Whau Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Whau Local Board held in the Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue, New Lynn on Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 6.30pm.





Catherine Farmer




Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu





Derek Battersby, QSM, JP

(from 6.33pm, item 7)




Ami Chand, JP





Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel

(from 6.45pm, item 9)




Simon Matafai








Duncan Macdonald, JP











Clr Ross Clow












Whau Local Board

18 May 2016




1          Welcome


The meeting opened with a karakia.



2          Apologies


Resolution number WH/2016/50

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         accept the apologies from member Duncan Macdonald for absence and member Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel for lateness.




3          Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.


Members declared conflict of interests as below. 



Board Member

Organisation / Position

Catherine Farmer

·            Avondale-Waterview Historical Society – Committee Member

·            Blockhouse Bay Historical Society – Member

·            Portage Licensing Trust – Trustee

·            Blockhouse Bay Bowls - Patron

Susan Zhu

·            Chinese Oral History Foundation – Committee member

·            The Chinese Garden Steering Committee of Auckland – Board Member

Derek Battersby

·            Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust –Trustee

·            New Lynn Tennis Club – Patron

·            West Lynn Gardens – Patron

·            Tag Out Trust – Chairman

Ami Chand

·            Kelston Community Trust – Trustee

·               Portage Licensing Trust – Deputy Chair

·            Rupa Aur Aap Trust – Trustee

·            Kelston Community Hub – Chair

·            Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) Waitakere City Local Distribution Committee– Committee Member

Duncan Macdonald

·            Avondale Business Association – Chairman

·            Avondale Community Society – Chairman

·            Avondale RSA – Committee Member

·            Historical Society - Member

·            Avondale Jockey Club – Member

Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel

·            Wesley College - Trustee          

·            Kelston Girls College – Trustee

·               Problem Gambling Foundation – Board Member

Simon Matafai

·               International Pacific Council – President

·               United for Education and Sustainable Futures – Ambassador

·               Global Youth Music Committee – Ambassador

·               Helping Youth Pursue Emancipation – Ambassador

·               Auckland City Peace Ambassador

·               Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust - Patron


            The register was updated for member Matafai with the addition of Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust.


Member Matafai declared conflict of interest with funding application from Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust (item 17).


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WH/2016/51

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 20 April 2016, as a true and correct record subject to the following word insertion to clarify to item 25, resolution e) so as to read as follows:

e)           allocate $1,000 from Community Response Operating Fund, $10,000 from Community Group Assistance  and $5,000 from Civic Functions to Community Arts Broker Programmes.





5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Resolution number WH/2016/52

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         convey their condolence for the passing of Mayor Len Brown’s father.





7          Ward Councillor’s Update


            Councillor Clow updated the board on matters being addressed by the Governing Body including rate increase of 2.4% and transport levy.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Waitakere Japanese Supplementary School Charitable Trust - Mariko Nakade-Marceau

  • thanked the board for its support and request for continues support from the board.


Member Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel joined the meeting at 6.45pm.


Keith Coelho

  • raised the issues of traffic congestion on various roads including Great North Rd, Ash St, Rata St, Rosebank Rd and Blockhouse Bay Rd especially on Avondale market days.
  • requested parking ban on GNR to make it safe for cycles.


Resolution number WH/2016/53

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      thank Mariko Nakade-Marceau from the Waitakere Japanese Supplementary School Charitable Trust (WJSS) and Keith Coelho for their presentation.





10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer's report


Resolution number WH/2016/54

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive Whau Local Board Chairperson Catherine Farmer’s report.

b)      request that Development Project Office prepare a report back to the board in July 2016 on the timeframe and process of road access through the Margan Reserve and any other relevant matters regarding the Crown Lynn Precinct Master Plan.








Portfolio Update: Member Ami Chand


Resolution number WH/2016/55

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the portfolio update report from Member Ami Chand.






Local board members' reports


Resolution number WH/2016/56

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         receive verbal report from member Matafai.






Auckland Transport  Update - May 2016 – Whau Local Board


Resolution number WH/2016/57

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Update Report May 2016.

b)      request that Auckland Transport install signs on the bus lane on Great North Road between Avondale and New Lynn indicating times as appropriate.

c)      request that AT move proposed bus stop at 71 Hepburn Rd to 73 or 69 Hepburn Rd, to avoid covering private drive-way.






Auckland Transport Quarterly Update to Local Boards (for the quarter - 1 January – 31 March 2016)


Resolution number WH/2016/58

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive Auckland Transport quarterly update to local boards (for the quarter 1 January – 31 March 2016).






Whau Local Board Quick Response Grants: Round Four 2015/2016


Secretarial Note:        Member Matafai declared a conflict of interest with Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust application (QR1621-429) and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter.


Resolution number WH/2016/59

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      agree to the following allocation for Round four of 2015/2016 Whau Local Board quick response applications as listed in Table 1 below:

          Table One: Whau Local Board Round Four Quick Response Applications

App Number

Main Focus

Organisation Name


Total Requested

Amount Approved


Arts and Culture

Saintz Up Performing Arts Trust

Towards the Saintz Up Performing Arts Trust - (drama/dance/music/vocals)





New Lynn, Kelston Community Patrol

Towards New Lynn, Kelston Community Patrol costs






Generation Ignite

Towards the community food bank costs





Bangla School Charitable Trust

To provide a 'light and healthy snack' to the students and teachers of the Bangla school.





Koloa Misiloi

Towards the Tongan homework centre costs





RNZPS Waitemata Area Society Inc.

Towards delivery of the First Aid courses





Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust

Towards delivery of the 50a Community Fale





New Zealand Jain Sangh Trust

Towards the community centre rent





Island Security and Watchman

Towards the Community safety awareness project



Deferred to next round




Kelston Community Parents Group

Towards the “Celebrating Family (parents and children) Week”





Church of the Saviour

Towards the holiday programme delivery






Green Bay Community House

Towards the Green Bay Street Food Community Restaurant




Historic and Heritage

New Lynn Protection Society Inc.

Towards the development of a conservation plan for the St Andrews Sunday School Hall















Whau Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017


Resolution number WH/2016/60

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      adopt the Whau Local Board Community Grants Programme 2016/2017

b)      note that an additional Business Meeting will need to be scheduled on 7 September 2016 to make decisions on round one allocations.






Grant of renewal of community lease to Lions Club of Avondale Incorporated, 1650 Great North Road, Avondale


Resolution number WH/2016/61

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      grant a renewal of community lease to Lions Club of Avondale subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       Term:  5 years commencing 1 October 2016;

ii)      Rent:  $500 plus GST per annum.

b)      approve all other terms and conditions as contained in the existing community lease dated 30 April 2014 excluding this right of renewal.






New Lynn Night Market Update


Resolution number WH/2016/62

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      approve the transition of the delivery of the New Lynn Night Market from council to an established community organisation for a two year period starting in July 2016.

b)      will consider funding support for the continued social capital development of the New Lynn Night Market in 2016/2017 financial year during the finalisation of its 2016/2017 local board agreement.






Fire ceremonies within community centres and venues for hire


Resolution number WH/2016/63

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      note procedures are now in place to enable the safe and appropriate use of fire within community centres and venues for hire

b)      note the costs associated with this use of  this activity will be on-charged to the customer.






Report-back on GMO and glyphosate options


Resolution number WH/2016/64

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      note that the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan contains provisions which potentially allow the use of genetically modified organisms.  Thus, while the Board may adopt an aspirational statement in relation to GMOs, a GMO-free declaration would be inconsistent with the position outlined in the Proposed Unitary Plan.

b)      note that the Board may cost and develop future policy on glyphosate for the facilities which it manages, consistent with the weed management policy and the outcomes set out in its local board plan.

c)      request a briefing on the review of the Full Facilities Contract to explore greater flexibility for weed control options in the future.

d)      note that the board already supports the reduced chemical weed management spray area on some of the council sites.






Whau Badge Pilot Project Update


Resolution number WH/2016/65

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      will consider to allocate funding to the Whau Badge, Youth Connections project in 2016/2017 financial year during the finalisation of its 2016/2017 local board agreement.






Quarterly Performance Report period ended 31 March 2016


Resolution number WH/2016/66

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Whau Local Board for the period ended 31 March 2016.






The Auckland Libraries West Auckland Research Centre request for Whau Local Board funding support of two minor Whau heritage projects


Secretarial Note:          It was noted that on page 153 of the agenda, line two of paragraph 2 should read “corner of Great North Rd and Delta Avenue”.


Resolution number WH/2016/67

MOVED by Member D Battersby, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      will consider future funding from its 2016/17 Heritage budget to scope and deliver the installation of a plaque to mark the site of the historic Delta Theatre

i)       The estimated cost is about $2,500.00.

ii)      It is recommended that scoping of the project, and is approval is obtained from the landowner of the site:

·   in order to determine what type of plaque and cost of design (including WLB logo);

·   to ascertain consenting status, and installation.

iii)     It is recommended that the Auckland Libraries Research team work with the Parks Team to scope the project.

b)      agree to provision of $200 from its 2015/16 Heritage budget to cover the cost of producing “A Brief History of New Lynn” booklet as a resource for the west libraries and the Whau Local Board office.

c)      note that the booklet will include a credit to Whau Local Board for support and funding, using the Whau Board logo.






Local Board Dog Access Rule review


Resolution number WH/2016/68

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      confirm its intention to propose an amendment as contained in a statement of proposal to the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012 pursuant to section 10(8) of the Dog Control Act 1996.

b)      adopt the statement of proposal in Attachment A and confirm:

i)       the areas within Table 6 of statement of proposal (Attachment A) as highly sensitive areas where dogs are prohibited

ii)      the areas within Table 8 of the Statement of Proposal (Attachment A) as dog friendly areas where dogs are allowed under control off a leash

iii)     the areas within Table 9 of the Statement of Proposal (Attachment A) as standard areas where dogs are allowed under control on a leash

iv)     remove the specific rules for dog exercise areas; picnic and fitness areas.

c)      confirm that the proposed local dog access rules contained in the statement of proposal (Attachment A):

i)       are consistent with the policy, principles, criteria and rules contained in the Auckland Council Policy on Dogs 2012

ii)      are in accordance with relevant legislative requirements in particular the Local Government Act 2002 and Dog Control Act 1996.

d)      authorise the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws, in consultation with the local board chair, to make any amendments to the Statement of Proposal to reflect decisions made by the local board.

e)      authorise the Manager Social Policy and Bylaws to make any minor edits or amendments to the Statement of Proposal to correct any identified errors or typographical edits.

f)       appoint a panel of the whole to receive, hear and deliberate on submissions and other relevant information and decide on changes to the local dog access rules.






Contributions Policy Variation A


Resolution number WH/2016/69

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:   

That the Whau Local Board

a)      provide the following feedback on proposed variations to the 2015 Contributions Policy for the Governing Body to consider:


             i.          welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed change to the contributions policy.

            ii.          support the proposed changes of increasing the number of funding areas for stormwater and parks, to better reflect the differing infrastructure investment requirements in different parts of the region and in particular to address the shortage of open space.

           iii.          support the principles of the changes and look forward to seeing how the new principles will achieve growth objectives.

           iv.          request that an advocacy paper to central government be developed for a review of the role of financial contributions in responding to Auckland’s growth to enable funding support for all infrastructure needs which are significantly impacted by growth including aquatic and recreation centres, community facilities and libraries.

            v.          request that an approach be created so that currently unfunded future projects can be captured in the long-term plan, in order to appropriately collect associated development contributions funding.






Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number WH/2016/70

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      note the Whau Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar – May 2016.






Confirmation of Workshop Records: April 2016


Resolution number WH/2016/71

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      confirm the records of the workshops in Attachments A - D held on the following dates: 

6 April 2016

13 April 2016

20 April 2016

27 April 2016





30        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items. 






7.20pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









