the winter daytime core hours and access rules presented in this option have been developed based on the feedback received from the community to date and all of the evidence gathered through the previous local board dog access reviews.
30. An under control off a leash access rule was considered after 5pm during summer however it did not provide an appropriate level of public safety and comfort as identified by the community preferences between 5pm and 7pm.
Option 3 – Adopt an alternative time and season rule based on evidence to date and community preferences
31. This option proposes an amendment to the standard time and season definition that takes into consideration the feedback received from the community to date and all of the evidence gathered through the previous local board dog access reviews. The access rules presented in this option have also been developed based on the feedback received from the community to date.
Table 4: Alternative time and season definition and rules based on community preferences
Summer (Labour Weekend until 31 March) |
Before 10am |
10am to 7pm |
After 7pm |
Under control off a leash |
Prohibited |
Under control off a leash |
Winter (1 April until Friday before Labour Weekend) |
Before 10am |
10am to 4pm |
After 4pm |
Under control off a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
32. If the local board does identify any high use areas through this review, staff recommend adopting Option 3 for the following reasons:
· provides for the comfort of non-dog owners during the core day time hours
· provides for under control off a leash dog access in the morning which has been identified as an important time for dog owners both in the on-line survey and in previous work undertaken
· provides for the needs of dog owners in the evening (after 7pm) as identified in the on-line survey the use of time and season rules similar to other local board areas will make it easier for visitors and non-resident dog owners to know what time and season access rules apply there.
Identification of locations by category
33. In order to identify the areas to which the high sensitive, high use, standard and dog friendly areas are recommended to apply, staff conducted site visits and obtained advice from parks, biodiversity and biosecurity. In addition community feedback was sought through an online survey looking at beach use and the preference for dog access.
34. Nineteen areas have been identified within Table 5 of the Statement of Proposal as highly sensitive.
35. No areas within Council controlled parks or beaches have been identified as being high use areas.
36. Nine areas have been identified within Table 7 of the Statement of Proposal and are recommended to remain as under control off a leash.
37. Fifteen areas have been identified within Table 8 of the Statement of Proposal and are recommended as standard areas.
38. The effect of the recommended changes will be to:
· restricts dog access to ecologically sensitive areas to protect saltmarsh and wetlands birds in the central part of Drury Creek at the mouths of the Whangapouri, Oira and Drury Creeks
· retains nine of 11 dog friendly areas that will allow for dog owners to exercise dogs without significant impact on other users.
Ambiguous dog access rules
39. The following sections address current dog access rules which may be difficult to communicate or enforce. These were rules made prior to the creation of Auckland Council and delegated to the local board to review at its discretion.
40. Currently the Papakura local board has specific rules that require dogs to be under control on a leash in picnic areas and fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, marked public gardens, and sportsparks. These terms are not currently defined in the bylaw. This can make it unclear as to where the rules apply and therefore difficult to enforce.
41. Feedback received from Auckland Council parks and animal management staff was that there are no local picnic or fitness apparatus areas that have easily identified boundaries or are of a meaningful size to justify a specific dog access rule distinct from those identified under the high use or standard park categories.
42. There are no recreational walkways, public gardens or sportsparks located in the under control off a leash parks in the Papakura Local Board area that warrant further restrictions.
43. The following options have been considered within the Statement of Proposal:
Option 1: Retain the current rule |
Option 2: Remove the current specific rule (recommended option) |
Advantages · no changes to the access rules need to be communicated to the public.
Disadvantages · rule unnecessary. The default rule for parks is already under control on a leash and there are no picnic areas, fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, public gardens or sportsparks in any under control off a leash area that warrant further restrictions · some rules (e.g. picnic and fitness apparatus areas) are not well known, not widely communicated, not easily communicated, nor easily enforced. |
Advantages · simplified rules are easier to understand
Disadvantages · new access rules need to be communicated to the general public. |
44. The staff recommended removing these specific rules (Option 2) for the following reasons:
· simplified rules are easier to understand
· rule unnecessary. The default rule for parks is already under control on a leash and there are no picnic areas, fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, public gardens or sportsparks in any under control off a leash area that warrant further restrictions.
Next steps
45. Staff will update the Statement of Proposal to reflect the options selected by the local board.
46. The Statement of Proposal (together with proposals from other local boards) will be publicly notified for submissions as part of the dog registration process in June 2016 for approximately six weeks.
47. Once submissions close members of the public will present their views to the hearings panel, followed by deliberations to consider both the written and oral submissions. The hearings and deliberations will take place in August.
48. The decision of the local board is reported to Governing Body in September in order for the bylaw to be amended.
Appointment of panel
49. The local board has two options in relation to the hearings panel:
Option 1 – Appoint a panel of three or more members
50. Under this option a hearings panel of three or more members will need to be established to hear and deliberate on the submissions. The hearings panel would then make a recommendation to the local board at their next business meeting to either adopt the recommendations or refer the matter back to the hearings panel for reconsideration. The local board is not able to substitute its decision with that of the hearings panel without rehearing the submissions.
Option 2 – Appoint a panel of the whole board.
51. Under this option the whole local board would hear, deliberate and make the decision on the changes to the dog access rules. The decision of the hearings panel would be included in the agenda of the next local board meeting for information purposes only.
52. The following table outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each option:
Table 5: Analysis of options
Option |
Advantages and Disadvantages |
Option 1 – appoint a panel of three or more members |
Advantages · only the local board members on the hearings panel need to attend the hearings and deliberations Disadvantages · not all members of the local board hear the verbal submissions before making a collective decision on the dog access rules · if the local board disagrees with the recommendation of the hearings panel, the decision must be referred back to the hearings panel for reconsideration. Risks · constraints on the timing of hearings, deliberations and business meetings due to 2016 local government elections · potential for disagreement between hearings panel and local board on matters that are contested by the general public Risk mitigation · delegate decision making power to the hearings panel or hold an extraordinary local board business meeting to consider recommendation of the hearings panel if currently scheduled local board business meetings do not meet the required time frames |
Option 2 – appoint a panel of the whole board (recommended option) |
Advantages · all members of the local board hear the verbal submissions before making a collective decision on the dog access rules · a final decision on the dog access rules can be made at the time of the deliberations without the need for a recommendation to be reported back to a local board business meeting · collective local board responsibility for decisions on dog access rules. Disadvantages · greater time commitment required from all local board members to attend the hearings and deliberations. Risks · constraints on the timing of hearings, deliberations and business meetings due to 2016 local government elections Risk mitigation · delegate decision making power to hearings panel |
53. Staff recommend the adoption of Option 2 for the following reasons:
· all members of the local board hear the verbal submissions before making a collective decision on the dog access rules
· a final decision on the dog access rules can be made at the time of the deliberations without the need for a recommendation to be reported back to a local board business meeting.
Local Board views and implications
54. The views of other local boards have not been sought on the Statement of Proposal. In the 2013/14 and 2014/15 reviews, other local boards chose to review their beach and foreshore areas and adjacent parks, high-use parks, generic rules and dog exercise areas.
55. Consistency with other local board dog access rules is also a factor that the Papakura Local Board may want to take into consideration. Staff will provide advice on decisions made by other local boards during the options analysis and deliberations stages of the review.
Māori impact statement
56. Managing dog access in areas of significance to Maori can help achieve outcomes of the Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau. In this instance, no impacts have been identified.
57. Feedback from Mana Whenua representatives at a Hui held in March 2015 related to the ability of iwi to determine dog access on Marae, a focus on control, responsible dog ownership, and ensuring the protection of sensitive ecological areas.
58. There are no implementation issues associated with this decision to adopt a Statement of Proposal.
No. |
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aView |
Statement of Proposal |
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Authors |
Dmitry Mitenkov - Policy Analyst Justin Walters - Policy Analyst Paul Wilson - Team Leader Bylaws |
Authorisers |
Kataraina Maki - GM - Community & Social Policy Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Statement of Proposal
Amendments to Auckland Council
Policy on Dogs 2012 –
Papakura Local Board
May 2016
Contents Page
Reasons for proposal
Consideration of changes
Dogs in local board area
Types of areas
Highly sensitive areas
High use areas
Standard area
Identification of locations by category
Ambiguous dog access rules
Attachment 1 - Schedule of Proposed Changes to Auckland Council Policy on Dogs
Papakura Local Board Area Rules
Region-wide rules
Attachment 2 – Decision-making framework
Local board delegations
Requirements to advise and consult
Requirements to have regard to
Local Government Act 2002
Dog Control Act 1996
These matters together with the consideration of wildlife protection are discussed under the Additional Background Information section of this document.
Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012
Additional background information
Safety and comfort of the general public
Recreational and exercise needs of owners and their dogs
Wildlife considerations
Practical requirements
Attachment 3 - Analysis of types of types of dog access
Under control off-leash at all times
Under control on-leash at all times
Prohibited at all times
Time and season
Attachment 4 – Results from online survey
Attachment 5 – Biodiversity and Kauri Dieback memos
Submission Form
1. The Papakura Local Board is proposing some changes to where and how dog owners can walk their dog.
2. To find out more about the proposed changes, or to make a submission, read this document or visit shapeauckland.co.nz. Submissions close on Sunday 17 July 2016.
Reasons for proposal
3. The Papakura Local Board is reviewing the local dog access rules. The proposed changes to the dog access rules are to:
· better provide for public safety and comfort
· better protect wildlife
· better provide for the needs of dogs and their owners
· make the rules easier to understand.
4. In 2012, Auckland Council adopted a new policy and bylaw on dogs. The new policy aims to keep dogs a positive part of the life of Aucklanders. Region-wide dog access rules were adopted for particular types of areas, such as playgrounds, sports surfaces and roads, and dog access rules on regional parks were reviewed.
5. Local boards were delegated responsibility to review dog access rules for local parks, beaches and foreshore areas as part of a four year review programme between 2013 and 2017.
6. The process to change dog access rules requires the local board to comply with a range of statutory, policy and delegated authority requirements, including the adoption of this Statement of Proposal for the purposes of public consultation.
7. To assist with developing this proposal, the Papakura Local Board obtained views from:
· council staff involved in parks, animal management and biodiversity (see Attachment 5)
· Māori through hui in March 2015
· residents and visitors through an on-line survey in March 2016
There were 191 respondents to this survey (63 per cent non-dog owners and 37 per cent dog owners).
A summary of the results of the survey is contained in Attachment 4. The summary covers matters related to dog owner and non-dog owners’ preferences for dog access, people’s comfort around dogs, and the use of local beach and foreshore areas.
Consideration of changes
8. The relevant statutory and policy considerations are set out in Attachment 2. They include:
· “public safety and comfort” which encompasses:
- the need to minimise danger, distress, and nuisance to the community generally
- the need to avoid the inherent danger in allowing dogs to have uncontrolled access to public places that are frequented by children
- whether or not the children are accompanied by adults
- the importance of enabling, to the extent that is practicable, the public (including families) to use streets and public amenities without fear of attack or intimidation by dogs.
· the protection of wildlife
· to provide for the exercise and recreational needs of dogs and their owners
· to ensure that the dog access rules are easy to understand. This refers to rules that are practical, enforceable, and where appropriate consistent across Auckland.
Dogs in local board area
9. Dog access rules help ensure positive interactions between dogs and people in public places and the protection of wildlife. For non-dog owners this typically relates to dogs not causing a nuisance, and for dog owners being able to enjoy an outing with their dogs (sees Attachment 2 under “Additional background information”).
10. Approximately 15 per cent of households within the Papakura Local Board have one or more dogs on their properties[2].
11. Within the Papakura Local Board area, the following local access rules apply:
· a default under control on a leash dog access rule in all park, beach and foreshore areas, unless otherwise specified
· an under control off a leash rule in specified parks and foreshore areas
· general under control on a leash rules on recreational walkways, public gardens, sportsparks, picnic areas, and fitness apparatus areas.
Types of areas
12. To enable dog access rules to be easier to understand within the local board area and across Auckland, the following categories are used:
· highly sensitive area
· high use area
· dog friendly area
· standard area.
13. The following sections describe the categories in more detail, and a dog access rule for each category is proposed. The dog access rules considered include under control off a leash, under control on a leash, prohibited, and time and season (meaning different rules may apply at different times of the day and in different seasons). A general analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these dog access rules is provided in Attachment 3.
Highly sensitive areas
14. A highly sensitive area is a place where the mere presence of a dog can have a negative effect, for instance on bio-diversity. Examples may include important feeding, roosting and breeding habitat for birds.
15. It is proposed that dogs be prohibited at all times from highly sensitive areas. Reasons include to protect wildlife or for public safety and comfort.
16. It is noted that areas which may be sensitive to the presence of dogs but do not require dogs to be prohibited are proposed to be included within the ‘standard area’ category. Examples may include mangrove areas for feeding birds and popular bush walks. In addition, if an area becomes a highly sensitive area, temporary controls on dog access can be implemented while the local board considered the merits of any substantive change.
High use areas
17. A high use area is a place that attracts a lot of people at certain times of the day or year. At those times when there are a lot of people without dogs, the presence of dogs can affect public safety and comfort and it is appropriate that dogs be prohibited or under control on a leash. At low use times, it may be appropriate that dogs be allowed more access in the form of under control on or off a leash access. These areas are typical beaches and associated parks.
18. It is proposed to that a time and season rule that allows dogs at certain times of the day and year be applied to high use areas. Reasons include to provide a better balance between public safety and comfort and the needs of dogs and their owners than would be provided by a prohibited, under control on-leash or under control off-leash at all times rule.
19. The proposed time and season rule is discussed in the section titled ‘Time and Season”.
Dog friendly areas
20. A dog friendly area is a place that is suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash. These places may have lower levels of public use by non-dog owners, or be of a size that allows for shared use without significant impact on other users of the place.
21. It is proposed that dogs be allowed under control off a leash at any time in dog friendly areas. Reasons include to provide for the needs of dog owners given that dogs are restricted in highly sensitive, high use and standard areas.
Standard area
22. A standard area is a place that does not fall into any of the other three categories. These places may include:
· moderate or low use places that are not suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash
· high use areas where the proposed time and season rule would be less appropriate in terms of balancing the need to ensure public safety and comfort and the needs of dogs and their owners
· areas that allow for dogs to be included within family activities without the interfering with other users
· parks adjacent to highly sensitive areas to protect wildlife.
23. The local board propose that dogs be allowed under control on a leash at any time in standard areas. Reasons include to provide for public safety and comfort and the needs of dogs and their owners (albeit under control on a leash), and because adequate under control off a leash areas are provided elsewhere.
24. It is noted that the region-wide dog access rules classify all council controlled outdoor public places as standard areas unless otherwise specified. Thoroughfare places are also specifically identified as under control on a leash areas. This includes all roads, private ways, car parking areas, wharfs and jetties.
Time and Season
25. It is noted that the local board does not propose any locations as being a high use area. However, a time and season rule is proposed here to enable the local board to consider future use of the high use category, for instance in response to submissions on this proposal.
26. A time and season rules is proposed to be used in high use areas to better manage the safe interaction between people and dogs.
27. Consistency in time and season rules across Auckland is an issue.
28. In 2010, Auckland Council inherited seven different time and season rules from legacy councils in the Auckland Region. Currently there are no time and season rules within the Papakura local board. Any area that in not identified as either as a dog friendly or highly sensitive area currently defaults to a standard area.
29. In 2012, Auckland Council attempted to make time and season rules more consistent by adopting a region-wide time and season standard. All local boards (except Great Barrier and Waiheke local boards) were required to review all beach and foreshore areas to determine where to apply the new standard.
30. A region-wide time and season standard was adopted to recognise that regional consistency and local needs need to be carefully balanced depending on the unique circumstances for each area. A standard encourages consistency while allowing for local variation where appropriate. The standard only set summer times (10am and 5pm) and season (Labour Weekend to 1 March). Local Boards determine the type of access and any winter rule.
31. Community views on dog access rules are varied within the Papakura Local Board area (Attachment 4) with specific differences between the preferences of dog owners and non-dog owners, this is summarised as follows:
Table 1: Dog owner and non-dog owner time and season preferences
Dog owners |
Non-dog owners |
Summer – 1 December until 1 March |
Summer – Daylight savings start – Daylight savings end |
9am to 6pm |
Before 9am and after 6pm |
Under control on a leash at all times |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
Winter |
Winter |
10am to 5pm |
Before 10am and after 5pm |
Under control on a leash at all times |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
32. These preferences can be further explained in that:
· local non-dog owners generally do not want unknown dogs approaching them while at the beach (44 per cent) with 22 per cent being nervous around dogs and 20 per cent stating that they avoid beaches if there are likely to be dogs there
· local dog owners generally do not mind being approached by dogs (75 per cent), this drops to 42 per cent for non-dog owners
· 24 per cent of local dog owners like being approached by dogs while only six per cent for non-dog owners like being approached by dogs.
33. The regional standard provides and initial framework which then needs to be completed with the addition of access controls during the summer season and winter access rules. Taking into consideration the diverse range of preferences expressed by the community on this issue, beach usage, and keeping to the set summer times and season results in the following access rule:
Table 2: Time and season based on the regional standard and community preferences
Summer (Labour Weekend until 1 March) |
Before 10am |
10am to 5pm |
After 5pm |
Under control off a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Winter (1 April until Friday before Labour Weekend) |
Before 10am |
10am to 4pm |
After 4pm |
Under control off a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
34. The access rules for the summer season and the winter daytime core hours and access rules presented in this option have been developed based on the feedback received from the community to date (Attachment 4).
35. An under control off a leash access rule was considered after 5pm during summer however it did not provide an appropriate level of public safety and comfort as identified by the community preferences between 5pm and 7pm.
36. To date ten local boards have undertaken a review of time and season rules. Only one local board has applied the region-wide time and season standard. One local board considered that a time and season was not required in their local board area. One local board implemented a time and season for the protection of wildlife. Seven[3] local boards have varied the standard in relation to the summer end time (6.30 or 7pm) and/or summer season end date. The main reason for the variation was because those local boards considered that its high use areas were still busy after 5pm and/or after the 1 March to the extent that allowing dogs under control off a leash would not adequately provide for public safety and comfort.
37. It is relevant to note that there are eight different combinations of dog access during the summer days whether due to the summer season, times, or types of dog access during those times. In addition, four local boards (those closer to the central Auckland business district) have also adopted a winter time and season rule.
38. In order to make dog access rules more practical to implement and enforce and taking into consideration the diverse range of preferences expressed by the community on this issue, the following alternative time and season rule is presented.
Table 3: Alternative time and season rule
Summer (Labour Weekend until 31 March) |
Before 10am |
10am to 7pm |
After 7pm |
Under control off a leash |
Prohibited |
Under control off a leash |
Winter (1 April until Friday before Labour Weekend) |
Before 10am |
10am to 4pm |
After 4pm |
Under control off a leash |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
Options considered
39. The following options have been considered:
· Option 1 – Retain the current rules
· Option 2 – Adopt a time and season based on the regional standard and community preferences (see Table 2)
· Option 3 – Adopt an alternative time and season based on evidence to date and community preferences (see Table 3)
Analysis of options
40. The following table provides an analysis of the different options against the relevant statutory and policy considerations.
Table 4: Assessment of Options
Option |
Advantages and Disadvantages |
Option 1 Retain the current rules |
Advantages · familiar to some local dog owners and non-dog owners. Disadvantages · lower level of access which differs from the needs of dog owners as identified in the online survey. |
Option 2 Adopt a time and season rule based on the regional standard and community preferences (Table 2) |
Advantages · provides for the level of public safety and comfort sought by local non-dog owners during the core hours of the day, as identified through the online survey · provides for recreational needs of dogs and their owners with more off a leash dog access · retains a minimum of under control on a leash access for dog so dog owners are able to include their dog on family outings. · consistent with the region-wide time and season standard. Disadvantages · not regionally consistent · earlier evening rule (5pm) does not provide opportunity for off a leash time later in summer (e.g. at 6pm or 7pm) as per preference identified in the online survey. |
Option 3 Adopt an alternative time and season based on evidence to date and community preferences (Table 3) |
Advantages · provides for the comfort of non-dog owners during core hours day time hours · provides for recreational needs for dogs with under control off a leash dog access in the morning. This has been identified as an important time for dog owners meeting their needs both in the on-line survey and previous work undertaken with dog owners during summer · provides for the needs of dog owners in the eventing as identified in the on-line survey · the use of time and season rules similar to other local board areas will make it easier for visitors and non-resident dog owners to know what time and season access rules apply to high use areas. Disadvantages · lower level of dog access during the day in summer than what was identified in the on-line survey. Other considerations · requires approval of the Governing Body of Auckland Council because it is inconsistent with the region-wide time and season standard. The local board will need to provide reasons for the inconsistency, namely that using the region-wide time and season standard would not meet the statutory and policy requirements to provide for public safety and comfort.
Preferred option
41. The local boards preferred option is that if any high use areas are identified through this review process that the alternative time and season rule (Option 3) should be adopted for the following reasons:
· provides for the comfort of non-dog owners during the core day time hours
· provides for under control off a leash dog access in the morning which has been identified as an important time for dog owners both in the on-line survey and in previous work undertaken
· provides for the needs of dog owners in the evening (after 7pm) as identified in the on-line survey
· the use of time and season rules similar to other local board areas will make it easier for visitors and non-resident dog owners to know what time and season access rules apply there.
Identification of locations by category
42. The local board propose the following category (highly sensitive, high use, dog friendly or standard area) for locations under review.
43. The locations under review are as follows:
· local parks adjacent to beach and foreshore areas
· high use parks and parks of concern to local board
· generic rules
44. In deciding the proposed category the local board has considered the relevant statutory and policy requirements in paragraph 8 and the views obtained in paragraph 7. The local board has also considered the option of identifying areas within a location where different categories would apply where this would achieve a better outcome. For instance, identifying a dog friendly area within part of an otherwise standard area park.
45. Please note that only locations subject to review are identified below. It is not a full list of public places in the local board area. A full schedule of current dog access rules is contained in Attachment 1 for information purposes.
Table 5 – Highly sensitive areas
Highly sensitive areas (Dogs prohibited) |
Location |
Site specific reasons |
Current Rule |
Pahurehure Inlet foreshore |
To protect shorebird species in the Papakura Channel and Pahurehure Inlet between Wattle Downs and Conifer Grove
Under control on-leash |
Foreshore adjacent to Harbourside Drive Esplanade |
Foreshore adjacent to Capriana Drive Esplanade |
Foreshore adjacent to Paraekau Road Esplanade |
Foreshore adjacent to Oakland Road Esplanade |
Foreshore adjacent to Hayfield Way Esplanade |
Keywella Drive foreshore |
To protect wading birds roosting on the shore platform off Keywella Drive |
Under control on-leash |
Pararekau Island/Road foreshore |
To protect shorebird species in the Papakura Channel and Pahurehure Inlet To protect wading birds between Wattle Downs and Conifer Grove |
Under control on-leash |
Foreshore adjacent to Brylee Reserve |
To protect local wetland and salt marsh habitats, e.g. grey duck, white-faced heron, and fernbird |
Under control on-leash
Foreshore adjacent to Conifer Grove Esplanade Reserve |
Foreshore adjacent to Waimana Reserve |
Foreshore adjacent to Wellington Park (also known as Longford Park) |
Foreshore adjacent to Drury Esplanade Reserve |
Pukekiwiriki Pa |
The area is of high concern to parks staff |
Under control on-leash |
Bruce Pullman Park |
The entirety of park is sportsfields of high use |
Prohibited |
Southern Park (excluding 5 mitre strip along western boundary of Kirks Bush) |
The entirety of park is sportsfields of high use |
Prohibited |
Village Green |
Shops, car park and playground |
Prohibited |
Central Park |
The area is of high concern to parks staff |
Drury Domain |
Predominantly busy at weekends. The area is of high concern to parks staff |
Prohibited |
Table 6 – High use areas
High use areas (Time and season) |
Location |
Reasons specific to location |
Current Rule |
None identified |
n/a |
n/a |
Table 7 – Dog friendly areas
Dog friendly areas (under control off a leash) |
Location |
Site specific reasons |
Current Rule |
Brylee Reserve (North East area) |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash. Wildlife protected through on-leash rule on South West area of park and prohibited rule on foreshore |
Under control off-leash |
Boundary Road Reserve (situated to the east of Lipton Grove) |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash |
The Children’s Forest |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash |
Jack Farrel park |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash |
Walter Strevens Reserve (south of car park to Pine Tree Point) |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash |
Wharf Street Reserve |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash |
The land immediately adjoining the eastern boundary of the Ngakoroa Stream extending from Bremner road to state Highway 22. |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash
The Red Hill Scenic Reserve – scenic reserve situated between Red Hill Road and Hays stream |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash
The reserve situated along the southern edge of the Papakura stream extending from the Southern Motorway to Porchester Road |
Suitable for dogs to run and play off a leash |
Under control off-leash
Table 8 – Standard areas
Standard areas (under control on a leash) |
Location |
Site specific reasons |
Current Rule |
Brylee Reserve (South West area) |
To protect local wetland and salt marsh habitats, e.g. grey duck from off-leash dogs on adjoining reserve |
Under control on-leash |
Hingaia Stream Esplanade Reserve - Harbourside Drive |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season |
Under control on-leash |
Longford Park Link Reserve |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season |
Under control on-leash |
Prince Edward Park |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season |
Under control on-leash |
Ray Small Park |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season |
Under control on-leash |
Roundtree Reserve |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season |
Under control on-leash |
Waimana Reserve |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season, and to better protect wildlife |
Under control on-leash |
Walter Strevens Reserve (except for south of car park to Pine Tree Point) |
Identified as high use or multi use but not requiring time and season |
Under control on-leash |
Wellington Park (also known as Longford Park) |
To protect local wetland and salt marsh habitats, e.g. grey duck from off-leash dogs on adjoining reserve |
Under control off-leash Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm |
Pahurehure Esplanade Reserve (also known as the foreshore walkway around the Pahurehure Inlet from Wellington Park to the Southern Motorway boundary (excluding area to the east of Gills Ave)) |
To protect shorebird species in the Papakura Channel and Pahurehure Inlet between Wattle Downs and Conifer Grove
Under control off-leash |
Harbourside Drive Esplanade |
Under control on-leash |
Capriana Drive Esplanade |
Under control on-leash |
Paraekau Road Esplanade |
Under control on-leash |
Oakland Road Esplanade |
Under control on-leash |
Hayfield Way Esplanade |
Under control on-leash |
46. Reasons for the above include:
· that public safety and comfort can be maintained while allowing under control off-leash access on nine existing under control off-leash areas
· to better protect wildlife
· to provide dog access rules that are clear and easy to understand.
Effect of proposal
47. The effect of the proposal on the current rules across the local board is summarised as follows, and has regard to the relevant statutory and policy requirements in paragraph 8 and the views obtained in paragraph 7:
· restricts dog access to ecologically sensitive areas to protect saltmarsh and wetlands birds in the central part of Drury Creek at the mouths of the Whangapouri, Oira and Drury Creeks
· retains nine of 11 dog friendly areas that will allow for dog owners to exercise dogs without significant impact on other users.
Ambiguous dog access rules
48. The following sections address current dog access rules which may be difficult to communicate or enforce. These were rules made prior to the creation of Auckland Council and delegated to the local board to review at its discretion.
49. Currently the Papakura local board has specific rules that require dogs to be under control on a leash in picnic areas and fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, marked public gardens, and sportsparks. These terms are not currently defined in the bylaw. This can make it unclear as to where the rules apply and therefore difficult to enforce.
50. Feedback received from Auckland Council parks and animal management staff was that there are no local picnic or fitness apparatus areas that have easily identified boundaries or are of a meaningful size to justify a specific dog access rule distinct from those identified under the high use or standard park categories.
51. There are no recreational walkways, public gardens or sportsparks located in the 11 of under control off-leash parks in the Papakura Local Board area.
Table 9: Assessment of Options for picnic areas and fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, marked public gardens, and sportsparks
Option |
Advantages and Disadvantages |
Option 1 Retain the current rule |
Advantages · no changes to the access rules need to be communicated to the public. Disadvantages · unnecessary. The default rule for parks is already under control on a leash · there are no picnic areas, fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, public gardens or sportsparks in any under control off a leash area that warrant further restrictions · some rules (e.g. picnic and fitness apparatus areas) are not well known, not widely communicated, not easily communicated, nor easily enforced. |
Option 2 Remove the current specific rule and rely on whatever dog access rules applies to the location, such as a high use or standard area |
Advantages · simplified rules are easier to understand
Disadvantages · new access rules need to be communicated to the general public. |
52. The local board propose to remove the rule and rely on whatever dog access rules applies to the location, such as a high use or standard area (Option 2) for the following reasons:
· simplified rules are easier to understand
· rule unnecessary. The default rule for parks is already under control on a leash and there are no picnic areas, fitness apparatus areas, recreational walkways, public gardens or sportsparks in any under control off a leash area that warrant further restrictions.
53. The local board does not consider retaining the current rule to be a reasonably practicable option because any areas of concern are addressed within the high use area and standard area category, and because the rule is difficult to communicate or enforce.
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Attachment 1 - Schedule of Proposed Changes to Auckland Council Policy on Dogs
The proposed changes to the dog
access rules are shown in the right hand column, additions underlined
and deletions in strikethrough.
Submissions will only be accepted in relation to proposed changes.
Region-wide rules are listed after the table below. Region-wide rules also apply within the Papakura local board area but are not within the scope of this review. Region-wide rules prevail over any local board rule.
Papakura Local Board Area Rules
Current local dog access rule |
Proposed local dog access rule |
(1) Dogs are allowed under control off a leash in the following areas: (a) Brylee Reserve (North East area) (b) Boundary Road Reserve (situated to the east of Lipton Grove) (c) Jack Farrell Park (d) Walter Strevens Reserve (South of car park to Pine Tree Point) (e) Wellington Park Monday to Friday 9.00am to 6pm. (f) Wharf Street Reserve (g) The Children’s Forest (h) The foreshore walkway around the Pahurehure Inlet from Wellington Park to the Southern Motorway boundary (excluding area to the east of Gills Ave) (i) The land immediately adjoining the eastern boundary of the Ngakoroa Stream extending from Bremner Road to State Highway 22. (j) The Red Hill Scenic Reserve - (scenic reserve situated between Red Hill Road and Hays Stream). (k) The reserve situated along the southern edge of the Papakura Stream extending from the Southern Motorway to Porchester Road. |
1) Dogs are allowed under control off a leash in the following areas: (a) Brylee Reserve (North East area) (b) Boundary Road Reserve (situated to the east of Lipton Grove) (c) Jack Farrel park (d) Walter Strevens Reserve (south of car park to Pine Tree Point)
(e) Wharf Street Reserve (f) The Children’s Forest
(h) The land immediately adjoining the eastern boundary of the Ngakoroa Stream extending from Bremner road to state Highway 22. (i) The Red Hill Scenic Reserve – scenic reserve situated between Red Hill Road and Hays stream (j) The reserve situated along the southern edge of the Papakura stream extending from the Southern Motorway to Porchester Road |
(2) Dogs are allowed under control on a leash in the following areas: (a) All parks, beaches and foreshores not specifically identified as a prohibited or off-leash area. (b) On all recreational walkways. (c) All areas developed or marked out as a public garden. (d) All sportsparks**. (e) Any area that is developed or marked out as a picnic area or fitness apparatus area. |
(2) Dogs are allowed under control on a leash in the following areas: (a) All park, beach and foreshore areas not specifically identified as a prohibited or off a leash area. This includes the following under control on a leash areas: (i) Brylee Reserve (South West area) to protect wildlife on the adjacent foreshore (ii) Hingaia Stream Esplanade Reserve - Harbourside Drive (iii) Longford Park Link Reserve (iv) Prince Edward Park (v) Ray Small Park (vi) Roundtree Reserve (vii) Waimana Reserve (viii) Walter Strevens Reserve (except for south of car park to Pine Tree Point) (ix) Wellington Park (also known as Longford Park) to protect wildlife on the adjacent foreshore
(3) Dogs are prohibited in the following areas: (a) Southern Park (excluding 5 metre strip along western boundary of Kirks Bush). (b) Graham Tagg Park. (c) Rollerson Park. (d) Drury Domain. (e) Bruce Pulman Park. (f) Village Green (bounded by Coles Crescent, Queen Street and East Street). (g) Central Park. |
(3) Dogs are prohibited in the following areas: (a) Southern Park (excluding 5 mitre strip along western boundary of Kirks Bush)
(b) Rollerson Park (c) Drury Domain (d) Bruce Pullman Park (e) Village Green (bounded by Coles Crescent, Queen Street and East Street). (f) Central Park (g) Pukekiwiriki Pa
(4) Dogs are prohibited in the following areas to protect wildlife: (a) Pahurehure Inlet (b) Foreshore adjacent to Harbourside Drive Esplanade (c) Foreshore adjacent to Capriana Drive Esplanade (d) Foreshore adjacent to Paraekau Road Esplanade (e) Foreshore adjacent to Oakland Road Esplanade (f) Foreshore adjacent to Hayfield Way Esplanade (g) Pararekau Island/Road foreshore (h) Keywella Drive foreshore (i) Foreshore adjacent to Brylee Reserve (j) Foreshore adjacent to Conifer Grove Esplanade Reserve (k) Foreshore adjacent to Drury Esplanade Reserve (l) Foreshore adjacent to Wellington Park (also known as Longford Park) (m) Foreshore adjacent to Waimana Reserve (1) |
** Explanatory Note: The region-wide rule that prohibits dogs on any sports surface (unless exceptions are stated) and that requires dogs to be kept under control on a leash in the vicinity of any sports surface when in use as stated in Schedule 1, Rule 1(2) continues to apply. This note is specified in relation to particular parks where a sportsfield is known to exist to assist readers.
*** Explanatory Note: The region-wide rule that prohibits dogs on any playgrounds and that requires dogs to be kept under control on a leash in the vicinity of any playground when in use as stated in Schedule 1, Rule 1(1) continues to apply. This note is specified in relation to particular parks where a playground is known to exist to assist readers.
Region-wide rules
The following region-wide dog access rules also apply within the Great Barrier local board area but are not within the scope of this review.
Region-wide rules prevail over any local board rule.
(1) Playgrounds under the control of the council
Dogs are prohibited on any playground at all times and must be under control on a leash in the vicinity of any playground when in use.
(2) Sports surfaces under the control of the council
Dogs are prohibited on any sports surface at all times and must be kept under control on a leash in the vicinity of any sports surface when in use.
For the avoidance of doubt, dogs must still be kept under control on a leash in the vicinity of the sports surface when in use.
(3) Roads, private ways, and council-controlled car parks and boating areas
Dogs must be under control and on a leash on all –
(a) formed public roads (including any street, highway, access way, service lane, and any footpath, cycle track, bus stop and berm within the boundaries of the road);
(b) private ways;
(c) council-controlled car parks; and
(d) council-controlled boating areas (including any wharf, jetty, boat ramp, boat marshalling area).
For the avoidance of doubt, this rule does not apply to any unformed road, or any walkway, track or road within or surrounded by a park.
(4) Council cemeteries, council camping grounds and council holiday parks
Council cemeteries
Dogs are allowed under control and on a leash in the following council-controlled cemeteries:
(a) North Shore Memorial Park
(b) Waikumete Cemetery
Dogs are prohibited from all other council-controlled cemeteries unless permission is obtained from the council (e.g. a park manager with the appropriate delegated authority), or signage indicates dogs are allowed and provided the person whom the dog is accompanying complies with any reasonable conditions imposed by the council in relation to the entry or presence of the dog.
Camping grounds and holiday parks under the control of the council
Dogs are prohibited from all council-controlled camping grounds and holiday parks unless permission is obtained from Council (e.g. park manager with delegated authority), or signage indicates dogs are allowed, and provided the person whom the dog is accompanying complies with any reasonable conditions imposed by the Council in relation to the entry or presence of the dog.
(5) Default dog access rules
Unless otherwise stated in the local board dog access rules:
(a) dogs must be under control and on a leash in all council-controlled public places with unrestricted access; and
(b) dogs are prohibited in all other public places (e.g. fenced sports stadiums, libraries, cafes, shopping malls, school grounds, non-council cemeteries and urupa) unless permission is obtained or signage indicates dogs are allowed from –
(i) council, in relation to places under control of the council; or
(ii) the person in charge of the place, in relation to places not under control of the council; and
(iii) provided the person whom the dog is accompanying complies with any reasonable conditions imposed in relation to the entry or presence of the dog.
Explanatory Notes:
Dog Faeces
The owner of any dog that defecates in any public place or private way must immediately remove and dispose of the faeces in a way that does not cause a nuisance.
Dogs confined in a vehicle or cage
Dogs confined in a vehicle or cage are not exempt from prohibited dog access rules. They are exempt from under control on-leash dog access rules.
Working dogs (includes disability assist and police dogs)
Dog access rules in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 do not apply to any working dog accompanying and assisting a person with work, or accompanying a person genuinely engaged in the dog’s training.
Female dog in season
The owner of any female dog in season must ensure that dog does not enter or remain in any public place or private way unless that dog is completely confined in a vehicle or cage for the purposes of transportation, or the owner of that dog has the permission of the occupier or person controlling the public place (such as a veterinary clinic) in relation to the entry or presence of the dog, and complies with any reasonable conditions imposed.
Temporary Changes to Dog Access Rules
The council may make temporary changes to dog access rules in Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 in relation to leisure and cultural events (including dog friendly events), dog training, threatened or ‘at risk’ protected wildlife vulnerable to dogs, pest control in any park and/or beach, and events of a comparative nature.
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Attachment 2 – Decision-making framework
Local board delegations
Local boards are responsible for:
1. Amendments (including preparation, approval and review) to the Policy on Dogs in relation to any dog access rules in local park, local beach or local foreshore areas in their local board area subject to these being:
(a) consistent with the Policy on Dogs policy, principles and criteria for making dog access rules; and
(b) not inconsistent with any decision in relation to region-wide dog access rules.
(c) in accordance with relevant legislative requirements in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996.
2. A review in accordance with section 10(8) of the Dog Control Act 1996 of all dog access rules on any beach and foreshore area for which the Local Board has delegated authority.
(a) The review must have regard to the provision of under control off-leash at all times dog access areas;
(b) The review must be consistent with objective, policy 4 and associated principles, and criteria 3 to 3E inclusive of the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs.
(c) The review must not propose or result in dog access rules that are contrary to any region-wide dog access rule.
(d) For the avoidance of doubt the requirement to review beach and foreshore dog access rules does not preclude the inclusion of a review of any dog access rule on a park for which the local board has delegated authority.
(e) The review must comply with relevant statutory requirements, including section 10 and 20 of the Dog Control Act 1996 and sections 77, 78, 80, 81, 82 and 83 of Local Government Act 2002.
(f) Subject to resource and funding –
(i) A report on the review must be considered; and
(ii) If any changes to dog access rules are proposed, a statement of proposal for the purposes of public notification must be adopted,
by the local board no later than 12 months following the commencement of the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs.
(g) A recommendation by the local board on submissions to the statement of proposal (if any) must be adopted no later than 8 months after the close of submissions.
Requirements to advise and consult
When making or amending dog access rules, local boards:
· Must use the special consultative procedure in the Local Government Act 2002 (Dog Control Act 1996, S10)
· Must give notice of the proposal to register dog owners (Dog Control Act 1996, S10)
Requirements to have regard to
Local Government Act 2002
When making decisions in general, local boards must have regard to the decision-making and consultation requirements of Part 6 Sections 76 to 87 of the Act. This includes:
· defining the problem and outcome sought and considering reasonably practicable options to achieve the outcome
· inviting community views (including Maori), having regard to the significance of the matter
· explain any inconsistency with existing policies or plans
· prepare and invite people to have their say on a statement of proposal
· hear and consider submissions to the statement of proposal before making a final decision
· receive views with an open mind and giving them due consideration.
Dog Control Act 1996
When making or amending dog access rules, local boards must have regard to (S10(4)):
· the need to minimise danger, distress, and nuisance to the community generally
· the need to avoid the inherent danger in allowing dogs to have uncontrolled access to public places that are frequented by children, whether or not the children are accompanied by adults
· the importance of enabling, to the extent that is practicable, the public (including families) to use streets and public amenities without fear of attack or intimidation by dogs
· the exercise and recreational needs of dogs and their owners.
These matters together with the consideration of wildlife protection are discussed under the Additional Background Information section of this document.
Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012
Policy Statement 4 - Dog safe access
Provide dog owners with reasonable access to public places and private ways in a way that is safe for everyone in accordance with the following principles:
(a) recognise dog owners as legitimate users of public places
(b) integrate (not separate) dog owners and their dogs with other users of public places
(c) provide opportunities for dog owners to take their dog to public places that are accessible, desirable, and provide diversity of experience (sights, sounds, smells, textures, other dogs and humans) for both the dog and owner
(d) consider access on a comprehensive region-wide basis rather than a place-by-place basis
(e) manage the safe interaction between dogs and people using public places and private ways, in particular with children and vulnerable adults
(f) manage the conflict between dogs and protected wildlife, stock, poultry, domestic animals, property and natural habitat.
Types of dog access rules:
(a) prohibited area – a place where dogs are prohibited. Other users have absolute priority over dogs
(b) on-leash area – a place where dogs must be on a leash and under control. A place shared with other users
(c) off-leash area – a place where dogs may be off a leash but must still be under control. A place shared with other users
(d) designated dog exercise area – a place identified as for dog owners to take their dogs off a leash (including a known dangerous dog) but must still be under control. Dog owners are a priority user.
Policy Methods
· there should be at all times a default access rule
· the following summer time and season standard should be considered wherever a time and season rule is deemed appropriate to manage the safe interaction between dogs with their owners and people without dogs:
Summer season period - Labour Weekend to 1 March |
10am to 5pm |
Before 10am and after 5pm |
Local board to decide appropriate level of access (off-leash, on-leash or prohibited) |
Local board to decide appropriate level of access (off-leash, on-leash or prohibited) |
Other seasons (e.g. winter) |
Local board to decide times |
Local board to decide times |
Local board to decide appropriate level of access (off-leash, on-leash or prohibited) |
Local board to decide appropriate level of access (off-leash, on-leash or prohibited) |
The local board must decide whether or not using the standard times and season would contravene the local board’s statutory obligation to provide for public safety and comfort. For instance, if there are continued high levels of use of beaches beyond the times and dates specified in the standard, local boards must decide on an alternative that extends the summer times and dates to reflect this. Where an alternative time and season is adopted, approval is required from the Auckland Council Governing Body.
· the policy on dogs also provides criteria[4] for consideration before making the following possible changes to dog access rules that would:
o provide more dog access and associated risk considerations
o provide less dog access and associated alternative dog access solutions
o identify a park or beach as a designated dog exercise area.
3B Before making any change to a dog access rule on parks and beaches 3
(a) Identify and assess current and future uses of the place and any conflict that may exist or arise 4;
(b) Identify dog access rules in the vicinity.
3C Before making any change to a dog access rule on parks and beaches 3 that would provide more dog access (e.g. on-leash to off-leash), ensure the change would not result in any significant risk 5 –
(a) To any person (in particular children or the elderly);
(b) To any protected wildlife vulnerable to dogs (in particular ground nesting birds)
(c) To any stock, poultry, or domestic animal;
(d) To property (e.g. natural habitat and public amenities);
(e) This may include implementing design and/or management solutions.
3D Before making any change to a dog access rule on parks and beaches 3 that would provide less dog access (e.g. off-leash to on-leash or prohibited) –
(a) Ensure that alternative design and/or management solutions are not practicable to address the conflict between uses of the place 6; and
(b) Ensure, to the extent that is practicable, that displaced dog owners and their dogs have access to other places or that such access is provided as part of the same decision.
3E Before making any change that identifies a park or beach 4 as a designated dog exercise area, ensure the –
(a) Matters contained in 3C are satisfied;
(b) Area is well-located with vehicular and pedestrian access;
(c) Area has clearly visible boundaries on the ground to dog owners and people without dogs. This may be achieved through transition zones, vegetation, topography and fencing. This criterion is not intended to require fully fenced areas to contain all types of dog. Boundary treatment will vary depending on the risks identified;
(d) Area is of sufficient size to provide dog owners with a satisfactory experience. Size is relative to the type (size) of dogs. This criterion is not intended to require the area to provide for the needs of all types (sizes) of dog;
(e) Area has sufficient sight lines that enable dog owners to be aware of the presence of other dogs and their owners. This requires a balance to provide access to areas that are desirable and provide an experience;
(f) Area has adequate signage; and
(g) Provision of dog owner and dog amenities has been considered (e.g. seats, bins and bag dispensers for dog faeces, water stations).
(h) These criteria (3E) do not apply to existing designated dog exercise areas identified before 01 July 2013.
Additional background information
The matters that the local board is required to consider under the Dog Control Act 1996 and Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 can be summarised as the need to consider public safety and comfort, the needs of dog owners and the protection of wildlife.
Safety and comfort of the general public
Dog access rules can assist in contributing to the safety and comfort of people in public places.
When considering public safety and comfort the issues of ‘safety’ and ‘comfort’ need to be considered as two separate aspects. Research indicates that the main issue with dogs (specifically off-leash dogs) is a comfort issue and that the risk of dog attacks in public places is low. Notwithstanding this, any dog attack in a public place can have a serious and lasting impact and the potential for this has to be taken into consideration.
Safety is primarily about the risk of dog attacks in a public place.
Primary research undertaken for the Auckland Council Dog Management Bylaw 2012 identified that in 2010 the top three dog related complaints[5] were roaming, barking and dog attacks or aggression.
Key points from this research include:
· dogs that roam unaccompanied by their owners account for just over half of all dog related problems
· dogs that persistently bark or howl account for one third of all dog related problems
· dogs that attack, rush or are aggressive to people or animals account for just over a tenth of all dog related problems.
· Dog attacks on people account for less than three per cent of complaints.
The research identified that the most common location of reported dog attacks on people was outside the owner’s property (36 per cent). However, it should be noted that based on ACC injury statistics, the reported incidents are estimated to only account for less than a third of actual dog attacks[6]. A possible reason for lack of reporting, particularly in public places, may be an inability to identify the details of a dog or their owner in order to make a complaint. As such it is difficult to provide factual evidence regarding the risk of dog attacks at local beaches and parks.
Comfort is more generally about the public’s level of concern about dogs; any perceived risk of intimidation or attack, as well as the nuisance factor of dogs in public places.
This aspect is more problematic to assess and quantify. While it is noted that most dog owners consider their pet to be friendly and would not wilfully harm anyone, to another member of the public, the presence of an unknown unleashed dog may engender fear or intimidation. This is particularly within a confined area such as a boardwalk or narrow bush walk.
As part of public surveys conducted for the dog access reviews in 2014 and 2015, approximately 60 per cent of urban non-dog owner respondents did not want an unknown dog approaching.
These results indicate that for the comfort of people to be maintained, dogs need to be effectively controlled in the proximity of non-dog owners, particularly around vulnerable people, so that any interactions are positive for the owners, their dogs and non-dog owners.
Dog access rules can help in managing these interactions.
Recreational and exercise needs of owners and their dogs
Dog access rules help provide for the health and well-being of dogs and their owners.
Walking a dog is an important form of regular exercise for many dog owners. A study in Manukau shows that 50 per cent of dog owners say it was their main form of exercise[7]. Supervised interaction for dogs with other dogs and people is also important for the socialisation of a dog.
It is generally accepted that areas to walk a dog (either on a leash or off a leash) that are easily accessible, desirable, and provide diversity of experience for both the dog and owner, is important.
Wildlife considerations
Under the Dog Control Act 1996, it is an offence to allow dogs to roam or attack protected wildlife. Penalties include seizure and destruction of the dog; owner imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or a fine not exceeding $20,000, or both. Under section 63 of the Wildlife Act 1953 it is an offence to kill or disturb wildlife. Penalties for individuals include imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or a fine not exceeding $100,000, or both.
A number of wetland and shorebirds are vulnerable to dogs as they nest, roost, breed or feed in wetland or inter-tidal areas. For some species, including the New Zealand Dotterel, the presence of dogs can cause ground-nesting birds to leave the nest resulting in loss of clutches and broods and disrupted feeding which is particularly important for migratory birds.
A review of dog access rules should therefore also take wildlife concerns into account, particularly in relation to vulnerable species, in order to support the following goals:
· protection of wildlife, in particular vulnerable species
· the reduction of the risk to dog owners of incurring penalties under both the Dog Control Act 1996 and the Wildlife Act 1953.
Practical requirements
The most important practical requirement is to make dog access rules easy to understand ‘on the ground’ and by the general public. The review programme aims to provide more certainty for dog owners and non-dog owners by clearly providing information where dogs are able to be taken either off a leash or on a leash to support compliance issues.
Attachment 3 - Analysis of types of dog access
Under control off-leash at all times
Under this form of access dogs are allowed off a leash provided that a dog is ‘under control’. ‘Under control’ is defined within the bylaw as “that the owner is able to obtain an immediate and desired response from the dog by use of a leash, voice commands, hand signals, whistles or other effective means”.
The benefits of this option are that:
· provides for the needs of dog owners on beaches and parks by providing an outlet for dogs when there are restrictions on dogs on other higher use areas
· are best suited to beaches that predominantly have linear (walking or running) activities rather than sand based activities, or have a low intensity of use.
The disadvantages of this option are that:
· does not generally provide for the comfort of non-dog owners on beaches and parks to the levels identified within the online.
Under control on-leash at all times
Under this form of access dogs are allowed under control on a leash at all times.
The benefits of this option are that:
· allows for the integration of dogs and their owners in spaces while maintaining public safety and comfort for the general public
· provides for the needs of dog owners by providing an opportunity to walk or run their dog but has limited use for fetch activities (ie. throwing balls or sticks)
· assists in the protection of public comfort of non-dog owners as the majority do not want to be approached by unknown dogs
· can help protect wildlife.
The disadvantages of this option are that:
· does not provide for the needs of dog owners for fetch activities.
Prohibited at all times
Under this form of access dogs are prohibited at all times from an area.
The benefits of this option are that:
· provides for public safety and comfort on high use beaches and parks
· provides an alternative when other beaches or park areas may have off-leash access rules, particularly for members of the general public who are nervous about dogs or avoid visiting a beach or park because of the presence of dogs
· can help protect wildlife.
The disadvantages of this option are that:
· does not provide for the needs of dog owners
· prohibiting dogs on a particular area can restrict the through fare of dogs which can restrict the uses of or effectiveness of other adjoining on-leash or off-leash areas for walking or running access and the needs of dog owners.
Time and season
A time and season access rule is a method of sharing a space between dog owners and non-dog owners based on time slots rather than defined areas.
The benefits of this option are that:
· provides a balance between public safety and comfort and the needs of dogs and their owners when a beach or park is busy while providing for the needs of dog owners at less busy times
· extending a time and season rule from a beach to an adjacent park allows for an integrated approach to a defined public area, particularly for small slips of land or parks adjacent to beaches.
The disadvantages of this option are that:
· when applied to adjacent parks, when the access rule on the beach is prohibited, prohibiting dogs on a particular park can restrict the through fare of dogs which can restrict the uses of or effectiveness of other adjoining on-leash areas for walking or running access and the needs of dog owners.
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Attachment 4 – Results from online survey
Summary of results
Total responses |
191 |
Dog owners |
63% |
% of residents |
79% |
Non-Dog owners |
37% |
Preferences relating to beach and foreshore:
· the majority of local dog owner respondents indicated that by December they were undertaking ‘summer activities’[8]
· the majority of respondents indicated that they ceased ‘summer activities’ by April
· local non-dog owners preferred the summer time and season rules to be aligned with daylight savings[9] (58 per cent) with 11 per cent preferring 1 December
· local dog owners preferred summer time and season rules to start on the 1 December (33 per cent) and end on 1 March
· local non-dog owners generally do not want unknown dogs approaching them while at the beach (44 per cent) with 22 per cent being nervous around dogs and 20 per cent stating that they avoid beaches if there are likely to be dogs there
· local dog owners generally do not mind being approached by dogs (75 per cent), this drops to 42 per cent for non-dog owners
· 24 per cent of local dog owners like being approached by dogs while only six per cent for non-dog owners like being approached by dogs.
Dog owners |
Non-dog owners |
Summer – 1 December until 1 March |
Summer – Daylight savings |
9am to 6pm |
Before 9am and after 6pm |
Under control on a leash at all times |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
Winter |
Winter |
10am to 5pm |
Before 10am and after 5pm |
Under control on a leash at all times |
Under control on a leash |
Under control off a leash |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
The tables below provide an analysis of responses to the preferences for dog access rules. The overall preference for each time slot are shown a Green for under control off a leash, Orange for under control on a leash and Red for prohibited.
Where is not a majority view for any one preferred access rule an under control off a leash access rule is applied as it assumes that a respondent seeking under control off a leash access would prefer under control on a leash access rather and a prohibited access control. Similarly it assumes that someone with a preference for a prohibited access control would prefer under control on a leash to allowing under control off a leash dog access.
Preferred dog access rules – Summer
Preferred dog access rules - Winter
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Attachment 5 – Biodiversity and Kauri Dieback memos
Memo 14 January 2016
To: Papakura Local Board
cc: Rachel Kelleher, Biodiversity Manager
Justin Walters, Policy Analyst – Social Policy & Bylaws
From: Ben Paris, Senior Biodiversity Advisor,
Tim Lovegrove, Senior Regional Advisor (Fauna)
Subject: Dog Access Rules Review for the Papakura Local Board
The purpose of this memo is to identify biodiversity issues / wildlife concerns associated with dog access on particular areas of local park land within the Papakura Local Board area and to provide recommendations on how these could be managed through dog access rules.
Within the local board area the wildlife concerns relating to dog access are primarily around shorebirds, wetland and saltmarsh birds.
Vulnerable species
The primary wildlife concerns for the Papakura Local Board include the following bird groups:
· shorebirds
· wetland and saltmarsh birds
The species and wildlife issues are summarised below.
The most common shorebirds that could be affected by dogs on Auckland shores are:
· Pied shag (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally vulnerable)
· Black shag (Conservation status: At Risk - Naturally uncommon)
· Little black shag (Conservation status: At Risk - Naturally uncommon)
· White-faced heron (Conservation status: At Risk – Not threatened)
· Royal spoonbill (Conservation status: At Risk - Naturally uncommon)
· NZ dotterel (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally vulnerable)
· Wrybill (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally vulnerable)
· Variable oystercatcher (Conservation status: At Risk – Recovering)
· Pied oystercatcher (Conservation status: At Risk – Declining)
· Bar-tailed godwit (Conservation status: Migrant)
· Lesser knot (Conservation status: Migrant)
· Pied stilt (Conservation status: At Risk – Declining)
· Red-billed gull (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally vulnerable)
· White-fronted tern (Conservation status: At Risk – Declining)
· Caspian tern (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally vulnerable)
Shorebirds are vulnerable to dogs at nests, high-tide roosts and intertidal feeding areas.
Nests: Shorebirds build well-camouflaged nests in scrapes in the sand or shell or in open grassy areas. Nests, eggs and young are very easily crushed by beachgoers and their dogs, and dogs can quickly locate and eat the flightless young even though they are very well camouflaged. When disturbed, by people or dogs, adult birds leave their camouflaged eggs or young, which can expose eggs to overheating in the sun or excessive cooling, and the young to predation by gulls.
High-tide roosts: Shorebirds roost at high tide on secluded beaches, shell banks and some open grassy areas near the coast. Roosting shorebirds are very easily disturbed by people and their dogs. Since roosts are usually localised and scarce the birds may have few other places to go following disturbance.
Intertidal feeding areas: Shorebirds can be harassed by off-leash dogs at their intertidal feeding areas. For some species such as the migratory bar-tailed godwit and lesser knot, harassment at feeding and roosting sites compromises body condition as the birds prepare for their long migration flight to their Alaskan and Siberian breeding grounds.
Wetland and saltmarsh birds
Wetland and saltmarsh birds are most vulnerable to dogs at their nests. These are built on the ground in dense vegetation. Although nests are secluded and well camouflaged, they can easily be located by predators hunting by scent.
· Grey duck – Feeds in wetland areas and nests are built on the ground where they are hidden in dense vegetation on wetland margins
· Australasian bittern - nests are usually well hidden in dense reeds and raupo. The young spend nearly two months in the nest, and are vulnerable to predation during that time
· Banded rail - nests are often located in sedges and rushes growing on the margins of wetlands and saltmarshes where dogs can easily find them
· Spotless crake and North Island fernbird – nests are hidden near the ground in dense vegetation within easy reach of dogs and other predators
Conservation status of wetland and saltmarsh birds
· Grey duck (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally critical)
· Australasian bittern (Conservation status: Threatened – Nationally endangered)
· Banded rail (Conservation status: At Risk - Naturally uncommon)
· Spotless crake (Conservation status: At Risk - Relict)
· North Island fernbird (Conservation status: At Risk – Declining)
Table of biodiversity issues per location
Specific locations that have biodiversity / wildlife concerns are listed in the following table along with the reasons for that concern and the recommended action(s) regarding dog access.
This table of information is provided in support of the Dog Access Rules Review undertaken by the Social Policy & Bylaws team.
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Biodiversity Issues for the Dog Access Review for the Papakura Local Board Area
Name of park, beach, foreshore or biodiversity area of concern |
Brief description of what is included in this area / park (please note SEA area where relevant) |
Category and brief explanation of the issue with having a dog in this area (shorebirds, wetlands/ saltmarsh birds, penguins, kauri) |
Recommendations in regards to dog access in this area (off-leash or on-leash, banned) |
Extra explanatory notes |
Pahurehure Inlet Harbourside Drive Esplanade, Capriana Drive Esplanade, Pararekau Road Esplanade, Oakland Road Esplanade, & Hayfield Way Esplanade
Includes SEA_M_29a
A significant area for wading birds extends across the northern side of the intertidal zone in Pahurehure Inlet between Wattle Downs and Conifer Grove. Other parts of the intertidal zone in the Papakura Channel and Pahurehure Inlet are also important for a range of shorebird species.
On-leash, dogs prohibited from intertidal areas |
Keywella Drive Foreshore
SEA-M2-171, SEA-M2-171w1, SEA_T_587, SEA_T_542 |
One of the top five wader roosts in the Manukau Harbour exists on the shore platform off Keywella Drive. Hundreds of oystercatchers and bar-tailed godwits regularly roost here at high tide.
On-leash, dogs prohibited from intertidal areas |
Brylee Drive Reserve, Conifer Grove Esplanade Reserve, Waimana Reserve, Longford Park Esplanade Reserve, Drury Esplanade Reserve |
SEA-M2-29w1, SEA-M2-171w1, SEA-M2-29a |
Salt marshes and mangrove swamps along the coastline adjacent to these reserves have wetland and saltmarsh birds e.g. grey duck, black, pied, little and little black shags, white-faced heron, spoonbill and banded rail. Bittern, spotless crake and fernbird also visit or occur in the salt marshes along Drury Creek adjacent to Drury Esplanade Reserve. A significant area for wading birds exists in the central part of Drury Creek at the mouths of the Whangapouri, Oira and Drury Creeks.
On-leash, dogs prohibited from saltmarsh and intertidal areas |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Kauri dieback memo
Biodiversity Issues for the Dog Access Review for the Papakura Local Board Area
Name of park, beach, foreshore or biodiversity area of concern |
Brief description of what is included in this area / park (please note SEA area where relevant) |
Category and brief explanation of the issue with having a dog in this area (shorebirds, wetlands/ saltmarsh birds, penguins, kauri) |
Recommendations in regards to dog access in this area (off-leash or on-leash, banned) |
Extra explanatory notes |
Central Park Reserve, Papakura |
Kauri – 9 surveyed, healthy Playground Carpark
Trees located in landscaped town centre reserve. Paths in vicinity of trees Dogs prohibited |
Kirk’s Bush and Kirk’s Bush Butterworth House Reserve |
Kauri – 62 surveyed, generally good canopy health, infection other than kauri dieback Sports fields adjacent Picnic tables |
Surveyed trees mostly around Butterworth House and track entrances off Great South Road and Beach Road. Trees in vicinity of house tend to be in poorer health Current dog rule is on-leash |
Papakura Scout Group |
Kauri – 3 surveyed, healthy DOC Wetlands Carpark |
Tree on small reserve near the Pahurehure esplanade Current dog rule is off-leash |
Massey Park, Papakura |
Kauri – 1 surveyed, healthy Playground Sports fields Carparks Skate park |
Tree located next to Papakura Swimming Pool carpark |
, , , , |
The kauri dieback disease is
spread by soil movement and therefore walkers and dogs can be vectors of the
disease. Research has shown that
kauri around tracks have a higher incidence of kauri dieback. Therefore, key
messages being provided to the public are that people should wash their
footwear before and after entering areas of kauri and should stay on tracks in
order to minimise the spread of the disease. Specific locations that have
biosecurity concerns as they relate to the potential spread of kauri dieback
are identified in the table below.
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Submission Form Proposed changes to dog access in the Papakura Local Board area
The Papakura Local Board is seeking your views on proposed changes to where you can walk your dog. Please read the full proposal for the proposed changes, or a summary, before making your submission. Copies can be viewed: • at shapeauckland.co.nz • at Auckland Council libraries and offices • or phone us on (09) 301 0101 Submissions close on Friday 17 July 2015. At a later date, the Papakura Local Board will hold hearings to consider all submissions. |
Please note that in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002, all submissions (including personal details of submitters – names, phone numbers and addresses) will be made public. Submissions can be sent to: Submissions: Proposed changes to dog access Attn: Planning Technician Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300 Auckland 1142 Or: · make an online submission at shapeauckland.co.nz · scan and save your submission as a pdf and email it to bylaws@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz |
Your contact details For your submission to be valid you must include your full name together with a postal and/or email address. If you wish to speak at a hearing, please also provide a contact phone number so we can arrange a suitable time and location for you to speak. Please print clearly.
First name: Surname:
Organisation/Company: Contact phone:
Postal address:
Post code:
Email address: Local board area:
Your submission
1. I agree with the following parts of the proposal. My reasons are:
2. I disagree with the following parts of the proposal. My reasons are:
3. My further comments on the proposal are:
Date of submission: Signature:
Thank you for taking the time to submit your feedback.
Checklist for submitters:
Have you included your full name and postal and/or email address?
Have you told us if you want to speak at the hearing?
3. Have you attached any additional pages or supporting documents?
18 May 2016 |
File No.: CP2016/00973
1. To approve funding for the 2016 Great Spring Clean.
Executive Summary
2. The Great Spring Clean is an annual Papakura Local Board initiative to clean up the local environment around Papakura. The local board allocated $11,000 to support the 2015 Great Spring Clean as part of the 2015/16 Arts, Community and Events Work Programme (resolution PPK/2015/93).
3. This funding contributed towards clean-up costs and funded a driver licensing programme for the student volunteers. Forty students (out of the 42 participating from Rosehill College) passed the driver licensing test. The Great Spring Clean in 2015 resulted in 350 kilograms of rubbish collected.
4. The Papakura Youth Council will facilitate the 2016 Great Spring Clean.
5. Rosehill College and Papakura High School students will volunteer. The local board will provide funding for a learner driver licensing programme for the volunteers. The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust (MBCT) will transport and dispose all waste collected.
6. Staff recommend funding Rosehill College, Papakura High School and the MBCT to undertake the Great Spring Clean, to help support the student driver licensing programmes.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) approve $5,000 to Rosehill College to provide volunteers and equipment to support for the Great Spring Clean 2016 and the student driver licensing programme b) approve $5,000 to Papakura High School to provide volunteers and equipment to support for the Great Spring Clean and the student driver licensing programme c) approve $1,000 to the Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust to cover the costs of transport and waste disposal.
7. On June 17 2015, the Papakura Local Board allocated $11,000 of its locally driven initiative (LDI) budget towards the Great Spring Clean as part of the 2015/2016 Arts, Community and Events work programme (resolution PPK/2015/93).
8. The Great Spring Clean is an annual event in Papakura that has occurred for the past five years. It involves volunteers cleaning local creeks and streams. The rubbish collected is weighed and recorded. The annual event aligns with the local board outcomes of “strong, safe and healthy communities” and “having a skilled workforce for local jobs”.
9. The Great Spring Clean supports the Empowered Communities Approach through:
· encouraging youth participation in community action
· building volunteering spirit and developing event planning and delivery skills
· building a sense of pride in the community among young people
· improving the environment for all
increasing employment opportunities for youth by assisting students on the path towards securing a driving licence.
2015 Great Spring Clean
10. In 2015, 42 students from Rosehill College volunteered for the Great Spring Clean project. In turn, the local board funded all students to participate in a learner driver licence programme. Forty students successfully passed. Gaining this skill was a step towards improving their employability status.
11. The MBCT reported that 350 kilogrammes of rubbish was collected by volunteers from streams, coastline and public spaces.
2016 Great Spring Clean
12. In 2016, the Papakura Youth Council, Rosehill College, Papakura High School and MBCT will participate in the 2016 Great Spring Clean, which is scheduled to occur prior to 31 August 2016. The Youth Council will confirm the date in consultation with the two schools and the MBCT.
13. In return for students volunteering for the spring clean, Rosehill College and Papakura High School will be supported to implement a learner driver licensing programme. It is anticipated that 100 students from across both schools will volunteer for the spring clean and in return be offered the opportunity to participate in the learner licence programme.
14. The MBCT will collect, weigh and dispose of all waste accumulated from the cleanup. This is the same role the trust had in 2015.
15. Table 1 below, outlines options available to the local board, detailing both the benefits and disadvantages of each.
Table 1: Funding options for 2016 Great Spring Clean.
Options |
Comments |
Option 1: No funding |
Benefits: · Funding could be utilised elsewhere at the local board’s discretion |
Disadvantages: · Clean-up of environment may not occur · Little incentive for schools to run additional learner driver licence programmes |
Cost: · Nil |
Option 2: Fund one school and MBCT (based on 2015 model) |
Benefits: · Aligns with local board environmental and youth employment priorities · Engages young people to support community action and Papakura beautification projects · Encourages the school to set-up a learner licensing programme that is funded externally · MBCT have been involved in the project for five years. · Provides volunteers from the school to participate in the clean-up · Allows an avenue for youth to begin the driver licensing process |
Disadvantages: · Only supports one school in the area |
Cost: · $11,000 (in keeping with the budget) – $10,000 given to school, with $1,000 to MBCT for waste disposal |
Option 3: Fund two schools and MBCT |
Benefits: · Likely to attract higher number of student volunteer participants · Aligns with local board environmental and youth employment priorities · Engages young people in supporting community action and Papakura beautification projects · Encourages youth to participate in an innovative fundraising proposal to support a subsidised learner licencing programme · Ability for young people to secure driving licences (seen as an essential element in securing employment) · MBCT have been involved in the project for five years. · Increases number of young people able to take advantage of driving licence programmes · Increases opportunities for young people to secure employment as a result of taking driver licence tests · Enables schools, local trusts and community to partner with the youth council and local board |
Disadvantages: · Limited funding limits the number of students who can undertake the driver licensing programme |
Cost: · $11,000 to implement · $5,000 to be provided to each of the schools, with $1,000 to MBCT to cover waste disposal. |
16. Staff recommend the local board supports Option 3. This option encourages a partnership between two local secondary schools, the MBCT and local community and strengthens the relationship between the Papakura Local Board and youth council. It also encourages a greater number of student volunteers to be involved in the project.
17. Staff do not recommend Options 1 or 2. Neither of these options will increase the number of volunteers involved or prospective young people obtaining their learner driver license.
Local Board views and implications
18. An outcome of the Papakura Local Board plan is: strong, safe and healthy communities”. This includes working in partnership with schools and the local training providers to ensure young people are ready for work and apprenticeships.
19. The local board’s youth portfolio holder expressed support for the youth council to be a key partner in Papakura’s clean-up project going forward. This aligns with the youth council’s aspirations to support local youth initiatives.
Māori impact statement
20. Auckland Council’s Youth Connections has previously organised driver license classes for a targeted audience at Papakura Marae predominately for Māori youth who were not attending school. Māori groups were not engaged directly in the development of this particular initiative.
21. Improving Māori outcomes is a priority for the Papakura Local Board. Exploring opportunities to support community led activity by students belonging to Māori groups and organisations will be part of this work programme.
22. Community Empowerment Unit staff will confirm funding agreements for Papakura High School, Rosehill College and the MBCT.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Christine Olsen - Community Empowerment Manager |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia Divestment Recommendation
File No.: CP2016/07600
1. This report seeks the Papakura Local Board’s endorsement for Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) to recommend the divestment of the council owned property at 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia to the governing body.
Executive Summary
2. 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia is a 728m2 residential site that was acquired by the Papakura District Council to enable utility access. An easement has now been registered on the title which provides this.
3. The rationalisation process for this property commenced in 2014. Consultation with council and its CCOs, iwi authorities and the Papakura Local Board has now taken place. No planned or funded service uses have been identified for this property. Accordingly, it is considered a candidate for disposal. The feedback received during the consultation process has been supportive of the proposed divestment of this property.
4. A resolution approving the sale of this property is required from the Finance and Performance Committee before any proposed disposal can be progressed.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) endorses Panuku Development Auckland’s recommendation to the Finance and Performance Committee to dispose of 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia being of an estate in fee simple comprising approximately 728m2 more or less being Lot 58 Deposited Plan 382903 contained in certificate of title 331182.
5. Panuku and the Council’s Corporate Finance and Property team work jointly on a comprehensive review of council’s property portfolio. One of the outcomes of the review process is to identify properties in the council portfolio that are potentially surplus to requirements and that may be suitable to sell. The subject site was identified as potentially saleable through the review process.
6. Once a property has been identified as potentially surplus, Panuku engages with council and its CCO’s through an expression of interest process, to establish whether the property must be retained for a strategic purpose or is required for a future funded project. Once a property has been internally cleared of any service requirements, Panuku then consults with local boards, ward councillors, mana whenua and the Independent Maori Statutory Board. All sale recommendations must be approved by the Panuku Board before it makes a final recommendation to the Auckland Council governing body.
Property information
7. 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia is a flat, vacant, 728m2 site located on a residential street. It was transferred to the former Papakura District Council in 2010 for the purpose of providing utility access. The Papakura District Council resolved to re-sell this site after creating an access easement. The easement was registered on the title on 08 November 2010.
8. The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan zoning for this property is Single House. It has a 2014 capital value of $290,000.
Internal consultation
9. The rationalisation process for this property commenced in December 2014. An expression of interest was received from Auckland Transport during the internal consultation phase, requesting additional time to undertake investigation with the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) about if this property was required for a cycleway link along the Southern Motorway. This was investigated and Auckland Transport and NZTA subsequently advised that this site is not required for the cycleway.
10. As no planned or funded alternative service uses have been identified for this site, Panuku considers it a candidate for disposal.
Local Board views and implications
11. Auckland Council Property Limited (now Panuku) held a workshop with the Papakura Local Board regarding 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia in March 2015. The Papakura Local Board provided informal feedback that it would be supportive of the proposed divestment of this site if it were not required by Auckland Transport and NZTA.
12. This report is intended to provide the Papakura Local Board with an opportunity to formalise its views regarding this site before a disposal recommendation is made to the Finance and Performance Committee.
Māori impact statement
13. Ten iwi authorities were contacted regarding the proposed divestment of 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia. The following feedback was received.
a) Te Kawerau-ā-Maki
No site specific feedback received.
b) Ngai Tai ki Tāmaki
No site specific feedback received.
c) Ngāti Tamaoho
No site specific feedback received.
d) Te Akitai Waiohua
Te Akitai Waiohua has expressed potential commercial interest in the property.
e) Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua
No site specific feedback received.
f) Ngāti Paoa
No site specific feedback received.
g) Ngāti Whanaunga
No site specific feedback received.
h) Ngāti Maru
No site specific feedback received.
i) Ngāti Tamaterā
No site specific feedback received.
j) Waikato-Tainui
No site specific feedback received.
14. This property will be presented to the Finance and Performance Committee for decision making.
15. No acquisition files for this site have been located. Therefore it has not been possible to determine if the site is required to be offered back to the former owners pursuant to section 40 of the Public Works Act 1981. In this situation, the site must be offered back.
16. The subject property is not one of council’s strategic assets to which the Significance Policy applies.
Authors |
Letitia McColl - Senior Advisor Portfolio Review, Portfolio Strategy, Strategy and Engagement, Panuku Development Auckland |
Authorisers |
Marian Webb – Manager Portfolio Strategy, Strategy and Engagement, Panuku Development Auckland |
Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Images of 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia |
149 |
Authors |
Letitia McColl - Senior Advisor Portfolio Review, Panuku Development Auckland |
Authorisers |
Marian Webb - Manager Portfoilio Strategy Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
18 May 2016 |
Contributions Policy Variation A
File No.: CP2016/08535
1. The purpose of this report is to brief you on proposed variations to the 2015 Contributions Policy. Feedback is sought from Local Boards on the proposed changes.
Executive Summary
2. At its meeting on 17 March 2016 the Finance and Performance Committee adopted for consultation a proposal to amend the 2015 Contributions Policy to refine the parks (reserve acquisition, reserve development and community infrastructure activities) and stormwater funding areas, along with some minor definition changes.
3. Consultation with the public has been undertaken between 1 April 2016 and 21 April 2016. A consultation document, including the proposed policy variation is available on Shape Auckland. An event was held on 19 April 2016 to provide an opportunity for interested parties to present their views in person.
4. Staff will report the results of consultation and local board feedback to the Finance and Performance Committee in June 2016. Any amendments to the policy will take effect from 1 July 2016.
Proposed changes
5. The variations to the policy propose increasing the number of funding areas for stormwater from 22 to 36 and parks from 4 to 26. These changes reflect:
· geographic characteristics of stormwater and parks (reserve acquisition, reserve development and community infrastructure activities) usage
· growth priority areas
· desire for a stronger connection between where development contributions are collected and spent
· retention of the flexibility to amend plans to accommodate changes in the pattern of planned growth.
6. The proposed funding areas retain the flexibility to accommodate special housing areas and spatial priority areas and to respond to changes in the forecast patterns of growth.
7. The proposed changes do not affect the capital projects in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.
That the Papakura Local Board provides any views it may have on proposed variations to the 2015 Contributions Policy for the Governing Body to consider.
Significance of Decision
8. Adoption of a variation of the contributions policy is not a significant decision.
Local Board views and implications
9. Local boards provided feedback through the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 consultation process seeking a stronger connection between where development contributions were collected and where they were spent.
10. A number of local boards suggested that funding areas should be more locally focused. The proposal to increase the number of funding areas is consistent with this view.
Māori impact statement
11. Council does not hold information on the ethnicity of developers. The impact on Māori will be similar to the impact on other residents and ratepayers.
Legal and Legislative Implications
12. The options presented in this report comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Contributions Policy 2015 Variation A |
153 |
bView |
Contributions Policy – report to 17 March Finance and Performance Committee |
163 |
Authors |
Felipe Panteli - Senior Policy Advisor Andrew Duncan - Manager Financial Policy |
Authorisers |
Matthew Walker - GM Financial Strategy and Planning Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
18 May 2016 |
Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017
File No.: CP2016/07052
1. The purpose of the report is to present the Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017 for adoption.
Executive Summary
2. The new Auckland Council Community Grants Policy was implemented on 1 July 2015. The policy guides the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grant programmes to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.
3. The Community Grants Policy supports each local board to review and adopt their own local grants programme for the next financial year.
4. This report presents the Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017 for adoption (see attachment A).
That the Papakura Local Board: a) adopt the Papakura Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017.
5. The new Auckland Council Community Grants Policy was implemented on 1 July 2015. The policy guides the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grant programmes to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.
6. The Papakura Local Board adopted their specific grants programme in 2015. The Community Grants Policy supports each local board to review and adopt their own local grants programme for the next financial year. This local board grants programme will guide community groups and individuals when making applications to the local board.
7. The local board community grants programme includes:
· outcomes as identified in the local board plan
· specific local board grant priorities
· which grant types will operate, the number of grant rounds and opening and closing dates
· any additional criteria or exclusions that will apply
· other factors the local board consider to be significant to their decision-making.
8. Once the local board community grants programme for the 2016/2017 financial year, has been adopted, the types of grants, grant rounds, criteria and eligibility with be advertised through an integrated communication and marketing approach which includes utilising the local board channels.
Local Board views and implications
9. The Community Grants Programme has been developed by the local board to set the direction of their grants programme. This programme is reviewed on an annual basis.
Māori impact statement
10. All grant programmes should respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Maori wellbeing by providing grants to organisations delivering positive outcomes for Maori. Applicants are asked how their project may increase Maori outcomes in the application form.
11. An implementation plan is underway and the local board grants programme will be locally advertised through the local board and council channels. Targeted advertising and promotion will be developed for target populations, including migrant and refugee groups, disability groups, Maori and iwi organisations.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Papakura Local Board Grant Programme 2016/2017 |
171 |
Authors |
Marion Davies - Community Grants Operations Manager |
Authorisers |
Jennifer Rose - Operations Support Manager Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Papakura Local Board – Local Grants Programme 2016/2017
Our Local Grants Programme provides a funding source that is aimed at helping local communities to achieve their aspirations. Together we can contribute to making Papakura a thriving, safe and vibrant community.
Outcomes sought from the local grants programme
Our grants programme will be targeted towards supporting the following outcomes, as outlined in our local board plan:
· A vibrant metropolitan centre
· A skilled workforce for local jobs
· A sports and recreation hub
· Well connected and easy to move around
· Treasured for its environment and heritage
· Strong, safe and healthy communities
Our priorities for grants
The Papakura Local Board particularly welcomes grant applications that:
· Contribute to the economic and cultural attractiveness of Papakura town centre
· Support innovation and social enterprise
· Support Maori economic development
· Promote Papakura as a destination for sporting competitions and events
· Contribute towards a safe cycling and walking network across the south
· Support environmentally sensitive use of the Manukau Harbour
· Reduce the amount of waste taken to landfill each year from Papakura
· Protect and restore our natural and built heritage
· Protect Maori cultural heritage
· Help our young people to contribute prosper and thrive
· Provide opportunities for growing and eating healthy food
· Improve the overall wellbeing of the Papakura community
Lower Priorities
1) Papakura Local Board has identified the following activities as lower priorities:
· Fundraising events
· Costs towards travel expenses, salaries, vehicles, electronic equipment and catering
2) Papakura Local Board has also identified the following financial situation of an applicant, as a lower priority for funding:
· the applicant/group has a cash surplus
· The applicant has not considered other sources of funding for their project
Investment approach
Papakura Local Board has a budget to support the local grants programme. The following minimum and maximum amounts apply:
· Quick Response Local Grants
o Maximum amount per grant: $2,000
· Local Grants:
o Minimum amount per grant $1,500
o Maximum amount per grant $5,000
· Discretionary Grants:
o Requests will be assessed on a case by case basis but must demonstrably support at least one of the Papakura Local Board Plan outcomes.
Application dates
Grant rounds for 2016/2017 will close on the following dates (applications received after these dates will be held for consideration in the next round and the applicant advised accordingly):
Quick Response Local Grants
2016/2017 funding rounds |
Opens |
Closes |
Decision made |
Projects to occur after |
Round one |
4 July 2016 |
29 July 2016 |
21 September 2016 |
1 October 2016 |
Round two |
12 September 2016 |
14 October 2016 |
November 2016 |
1 December 2016 |
Round three |
16 January 2017 |
10 February 2017 |
March 2017 |
1 April 2017
Round four |
13 March 2017 |
14 April 2017 |
May 2017 |
1 June 2017
Local Grants
2016/2017 funding rounds |
Opens |
Closes |
Decision made |
Projects to occur after |
Round one |
4 July 2016 |
29 July 2016 |
21 September 2016 |
1 October 2016 |
Round two |
31 March 2017 |
28 April 2017 |
June 2017 |
1 July 2017 |
Multi-board funding
We will consider multi-board funding on a case by case basis but will be particularly interested in applications concerning the environmentally sensitive use of the Manukau Harbour or a safe cycling and walking network across the south.
Multi-year funding
Where applicants can make a strong case for year on year funding assistance, Papakura Local Board prefers to consider entering into a formal funding agreement (normally three years) rather than contributing ad-hoc through the grants programme.
Accountability measures
The Papakura Local Board requires that all successful applicants:
· Include the Papakura local board logo on their publicity and promotional material, with the words “funded by/part funded by Papakura Local Board”
· Be available to work with Council staff on media coverage and provide at least one photograph of the event or activity
Additionally, successful applicants would be welcome to provide a verbal report at a Papakura Local Board business meeting. Ten minutes at the start of the meeting can be set aside for a deputation or three minutes during public forum; please contact the local board’s Democracy Advisor to make arrangements.
The grants policy team will provide Papakura Local Board with an annual report and summary of outcomes achieved via the local grants programme.
18 May 2016 |
Report Back on Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study and Request for Funding for On-going Development of Resource Recovery Activity
File No.: CP2016/07436
1. To note the results of the Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study.
2. To include an item in the Papakura Local Board’s 2016/2017 work programme to support the ongoing development of resource recovery activity.
Executive Summary
3. In 2014/2015, the five southern local boards (Howick, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, and Papakura) jointly funded a study to scope options for resource recovery in the south. Regional funding matched this local investment. The study was undertaken in two phases and provides findings and recommendations to advance the development of two community recycling centres in the south over the next five years. A full copy of the Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study report (the study) is appended at Attachment A.
4. In the Papakura Local Board (the board) area, Rejuvenate Papakura is working towards building their capacity to operate a community recycling centre in the area. The group has recently secured a space from which to commence operations. They are also working collaboratively with Papakura Marae, the Papakura Business Association, and other local organisations. Te Whanau Hapori Trust is another emerging group who have expressed interest in resource recovery initiatives.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) notes the results of the Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study. b) Considers funding for resource recovery activity as part of the development of the board’s 2016/2017 work programme |
5. The development of a regional Resource Recovery Network (RRN) is a key initiative in Auckland Council’s 2012 Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) and is a critical element in achieving the plan’s goal of zero waste to landfill by 2040.
6. At its meeting in October 2014, the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee endorsed the strategic direction for the RRN, including a long-term strategy of developing 12 community recycling centres over a ten year period. The strategy proposes the development of two community recycling centres in the Southern region during the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 financial years. Funding for site development is in the Long-term Plan 2015-2025.
7. In early 2015, with support from the Howick, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa, Ōtara-Papatoetoe and Papakura Local Boards, council staff commissioned a scoping study to investigate how the RRN could develop in the south. The objective of the study was as follows;
To identify potential sites, interested parties and possible collaborations, and to outline a plan to progress the establishment of at least two Community Recycling Centres in the South. It also needs to identify capacity building requirements within the community sector.
8. The scoping study was undertaken in two stages. Stage One of the study involved:
· completing a stocktake of existing resource recovery operations in the study area;
· initial engagement with organisations and individuals interested in being involved; and
· identifying a list of potential sites.
9. These findings were presented in a report in July 2015 and discussed with local board representatives at a workshop.
10. Stage Two of the study involved:
· organising a study tour for interested community organisations to Xtreme Zero Waste in Raglan which has been operating as a community recycling centre for over 14 years;
· identifying which organisations have advanced their plans to get involved with, or expand their current, resource recovery operations;
· identification of collaboration opportunities;
· GIS modelling to develop a model by which potential sites can be assessed against an ‘ideal standard’ for a Community Recycling Centre in the study area; and
· formulating recommendations on how council can advance resource recovery in the south.
Results of the scoping study
11. The study highlighted the need for council to work concurrently on acquiring resource recovery sites and on capacity building of potential operators. The study also identified ten community-led initiatives and organisations in the south with potential to evolve into operators of community recycling centres or related resource recovery initiatives. It also noted three significant potential collaboration opportunities with Auckland Airport, Auckland South Corrections Facility and mana whenua.
12. In this board area, there is significant interest in resource recovery from local, community-based organisations. Rejuvenate Papakura are active in a number of initiatives such as the Papakura Homemade Market. They have recently gained access to an empty garage in the community to use as a skills shed and bike repair shed. They have also being working collaboratively with the Papakura Marae, Papakura Business Association and Papakura Budgeting Services. Together with community members, these organisations have agreed to start some collective resource recovery activities.
13. Te Whanau Hapori Trust, a residents group in Smiths Avenue, Papakura, have also expressed interest in resource recovery, including registering to receive reusable items recovered from the new inorganic collection service. They are intending to receive items and have them repaired by local residents and on-sold.
14. The study recommends mentoring and capacity building to support these initiatives.
15. With regard to site identification, the study has developed a model for analysing potential sites against an ideal standard for community recycling centres in the south. Council staff will work with Panuku Development Auckland and local boards to identify candidate sites with the assistance of this model.
Investment opportunities for consideration
16. The suggested focus for investment over the next financial year is to support the capacity building of local groups, facilitating collaborations and seed funding to start up local initiatives. This will put local groups in the best possible position to tender for a contract to run a facility and also support and catalyse complementary locally based resource recovery activity.
17. There are two options that were considered with regards to the board’s investment in resource recovery activity. These are described below.
Option One: Do Nothing
18. The board can choose not to provide any funding to resource recovery initiatives in the south. If the board chooses this option, local groups can apply to council’s WMIF to build their own capacity and seed fund initiatives.
19. The risk with this approach is that the momentum that has been built up through the scoping study engagement process will dissipate. Many of the groups are emergent and lack confidence to start local initiatives without receiving support from council or other groups.
Option Two: Support capacity building for the southern network
20. In this option, each of the five southern local boards would contribute $10,000 over the 2016/2017 financial year to support a dedicated programme to:
· Establish a capacity building and mentoring programme to grow the collective capacity of groups involved in resource recovery. This will also provide opportunities for new groups to be identified and supported.
· Continue to foster collaborations with Auckland Airport, Auckland South Corrections, mana whenua and other key stakeholders to identify and develop opportunities for joint resource recovery ventures.
· Facilitate and support a network of organisations and businesses interested in resource recovery in the south.
21. There is currently no identified funding in the draft 2016/2017 Papakura Locally Driven Initiatives budget to support resource recovery. While funding for this activity could be supported through the board’s environment response fund, it is noted that this proposal could also be supported by budgets for community development. As such, it is recommended that the board defer a decision on funding resource recovery activity until after a discussion on its 2016/2017 environment work programme.
22. A similar recommendation will be made in May 2016 to the other four southern boards that supported the initial scoping study. The board will be kept informed as to the outcome of these recommendations and the overall funding for the project.
23. In the event that all southern boards do not provide a similar level of funding, the project parameters will be adjusted to accommodate a smaller budget and the boards will be informed as to the new proposal.
Local Board views and implications
24. Establish a network of recycling centres’ is a key initiative in the Papakura Local Board Plan. The recommendation in this report strongly aligns to that key initiative.
25. Three combined local board workshops have been held throughout the development and implementation of the scoping study. This ensured that local board representatives had the opportunity to feedback on the project.
26. The recommended investment of $10,000 will enable support for local resource recovery activity based in Papakura such as Rejuvenate Papakura, Te Whanau Hapori Trust, emerging community collaborations and any new groups.
Māori impact statement
27. Representatives from 12 mana whenua and seven maatawaka organisations were engaged through the scoping study. Although there were no specific collaborations identified, members of The Southern Initiative’s Maori Advisory Group and attendees of council’s monthly Mana Whenua Information Hui saw potential for collaboration. They were supportive of continued consultation and discussion on the opportunities as they emerge.
28. A number of mataawaka organisations are now involved in community-led resource recovery initiatives in the south, for example, Papakura Marae with Rejuvenate Papakura and Papatuanuku Marae is supportive of Mangere East Family Service’s vision of a Regen Village.
29. Subject to approval of funding, waste solutions will work with Papakura groups on capacity building to support them in delivering resource recovery initiatives.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study: findings and recommendations |
179 |
Authors |
Emma Joyce - Relationship Advisor |
Authorisers |
John Dragicevich - Director Civil Defence and Emergency Management Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
18 May 2016 |
Allocation of Papakura Locally Driven Initiatives Budgets for 2015/2016
File No.: CP2016/09009
1. To allocate funding from the Papakura Local Board locally driven initiatives budgets for 2015/2016 to various local community, parks and heritage projects.
Executive Summary
2. Papakura Local Board has full discretion over the allocation of Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budgets. As at the date of this meeting, there has not yet been a full allocation of budgets in the community response, parks improvements and heritage projects funds.
Funding requests have been received for various projects and these are set out in the table below. All of the projects align with Papakura Local Board Plan outcomes. It is therefore recommended that members give consideration to these projects in determining the allocation of the remaining 2015/2016 locally driven initiatives budgets.
Project |
Amount requested |
Local Board Plan Outcome |
Find Your Field of Dreams - sports and recreation programmes. |
$24,000 |
A sports and recreation hub |
Papakura Museum – to supply a timeline of images, citations and introductory text for graphics to be applied to the covered walkway panels. |
$5,000 |
Treasured for its environment and heritage |
Children’s Forest – weed control (prior to annual planting day) and commencement of under storey planting of forest floor. |
$25,000 |
Treasured for its environment and heritage |
Temporary signage for closure of Massey Park walkway |
$400 |
A sports and recreation hub |
Removal of juvenile mangrove growth from Pahurehure inlet 2 |
$1,000 |
Treasured for its environment and heritage |
Concept design for playground at Bruce Pulman Park |
$50,000 |
Strong, safe and healthy communities |
Civil Defence and Emergency Management – equipment purchase for Conifer Grove and Papakura emergency response groups. |
$10,000 |
Strong, safe and healthy communities |
Neighbourhood support – coordination services in Papakura |
$3,300 |
Strong, safe and healthy communities |
That the Papakura Local Board: a) Consider the allocation of funding to local community, parks and heritage projects from the 2015/2016 locally driven initiatives budgets.
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Karen Gadomski - Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly
Update 1 July to 31 December 2015
File No.: CP2016/00199
1. To give the Papakura Local Board an overview of Panuku Development Auckland. The report also notes any major issues, projects and activities within the Local Board area for the six months 1 July to 31 December 2015.
Executive Summary
2. Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) was established in September 2015 as a result of the merger of two CCOs – Waterfront Auckland and Auckland Council Property Limited (ACPL).
3. Panuku helps to rejuvenate parts of Auckland – from small projects that refresh a site or building, to major transformations of town centres or neighbourhoods.
4. Comprised of five Directorates, Panuku manages around $1 billion of council’s property portfolio, which we continuously review to find smart ways to generate income for the region, grow the portfolio or release land or property that can be better used by others.
5. Panuku works with government, iwi, not-for-profit and private organisations. We use our skills, knowledge and connections to bring land and resources together to create the best outcome for Aucklanders.
6. The attached report provides an overview of how Panuku is structured. The report gives a flavour of what each Directorate is responsible for and drills down to team level, explaining roles and responsibilities across the organisation.
7. The report also provides an update of major issues, projects and activities relevant for the Papakura Local Board for the six months July – December 2015
8. Attachments to this six-monthly update include: Framework of Strategic Documents (Attachment A) and the Local Board Engagement Plan (Attachment B).
That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly update 1 July to 31 December 2015.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-Monthly Update 1 July to 31 December 2015 |
219 |
bView |
Attachment A: Framework of Strategic Documents |
225 |
cView |
Attachment B: Local Board Engagement Plan |
227 |
Authors |
Sven Mol - Engagement Coordinator |
Authorisers |
Toni Giacon - Team Leader Stakeholder and Community Engagement Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
18 May 2016 |
Governance Forward Work Calendar
File No.: CP2016/09116
1. To present a 12 month governance forward work calendar to the board.
Executive Summary
2. This report updates the governance forward work calendar: a schedule of items that will come before the board at business meetings over the next 12 months. The governance forward work calendar for Papakura is included in Attachment A.
3. The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:
· ensuring advice on agendas and workshop material is driven by local board priorities
· clarifying what advice is required and when
· clarifying the rationale for reports.
4. The calendar will be updated every month. Each update will be reported back to business meetings and distributed to relevant Council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.
That the Papakura Local Board: a) notes the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar.
5. The council’s Quality Advice Programme aims to improve the focus, analysis, presentation and timeliness of staff advice to elected representatives. An initiative under this is to develop forward work calendars for governing body committees and local boards. These provide elected members with better visibility of the types of governance tasks they are being asked to undertake and when they are scheduled.
6. Although the document is new, there are no new projects in the governance forward work calendar. The calendar brings together in one schedule reporting on all of the board’s projects and activities previously approved in the local board plan, long-term plan, departmental work programmes and through other board decisions. It includes governing body policies and initiatives that call for a local board response.
7. This initiative is intended to support the boards’ governance role. It will also help staff to support local boards, as an additional tool to manage workloads and track activities across council departments, and it will allow greater transparency for the public.
8. The calendar is arranged in three columns, “Topic”, “Purpose” and “Governance Role”:
· Topic describes the items and may indicate how they fit in with broader processes such as the annual plan
· Purpose indicates the aim of the item, such as formally approving plans or projects, hearing submissions or receiving progress updates
· Governance role is a higher-level categorisation of the work local boards do. Examples of the seven governance categories are tabled on the following page.
Governance role |
Examples |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
Capex projects, work programmes, annual plan |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
Grants, road names, alcohol bans |
Input into regional decision-making |
Comments on regional bylaws, policies, plans |
Oversight and monitoring |
Local board agreement, quarterly performance reports, review projects |
Accountability to the public |
Annual report |
Engagement |
Community hui, submissions processes |
Keeping informed |
Briefings, cluster workshops |
9. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar. The calendar will be updated and reported back every month to business meetings. Updates will also be distributed to relevant Council staff.
Local Board views and implications
10. All local boards are being presented with governance forward work calendars for their consideration.
Māori impact statement
11. The projects and processes referred to in the governance forward work calendar will have a range of implications for Māori which will be considered when the work is reported.
12. Staff will review the calendar each month in consultation with board members and will report an updated calendar to the board.
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Governance Forward Work Calendar |
241 |
Authors |
Karen Gadomski - Senior Local Board Advisor Papakura |
Authorisers |
Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Papakura Governance Forward Work Calendar
Month (2016) |
Topic |
Purpose |
Governance Role |
May |
Southern Resource Recovery Scoping Study |
Receive update on progress |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
May |
Quick response local grant applications |
Determine allocation of funding |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
May |
Great Spring Clean – budget approval |
Formal approval |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
May |
Papakura Art Gallery Business Planning Project |
Provide direction on preferred approach |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
May |
Divestment of 235 Harbourside Drive, Hingaia |
Confirm board position |
Input to regional decision making |
May |
Annual Plan - GB/LB advocacy discussions |
Confirm advocacy priorities |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
May |
Development of Opaheke Park – landowner approval |
Formal approval |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
May |
Auckland Transport Quarterly Report |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
May |
Transport Monthly Report |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
May |
Omnibus quarterly financial report |
Check in on performance/ inform future direction |
Oversight and Monitoring |
May |
Dog Access rules - agree draft statement of proposal |
Confirm board position |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
May |
Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six-monthly Update 1 July to 31 December 2015 |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
May |
Development Contributions Policy -variation |
Define board position and feedback |
Input to regional decision making |
June |
Smoke Free Policy - review |
Define board position and feedback |
Input to regional decision making |
June |
Community centre and venue for hire fees |
Formal adoption |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
June |
Urban Design recommendations for Papakura town centre |
Provide direction on preferred approach |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
June |
Transport Monthly Report |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
June |
Annual Plan - adopt LBA for 2016/2017 and department work programmes |
Formal adoption |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
June |
Dog Access Rules - commence consultation |
Hear formal submissions/deliberate |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
June |
Community grants - local grant allocations |
Determine allocation of funding |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
June |
Papakura-Takanini Needs Assessment recommendations |
Provide direction on preferred approach |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
June |
Applications for Papakura Local Board Scholarship Scheme |
Formal approval |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
July |
Transport Monthly Report |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
July |
Park and Ride development - allocation of reserve fund |
Determine allocation of funding |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
July |
Rings Redoubt heritage protection |
Define board position and feedback |
Input to regional decision making |
August |
Dog Access rules - Hearings |
Hear formal submissions / deliberate |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
August |
Auckland Transport Quarterly Report |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
August |
Transport Monthly Report |
Review progress with projects |
Oversight and Monitoring |
August |
Omnibus quarterly financial report |
Check in on performance/ inform future direction |
Oversight and Monitoring |
August |
Local Board Plan - review delivery |
Check in on performance/ inform future direction |
Oversight and Monitoring |
August |
Local Board Plan - recommendations for incoming Local Board |
Check in on performance/ inform future direction |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
August |
Annual Report - approve local board input |
Formal approval |
Accountability to the public |
September |
Quick response local grant applications |
Determine allocation of funding |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
September |
Community grants - local grant allocations |
Determine allocation of funding |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
September |
Review portfolios |
Check in on performance/ inform future direction |
Local initiatives/specific decisions |
November |
Inaugural meeting |
Provide direction on preferred approach |
Setting direction/priorities/budget |
18 May 2016 |
Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term
File No.: CP2016/09117
1. Providing an updated register of achievements of the Papakura Local Board for the 2013-2016 Electoral Term.
Executive Summary
2. Nil.
a) That the report entitled “Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2013-2016 Electoral Term” be received. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
aView |
PLB Attachment 18 May 2016_Achievements Register |
245 |
Authors |
Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Date |
7 November 2013 |
Inaugural Meeting - Election of Chair, Bill McEntee and - Deputy Chair, Michael Turner |
8 November 2013 |
Fireworks Spectacular |
9 November 2013 |
Spring Clean |
19 November 2013 |
Citizenship Ceremony |
28 November 2013 |
Appointment of Board Members to Outside Organisations |
28 November 2013 |
Appointment of Portfolio Allocations, Urban Design Champion, Business Improvement District (BID) Executive Committee and Resource Consent Public Notifications. |
30 November 2013 |
Supported the Papakura Santa Parade |
11 December 2013 |
Board agrees to release of Draft Annual Plan 2014/2015 including the draft Papakura Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 for public consultation |
13 December 2013 |
Supported the Papakura Carols in the Park |
29 January 2014 |
Appointment of Board Youth Portfolio Lead to the Papakura Youth Connections Steering Group |
29 January 2014 |
Formal establishment of the Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee |
29 January 2014 |
Position Paper on Draft Psychoactive Substances approved |
29 January 2014 |
Approved position statement to the Auckland Council submission on the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan |
11 February 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Local Board Plan – Papakura Library |
15 February 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Local Board Plan – Smiths Avenue and Papakura Library |
18 February 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Local Board Plan – Takanini Stores |
27 February 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Public Engagement – Workshop – Local Board Chambers |
1 March 2014 |
Movies in the Park |
2 March 2014 |
PIPs Canoe Day |
8 March 2014 |
Southern Regional Hui – Local Board Plans |
8 March 2014 |
Rosehill Family Fun Day |
18 March 2014 |
Citizenship Ceremony |
19 March 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Psychoactive Substances Regulations Submission feedback to form part of the Governing Body Submission to the Ministry of Health |
19 March 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Objection to Liquor Licence Application – Harpreet Kaur Limited |
29 March 2014 |
Papakura East Neighbourhood Policing Team Day |
30 March 2014 |
Takaanini Reserve Neighbourhood Event |
5 April 2014 |
Joint Papakura and Manurewa Elderly and Disability Engagement Session in collaboration with Counties Manukau DHB |
16 April 2014 |
Approved the Papakura Local Economic Development Plan and Commerce and Industry Programme |
25 April 2014 |
Attended ANZAC Day Services at Papakura and Drury |
29 April 2014 |
Advocacy presentation to the Governing Body |
Council Controlled Organisations feedback submitted |
Funding Policy Review feedback submitted |
30 April 2014 |
Inaugural Meeting Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee |
21 May 2014 |
Community Group Funding of $80,364.00 awarded in funding Round 2 of the 2013/14 financial year |
23 May 2014 |
Members attended Liquor Licencing Hearing - BottleO |
29 May 2014 |
Dawn blessing of Takaanini Reserve and Ihaka Takaanini Plinths |
Advocacy from the Board on the Takanini Interchange and motorway upgrade |
Advocacy from the Board on Psychoactive substances leading to the temporary withdrawal from the market. |
18 June 2014 |
Approved the Papakura Local Board Community Development, Arts and Culture Work Programme 2014/2015 |
18 June 2014 |
Adopted the local content for the Annual Plan 2014/2015 including the Papakura Local Board Agreement 2014/2015 |
18 June 2014 |
Approved the Draft Local Board Plan 2014 for consultation |
18 June 2014 |
Support for a joint scoping study with Southern Local Boards for the establishment of community recycling centres in the south. |
18 June 2014 |
Approval of $15,000 funding to establish an annual Papakura Sports Awards |
26 June 2014 |
Papakura Careers Expo |
1 July 2014 |
Local Alcohol Policy Information Event - Stall |
Active promotion of Auckland Transport Parking Strategy consultation |
Active promotion of Long Term Plan youth engagement ‘My Vote Rule’ |
5 July 2014 |
Papakura Draft Local Board Plan Engagement Drop-in Session – Papakura Library |
8 July 2014 |
Papakura Draft Local Board Plan Engagement Drop-in Session – Papakura Library |
8 July 2014 |
Rosehill Residents Group – Consultation on Local Board Plan |
8 July 2014 |
Conifer Grove Residents Association - Consultation on Local Board Plan |
9 July 2014 |
Papakura Draft Local Board Plan Engagement Drop-in Session – Papakura Library |
July 2014 |
Stakeholder engagement event of the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan |
16 July 2014 |
A total of $6,000 awarded under the Local Event Support Fund |
16 July 2014 |
Feedback provided on the draft Local Alcohol Policy, Local Board role in alcohol licensing applications and Allocation of decision making review |
16 July 2014 |
A grant of $7,800 awarded from the 2014/2015 discretionary operational budget towards the provision of a WW1 centennial commemorative panel at Papakura Museum and external signage for the museum and library. |
July/August 2014 |
SCP on draft local board plan - board members held three drop in sessions at Papakura library and have been attending meetings of residents groups and other organisations in order to encourage submissions. |
20 August 2014 |
Approved funding of $8,500 for Manukau Harbour Forum Action Plan and Work Programme in 2014/2015 |
20 August 2014 |
Annual Report 2014/2014 – Chairs Foreword and Achievements approved |
20 August 2014 |
Additional $5,000 grant approved towards Papakura Fireworks Spectacular 2014 |
20 August 2014 |
Feedback made on Draft Local Approved Products Policy |
21 August 2014 |
Papakura Volunteer Awards |
27 August 2014 |
Papakura Local Board Plan Hearing |
17 September 2014 |
Establishment of a local alcohol ban review panel to make review of alcohol bans in the local board area |
17 September 2014 |
Approval of additional funding of $20,472 to Papakura and Districts Historical Society Incorporated to extend the Papakura Museum’s opening hours, effective 1 September 2014 |
17 September 2014 |
Deliberations on the submissions received to the Papakura Draft Local Board Plan |
25 September 2014 |
Hosted the Local Board Urban Design Champions Quarterly Meeting, focused on design opportunities in Papakura Metropolitan centre |
15 October 2014 |
Adoption of the Papakura Local Board Plan 2014 |
15 October 2014 |
Options approved for the future governance and management of community facilities on Smiths Reserve |
15 October 2014 |
Community Group Funding applications approved totalling $15,102 |
15 October 2014 |
Funding of $7,000 agreed towards a 2015 Papakura Careers Expo |
15 October 2014 |
Adoption of principles to guide decisions on requests for lease of public open space for early childhood education provision |
15 October 2014 |
Feedback agreed on the Significance and Engagement Policy |
15 October 2014 |
Feedback agreed on the Draft Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan |
15 October 2014 |
Presentation to the Governing Body on key messages for Papakura in Long Term Plan prioritisation and policies |
Formation of Community Garden in Hingaia |
1 & 8 November 2014 |
Drop-in sessions for Locally Approved Products Policy |
14 November 2014 |
Papakura Fireworks Display |
15 November 2014 |
Inaugural Papakura Market Day |
18 November 2014 |
Papakura Citizenship Ceremony |
19 November 2014 |
Allocation of $29,457 to a targeted biodiversity and private landowner engagement programme in Papakura in Papakura in YR 15. |
Feedback provided on the Community Facilities Network Plan |
Feedback provided on the Locally Approved Products Policy |
Feedback provided on transport priorities for the LTP/RLTP 2015-2025 |
5 December 2014 |
Christmas morning tea for key stakeholders |
6 December 2014 |
Papakura Santa Parade |
12 December 2014 |
Papakura Carols in the Park |
24 January 2015 |
Movies and Music in the Park |
31 January 2015 |
Smiths Avenue Community Day |
6/7 February 2015 |
Waitangi Weekend League Nines Tournament - Massey Park |
7 February 2015 |
LTP Pop Up Session - Library |
11 February 2015 |
LTP Pop Up Session - Library |
14 February 2015 |
A NZ Touch Tournament |
18 February 2015 |
Allocation of local board discretionary operational and capital budgets to the following projects: Opex - $15k to urban planning project stage 1 Opex - $20k to Papakura Stream clean up and replanting Opex - $50k to town gateway improvements Opex - $150k for parks projects Capex - $68k for parks projects Capex - $8k for library and museum signage $2.6k to deal with condensation issues at art gallery window |
28 February 2015 |
28 February – LTP pop up session at Drury |
9 March 2015 |
Papakura Have Your Say Events – LTP – 3 sessions held; 1-3 pm; 3 – 5 pm; 5 – 7 pm |
10 March 2015 |
Presented submission to Auckland Transport regarding the Regional Land Transport Plan “Have Your Say” Event. |
18 March 2015 |
Awarded the contract for the management and operation of Massey Park Pool and Papakura Leisure Centre to Community Leisure Management (CLM) for a period of five plus three years from 1 July 2015. |
19 March |
Citizenship Ceremony |
22 March 2015 |
PIPs Canoe Day – part funded by the Papakura Local Board |
23 March 2015 |
Signing of Youth Employment Pledge by Veolia; held at Bruce Pulman Park over breakfast. Mayor Brown in attendance |
31 March 2015 |
RSA Prizegiving WW1 Event |
15 April 2015 |
Adopted a further $5,000 Discretionary Operational Funding towards completion of Stage 1 of the urban planning project |
15 April 2015 |
Approved $20,000 for the Student Digital Flag Art Competition |
25 April 2015 |
ANZAC Civic Service Papakura ANZAC Day Service Drury |
29 April 2015 |
Papakura Local Board Long Term Plan discussions with Budget Committee |
20 May 2015 |
Approval of installation of wheel stops on Wood Street, $9,000 from Transport Capital Fund |
20 May 2015 |
Agreement to process to detailed design sate for key projects along Railway Street, West, Averill Street and outside library on Great South Road, to be funded from Transport Capital Fund |
20 May 2015 |
Landowner approval granted for a stormwater wetland on Brylee Reserve, Conifer Grove. |
20 May 2015 |
Adoption of Proposal for Review of Alcohol Bans in Papakura, for public submissions commencing 19 June 2015 |
20 May 2015 |
Allocation of $11,889 to the Manukau Harbour Forum for continuation of its work programme in 2015/2016 |
20 May 2015 |
Formal response made on the Empowered Communities approach proposals |
20 May 2015 |
Discretionary grants approved for Maori Wardens $20,000), Crimewatch Patrols ($20,000), Counties Manukau Sport ($10,000), Papakura Lions ($15,000) and Papakura Rotary ($15,000) |
21 May 2015 |
Blessing of Military Gallery |
25 May 2015 |
Ceremony dedicated to families for Papakura Children’s Cemetery |
27 May 2015 |
Citizenship Ceremony - Pukekohe |
28 May 2015 |
Official opening of the Military Room at Papakura Museum |
17 June 2015 |
Community funding granted totalling $90,340 |
17 June 2015 |
Approved CDAC Work Programme |
17 June 2015 |
Approved Community Arts and organisation funding agreements · Papakura Brass Band - $12,000 · Papakura Pipe Ban - $10,000 · Papakura Museum - $108,701 |
17 June 2015 |
Approved $7,000 to Papakura Senior Citizens Club towards rates. |
17 June 2015 |
Approved Local Board Agreement 2015/2016 |
20 June 2015 |
Matariki Dawn Ceremony – Pukekiwiriki Paa |
25 June 2015 |
Careers Expo – growth in event |
27 June 2015 |
Papakura Children’s Forest Planting |
1 July 2015 |
Smiths Ave – options for reactivating community use of buildings and reserve. Officers investigating multipurpose use of hall from venue for hire to mixed lease / licence and venue for hire with options for joining toilets and hall. Board sounding out community support for voluntary work to bring Awhi house up to standard for leasing and community use. Watching brief item. |
July 2015 |
Mana Whenua relationships meetings – scheduling for a series of relationships building meetings with each Mana Whenua group for Papakura has begun. Watching brief item. |
15 July 2015 |
Allocated $120,000 from its YR 2015/16 town centre safety budget for Community Development and Safety Staff to manage Armourguard Security Services in Papakura town centre and railway station carparks. |
Adopted Massey Park Pool and Papakura Service Centre Business Plan for 2015/16 |
Resolved to seek avenues of potential funding for a possible future development of Massey Park outdoor swimming pool |
Approved the dates for the Review of Alcohol Bans 2015 for 18 and 21 August 2015. Deliberations to be held on 26 August 2015 |
Supported the Notice of Motion from the Manurewa Local Board supporting the retention of Mt Smart Stadium as the home of the Warriors Rugby League Club |
Approved a grant of $47,000 to Counties Manukau Sport to support the following: - “Have a go” day - Sports Forum - Coaches Club training - Volunteer Recognition Awards - Papakura Schools Programme |
Confirmation of appointments, terms of reference and delegations to the Manukau Harbour Forum |
8 August 2015 |
- Celebrated 25 years of Hawkins Theatre - Papakura Art Gallery – Southside Youth Show |
18 August 2015 |
Papakura Local Board Alcohol Ban Review Hearing |
19 August 2015 |
- Agreed to the Board’s 2015/2016 environmental response fund budget of $25,000 be used to support ecological restoration (weed control) at Dominion Reserve. - Agreed to $10,000 from its 2015/2016 environmental response fund budget to be used to support riparian restoration projects as part of the Wai Care Programme. - Papakura Museum Funding – approved $6,829 additional funding from the Local Driven Initiatives Community Response Fund to ensure opening hours and curatorial support are equal to 2015/2015 levels of service. - Approved the following road names: i. Residential Subdivision by The Grove Land Company Limited/Equinox Capital Limited at 61 Grove Road, Takanini, as Bellbird Street, Warbler Crescent, Saddleback Crescent and Stitchbird Crescent. ii. Residential Subdivision by Equinox Capital Limited/Takanini Industrial Limited at 55 Takanini School Road, Takanini as Nancy Wake Street, Tribute Loop and Divide Loop. - Approved local event funding of $7,500 - Board provided feedback on the Future Urban Land Supply Strategy. - Board provided feedback on the Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act (ARAFA) Funding Model Review – Local Board Input. - Approval of the Chair’s message, list of local achievements and list of capital projects in the Auckland Council Annual Report 2014/2015 - Allocation of $300 towards a civic component for the Hawkins Theatre 25 year celebrations
20 August 2015 |
Papakura Volunteer Awards |
26 August 2015 |
Papakura Local Board Alcohol Ban Review Deliberations |
31 August 2015 |
Attended Powhiri at New Zealand Rugby League Secondary Schools Tournament |
3 September 2015 |
Attendance at Mill/Redoubt Road Hearing |
3 September 2015 |
NZRL Secondary Schools Tournament Awards |
12 September 2015 |
Papakura Whanau Day |
13 September 2015 |
Papakura Sports Awards |
20 September 2015 |
Crimewatch Patrol – Member Training Day |
23 September 2015 |
Meeting Re: Joint Initiative with Lions, Rotary, RSA – Memorial Wall |
10 October 2015 |
Chair’s attendance at Highland Dancing Competition 40th Jubilee Celebration |
12 October 2015 |
Chair’s attendance at International Older Persons Event |
21 October 2015 |
Approved the development of stage-two coastal erosion mitigation works for Hingaia Peninsula |
21 October 2015 |
Approved the renewal of Massey Park athletics track to IAAF Class 2 specifications |
21 October 2015 |
Approved the allocation of $30,000 from the Board’s Locally Delivered Initiatives Funding – Parks Improvement Projects 2015/2016, for the concept designs for changing rooms and club rooms, which include accessible public toilets, at Opaheke |
21 October 2015 |
Made 19 alcohol bans pursuant to the Auckland Council Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014, with a commencement date of 31 October 2015 |
21 October 2015 |
Approved the Youth Initiatives Work Programme 2015/2016 |
21 October 2015 |
Endorsed landowner approval for temporary storage occupation by NZTA and their contractors for a12 month period and works within Ferguson Reserve. Also requested that compensation from the land disposal be redirected back to the Local Board for investment in open space in the area, and specifically for improvements to Ferguson Reserve by NZTA |
18 November 2015 |
Approved renewal of leases for the following community organisations: - Marne Road Bowling Club Inc - Papakura Road and Custom Club Inc - South Auckland Car Club Inc |
18 November 2015 |
Agreed to the concept plans for the covered walkway project. Requested Auckland Transport to proceed to detailed design for the covered walkway project Requested Auckland Transport to proceed to design and construction for the road treatment (red) on entrance intersections into Papakura. |
18 November 2015 |
Confirmed its intention to reactivate Awhi House as a community hub, providing activities and experiences to the neighbourhood with a focus on promoting health and wellbeing, activities for youth and youth development, celebrating diversity and heritage and creating connections with the local community. |
18 November 2015 |
Approved undertaking a full needs assessment and needs analysis to inform facility requirements and population to be served to maximise access to the library and community hub. Agreed to defer further site investigations for the development of a library and community hub until a community needs assessment and location analysis had been completed. |
18 November 2015 |
Granted landowner approval for works with Conifer Grove Reserve, Conifer Grove Esplanade Reserve, Pahurehure Esplanade Reserve and Hingaia Esplanade in relation to the Southern Corridor Improvement Project. |
18 November 2015 |
Papakura Local Grants Round One – Total Granted $20,158.50 Papakura Local Board Round Two Quick Response – Total Granted $435.00 |
18 November 2015 |
Confirmed a review of the Local Dog Access Rules in 2015/2016 |
18 November 2015 |
Agreed the following key advocacy issues: - Grade separation at Takanini - Retaining and increasing numbers of parking spaces at the Railway Street West and Ron Keat Drive park and rides - Development of buildings and extra parking a Opaheke Sports Fields. - Pukekiwiriki Paa capex for the interpretation panels and access improvements - Bruce Pulman Park – contractual arrangements |
18 November 2015 |
Approved urgent decisions for: - Waived the hire fees for the Smiths Avenue Hall for use of facilities by Te Whanau Hapori for a Garden Festival Fund Day - Allocated funding of $3,800 to facilitate the installation of a shed, miscellaneous gardening equipment and pump repairs at Hingaia Reserve. - Allocated further funding of $253.00 for the completion of works for the pump and shed at Hingaia Reserve. |
21 November 2015 |
Attended Papakura Swim Club Jubilee at Massey Park |
21 November 2015 |
Attended and participated in Papakura Town Centre makeover |
28 November 2015 |
Attended the unveiling Papakura Cenotaph – East Timor and Afghanistan |
28 November 2015 |
Papakura RSA – Rerun ANZAC Centenary Military Tattoo |
4 December 2015 |
Papakura Christmas Morning Tea for key stakeholders |
5 December 2015 |
Papakura Santa Parade |
9 December 2015 Business Meeting |
- Requested Auckland Transport to proceed to detailed design, consenting and construction for the covered walkway project (extension of the covered walkway between platform and Railway Street West and along Averill Street to the mid-block crossing) at a firm estimate of cost (FEC) of $760,000. - Requested Auckland Transport to proceed to detailed design and provide a Firm Estimate of Cost (FEC) for the beautification/greenery to complement the covered walkway. - Endorsed the projects funded by the Local Board Discretionary Open and Capex budgets 2014/2015 allocated under resolution number PPK2015/14 for parks. - Approved development of the Karaka Harbourside playground at Rossini Court in accordance with the concept plan at a maximum cost of $115,000. - Approved the 2015/2016 Community Gardens work programme - Approved the 2015/2016 Local Community Initiatives work programme - Approved the allocations towards community art programmes as follows: - Papakura Street Flag Art Project $12,000 - Papakura Town Centre Mural Project by Charles and Janine Williams $10,000 - Papakura Art Gallery Outreach $2,000 - Community Arts Initiatives $14,000 - Provided feedback on the Draft Regional Pest Management Plan Review - Approved the commencement of preparatory work for Conifer Grove – Wellington Park – Longford Park mangrove removal, to include any survey, consent and consultation processes required. - Allocated up to $90,000 from the LDI ‘parks improvement projects’ budget to the preparatory work for Conifer Grove – Wellington Park – Longford Park mangrove removal. - Requested parks officers to commence the consenting process immediately and provide a progress report to Parks Portfolio members in March 2016. - Agreed the indicative locally driven initiative priorities for 2016/20 - Adopted the local content for consultation - Waived the hire charges for Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust for use of the hall, located on Smith’s Avenue Reserve, Smith’s Avenue, Papakura inclusive from 14 December 2015 to 17 February 2016. |
11 December 2015 |
Carols in the Park |
17 February 2016 Business Meeting |
- approved a new lease to Papakura Toy Library Inc for the Elizabeth Campbell Centre - approved a new lease to SeniorNet Papakura Inc for 59R Wood Street. - approved a grant of $1,000 to the Papakura Business Association towards a feasibility study of a BID expansion for Papakura. - approved a grant of $1,933 to the Papakura Pony Club towards diesel for the tractor, including insurance and maintenance. - approved the name for a reserve at 189R Hingaia Road, as ‘Hingaia Park’. - endorsed the divestment of 146-152 Great South Road and 78A Great South Road subject to conditions. - endorsed board feedback on the Draft Local Government Election Year Policy for Elected Members. - approved the commencement of a Greenways Plan for Papakura, with an allocation of $25,000 from the Planning and Development (Economic Development) budget. - approved a grant of up to $5,000 to Drury School, from the Locally Driven Initiatives budget for heritage projects, towards the restoration of the Drury milepost. - approved a contribution of $2,833.60 from the Locally Driven Initiatives Community Response Fund to Papakura Community CrimeWatch Patrols Inc for procurement of a portable CCTV camera.
23 February 2016 |
Annual Plan Have Your Say Event – Takanini Hall |
25 February 2016 |
Public consultation for transport Future Urban Growth – Takanini Hall |
27 February 2016 |
Public consultation for transport Future Urban Growth – Drury Hall |
27 February 2016 |
Papakura Annual Plan Have Your Say Event – Papakura Library |
13 March 2016 |
Attended Counties Manukau Fun Run |
16 March 2016 |
Attended Papakura Art Gallery Exhibition Opening |
16 March 2016 |
- approved a new community lease for the building known as the Watch House at 11A Opaheke Road, Papakura to the Papakura Pipe Band Inc for a five year term commencing 1 April 2016. - approved $9,883 Quick Response Round 3 grant applications. - approved Taupinga Way for a new road within the development at 250 Porchester Road, Papakura. - approved Pakaraki Drive, Twin Parks, Rise, Te Aparangi Crescent, Papaview Road, Captain Rings Drive and Arawai Terrace for Right of Way 4, for new road created by joint subdivision and land use consent at 949 Old Wairoa Road, Ardmore and 965 Papakura Clevedon Road, Ardmore. - agreed to waive hire charges for Smiths Avenue Hall for community use by Te Whanau Hapori Charitable Trust from Thursday 17 March to Monday 2 May 2016 for holiday programmes - adopted the implementation of the Papakura Youth Scholarship Scheme - agreed to submission on the Draft Business Improvement District Policy (2016) - appointed members Britnell and Catchpole as the boards portfolio holders to provide feedback on the Draft Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan - delegated to the Deputy Chair and Member Catchpole to provide the Board’s views on new applications for the community led small build programme
19 March 2016 |
Attended Papakura Art Gallery Exhibition Opening |
23 March 2016 |
Attended blessing for Artillery Drive Stormwater Pipe construction |
23 March 2016 |
Attended launch of “Why Papakura” by Progressive Papakura |
31 March 2016 |
Papakura Citizenship Ceremony |
2 April 2016 |
Attended doggy day out |
9 April 2016 |
Eye on Nature – Family Day – Manukau Beautification Trust – Chair introduced activities |
10 April 2016 |
St Mary’s Catholic School Gala – Attended |
10 April 2016 |
Pips Canoe Day |
21 April 2016 |
Dawn blessing Brylee Reserve |
20 April 2016 Business meeting |
- Agreed to expenditure of $15,000 from the LDI, parks improvement budget to replace safety-fall material from sand to cushion fall at Parkhaven Playground. - Provided in principle approval for the Opaheke changing room concept designs. - Agreed to provide funding of $3,000 from the board’s community response fund to support a creative engagement project with Red Hill School at Keri Downs Reserve. - Agreed to provide funding of $904 from the board’s community response fund to support the installation of Toimata Foundation Enviroschools signage at eight schools in the Papakura Local Board area. - Endorsed year three of the Manukau Harbour Forum’s 2014-2016 work programme. - Endorsed advocacy for hydrodynamic modelling of the Manukau Harbour. - Approved road names of Troop Road, Bravery Road, Vigour Lane, Lieutenant Lane, Mettle Land and Infantry Lane for the McLennan Residential Development at Battalion Drive. - Approved road names of Frazen Avenue and Melgran Avenue at 949 Old Wairoa Road, Ardmore and 965 Papakura-Clevedon Road, Ardmore. - Agreed to the following activity level LDI operational budgets for 2016/2017 i. Community services - $843,000 ii. Local parks sport and recreation - $593,000 iii. Local environmental management - $50,000 iv. Local planning and development - $74,000 - Agreed the following advocacy matters for discussions with the governing body on 9 May 2016: 1. Infrastructure and growth i. Grade separation at Takanini rail crossings ii. Increased park and ride capacity at Papakura rail station iii. Confirm capital funding in 2016/17 for built facilities at Opaheke Sports Fields, to cater for housing growth in the area. iv. Confirm that Bruce Pulman Park is a local sports park and ensure that local operational funding for renewals is fully resourced. v. Gating-entry turnstiles at Papakura rail station platform, to improve security and the safety of rail passengers vi. Early programming of the Mill Road extension south to Drury vii. Early roll out of rail electrification to Pukekohe and on to North Waikato viii. Make provision for a Karaka-Weymouth bridge to provide an alternative north-south route and serve the growth anticipated in the Paerata and Drury West area. ix. That mobility parking spaces across Auckland be painted blue as per Disability New Zealand Guidelines. 2. Environment and heritage i. Re-instate the capital budget for Pukekiwiriki Paa Joint Management Committee ii. Ensure that Rings Redoubt on Clevedon Road and the site of the Walsh Brothers first flight in Takanini are scheduled as sites of national heritage importance and their setting fully protected within development through council acquisition of open space. iii. Commission a report on the opportunities for improvements of the Pahurehure Inlet iv. Undertake hydrodynamic modelling of the Manukau Harbour. - Provided feedback on the Business Improvement District Policy 2016 - Provided feedback on the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan 2016-2021 |
25 April 2016 |
ANZAC Parades at Papakura and Drury |
26 April 2016 |
Attended Wero Whitewater Park opening |
30 April 2016 |
Papakura Netball Dress Parade – Attended |
9 May 2016 |
Papakura Local Board presentation to the Finance and Performance Committee for Annual Plan 2016/2017 |
18 May 2016 |
For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board
File No.: CP2016/09118
1. Providing an opportunity for the Board to receive reports and resolutions that have been referred from Governing Body Committee meetings or forums or other local boards for the information.
2. The information listed below has been received and circulated to members from the following local board meetings.
No. |
Report Title |
Item no. |
Meeting Date |
Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board
That the Papakura Local Board
a) note the information from the following local board meetings:
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
Papakura Local Board 18 May 2016 |
Papakura Local Board Workshop Notes
File No.: CP2016/09119
1. Attached is a copy of the notes taken at the Papakura Local Board workshop held on 6 April 2016
Executive Summary
1. Nil
That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive the workshop notes for the workshop held on 6 April 2016
There are no attachments for this report.
Authors |
Trish Wayper - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager |
What: Papakura Local Board Workshop
Where: Council Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura
When: 1.00 pm Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Present: Bill McEntee, Michael Turner (from 1.28 pm), Stuart Britnell (until 1.50 pm), Brent Catchpole, Graham Purdy, Katrina Winn (from 1.07 pm)
Staff: Karen Gadomski and Trish Wayper
Item |
1. Sports Facilities Investment Plan (SFIP) Staff: Paul Marriott-Lloyd and Natalia Tropotova Purpose: To present the Sports Facilities Investment Plan (SFIP) discussion document to the board for information and feedback. A powerpoint presentation was made to the board (Attachment 1A) outlining the Sports Facilities Invesstment Plan (SFIP) discussion document to the board. Attachment 1B contains the feedback given by the board to staff. Action: Feedback from the board will be used to inform the sports facilities investment plan. |
2. Annual Plan Staff: Christine Watson Purpose: To discuss - LDI projects - Advocacy - Fees and charges - Changes to work programming practices - Feedback on draft Annual Plan proposals A powerpoint presentation was made to the board (Attachment 2A) outlining the Local Boards Funding Policy Guidelines. Attachment 2B was tabled. Action: Finance to report back on why the Papakura facilities for hire are trending downwards.
The meeting concluded at 3.45 pm |
1. Purpose |
2. Project background |
3. Context |
4. Local board context |
4.1. Papakura community project: · The project is around proposed upgrade to the roof cover for the Massey Park Outdoor pool which includes: · The benefit is that this facility, when upgraded, can be used for the whole region, not just for Papakura.
5. Which investment principles are most important? |
Priority |
Comment |
5.1. Evidence-based |
5.2. Accountability |
5.3. Those who pay, benefit |
· This is a classic example of why there can be a dominance of one sport over a sport complex. It is simply because they have got the money to pay. As result, they end up dominating the whole process. The question is whether we are in a business of providing a facility that can be used by the community or are we providing a facility that can be used by wealthy clubs? · We have got sports, particularly in South here, where participants cannot afford their registration fee. It happens even for wealthy sports. The question is whether we are in a market of providing a user-pay system where those who can pay use it, and anybody else cannot?
5.4. Timeliness |