Seniors Advisory Panel
Minutes of a meeting of the Seniors Advisory Panel held in the Level 26, Room 1, 135 Albert Street, Auckland on Monday, 2 May 2016 at 10.03am.
Chairperson |
Margaret Devlin |
Deputy Chairperson |
Russell Rigby |
Members |
Dr Judy Blakey |
Roger Fowler, QSM |
From 11.22am, item 9. |
Joan Lardner-Rivlin, QSM |
Sonny Niha |
From 11.22am, item 9. |
Richard Northey, ONZM |
Member |
Janet Clews, CNZM,QSO, JP |
Liaison Councillor |
Councillor Dr Cathy Casey |
Seniors Advisory Panel 02 May 2016 |
Resolution number SEN/2016/27 MOVED by Member J Lardner-Rivlin, seconded by Member RJ Northey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) accept the apologies from Councillor Cathy Casey and Janet Clews for absence, and Roger Fowler and Sonny Niha for lateness. |
2 Declaration of Interest
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number SEN/2016/28 MOVED by Member J Lardner-Rivlin, seconded by Member J Blakey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 21 March 2016, as a true and correct record. |
4 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
5 |
Andrew Bell, Strategy and Performance Team Leader, Claire Wannamaker, Senior Walking and Cycling Coordinator, and Brittany Morgan, Specialist - Urban Design of Auckland Transport spoke to the Seniors Advisory Panel about Pedestrian Safety, including the Capital Project Accessibility Group and safe walking maps. The group requested input and feedback on pedestrian safety for older adults. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number SEN/2016/29 MOVED by Member J Blakey, seconded by Member RJ Northey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the information and thank Andrew Bell, Claire Wannamaker and Brittany Morgan for their attendance b) provide further advice to Auckland Transport on a regular basis c) note that Auckland Transport wishes to grow representation on the Capital Project Accessibility Group. |
6 |
Claire Wilson, Principal Specialist - Universal Access and Design spoke to the Seniors Advisory Panel on current progress with work relating to Universal Access and Design, and to sought feedback for the planned Universal Design Forum. |
Resolution number SEN/2016/30 MOVED by Member J Lardner-Rivlin, seconded by Member J Blakey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the update and thank Claire Wilson for her attendance b) provide feedback for the planned Universal Design Forum. |
7 |
Auckland Libraries: International Day of the Older Person (IDOP) |
Morgan Borthwick, Libraries Adviser Inclusiveness, provided a presentation to the Seniors Advisory Panel on planned intergenerational library events to mark International Day of the Older Person (IDOP) 2016, and sought input from the panel. |
Resolution number SEN/2016/31 MOVED by Member J Lardner-Rivlin, seconded by Member R Rigby: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the update and thank Morgan Borthwick for his attendance b) provide input on the success criteria for the planned activities c) offer further advice on marking International Day of the Older Person. |
a 2 May 2016, Seniors Advisory Panel, Auckland Libraries, International Day of the Older Person, IDOP Presentation |
8 |
Investigations into work concerning Auckland's older population |
Rebecca Kruse, Policy Advisor – Community Policy was in attendance to discuss this item with the Seniors Advisory Panel. |
Resolution number SEN/2016/32 MOVED by Member J Blakey, seconded by Member J Lardner-Rivlin: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the report. |
9 |
Member R Fowler and Member S Niha entered the meeting at 11.22 am |
Greg Morgan, Lead Officer Support and Austin Kim, Principal Advisor Panels were in attendance to speak to this item. |
Resolution number SEN/2016/33 MOVED by Member R Rigby, seconded by Member J Blakey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the Seniors Advisory Panel Work Programme Update for May 2016. |
10 |
The Word document: ‘Work programme priorities to 2016’ was provided and discussed by the chair. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Austin Kim spoke to the Seniors Advisory Panel regarding engagement with older people in ethnic, pacific and Māori demographics. Panel members raised various brief items for discussion, including Silver Lines, accessibility concerns at the ANZAC service at the domain, and at the Pop Up Globe, and visibility of older people in publications. |
Note: Changes to the original motion were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number SEN/2016/34 MOVED by Member M Devlin, seconded by Member J Blakey: That the Seniors Advisory Panel: a) receive the information. |
a 2 May 2016, Seniors Advisory Panel, Information Items, Work programme priorities to 2016 |
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.50 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.