I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 9 May 2016


Council Chamber
Orewa Service Centre
50 Centreway Road


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee









Phelan Pirrie


Deputy Chairperson

Steven Garner



James Colville



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Thomas Grace



Beth Houlbrooke



John McLean



Greg Sayers



Brenda Steele



(Quorum 5 members)




Raewyn Morrison

Local Board Democracy Advisor


3 May 2016


Contact Telephone: (09) 427 3399

Email: raewyn.morrison@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Board Member



James Colville

St Marys Church Wellsford, Parish Council

Federated Farmers Auckland

Wellsford Drama Club

Wellsford Promotions

Landowners and Contractors Protection Assn.






Warren Flaunty, QSM

Westgate Pharmacy Ltd

NorSGA Properties Ltd

The Trust Community Foundation Ltd

Henderson-Massey Local Board

Waitemata District Health Board

Taupaki Residents and Ratepayers Assn.





Elected Member


Steven Garner

(Deputy Chairperson)

Mahurangi College Board of Trustee

Warkworth Tennis and Squash Club



Thomas Grace

Kumeu Rotary

South Kaipara Community Patrol

Rally New Zealand

Targa New Zealand

Waimauku Lions

Auckland Conservation Board

Federated Farmers

Northern Sports Car Club

Graceland Properties

Kumeu Community Patrol











Beth Houlbrooke

Greater Auckland Chorus (Charitable Trust)

Sweet Adelines New Zealand (Charitable Trust)

Baddeleys and Campbells Beach Residents and Ratepayers Assn.






John McLean

Albany CoCo

De Paul House

Furniture for Schools Charitable Trust

Newpark Financial

Coatesville Residents and Ratepayers Association






Phelan Pirrie

Muriwai Environmental Action Community Trust

North West District Business Association

Muriwai Community Association

Muriwai Volunteer Fire Brigade

Best Berries (NZ) Ltd 





Officer in Charge


Greg Sayers

Rotary Club of Auckland

Neighbourhood Support Rodney



Brenda Steele


Te Uri o Hau

Ngati Whatua o Kaipara

Woodhill School Board of Trustees









Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         3

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

9.1     Pacific Road, Public Easement – Te Arai North Carpark.                               6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        New road names for four roads in the Subdivision at 202 Matua Road, Huapai   7

13        New road name in the subdivision at 156 Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa               13

14        New road name in the Cameron Rural Limited lifestyle block subdivision at 60 Rauhori Road, Makarau                                                                                                             19

15        New road name in Shelly Beach at 33B James McLeod Road, Shelly Beach      25

16        Kumeu and Huapai Community Aspirations Research Report                             31

17        Auckland Transport Update to the Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of the Rodney Local Board, May 2016                                                                         131

18        Auckland Transport Quarterly Report to Local Boards                                       141

19        Deputation/Public Forum Update                                                                            167

20        Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee Workshop Records                                                                                                                       171  

21        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda an apology from Member Flaunty had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 14 March 2016, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


9.1       Pacific Road, Public Easement – Te Arai North Carpark. 


1.       Aaron McConchie will be in attendance to address the local board on the Pacific Road public easement at Te Arai North carpark.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      thank Mr McConchie for his presentation on Pacfic Road public easement, Te Arai North carpark.




10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



New road names for four roads in the Subdivision at 202 Matua Road, Huapai


File No.: CP2016/06738




1.   The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for four new road names in the Cabra Developments Limited residential subdivision at 202 Matua Road, Huapai.

Executive summary

2.   A condition of the subdivision consent required the applicant to suggest to council names for the new roads in the subdivision at 202 Matua Road, Huapai.

3.   Cabra Developments Ltd wishes to name the roads Vogwill Crescent, Len Ireland Drive, Kauri Grove Drive and Sir Lincoln Drive.

4.   Two existing roads are extended and retain their names Fruitlands Road and Bellamont Street.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      approve the new road names of Vogwill Crescent, Len Ireland Drive, Kauri Grove Drive and Sir Lincoln Drive, and the extensions to Fruitlands Road and Bellamont Street.at 202 Matua Road, Huapai, council reference R65429, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.



5.       The applicant is Cabra Developments Limited.  The site address is 202 Matua Road, Huapai.  Council Reference: R65429.

6.       This subdivision consent for 80 residential lots was granted in 2015. As required by the resource consent, following consultation with Georgina Parata of Nga Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara iwi, Cabra Developments Ltd has suggested that the new roads be named Vogwill Crescent, Len Ireland Drive, Kauri Grove Drive and Sir Lincoln Drive.

7.       No alternative names have been provided.

8.       Vogwill Crescent has been named after the surname of prior owners of part of the land being subdivided.

9.       Len Ireland Drive is named after the late Len Ireland who died suddenly last year. Len was the principal of West City Construction and a West Auckland resident. West City Contractors have been one of Cabra Developments principle contractors in recent years. The family is delighted to have the name remembered.

10.     Kauri Grove Drive is named from the retained and protected small grove of kauri trees in the development. Kauri Grove has been used as the name of the development.

11.     Sir Lincoln Drive is named after the famous trotting horse “Sir Lincoln” that resided in the stables and stud which occupied part of the land before development. Cabra Developments Limited wishes to have this history remembered.

12.     Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has confirmed the names meet the naming criteria and are unused and unique in this region.

13.     The proposed road names are deemed to meet council’s road naming guidelines.


Local Board Views

14.     A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road names.

Maori Impact Statement

15.     The applicant has corresponded with Geogina Parata of Nga Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara iwi who has sought local marae confirmation of acceptance of the chosen name. The marae representative has replied that consultation is not required and that iwi does not oppose the names applied for.


16.     LINZ has confirmed the names meet the naming criteria and are unused and unique in this region.

Implementation Issues

17.     If and when the names are approved the developer will be advised and they will be responsible for erecting the new road name signs.









202 Matua Road, Huapai Scheme Plan



202 Matua Road, Huapai Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor, Northern Resource Consents


Ian Smallburn - General Manager Resource Consents

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



New road name in the subdivision at 156 Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa


File No.: CP2016/06803




1.   The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for a new road name in the subdivision at 156 Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa.

Executive summary

2.   A condition of the land use consent required the applicant to suggest to council names for the paper road providing practical access to new house at 156 Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa.

3.   The applicant wishes to name the road Wainui View Road. The name “Wainui” is currently used in Wainui Road, Wainui, and Wainui Avenue in Pt Chevalier. The proposed names are a variation on this, and although not ideal, are considered sufficiently different and far enough removed from those other districts that confusion should not arise.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      approve the new road name of Wainui View Road at 156 Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa, council reference LAN63782A in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.



4.       The applicant is Liam Clayton.  The site address is 156 Tahekeroa Road, Tahekeroa. Council Reference: LAN63782A.

5.       This land use consent for placing a re-locatable house was consented in 2015. As required by the resource consent, following consultation with Georgina Parata of Nga Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara iwi, the applicant has suggested that the paper road be named Wainui View Road.

6.       Alternative names are Tiro Wainui Road or Wainui Heights Road.

7.       The applicant has highlighted the fact that this road has wonderful views to the east.

8.       The name “Wainui” is currently used in Wainui Road, Wainui, and Wainui Avenue in Pt Chevalier. The proposed names are a variation on this, and although not ideal, are considered sufficiently different and far enough removed from those other districts that confusion should not arise.

9.       Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) database has been examined and the chosen names are unused and unique in this region.

10.     The proposed road name and alternatives are deemed to meet council’s road naming guidelines.

11.     The scheme plan and locality plan are attached as Attachment A and B.


Local Board Views

12.     A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road name.

Maori Impact Statement

13.     The applicant has corresponded with Geogina Parata of Nga Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara iwi who has sought local marae confirmation of acceptance of the chosen name. The marae representative has discussed the naming choices with the applicant, and he has followed up with further correspondence saying that as there has been no objection he will proceed with the chosen names. The applicant has still not had received a written response.


14.     LINZ database confirms that there are no similar road names in the area and that this name is acceptable.

Implementation Issues

15.     If and when the names are approved, the developer will be advised and they will be responsible for erecting the new road name signs.









Wainui View Road Scheme Plan



Wainui View Road Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor, Northern Resource Consents


Ian Smallburn - General Manager Resource Consents

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



New road name in the Cameron Rural Limited lifestyle block subdivision at 60 Rauhori Road, Makarau


File No.: CP2016/06882




1.   The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for a new road name in the Cameron Rural Limited lifestyle block subdivision at 60 Rauhori Road, Makarau.

Executive summary

2.   A condition of the subdivision consent required the applicant to suggest to council a name for the new road and right of way within the subdivision.

3.   The applicant wishes to name the new road and right of way within the 15 lot lifestyle block subdivision as Cameron Way.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      approve the new road name of Cameron Way for Cameron Rural Limited lifestyle block subdivision at 60 Rauhori Road, Makarau, council reference R63152 in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.



4.       The applicant is Cameron Rural Limited.  The site address is 60 Rauhori Road, Makarau. Council Reference: R63152.

5.       This 15 lot lifestyle block subdivision was granted in 2014. As required by the resource consent, following consultation with Ngati Whatua o Kaipara, the applicant company has suggested that the new road be named Cameron Way.

6.       This new section of road was recently constructed at the end of Rauhori Road in Makarau and crosses a paper road. The formation continues along a right of way.

7.       Owners of land adjoining the subdivision have been notified of the requirement for the new road name and the choosing of Cameron Way. None of the neighbours have given a negative response.

8.       The Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) database has been examined and the chosen name is unused and unique in this region. LINZ has given their approval for the use of Cameron Way.

9.       There are several Cameron Streets, a Cameron Road and a Cameron Place in other parts of Auckland (mainly south of the city) but all are well removed from Makarau so this should not create any confusion.

10.     No alternative names have been provided.

11.     The proposed road names are deemed to meet council’s road naming guidelines.

12.     The scheme plan and locality plan are attached as Attachments A and B.


Local Board Views

13.     A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road name.

Maori Impact Statement

14.     The applicant has corresponded with Ngati Whatua o Kaipara iwi who has not replied.


15.     Land Information New Zealand confirms that this name is acceptable.

Implementation Issues

16.     If and when the names are approved the developer will be advised and they will be responsible for erecting the new road name signs.









Cameron Way Scheme Plan



Cameron Way Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor, Northern Resource Consents


Ian Smallburn - General Manager Resource Consents

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



New road name in Shelly Beach at 33B James McLeod Road, Shelly Beach


File No.: CP2016/06892




1.   The purpose of this report is to seek the Rodney Local Board’s approval for a new road name in the Shelly Beach community at 33B James McLeod Road, Shelly Beach.

Executive summary

2.   The Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association wishes to name the fire station access at 33B James McLeod Road, Shelly Beach as Roy Hughes Lane.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      approve the new road name of Roy Hughes Lane for the fire station access at 33B James McLeod Road, Shelly Beach, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.



3.       The applicant is the Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association.  The site address is 33B James McLeod Road, Shelly Beach. 

4.       The Shelly Beach Fire Station is located on a recreation reserve owned by Auckland Council. Following consultation with Ngati Whatua o Kaipara, the Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association has suggested that the access be named Roy Hughes Lane.

5.       Roy Hughes was hugely instrumental in getting the fire station established at Shelly Beach. Roy passed away last year and the Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association want to name this short access to the fire station to commemorate Roy.

6.       The Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association also intend to place a commemorative bronze plaque on a rock at the southern end of the beach, near the picnic table, to remember Phil Clark, another “giant” of the Shelley Beach community.

7.       The families of Roy and Phil have been largely involved in planning these memorials and are happy with this proposal.

8.       Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) database has been checked and there are no other occurrences of Roy Hughes Lane.

9.       The proposed road name is deemed to meet council’s road naming guidelines.

10.     The scheme plan and locality map are attached as Attachments A and B.


Local Board Views

11.     A decision is sought from the Rodney Local Board to approve the new road name.

Maori Impact Statement

12.     The applicant has corresponded with Georgina Parata of Ngati Whatua o Kaipara iwi and they have no issues with the proposal. The local Marae was also invited to comment but they have not replied.


13.     LINZ confirms that this name is acceptable.

Implementation Issues

14.     If and when the name is approved the Shelly Beach Residents and Ratepayers Association will be advised and they will be responsible for erecting the new road name sign.








Roy Hughes Lane Plan



Roy Hughes Lane Locality Map





Frank Lovering – Land Surveyor, Northern Resource Consents


Ian Smallburn - General Manager Resource Consents

Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Kumeu and Huapai Community Aspirations Research Report


File No.: CP2016/07335




1.       Receive the Beacon Pathway Incorporated report ‘Applying the Neighbourhood Sustainability Tools in Kumeu and Huapai: a report to the Rodney Local Board’.

Executive Summary

2.       Beacon Pathway received funding of $61,938 from the local board in 2014 (RD/2014/257) for the “Identifying Community Aspirations in Kumeu and Huapai” project.

3.       This project is now complete and a final copy of Beacon Pathway’s report on the project has been provided (see Attachment A).




That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      receive the ‘Applying the Neighbourhood Sustainability Tools in Kumeu and Huapai: a report to the Rodney Local Board.’




4.       Beacon Pathway was granted funding by the local board to deliver the “Identifying Community Aspirations in Kumeu and Huapai” project. This work has been completed and the final report is now being submitted to the local board.

5.       The draft research report was discussed with the local board at a workshop on 29 February 2016.


Local Board views and implications

6.       As requested by the local board, the findings and implications of this research will be discussed with the local community at a community workshop during May 2016.

Māori impact statement

7.       The research had a very limited response rate from Māori households. Staff are working to ensure that iwi are involved meaningfully in the design and delivery of future planning for the area.


8.       The research was undertaken to obtain information on the community’s aspirations and will provide base data for the future planning for the area.









Applying the Neighbourhood Sustainability Tools in Kumeu and Huapai: a report to the Rodney Local Board (December 2015)





Christine Olsen - Community Empowerment Manager


Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Auckland Transport Update to the Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee of the Rodney Local Board, May 2016


File No.: CP2016/07831




1.       The purpose of this report is to provide information to elected members about Auckland Transport (AT) activities and to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters.

Executive Summary

2.       The report provides an update on transport matters for the information of members and a register of transport issues in the local board’s area (refer Attachment A), as collated by AT’s Elected Member Relationship Manager North.




That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Update, May 2016.

b)      commit to detail design and construction of a footpath over reserve land at Riverhead Point, Riverhead, based on a rough order of cost of $62,700 for construction only, noting that this does not take into account design and consenting costs.




Takatu Road

3.       Road sealing recently began on Takatu Road, Tawharanui, under AT’s regional seal extension 2015-2018 programme, the second of six high priority roads covered in the programme.

4.       Other improvements to be carried out during the sealing include associated drainage works, the building of retaining structures, safety barriers, road markings and road signage.

5.       Stage One of the works will begin from the existing seal at the western end and continue for 1.1 km to the east. This stage of work is expected to be completed in May. Stages two and three will be carried out concurrently from October 2016 – March 2017 and will encompass the remaining 3km of currently unsealed road.

Western Collector Update – Mansel Drive to Falls Road

6.       The contract for Stage One of the Western Collector has been awarded to Wharehine Construction Ltd, a local firm which has a familiar presence in the area, having recently completed several projects immediately adjacent to the location of the Western Collector.

7.       Construction of the new two lane road from Mansel Drive to Falls Road, Warkworth, which will cross the Mahurangi River and lead to a new intersection at Falls Road, will also involve the provision of storm water treatment and off-road shared cycleway/pedestrian facilities. It is expected to take ten months to complete.

8.       AT supported an iwi blessing for the project on Friday, 22nd April 2016, conducted by Ngati Manuhiri, which has Mana Whenua over the project area.

Transport for future housing areas

9.       Draft transport networks to support future housing and business areas planned for greenfields land in the north-west, south and north Auckland are open for public feedback over the period 15 April – 13 May.

10.     Public information days will be held in Kumeu, Whenuapai, Dairy Flat, Wainui, Warkworth, Pukekohe, Drury, Takanini and Manukau. Feedback will be incorporated into recommended transport networks that will be considered by the AT and NZ Transport Agency’s (NZTA) boards, with the networks then being broken down into prioritised projects for inclusion in future investment programmes.

11.     Auckland Council, AT and the NZTA have developed the draft preferred transport networks following technical assessments and earlier public consultation in February and March.

12.     A key focus is on increasing access to public transport, with a well-connected rapid transit network at the heart of draft plans for southern Auckland, the north-west and Silverdale-Dairy Flat. Another important focus would be new or upgraded roading to improve safety and connections to new growth areas.

13.     For Warkworth the focus is to separate through traffic and freight movements from urban areas with the opening of the Ara-Tūhono Pūhoi to Warkworth Road of National Significance (RoNS) and new alternative routes. The network plan also includes a proposal to connect Warkworth and Auckland with a frequent express bus service.

14.     Public consultation on the draft transport network for each area will be open for a month with online feedback and public information days.

15.     Approximately 110,000 new houses are expected to be built on future urban areas bigger than urban Hamilton. Significant new transport infrastructure will be needed to support the people living and working in those areas. Once completed, the recommended transport networks will be included in Auckland Council’s structure plans that are developed for future urban areas.

16.     There was strong interest during the first stage of consultation with 770 people attending events and 620 pieces of feedback received. Access to public transport was identified as the most important transport feature for both new housing and business areas. There were also a number of important roading connections identified in each area to support the growth.

17.     By working together the NZTA the council and AT are ensuring there is certainty about the transport needed for new communities and business areas.

Changes for downtown bus services

18.     Changes to bus services in downtown Auckland took effect from Sunday, 17 April, in advance of the construction work on the City Rail Link (CRL). The changes affect bus services on Albert Street and lower Queen Street in particular, with bus stops being moved to minimise disruption for passengers.

19.     Parts of the downtown area will be closed off so some buses need to be moved; however, an interactive map which will help people establish whether their service is affected and where it departs from has been set up on AT’s website. AT also has signs at bus stops in the area and ambassadors are being positioned at stops to help customers.

20.     The CRL is the biggest construction programme ever in the central city so there will be some disruption during the construction phase. At the same time there is a lot of building work going on in Albert Street so the buses will also need to work around this.

Eco-vehicles confirmed the future for New Zealand Post

21.     New Zealand Post (NZ Post) is making a significant investment in its parcel and mail business with the addition of new Paxster electric delivery vehicles to its fleet. The vehicles will provide NZ Post with additional capacity to meet the growing demand created by online shopping and an edge in the competitive parcel delivery market.

22.     The four-wheeled battery powered vehicles, being purchased over the next two years from Norwegian manufacturers Paxster AS, are due to arrive in mid-2016. The vehicles will be used for the combined delivery of parcels and mail in residential areas in larger centres nationwide starting in parts of Auckland later this year.

23.     Carrying loads of up to 200kg, the four-wheeled vehicles are still small enough to be used on the footpath and have been part of a successful pilot of combined parcel and mail delivery in Taranaki, as well as road trials in Auckland and Wellington.

24.     The vehicles will be used in areas where the terrain is suitable and where permission has been granted by the local council. NZ Post is now working with staff and unions on detailed plans for the national rollout.

Update on Rodney Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF) projects

25.     The following table summarises the Rodney LBTCF activities to 4 April 2016:


Rodney Local Board Transport Capital Fund Financial Summary






Total Funds Available in current political term (Four years including 2012-13)

 $     1,477,044


Spent to Date on Completed Projects
(including money spent on cancelled projects)

 $     1,012,136


Committed to date on projects approved for design and/or construction

 $        725,000


Percentage of these commitments spent to date.

Total budget left that needs to be allocated to new projects and spent by the end of the current political term.

-$        260,092

The four year budget (and some from 2016-17) is already allocated. No more projects need to be approved.



Total of Projects assessed to a Rough Order of Cost (ROC) stage but not approved by the LB.

 $                    -


Funds available from the next political term

 $        109,169

This is the unallocated balance of the 2016-17 Rodney LBTCF budget.


26.     Construction of the following LBTCF projects identified by the Rodney Local Board has been completed:

·    Puhoi Pedestrian Bridge and Footpath Extension (Project 113 and 162);

·    A footpath on Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach, from Arabella Lane to the existing footpath (Project 116);

·    Mountable kerb outside 336 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach (Project 118);

·    Construction of a new footpath on Oaia Road, Muriwai (Project 163);

·    Footpath extension on Fordyce Road, Parakai (Project 174);

·    Construction of local access road improvements, 338 – 382 Main Road, Huapai (Project 175);

·    New footpath on the eastern side of Coatesville-Riverhead Highway from Elliot Street to the bridge (Project 177);

·    Extending the loose metal bridle trail on the northern side of Coatesville-Riverhead Highway from east of Glenmore Road to 264 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway (Project 179);

·    New footpath on Mahoenui Valley Road opposite the school to its intersection with Coatesville-Riverhead Highway (Project 180);

·    New footpath on Rodney Street, Wellsford (Project 190);

·    Construction of a 1.8m wide footpath on Point Wells Road, from Waimanu Place to 30/32 Point Wells Road (Project 205);

·    Installation of a seat in front of the property at 6 Alexander Road, Algies Bay (Project 294);

·    Project 426, construction of twenty parking bays by Cabra Developments to improve the new road frontage between Huapai Reserve and the adjacent housing development.


27.     Project 398, a footpath on Maude Street, Riverhead, has almost been completed, with a short 10m section yet to be constructed.

28.     Project 399, a footpath on Great North Road, Riverhead, underway and expected to be completed by June 2016.

29.     The local board has requested a rough order of costs for a footpath on Waitoki Road, Wainui. Rough costs will be provided when these become available.

30.     At its meeting on 14 March 2016 the local board noted that the request for construction of a footpath on Leigh Road, Whangateau, from the settlement at Whangateau to Ashton Road, will be included for consideration in the local board footpath prioritisation list (RODTP/2016/5).

31.     The Rodney Local Board approved a financial contribution of $150,000 from its LBTCF towards procurement of the construction contract for the Matakana Pedestrian/Cycle Bridge (Project 477).

32.     The contract for construction of the bridge has been awarded to Wharehine Construction Limited. Work was expected to begin in late April and be completed by late August.

33.     At its meeting on 9 December 2015 the local board approved in principle the allocation of $22,000 from its LBTCF towards completion of a footpath over reserve land at Riverhead Point, Riverhead.

34.     AT’s LBTCF Manager has been working with the developer’s agent, Cato Bolam Consultants, who advise that the developer is no longer willing to invest money in the walkway project, having funded Stage I of the construction at a total cost of approximately $172,000. Cato Bolam Consultants has however provided AT with rough costings for the work of approximately $57,000. Adding a 10% contingency, the funds required would be approximately $62,700; however, this does not take into account the design and consenting costs.

35.     As at 4 April, the local board had $109,170 available to it from its LBTCF for the 2016/2017 financial year. Construction of Projects 398 and 399, the Maude Street and Great North Road, Riverhead footpaths is currently underway and expected to be completed in June within budget.

36.     Should the local board wish to pursue construction of the a footpath over reserve land at Riverhead Point, it will need to do so at this meeting by resolving to commit to detail design and construction based on a rough order of cost for construction only of $62,700 whilst noting that this does not take into account the design and consenting costs.



37.     Details of two individual proposals to install new guardrails at 686 and 798 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway were sent to members on 11 March 2016, with a request for comments no later than 24 March. No objections were received from the local board.

38.     Rodney Local Board Members and Cr Penny Webster were sent copies of the proposed amendments to AT's Seal Extension Guidelines on 7 April 2016 with a request for comments no later than the end of April. The guidelines have been reviewed and amended to take into account the possibility of private individuals and/or corporate entities wanting to pay for the sealing of particular stretches of road and now set out the conditions under which this would be considered.

39.     The Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board's Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee, advised that he was supportive of the indicated revisions, the third party funding addition being helpful in that it clearly outlines that process. He advised that one of the complaints he receives is that people think AT is not carrying out counts or that the counts done are designed to avoid peak times so as to provide a pre-determined outcome. The Chairperson suggested that this should be addressed via a clarification in the document of the method used to collect data, to dispel any misconceptions about how the reassessments are made.

40.     Members were asked to provide comment on signs being used in AT's Regional Signage Trials, examples of which were displayed in the Wynyard Quarter, New Lynn, Northcote and Grafton Gully Cycleway by 29 April 2016.

41.     Documentation on a NZ Police proposed static speed camera site in Old North Road, Riverhead, as part of a nationwide rollout of new speed cameras was sent to members on 12 April 2016 with a request for comment no later than 22 April 2016. While the speed camera programme is funded and implemented by the NZ Police, AT as the Road Controlling Authority is required to authorise installation of the equipment on its road network. The proposed site is located in the southern part of Old North Road, near its junction with Old Railway Road, in an 80km/hr zone, a section that has a significant crash history. The site is rated the 12th highest priority site on a nationwide site selection carried out by the Police. Member Pirrie advised that he was happy with the proposal and suggested the community would generally support it as there are a lot of complaints about the speed of drivers along this road. No objections were received to the proposal from the local board.


Issues Update

42.     The following Issues Update comprises issues raised by elected members and local board services staff to 26 April 2016:





Mansel Drive, Warkworth

Request for No Stopping At All Times (NSAAT) parking restrictions and review of the painted median on Mansel Drive, Warkworth.

Members have been advised in response to a request for NSAAT restrictions on Mansel Drive, Warkworth and a review of the painted median, that engineers will review the request when construction in the area has been completed.


Motutara Road, Muriwai

Threshold treatment on Motutara Road, Muriwai.

AT has been investigating the possibility of funding threshold treatment for the area of Motutara Road, Muriwai, where the speed drops to 50km/h, in the first instance by carrying out speed and traffic counts in the area during the summer months. On 19 April 2016 Members Pirrie and Steele were advised that speed and volume counts had been carried out in February 2016, recording 85th percentile speeds that were only slightly over 50 km/h. There had therefore been a significant drop in speeds in the area, perhaps since the 50km/h sign had been relocated. These speeds unfortunately don’t justify the installation of threshold treatment, but the location of the speed signs will be left as is so that the current safer speeds will continue.


Alexandra Street, Riverhead

Request for assistance in facilitating the provision of a walkway/cycleway on Alexandra Street, Riverhead.

The Riverhead Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association was granted $20,000 for the purpose of providing a safe pedestrian and cycleway along an unformed section of legal road which separates two disconnected portions of Alexandra Street, Riverhead. AT staff are working with the Association on an agreement which will outline its responsibilities. 


Sandspit and Matakana Roads, Warkworth

Request for traffic counts carried out on Sandspit and Matakana Roads, Warkworth.

Noting that traffic counters had recently been in place on Sandspit and Matakana Roads, Warkworth, Member Sayers requested the data from these counts on 19 January 2016. This information was provided to members on 20 April 2016.


Horseshoe Bush Road, Dairy Flat

Reduced carriageway width due to washout on Horseshoe Bush Road, Dairy Flat.

Member McLean advised on 24 February 2016 that he had visited a constituent at 818 Horseshoe Bush Road where a partial wash out had reduced the width of the carriageway. On 26 February 2016 Member McLean was advised that AT's area maintenance engineer had visited the site and work on the drainage channel and bund will be carried out, but that the washout is off the edge of carriageway. The width of the carriageway had therefore not been compromised.


Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat

Request for investigation into safety and speed in the vicinity of the intersection of Dairy Flat Highway and Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat.

Member McLean asked on 24 February 2016 that safety and speed in the vicinity of the intersection of Dairy Flat Highway and Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat, be investigated following a serious accident at the site on 23 February. Member McLean also asked that he be advised of the crash history at the intersection.  On 8 April members were advised that all three recorded crashes at this intersection during the past five years had been as a result of drivers failing to give way, turning right in front of oncoming traffic. Members were reminded of AT’s review process with regard to speed limits, which were set in accordance with the requirements of the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003 and under NZTA’s Draft Speed Management Guide, a new approach that shifts the focus towards the national safe system approach, placing greater emphasis on the function, use, geometry of the road, and its crash risk. When finalised, the changes will be focussed on those areas with the greatest crash risk. It’s also expected that roads with an arterial function (higher traffic volumes), roads with straight/gently curved geometry, and roads with low crash risk will qualify for the higher rural speed limits, while roads with local access function (lower traffic and proportionately more walkers and cyclists), roads with winding geometry, and roads with higher crash risk will qualify for the lower rural speed limits. Initial indications are that the speed limit on this road is likely to warrant an 80km/h speed limit, though this is still subject to further assessment when the guide is finalised. There will be greater certainty of this when the speed management plan for the region is developed in early 2017, but because these changes haven’t yet been finalised, no changes can be made as yet to the speed limit at the intersection.


17 Elizabeth Street, Warkworth

Request for removal of illegal parking restrictions outside 17 Elizabeth Street, Warkworth.

Member Sayers asked on 2 March 2016 that what appeared to be an illegal parking restriction outside the property at 17 Elizabeth Street, Warkworth, be removed. Members Pirrie and Sayers were advised on 19 April 2016 that AT’s contractors had been tasked with removing the restrictions.


SH16, Huapai

Request for investigation into viability of land on SH16, Huapai for park and ride.

On 2 March Member Pirrie advised that there was a piece of land opposite the intersection of SH16 and Station Rd in Huapai opposite the SHA for sale, asking that this be investigated for its long term viability as a bus/train station with a footbridge and car parking. Member Pirrie noted that the pending realignment of the Station and Tapu Roads means that a significant chunk of public land will become available on the other side of the road. Referred to Plans, Policies and Sustainability.


Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat

Request that the condition of Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat, be investigated.

Local Board staff forwarded an email from a concerned resident requesting an investigation into the condition of Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat, from a safety perspective and from a maintenance point of view. On 21 March members were advised that the road surface at the location of a recent truck crash had not been a contributing factor to the accident. However, following the incident a site inspection revealed a few alternate sites requiring attention and these have been programmed for repairs. It was noted that the Police report on the accident had not been made available to AT staff.


Matakana Link Road, Warkworth

NZTA/AT agreement for construction of Matakana Link Road, Matakana.

Member Sayers advised on 8 March 2016 that he understood agreement had been reached between NZTA and AT to build the Matakana Link Road north of Warkworth, asking that this be confirmed and, if so, he be advised how the road is to be funded; the budget allocation; timeframes to build and any other information available. On 9 March members were advised that staff from NZTA and AT are in the process of drafting an agreement for the project, with NZTA keen to accelerate construction to take some of the pressure off Hill Street. Discussions are therefore in the preliminary stages so information about funding, timelines etc. can't be provided, and that there is no funding in the current Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) to take the project forward to investigation, design or construction. The RLTP will be reviewed in 2018 however so there will be an opportunity then to secure the funding required.


SuperGold Card Travel in the Rodney area

Suggestions regarding SuperGold Card Travel in the Rodney area.

Member Houlbrooke asked on behalf of Kawau Island representatives that consideration be given to senior fares no longer being free but instead being set at 5 or 10 per cent of the fare for the transport being used, to allow the budget to stretch over neglected areas and creating a much fairer system for those outside the present area, and to address the growing need for the senior fares to be available in the Rodney area. Members were advised on 23 March that the ferry service to Kawau Island is not contracted by AT and is excluded from the Auckland regional public transport plan. Instead this is a commercial service registered to the transport operator and therefore considered an exempt service.  As such, AT does not set the fares charged, nor is the service subject to AT’s service standards. For these reasons, and as identified in the Hon Craig Foss’s response to Mrs Lyn Hume dated 26 February 2016, the service is not eligible to join the SuperGold scheme (the Ministry of Transport defines the service eligibility criteria for inclusion in the SuperGold scheme). 


Point Wells General

Concerns about recent maintenance work on Point Wells roads and the condition of the edges on many of the roads.

On 14 March 2016 Member Houlbrooke enquired on behalf of the Point Wells Residents’ and Ratepayers’ Association about recent maintenance work carried out on Point Wells Road, which is reportedly below standard, and about the condition of the edging on many of the roads. Member Houlbrooke met with an engineer from AT's Road Corridor Delivery Team on 5 April to discuss her concerns.


Mansel Drive, Warkworth

Request for information on the speed limit on Mansel Drive.

Member Garner asked on 31 March for information related to the speed limit on Mansel Drive, Warkworth and following construction of Stage I of the Western Collector, together with details of proposed parking restrictions and controls. He also requested a plan showing the finished section from Woodcocks Road to Hudson Road, and for details of any changes to Hudson Road as part of or subsequent to this project. Response expected early May.


Wharepapa Road, Helensville

Request for replacement name blade for Wharepapa Road, Helensville.

Member Steele asked on 1 April 2016 that the name blade for Wharepapa Road, Helensville, which has been missing for six months, be replaced. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance.


Red Hills and Amriens Roads, Taupaki

Request for maintenance at Red Hills and Amriens Roads, Taupaki.

On 5 April 2016 Member Flaunty advised that AT was sealing private driveways to prevent loose metal ending up on Red Hills Road, Taupaki, including the property at 78. He said that when the last sealing had last taken place, loose metal had blocked the drains, particularly the drain outside number 86, and not yet been cleared. He asked that these be cleared at the same time as the stones were being swept off the corner between 78 and 86. Member Flaunty also asked if the driveway at 218, which is on a dangerous corner but wasn't scheduled to be sealed, could also be sealed, and whether the concrete driveway at 327 Amreins Road, which protrudes out onto the carriage way and is dangerous, could also be looked at. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance.


Sandspit Road, Warkworth

Request for safety improvements on Sandspit Road, Warkworth.

Following discussions between Member Houlbrooke and AT’s Strategy and Performance Team Leader, Member Houlbrooke raised other queries. She asked that the right hand turning bay and/or widening of the shoulder opposite Melwood Drive be investigated, and that further improvements to pedestrian safety at this location also be reviewed, suggesting that a yellow hatched area be painted on the road to prevent traffic from stopping across the pedestrian area. Referred to Network Operations & Safety.


Leigh Road, Whangateau

Request for traffic calming on Leigh Road, Whangateau.

On 20 April 2016 Member Garner request the provision of additional traffic calming on Leigh Road, Whangateau, through the main settlement just west of the bridge and past the hall, as well as through Tramcar Bay. Referred to Network Operations & Safety.


Wilson Road, Wayby Valley.

Request for maintenance to be resumed on Wilson Road, Wayby Valley.

Local board staff referred a request received at the Rodney Local Board meeting on Monday 11 April from residents of a section of Wilson Road, Wayby Valley, that maintenance be resumed. Referred to Road Corridor Maintenance.


Warkworth CBD

Parking for JPs in Warkworth CBD.

On 21 April 2016 Cr Webster requested a permanent parking option for Warkworth JP’s while they are on duty. The JP's duty day is Monday's between 10am-12pm, then 12-2pm, a total of four hours and, whilst they currently park behind the Council building, this parking is usually taken by the parking warden or other council staff. Referred to Parking Design.



Local Board views and implications

43.     This report is for the local board’s information.

Māori impact statement

44.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


45.     There are no implementation issues.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Ellen Barrett – Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon, Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Auckland Transport Quarterly Report to Local Boards


File No.: CP2016/07882




1.       The purpose of this report is to inform local boards about progress on activities undertaken by Auckland Transport (AT) in the three months 1 January – 31 March 2016.

Executive Summary

2.       This report informs the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee about AT activities of a regional nature and a local nature.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Quarterly Update report to local boards.



Significant activities during the period under review


Strategy and Planning

Transport for Future Urban Growth (TFUG)

3.       Under the new business case approach AT has got approved funding to develop growth related Programme Business Cases (PBCs) to identify the transport infrastructure needed within the next 30 years for the following growth areas identified in Auckland Council's Future Urban Land Supply Strategy: the areas to be assessed are the Northwest, Southern Northern and Warkworth.

4.       A multi-disciplinary and cross organisational team has been developed and is currently working from a co-located space on the four areas. Councillors, local boards, iwi, developers and other stakeholders have been informed and public consultation has taken place. Sequencing workshops have been scheduled for 22 and 23 March. The second round of public consultation has been scheduled from 15 April 2016.

Central Access Strategy

5.       A Programme Business Case for the Central Access Plan (Isthmus to City Centre) is jointly being developed with New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) and Auckland Council. It is anticipated that a preferred programme which identifies a series of interventions to resolve growing bus patronage demands against corridor/terminus capacity constraints will be provided to the NZTA Board in May for their approval.

Public Transport (PT) Development

City Rail Link


6.       Enabling Works ECI Contract 2, construction of pipe jack (services relocation) commenced (Albert Street) 21 December 2015; Enabling Works Contract 1, Britomart to Lower Albert Street and Contract 2, Lower Albert Street to Wyndham Street, to commence in May 2016.
Main Works: Construction start 2018/19 FY subject to funding agreement with Government.



Double Decker Network Mitigation works


7.       Mitigation works on identified risks for double decker buses such as building verandas, street furniture, signage, low hanging power/phone lines, service poles, overhanging trees, and low bridge structures to allow the safe passage of double decker buses. Botany route is cleared for double decker bus with some minor works on defects list to be completed. Mt Eden and Northern Express bus routes to be cleared in March 2016.


PT Safety, Security and Amenity


8.       An evaluation is underway of the benefits of installing ticket barriers at selected stations on the network to improve safety and security. Current projects include completion of Ellerslie Station canopies, upgrade to Morningside level crossing and electronic gating at Manurewa Station.

9.       Onboard train digital information screens will commence testing in April.


PT Facilities Infrastructure Development


10.     Wharf Renewals; Currently underway with the design of a number of urgent wharf renewal project requests received from AT Metro (25 Feb). These are targeted to be completed by 30 June 2016. We are on track to deliver these.

11.     Bus Infrastructure Improvements; Still on target to spend the $4.7m budget. A significant number of physical works will be undertaken over May and June.  

PT Operations

Highlights for the quarter

12.     Rail patronage growth continues at around 20 per cent year-on-year, and the month of March saw more than 1.6 million passenger journeys on the network, the highest month on record. Service delivery has maintained levels of around 95 per cent of services arriving at the destinations on-time. The new operator tender process has been placed on hold, with the current contract with Transdev being conditionally extended for a period of up to 12-24 months, while the impacts on the rail services contract of long term projects such as the City Rail Link (CRL) are assessed.

Integrated Fares


13.     The 28 February 2016 annual AT Metro fare review included final fare zone boundary alignment between bus and rail prior to mid-2016 integrated fares implementation, including alignment at Orakei of two zone rail from the CBD with the existing two zone bus and removal of the inner CBD and airport mini-zones. An independent review of the proposed integrated fares product structure and price modelling by Deloitte is nearing completion and will support a final recommendation to the AT Board in April.

Road Design and Development

SMART (Southwest Multi-modal Airport Rapid Transit)


14.     Future proofing of the SMART route on Kirkbride (trench) intersection is progressing together with the infrastructure works by Highway Network Operations of NZTA. This element of the project is expected to be complete in 2022. Funding application is in progress with NZTA. We are working with the East West team to ensure the projects are well aligned at the critical points. The indicative business case is being updated for LRT and heavy rail. The cycle strategy for the wider Mangere area is underway.




Whangaparaoa Road Dynamic Lane Trial


15.     In the last quarter designs for the trial along Whangaparaoa Road (between Red Beach Road and Hibiscus Coast Highway) have been assessed. A driver behaviour survey was undertaken, to understand perceptions of the trial and responses to a simplified scheme using just Light Emitting Diode (LED) in road markings. The purpose of this was to test reactions and guide design requirements for signage and LED requirements. The survey illustrated 21 scenarios with different markings and LED lights along the route i.e. no signage or overhead lane control arrows were assumed.


16.     The outcome of the survey showed the following:


Positives recognised:

·      Improves traffic flow

·      Flexible traffic control

·      Better use of road space

·      Increases road capacity

Concerns raised:

·      Confusing

·      Accident risk

·      Unclear (lane direction) – Need clear signage

·      Need to educate


17.     Understanding gained from the driver perception survey and traffic condition surveys will be applied to the design before consultation is undertaken.

Auckland Bike Challenge


18.     The Auckland Bike Challenge was undertaken in February encouraging businesses and workplaces to support staff to cycle. The month-long online challenge has had a significant success in encouraging greater uptake of cycling in Auckland.  It has been well supported by key stakeholders including Healthy Auckland Together, Auckland Regional Public Health, the Sustainable Business Network and Bike Auckland. A total of 166 workplaces took part, and over 2,860 people registering to ride a bike in February including 600 new cyclists. A total of 23,111 trips were logged amounting to over 329,374km travelled by bike.

Personalised Journey Planning for commuters


19.     Three Personalised Journey Planning (PJP) projects are underway in Kingsland/Morningside, Hauraki/Belmont and Stonefields residential areas. These are key areas for commuters to the city centre and reflected congested corridors on the network.  Residents in each area who currently drive alone in peak times were offered personalised journey planning advice on other suitable modes of transport, and those that commit to trialling a new option are provided with supporting incentives. The goal of these projects is to encourage residents to make a long-term change, supporting modal share changes and reducing morning peak congestion.

Safer Communities


20.     The Safer Communities programme is now underway with the Community and Road Safety team working more intensively in high risk communities to increase safe access to active and sustainable transport modes.  Community Transport team have delivered two safer Communities workshops for lead teacher and school management. These workshops were designed to provide information on the new delivery model for high risk communities and very successful with 21 school attending. This was followed by two lead teacher workshops for the schools outside of the high risk communities.

Walking School Bus - Walking School Bus Week: 15th- 19th February


21.     Pedestrian safety is a high priority in the Auckland Region with an upward trend in Deaths and Serious Injuries (DSI) over the past five years. The Walking School Bus (WSB’s) Programme has an important role in improving pedestrian safety around schools while also reducing morning peak congestion. The Community and Road Safety team developed and delivered the first regional WSB’S promotion week for primary schools across the Auckland region.   The key objective was to raise awareness of the benefits of the programme, seek more participation from parents and students as well as highlighting the road safety benefits the programme brings.

22.     Currently, there are 154 schools in Auckland have WSB (out of 345 total schools in Auckland with primary aged students) with over 4000 children on WSB routes and more than 1000 volunteers. During the week, more than 4900 students registered to participate in the themed days across the week. AMI Insurance sponsored Thursday’s ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ theme day with guest walkers including Jerome Kaino and Police dogs, who walked with WSBs across the region.  WSB Week was a great success with positive media promotion including interviews on Radio Live, Stuff.co.nz, and articles in local papers.

Road Corridor Delivery


23.     The Assets and Maintenance Group is tasked with the responsibility for a wide range of activities within the Road Corridor.  These include but are not limited to:

·    The Delivery of roading and streetlight maintenance and renewal programmes.

·    Managing the access, co-ordination and traffic management impacts of activities taking place within the road corridor.

·    Promoting design innovation and efficiency around how work is carried out on the network.

·    The development of long term asset management plans and modelling which support the decision making process around the management of our roading assets.


Key Highlights


24.     In the 2015/2016 financial year we are planning to deliver 37.7 km of pavement rehabilitation, 480.1 km of resurfacing (this includes 88.9 km of hotmix and 391.2 km of chip sealing), 75.7 km of footpath renewals and 82.7 km of kerb and channel replacement.


Table 1: Progress against Asset Renewal Targets


Note data is to February 2016



25.     We are 81 per cent of the way through our Pavement Rehabilitation projects. Table 2 following table outlines where key projects have been completed:






Table 2:  Completed Rehabilitation Projects


Kohimarama Rd

Ranui Station Rd

Edmonton Rd

Robertson Rd

Linwood Rd

Te Irirangi Dr (Eastbound lanes)

Ormiston Rd

Whitford Road

Glenbrook Rd

Clyde Rd

Lakeside Dr

Maygrove Dr

Bringham Creek Rd

Mokoia Rd

Kahika Rd

Diana Dr

Glenmore Rd

South Head Rd

Waitoki Rd

Mahurangi East Rd

Hector Sanderson Rd

Rathgar Rd

Wairau Rd

Apirana Ave

Palm Rd

Access Rd

Riverhead Rd

Swaffield Rd

McAnnalley St

Botany Rd

Prince Regent Rd

College Rd

Hunua Rd

Roscommon Rd

Bairds Rd



26.     The following table outlines the key priojects which are currently underway  and are due for completion in Quarter 4


Table 3: Rehabilitation Projects still underway


St George Street

Cavendish Dr

Don Buck Rd

Sabulite Rd

The Drive

Gordons Rd

Kaipara Portage Rd

Woodcocks Rd

Prochester Rd

Great Sth Road

Wellington St/ Vincent St Roundabout.

Te-Irirangi Drive

Constable Road

Kitchener Rd

Nelson St (Pukekohe)

Whitford Maraetai Road






27.     Year 5 (2015/16) of the UFB rollout is continuing and planning for Year 6 (2016/17) has already commenced. 


Local Board views and implications

28.     This report is for the local board’s information.

Māori impact statement

29.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


30.     There are no implementation issues.







Schedule of activities undertaken for the third quarter (2015/2016) ending 31 March 2016



Travelwise Schools activities broken down by local board



Traffic Control Committee decisions broken down by local board



Local Board Advocacy Report





Various Auckland Transport authors


Jonathan Anyon – Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Deputation/Public Forum Update


File No.: CP2016/07720




1.       As part of its business meetings Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee has a period of time set aside for Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum during which time members of the public can address the local board on matters within its delegated authority.

Executive Summary

2.       Under Standing Orders there is provision for Deputations/Presentations to the local board. Applications for Deputations/Presentations must be in writing setting forth the subject and be received by the Relationship Manager at least seven working days before the meeting concerned, and subsequently have been approved by the Chairperson.  Unless the meeting determines otherwise in any particular case, a limit of ten minutes is placed on the speaker making the presentation.

3.       Standing Orders allows three minutes for speakers in Public Forum.

4.       Requests, matters arising and actions from the Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum are recorded and updated accordingly.  The Rodney Local Board Deputations/Presentations and Public Forum Update is attached as Attachment A.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      receive the Deputation/Public Forum Update.








Deputation/Public Forum Update





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee Workshop Records


File No.: CP2016/07714




1.       Attached are the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee workshop records for 14 December 2015, 29 February 2016 and 21 March 2016.

Executive Summary

2.       The Rodney Local Board holds regular workshops.  The Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee and the Rodney Local Board Parks, Culture and Community Development Committee also hold regular workshops. Records of workshops are included in the relevant committee business agendas.

3.       Attached for information is the record of the most recent workshop meetings of the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee.



That the Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee:

a)      Workshop records for 14 December 2015, 29 February and 21 March 2016 be accepted.








Workshop Minutes 14 December 2015



Workshop Minutes 29 February 2016



Workshop Minutes 21 March 2016





Raewyn Morrison - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Lesley Jenkins - Relationship Manager


Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016



Rodney Local Board Transport, Planning and Infrastructure Committee

09 May 2016