I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waiheke Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 28 July 2016


Waiheke Local Board Office
10 Belgium Street
Waiheke Island


Waiheke Local Board









Paul Walden


Deputy Chairperson

Becs Ballard



Shirin Brown



John Meeuwsen



Beatle Treadwell



(Quorum 3 members)




Sophie  McGhee

Democracry Advisor


21 July 2016


Contact Telephone: (09) 373 6210

Email: Sophie.McGhee@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz






Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  5

9.1     Waiheke Youth Voice - Ngahere Raharaha                                                       6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                6

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          6

12        Councillor's Update                                                                                                       7

13        Auckland Transport  Update - July 2016                                                                    9

14        Approval of Proposed 2016/2017 Local Environment Work Programme             31

15        Divestment recommendation report                                                                         37

16        Community lease with Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated            43

17        Waiheke Local Board Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme 2016/2017  73

18        Local board feedback on the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill        77

19        Formal Feedback on the Auckland Council Submission on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity                                                                               81

20        Reports requested/pending                                                                                        89

21        Governance Forward Work Programme                                                                   97

22        Waiheke Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings                                    101

23        List of resource consents                                                                                         109

24        Chairperson's Report                                                                                                119  

25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


Kua uru mai a hau kaha, a hau maia, a hau ora, a hau nui,

Ki runga, ki raro, ki roto, ki waho

Rire, rire hau…pai marire


Translation (non-literal)  - Rama Ormsby

Let the winds bring us inspiration from beyond,

Invigorate us with determination and courage to achieve our aspirations for abundance and sustainability

Bring the calm, bring all things good, bring peace….good peace.


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 23 June 2016, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waiheke Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.


9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


9.1       Waiheke Youth Voice - Ngahere Raharaha


1.       Ngahere Raharaha was in attendance to give the Board an update on the Waiheke Youth Voice and detail their future plans.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Thanks Ngahere Raharaha for their attendance and presentation.




10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”


11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Councillor's Update


File No.: CP2016/14297





1.       Providing Councillor Mike Lee with an opportunity to update the Waiheke Local Board on Governing Body issues.



That the Waiheke Local Board

a)   Receives the verbal update from the Waitemata and Gulf Ward Councillor, Mike Lee.




There are no attachments for this report.     



Sophie  McGhee - Democracry Advisor


John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Auckland Transport  Update - July 2016


File No.: CP2016/15702





1.       The purpose of the report is to respond to local board requests on transport-related matters and to provide information to Elected Members about Auckland Transport activities in the local board area.

Executive summary

2.       This report covers matters of specific application and interest to the Waiheke Local Board and its community; matters of general interest relating to Auckland Transport activities or the transport sector; and Auckland Transport media releases for the information of the board and community. In particular:

·    Putiki Road

·    Bus patronage

·    Local Board Transport Fund

·    Oneroa shuttle parking

·    Quarterly Reports

·    Media - Digital Advertising

·    Customer service enquiries



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Receives the Auckland Transport Report – July 2016.




Monthly Overview


Putiki Road

3.       Auckland Transport are aware of concerns regarding the poor state of the roadway, safety and heavy traffic issues raised by the board and local residents regarding Putiki Road, Ostend.

4.       The proposed road renewal design will be handled as per a new process involving Auckland Council’s Healthy Waters Wai Ora (formerly Storm water) department for storm water design and as per the updated Local Board Engagement Plan between the board and Auckland Transport. Local residents have also approached the board and asked to be involved.

5.       Healthy Waters Wai Ora department staff have met with Auckland Transport on site to clarify the storm water requirements. Auckland Transport will report back with an options matrix which will confirm the intended strategy on whether the road is being future proofed for an increase in potential traffic volume, or if the road intended for similar volumes of light traffic (mainly) and an increase in pedestrian / cyclists. The strategy will depend on the precinct plan and consultation with internal and external stakeholders. After this strategy is confirmed, Auckland Transport will provide a number of options, including the associated level of road furniture, road improvements and storm water upgrades required. These options will then be presented to the board and interested parties to obtain an agreed view forward.

6.       Also considered will be the current pavement profile and solutions proposed that will be suitable for the intended strategy (either higher traffic volume or higher pedestrian/cyclist volume only).


Bus patronage

7.       Auckland Transport does not currently have the mechanisms set up to supply daily records, however can supply a monthly record of bus usage, with the following limitations:

·    Fullers monthly pass holders get bus travel included

·    There are a number of tourist passes that include bus travel

·    As a result there is a risk that the bus drivers may not always record boardings (even with best intentions) and this could be worse during the very busy periods.

·    These limitations are likely to change once simplified fares are introduced.

Recorded Bus Patronage for Waiheke Bus Company

June 2016 Patronage = 48,311.

For historical bus patronage tracking, please refer to attachment A.


Local Board Transport Fund

8.       The Waiheke Local Board’s funding allocation under the LBTCF is currently $200,000 per annum. The board has $116,547 available from their Local Board Transport Capital Fund as of 1 July 2016. The board may choose to progress proposed projects previously deferred to the 2016/17 financial year, or propose new projects.


Waiheke Local Board Transport Capital Fund Financial Summary





Total Funds Available in current political term (Four years including 2012-13)

 $       800,000


Spent to Date on Completed Projects
(including money spent on cancelled projects)

 $       568,056


Committed to date on projects approved for design and/or construction

 $       315,397


Percentage of these committments spent to date.

Total budget left that needs to be allocated to new projects and spent by the end of the current political term.

-$         83,453

The four year budget (and some from 2016-17) is already allocated. No more projects need to be approved.

Total of Projects assessed to a Rough Order of Cost (ROC) stage but not approved by the LB.

 $                     -


Funds available from the next political term

 $       116,547

This is the unallocated balance of the 2016-17 Waiheke LBTCF budget.


Oneroa shuttle parking

10.     In November 2015 the board raised concerns regarding options for shuttle bus parking in Oneroa village. Both the board and Auckland Transport agreed these locations were not viable and that a review of options would be reported back to the board in early 2016. Unfortunately due to project prioritisation, the Auckland Transport Parking design team are currently focussed on progressing options for Matiatia. When a final way forward regarding the Matiatia keyhole area has been confirmed with the board and other stakeholders, Auckland Transport will report back on the shuttle bus parking in Oneroa.


Quarterly Reports

11.     Local boards have been telling us that the quarterly reports are too long and contain too much regional material. Therefore Auckland Transport has decided to trial supplying the material from the Quarterly Report in a different way.  Instead of a separate report, the relevant material will be incorporated as an attachment to each local board’s monthly report.

12.     Therefore information about the works different Auckland Transport groups have carried out in the local board areas will be available as an attachment to the monthly reports. Going forward, Auckland Transport will be able to supply the Transport Control Committee (TCC) resolutions on a monthly basis as this will make this material much more timely and relevant.

13.     The local board advocacy initiatives will be reported on in October and March each year. These changes should help to smooth out the information flow to local boards and ensure the material being reported on, is as timely as possible.

14.     In addition to this material, Auckland Transport will circulate the quarterly report we prepare for the Governing body by email to local board chairs and transport portfolio leads. (This report can go on local board agendas if requested and, covers major regional projects, public transport patronage figures, road maintenance activity and financial performance.)

15.     The following are attached to this report:

Attachment B – Report from Auckland Transport departments on what they have done in each local board area over the past quarter

Attachment C – Report on Travelwise Schools activities

Attachment D – The Transport Controls Committee resolutions report


Media - Digital Advertising

16.     Together with our media supplier QMS (www.qmsmedia.co.nz) Auckland Transport are installing a series of digital advertising screens across the network. The first of these are five ‘proof of concept’ (POC) digital screens being installed at Britomart Transport Centre, Newmarket Train Station and Akoranga Bus Station. These purpose of the POC is to confirm the design and technology incorporated into the screens are appropriate for use across the PT Network.

17.     A customer survey is being run from 29th June – 24th July to measure customer reaction to the screens. The survey uses an innovative text based response system provided by a supplier called Glasshouse Ltd.  From 6 July 2016 all screens will be installed and operational in the following locations:



Install date


Britomart * 2

Platform 1/2, column 4, position 5/5a

28th June

2 * indoor SS


Concourse area column facing escalator

29th June

1 * indoor SS


Column on platform at bottom of escalator

5th July

1* indoor SS


LHS of main entry door

4th July

1 * outdoor SS


Customer service enquiries

18.     During June, a total of 87 customer service enquires were made to Auckland Transport’s contact centre in regards to issues within the Waiheke Local Board area. Of which, 66 have been resolved, 18 remain active and are still in progress and 3 was either duplicates or cancelled later.


Local board views and implications

19.     The board’s views will be incorporated during consultation on any proposed schemes.

Māori impact statement

20.     No specific issues with regard to the Maori Impact Statement are triggered by this report.


21.     All proposed schemes are subject to prioritisation, funding and consultation.

22.     The activities detailed in this report do not trigger the Significance Policy. All programmes and activities are within budget/in line with the council’s annual plan and LTP documents and there are no legal or legislative implications arising from the activities detailed in this report.







Bus Patronage for Waiheke Bus Company



Auckland Transport departments on what they have done in each local board area over the past quarter



Travelwise Schools activities



Transport Controls Committee resolutions





Anthony Lewis, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport 


Jonathan Anyon, Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016














Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Approval of Proposed 2016/2017 Local Environment Work Programme


File No.: CP2016/10494





1.       To approve the proposed 2016/2017 local environment (totalling $30,000) work programme for the Waiheke Local Board. 

Executive summary

2.       The Waiheke Local Board (the board) has identified an aspiration in their local board plan 2014-2017, to achieve ‘treasured islands, coastlines, wetlands and marine areas.’

3.       To give effect to this aspiration, the board has committed $30,000 in total to local environmental projects in their locally driven initiatives (LDI) budget for 2016/2017:

·   $24,000 for Little Oneroa Action Plan implementation ECAP (Empowered Communities Approach);

·   $6,000 for coastal assessment for wildlife


4.       To deliver on these budgets a proposed work programme has been prepared and discussed at a workshop with the board on 9 May 2016 (attachment A).

5.       This report recommends that the board approve this local environmental work programme and associated budgets for 2016/2017.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)         Approve the allocation of $30,000 for environmental projects as summarised in the table below:



Grant to Waiheke Resources Trust for continued implementation of the Little Oneroa Action Plan

$ 24,000

Coastal assessment for wildlife

$  6,000

Total budget

$ 30,000


b)   Note that any changes to this work programme will be brought back to the board for decision making.




6.       To deliver the local board plan outcome of ‘treasured islands, coastlines, wetlands and marine areas,’ the Waiheke Local Board has allocated $30,000 of its LDI budget to support the delivery of a local environmental work programme.

7.       Staff met with the board at a workshop held on 9 May 2016, to discuss the options for allocation of this local environmental and development budget and to develop a work programme for 2016/2017. Based on these discussions, it is proposed that one project be delivered by the Waiheke Resources Trust and the other project by the Infrastructure and Environmental Services directorate (I&ES) as part of the board’s environmental and development work programme in 2016/2017. A brief description of each of these projects is provided below.

Project One:  Little Oneroa Action Plan implementation ECAP (Empowered Communities Approach) ($24,000)

8.       On 10 December 2015, the board endorsed the draft Little Oneroa Action Plan.  The board funded a grant from the 2015/2016 budget, of $24,000 to the Waiheke Resources Trust through a funding agreement to support implementation of the Little Oneroa Action Plan.

9.       The Little Oneroa Action Plan was developed by the community in response to ongoing concerns about the water quality in the Little Oneroa lagoon. The first year of funding focused on increasing community engagement and awareness about the lagoon, and education on best practice for managing septic tanks.

10.     It is recommended that the board’s LDI budget for Little Oneroa Action Plan implementation ($24,000) be allocated to the Waiheke Resources Trust to continue implementing the action plan.  The work programme for 2016/2017 will have a focus on continued community led education and engagement activities to foster care for the stream and on encouraging improved voluntary management of on-site waste water systems, both with anticipated water quality outcomes.

Project Two:  Coastal assessment for wildlife ($6,000)

11.     As part of the Waiheke Local Dog Access Review currently underway, the board resolved the following on 10 September 2015:

“That the Waiheke Local Board:


e)  Notes additionally, that in the good faith represented by interested parties at the board meeting today including the commitment to collaborate, to gain awareness and understanding about the challenges facing the wildlife and biodiversity around Waiheke including why some popular areas of trails may, by law, be subject to on-leash and or prohibition requirements and with the view to providing as much off lead trail as is reasonable while providing protection for wildlife and habitat that the board commit to a full review of the table 5 provisions within twelve months.

f)   Requests that Council immediately pursues and brings together further expert scientific advice from the Department of Conservation and relevant Council departments in order to add to the analysis and inform the process.

g) Requests that a process of good faith be applied such that both the aspirations of dog owners recreationally and the environmental management and risk factors are fairly weighed and balanced in order to achieve an outcome that provides for as much off lead access to trails as is reasonable while providing protection for wildlife, the objectives of legislation including the Dog Control Act, and other relevant Acts.”

12.     In support of the request for expert scientific advice to inform the process, the I&ES 2015/2016 Regional Environmental work programme included ‘Ecological Advice on Coastal Birds for Dog Bylaws.’ Staff provided assistance to the board with advice on important bird areas, where restrictions on dog access are recommended. These restrictions (prohibited, on-leash) are necessary to protect known penguin breeding sites, shorebird feeding, breeding and roosting sites and wetland bird habitats in or adjacent to local parkland.

13.     Further discussions will be held with the board, staff, Forest & Bird and local dog owners as part of the review of local dog by-laws. Further meetings are proposed to develop rules that balance the protection of wildlife with the needs of dog owners on the island.

14.     As part of the 2016/2017 local environment work programme, it is proposed to carry out a survey of penguins and other coastal birds along three priority areas of coastline on Waiheke Island:

1.   From the western end of Palm Beach around the western tip of the island to Anzac Bay Reserve, Ostend (total distance c. 38.1 km)

2.   From eastern end of Palm Beach to western end of Piemelon Bay (c. 9.7 km)

3.   Te Whau peninsula from O’Brien Road causeway to the western end of Whakanewha Bay (c. 8.4 km)


Local board views and implications

15.     The projects noted above align with the local board outcome of ‘treasured islands, coastlines, wetlands and marine areas,’ as noted in the Waiheke Local Board Plan.

16.     This draft environmental and development work programme was discussed with the board at a workshop on 9 May 2016 and feedback has been incorporated into the recommendations in this report.  

Māori impact statement

17.     This report provides information for environmental and development projects. It is recognised that environmental management, water quality and land management has integral links with the mauri of the environments and concepts of kaitiakitanga.

18.     Some of the identified activities are of interest to Māori and, where appropriate, provisions for mana whenua participation, contribution, and consultation will be incorporated. Table three below highlights how each project in the board’s work programme is expected to contribute to Māori outcomes or which requires consultation and engagement.


Māori Outcome Assessment

Little Oneroa action plan implementation ECAP (Empowered Communities Approach)

Waiheke Resources Trust have consulted with Ngati Paoa’s environment spokesperson, who provided the mandate for the Waiheke Piritahi Marae Committee to represent tangata whenua values and perspectives regarding the Little Oneroa project.  Feedback from Piritahi Marae was supportive of the direction of the action plan, and they will continue to be involved as their capacity allows.

Coastal assessment for wildlife

No consultation with Māori was undertaken for this project.  Individual projects noted in this report may impact on Māori who are consulted as part of the development of the project.



19.     Regular reporting on project delivery will be provided through the quarterly performance report and via regular environmental portfolio catch ups will occur and any major changes to the projects will be brought to the board for its consideration.








2016/2017 Local Environment Work Programme





Desiree Tukutama - Relationship Advisor


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Divestment recommendation report


File No.: CP2016/13169




Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.


1.       This report seeks the Waiheke Local Board’s endorsement for Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) to recommend the divestment of the council owned property at 15 Waitai Road, Waiheke to the Finance and Performance Committee.

Executive Summary

2.       15 Waitai Road was acquired by the legacy Auckland City Council (ACC) in 1994 to provide a wastewater disposal field to an adjoining pensioner housing complex at 18 Belgium Street.  The adjoining housing complex was subsequently transferred to Housing New Zealand (HNZ).  15 Waitai Road was inadvertently omitted from the transfer and HNZ wish to acquire the site as it is required to service its housing complex at 18 Belgium Street.

3.       The rationalisation process for 15 Waitai Road commenced in December 2015.  Consultation has been undertaken with council and its CCOs and iwi authorities, and informal consultation has been undertaken with the Waiheke Local Board.  No alternative service uses have been identified for this site.  As such, Panuku recommends transfer of the subject site to HNZ. 

4.       A resolution approving the divestment of this site is required from the governing body before the proposed transfer can be progressed.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      endorse Panuku Development Auckland’s recommendation to the Finance and Performance Committee that 15 Waitai Road, Waiheke comprised of an estate in fee simple comprising approximately 1,062m2 more or less being Lot 303 Deposited Plan 14189 contained in certificate of title NA95C/433 be transferred to Housing New Zealand.



5.       Panuku and the Corporate Finance and Property team work jointly on a comprehensive review of council’s property portfolio.  One of the outcomes of the review process is to identify properties in the council portfolio that are potentially surplus to requirements and that may be suitable to sell. 

6.       Once a property has been identified as potentially surplus, Panuku engages with council and its CCO’s through an expression of interest process, to establish whether the property must be retained for a strategic purpose or is required for a future funded project.  Once a property has been internally cleared of any service requirements, Panuku then consults with local boards, mana whenua and ward councillors.  All sale recommendations must be approved by the Panuku Board before a final recommendation is made to the Auckland Council governing body. 

Property information

7.       15 Waitai Road is a 1,062m2 wastewater disposal field.  It was acquired by ACC in 1994 to provide a wastewater disposal field to an adjoining pensioner housing complex at 18 Belgium Street.  At the time 15 Waitai Road was acquired, the pensioner housing complex was owned by ACC.  The pensioner housing complex was subsequently transferred to HNZ in 2003.  However 15 Waitai Road remained in ACC ownership after it was inadvertently omitted from the sale of 18 Belgium Street, and it has continued to be used as a wastewater disposal field for the pensioner housing units at 18 Belgium Street. 

8.       The omission was discovered in or about 2006, after HNZ applied to the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) to discharge additional septic tank material onto 15 Waitai Road, and ARC requested that ACC be consulted as the owner of 15 Waitai Road.  ACC then investigated the circumstances of the sale and determined that the property had been omitted in error from both the transfer schedule and the valuation. 

9.       HNZ now seek to acquire 15 Waitai Road as it remains in use as a wastewater disposal field and is required to service the pensioner housing complex at 16 Belgium Street.  The proposed transfer of 15 Waitai Road to Housing New Zealand can be undertaken in accordance with section 50 of the Public Works Act 1981, which provides for the transfer of existing public works. 

10.     The Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan zoning of this site Public Open Space – Informal Recreation.  It has a 2014 capital value of $220,000.00  


Local Board views and implications

11.     Panuku sent a memo to the Waiheke Local Board on 30 May 2016 regarding the subject site.  The Waiheke Local Board did not provide any feedback.  This report provides the Waiheke Local Board with an opportunity to formalise its views.

Māori impact statement

12.     Seven mana whenua iwi authorities were contacted regarding the potential sale of 15 Waitai Road, Waiheke.  The following feedback was received.

a)      Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki

No feedback received for this site.

b)      Ngāti Te Ata - Waiohua

No site specific feedback received for this site; however Ngāti Te Ata has expressed general cultural interest across Tāmaki Makaurau, has potential commercial interest in any council owned land that comes available for sale in their rohe and notes specific association with the south western area of Auckland, focusing around Manukau and the western coastline.

c)     Ngāti Paoa

Ngāti Paoa has reinforced their desire to be kept in the loop for property disposals.

d)     Ngaati Whanaunga

No feedback received for this site.

e)     Ngāti Maru

No feedback received for this site.

f)       Ngāti Tamatera

No feedback received for this site.

g)     Te Patukirikiri

No feedback received for this site.


13.     A resolution approving the divestment of 15 Waitai Road is required from the governing body before the proposed transfer to HNZ can be progressed. 

14.     15 Waitai Road was acquired for a public work in accordance with the Public Works Act 1981.  However the offer back obligations to the former owners set out in section 40 of the Public Works Act 1981 will not apply if this site is still required for the public work for which it was acquired.  15 Waitai Road can therefore be transferred to HNZ in accordance with section 50 of the Public Works Act 1981, which provides for the transfer of existing public works. 

15.     The subject property is not one of council’s strategic assets to which the Significance Policy applies.







Images of 15 Waitai Road, Waiheke





Letitia McColl - Team Leader Portfolio Review, Partfolio Strtegy, Panuku Development Auckland


Marian Webb - Manager Portfoilio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Community lease with Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated


File No.: CP2016/14845





1.       To seek approval to grant a community lease for multi-premises to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated. Premises are located in nineteen local board areas as follows:

·    Albert-Eden

·    Devonport-Takapuna

·    Henderson-Massey

·    Hibiscus and Bays

·    Howick

·    Kaipātiki

·    Māngere-Ōtāhuhu

·    Manurewa

·    Maungakiekie-Tāmaki

·    Orākei

·    Ōtara-Papatoetoe

·    Papakura

·    Puketāpapa

·    Rodney

·    Upper Harbour

·    Waiheke

·    Waitākere Ranges

·    Waitematā

·    Whau

Executive summary

2.       Auckland Council and Auckland Citizen Advice Bureaux Incorporated (the Bureaux) have negotiated a revised Strategic Relationship Agreement (Attachment A) and a new Funding Agreement which was approved by the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee 7 April 2016.

3.       This provides an opportunity for the existing thirty two occupation agreements, inherited from legacy councils, to be surrendered and replaced with a multi-premises lease. The initial term of the lease would be for two years with two rights of renewal each being for a three year period.

4.       The change to a multi-premises lease has been discussed with the Bureaux who have welcomed the initiative as it would simplify their administration and enhance budgeting.

5.       There have been meetings with most local boards with Bureaux premises who were overall supportive of the multi-premises lease.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Approve the surrender of all leases and accommodation agreements to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated and other associated societies of the Bureaux, within the respective local board area as specified in the Schedule of Bureaux Sites (Attachment B).

b)      Approve a new multi-premises lease to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated for the premises within the respective local board area specified in the Bureaux Sites (Attachment B) subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)        The lease term will be two (2) years commencing 1 July 2016 with two (2) three (3) year rights of renewal, with a final expiry of 30 June 2024, if all rights of renewal are exercised.

ii)       Rent will be $1.00 plus GST per annum.

iii)      Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated will be responsible for all operational charges for each site throughout the term of the lease, as set out in the Schedule of Bureaux Sites (Attachment B) and Regional Bureaux Sites-(Attachment C).


iv)      That operational charges for any sites added during the term of the lease be at the rate prescribed by the community occupancy guidelines in effect at the time of addition, currently $25/m2 of space occupied.

v)      Provision is provided to allow for the addition and removal of premises during the term of the lease.

vi)      Provision to allow Libraries, where the space occupied by the Bureaux is required for library purposes, to relocate the Bureaux to another area within the same building upon six months’ notice.

vii)     The community outcomes plan provision be amended to refer to the revised strategic relationship agreement objectives to develop specific community outcomes between the Bureaux and each local board.

viii)    All other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.




The Bureaux Background


6.       On 20 September 2012 the Bureaux was incorporated under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908. The aim of the Bureaux is to:

·    Ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities;

·    Assist those who are unable to express their needs effectively;

·    To exert a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally.


7.       Currently, the Bureaux and its associated societies occupy 32 premises provided by council throughout Auckland. All these have varying agreements in respect of the terms and conditions:

·    Thirty are council-owned premises with various occupation arrangements in place;

·    Two are commercially owned and leased to council.


8.       A review of the occupation agreements with the Bureaux identified benefits that would accrue if these agreements were brought together as one lease with consistent terms and conditions, aligned with the Strategic Relationship Agreement (SRA) and Funding Agreement (FA) and Long-term Plan funding rounds.


9.       Under the SRA, the Bureaux have agreed to meet local community objectives by providing communities with high quality information, advice, referral and client advocacy services that:

·        Are accessible and responsive to the needs of our diverse communities;

·        Inform and empower people;

·        Encourage people to be actively involved in shaping their communities and the city;

·        Contribute to the development of regional social policy;

·        Collaborate with Auckland Council on the development of the strategic direction for the provision of the Citizens Advice Bureau services.


10.     Relationships between local boards and local Bureaux are at different stages of development. The SRA supports development of successful long-term local board-Bureaux relationships by increasing information sharing between the board and Bureaux through quarterly and annual reports on service usage and emerging local issues.


Premises Background

11.     The Bureaux and its associated societies have agreed to surrender existing occupation contracts and to enter into a regional multi-premises lease identifying the separate sites occupied by the Bureaux.

12.     Attachment B lists the Bureaux premise(s) for inclusion in this local board area. Attachment C Regional Bureaux Sites shows all the Bureaux locations across the region.

13.     Two sites listed below are owned by the Crown and held in trust by council as noted in the table below, these leases will require a clause to recognise that the properties may in the future be required for Treaty of Waitangi settlement purposes. These sites are:

Local Board Area

Building Name



CAB Office

100 Line Rd Glen Innes


Library building

5 Ernie Mays St Northcote


14.     Three sites are unclassified local purpose reserves. These sites can be leased pursuant to section 61 (2A) of the Reserves Act without the need to classify or advertise. The details of each will be placed on a schedule of sites to be classified subsequently. The sites are:


Local Board Area

Building Name



CAB Office Plunket Rooms

100 Line Rd Glen Innes


CAB office building

141 Ocean View Rd Oneroa


New Lynn Library Building

3 Memorial Drive




15.     This report proposes that all council managed premises for the Bureaux be granted under a multi-premises community lease providing the thirty two sites with a common lease document with standard terms and conditions. A multi-premises lease will enable more efficient, consistent and streamlined lease management. Importantly it will provide the Bureaux with the following:

·    Accommodation with a defined lease period;

·    Known costs to further assist their budget planning and financial controls;

·    Reduce both the Bureaux and council’s administrative costs thereby assisting the former to focus on their primary outcomes.


16.     The regional premises meet the current service delivery needs of the Bureaux. No asset delivery study has been undertaken, but will be as part of the work programme in the SRA between council and the Bureaux. The proposed lease accommodates this future asset study by allowing for more streamlined addition and removal of premises to meet both the changing accommodation and business needs of the Bureaux.

17.     Some sites are currently under consideration by local boards regarding configuration of current space or relocation to other premises. These are Panmure, Sylvia Park, Glen Innes, (Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board) and Glen Eden (Waitākere Ranges Local Board).

18.     The proposed multi-premises lease will allow for a more flexible optimization of the network while retaining local boards delegated authority.

19.     This proposal was developed in consultation with the Arts Community and Events Department, Legal Services, and Corporate Finance and Property and in close working relationship with the Bureaux.

20.     The local board can alternatively choose not to adopt the proposed recommendation, where its respective Bureaux will be omitted from the multi-premises agreement and managed as individual leases. The multi-premises agreement can still be entered into by supporting local boards and progressed without the participation of all, though this would significantly reduce the efficiencies to be gained by the approach.


Local board views and implications

21.     The recommendations within this report fall within the local board’s allocated authority relating to local, recreation, sport and community facilities.

22.     Local Board budgets will be affected by the proposed change to rental and operational fees. However, the change is related to asset-based service budgets and does not need to be topped up by individual LDI funding for local boards showing a negative effect. Conversely, Local Boards receiving more revenue will not have ability to spend the additional funds showing in their accounts. Budgets will be adjusted at the first review in August to manage this.

23.     A portfolio meeting has been held with most local boards and they were presented with the proposal for a multi-premises community lease. General acceptance of the approach for a multi-premises lease was indicated and no concerns were raised. 

24.     There are no local board risks identified for the proposal as it allows for a more networked and flexible management of the premises while retaining local boards delegated authority.

25.     The SRA supports the achievement of the following 2014-2017 Local Board Plan priorities:

·    Thriving, strong and engaged communities

Māori impact statement

26.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its broader legal obligations to Māori. The council recognises these responsibilities are distinct from the Crown’s Treaty obligations and fall within a local government Tāmaki Makaurau context. These commitments are articulated in the council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan 2012-2022, the Unitary Plan and Local Board Plans.

27.     Support for Maori initiatives and outcomes is detailed in Te Toa Takitini, Auckland Council’s Maori Responsiveness Framework. An aim of community leasing is to increase targeted support for Maori community development projects. Additionally it seeks to improve access to facilities for Maori living in the local board area.



28.     The multi-premises community lease will outline consistent terms and conditions for each of the Bureaux

29.     There are no significant cost implications for Auckland Council.







Attachment A Strategic Relationship Agreement



Attachment B Bureaux Site



Attachment C Regional Bureaux Sites





Ron Johnson - Lease Advisor


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016





















Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Waiheke Local Board Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme 2016/2017


File No.: CP2016/14554





1.       To approve the 2016/2017 work programme for Community Facilities renewals.

Executive summary

2.       Renewals funding is identified at a high level through the long-term plan and a capital works programme is prepared for approval annually. The programme ensures that each council facility can operate to the current level of service articulated in the relevant asset management plan.

3.       Attachment A provides the proposed 2016/2017 work programme for Community Facilities renewals for local board approval.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Approves the 2016/2017 work programme for Waiheke Local Board Community Facility Renewals

b)      Note that the 2016/2017 funding envelope is indicative to deliver this programme of work and any budget variances (within scope) will be managed within the total region-wide renewals funding envelope.




4.       Community facilities are an important part of realising the vision of Auckland to become the world’s most liveable city. They contribute to building strong, healthy, and vibrant communities by providing spaces where Aucklanders can connect, socialise, learn, and participate in a wide range of social, cultural, art, and recreational activities. These activities foster improved lifestyles and a sense of belonging and pride among residents.

5.       Investment in this renewals programme will ensure that council facilities remain valuable, well-maintained community assets that continue to meet user expectations. Not undertaking timely renewals will have an undesirable impact on the customer experience and put asset performance at risk, and ultimately increase the cost to maintain the facility.

6.       The renewals programme process ensures that the proposed Community Facility renewals work programme (Attachment A) has received extensive input and assessment from business owners, facility users, and Community Facilities staff.

7.       This proposed work programme attached to this report primarily contains Community Facility renewals for the Local Parks, Sport and Recreation activity as the Local Community Services activity renewals work programme was presented and approved at the June business meeting. One additional Local Community Services project has been added to this report (line 3199) for renewal work at the Catherine Mitchell Cultural Society.


Local board views and implications

8.       Council staff will report quarterly to the local board on how the programme is tracking, and discuss with the local board any arising key risks and notify the local board when projects are completed.

Māori impact statement

9.       The Waiheke Local Board Community Facility renewals work programme 2016/17 will ensure that all facilities continue to be well-maintained community assets benefiting the local community, including Māori. Parks and open spaces, as well as sport and recreation activity contributes significantly to Māori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to Tangata Whenua appropriate consultation will follow.


10.     This work programme will be implemented as part of Community Facilities’ usual business practice.

11.     Work programme implementation will be reported quarterly to the local board. The first-quarter report will outline the programme’s delivery schedule.

12.     Where multi-year projects are presented for bundles of assets, assets (listed within each project line) will be renewed in order of priority with as many singular assets being renewed, within the allocated budget, as possible.

13.     Where bundles of assets are presented as projects over multiple years, the assets (listed within each project line) will be renewed in order of priority with as many singular assets being renewed, within the allocated budget, as possible.

14.     The 2016/2017 Community Facilities renewals work programme for the Local Community Services activity was approved at the June business meeting.







Waiheke Local Board Comunity Facilities Renewals





Hannah Alleyne - Senior Programme Planner


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Local board feedback on the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill


File No.: CP2016/15526





1.       To provide an opportunity for local boards to formally provide feedback on the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill.

Executive summary

2.       The Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No. 2) (also known as the Better Local Services Bill) has been referred to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee.

3.       Submissions to the Bill close on 28 July 2016 although Auckland Council has been granted an extension so the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee can approve the submission at their 4 August 2016 meeting. With the extension, local boards have until 2 August to provide formal feedback which will be attached to the agenda item at the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee meeting.

4.       The Regional Strategy and Policy Committee resolved at its meeting on 7 July 2016 to set up a political Working Party to work with staff on the submission, comprised of councillor’s George Wood, Arthur Anae, Penny Webster, Wayne Walker and a member of the IMSB.

5.       A Regional Strategy and Policy Committee workshop on the Bill was held on 7 July 2016 with all local board chairpersons invited. The workshop discussed the Bill generally and discussed implications for Auckland Council and the Auckland region in order to discuss what submission points should be made.

6.       The proposed Bill will mainly affect Auckland Council in three ways:

a.   The scope and process of reorganisation

b.   Performance measures of Council and CCOs

c.   Altered size and powers of the Local Government Commission (Commission)



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Delegates feedback on the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill to board Chair Walden and Board member Meeuwsen.






7.       The Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No. 2) (also known as the Better Local Services Bill) has been referred to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee.

8.       Through the Bill, central government seeks to improve the delivery of infrastructure services and good governance through a greater variety of arrangements. 

9.       Submissions have been called for and close on 28 July 2016. Auckland Council has been granted an extension so the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee can approve the submission at their 4 August 2016 meeting. Local boards have until 2 August to provide feedback in order for it to be considered at the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee meeting.

10.     The Regional Strategy and Policy Committee resolved at its meeting on 7 July 2016 to set up a political Working Party to work with staff on the submission, comprised of councillor’s George Wood, Arthur Anae, Penny Webster, Wayne Walker and a member of the IMSB.

11.     A workshop with the Regional Strategy and Policy Committee on the Bill was held on 7 July 2016. Local board chairs were invited to this workshop.

12.     At the workshop officers gave an overview of the Bill and the implications for Auckland Council and the Auckland region were discussed.

13.     The proposed Bill will mainly affect Auckland Council in three ways:

a.   The scope and process of reorganisation

b.   Performance measures of Council and CCOs

c.   Expanded size of the Commission

Scope and process of reorganisation

14.     A major focus of the Bill is altering the process for reorganisation of Councils and CCOs. There will be a two stage process to any reorganisation where the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed reorganisation is first investigated. If the Commission decides to proceed with a reorganisation, it adopts a reorganisation plan. After further steps in the process (which may include a poll) reorganisation takes effect through a reorganisation implementation scheme.

15.     Any ‘person, body or group’ can make an application to the Commission for a reorganisation investigation, which the Commission may agree to initiate. The Commission may initiate its own investigations and the Minister of Local Government can also ask them to. There is a new process for local authority-led reorganisation.

16.     The Bill makes provision for ‘multiply owned’ CCOs where a CCO is owned by more than one local authority.

17.     The Bill stipulates that reorganisation applications currently before the Commission (which the Commission has notified of its decision to assess, but has not yet completed a draft proposal) would be dealt with under the proposed new process in the Bill if enacted. The intention is that the Bill be enacted later this year or early next year. It is likely then, that consideration of the applications in Northern Rodney and Waiheke Island will be dealt with under the amended legislation.

Performance measures of Council and CCOs

18.     The Bill extends powers under the Local Government Act 2002 for the Minister of Local Government and the Secretary of Local Government to set performance measures. Under the Bill, the Minister could make regulations to set parameters and benchmarks to assess performance and rules for performance measures. This includes ‘corporate accountability information’ (which is not currently set) that may need to be incorporated into Long Term Plans.

Expanded size of Local Government Commission

19.     The Commission will have greater accountability and responsibility to the Minister for Local Government. The number of commissioners will increase to a minimum of three and a maximum of five.

Dispute process

20.     The dispute process from the Local Government Act 2002 is retained; however are some changes proposed to the scope of the Commission’s powers.  The Commission would no longer have the discretion to decline to investigate a reorganisation dispute where it is ‘frivolous’. 


Local board views and implications

21.     Local board chairpersons were invited to the Regional Strategy and Policy workshop to discuss what submission points should be made. 

22.     The purpose of this report is to seek local board feedback which will be attached to the Auckland Council submission at the Regional Strategy and Policy committee.

Māori impact statement

23.     The reorganisation of local authorities is an issue that can impact Māori. The Bill includes requirements that the Commission consult with iwi, the Minister of Treaty Settlements and the Attorney-General to ensure there are no unintended consequences in this regard from reorganisation.

24.     The Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) are providing input into the submission. The Political Working Party set up to work with staff on Auckland Council’s submission includes a member of the IMSB.


25.     There are no implementation issues as a result of this report.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Jerome Cameron - Graduate Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Formal Feedback on the Auckland Council Submission on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity


File No.: CP2016/15518





1.       To note the formal feedback on the Auckland Council Submission on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity from the Waiheke Local Board

Executive summary

2.       In June 2016, the government released the draft National Policy Statement seeking feedback by July 15th, 2016.

3.       Chairperson Walden and Member Meeuswen gave feedback on the statement, which was drafted and approved on June 30th, 2016.

4.          The feedback was tabled on July 6th, 2016 at the Auckland Development Committee


That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Notes the Waiheke Local Board formal feedback on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity




Maori Impact Statement

5.       The Board will continue to engage with local Mana Whenua over the development of new strategies.


6.       The Board’s formal feedback will be attached to the Auckland Council submission to the Ministry for the Environment.






Formal Feedback from the Waiheke Local Board on the NPS on Urban Development Capacity





Mark Inglis - Local Board Advisor


Karen Lyons - Manager Local Board Services

John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016








Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Reports requested/pending


File No.: CP2016/14299




Executive Summary

1.       Providing a list of reports requested and pending for the Waiheke Local Board for business meetings.



That the Waiheke Local Board

a)      Receives the reports requested/pending report.








Reports requested pending - July 2016





Sophie  McGhee - Democracry Advisor


John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016








Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Governance Forward Work Programme


File No.: CP2016/14300




Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Executive Summary

1.       Attached is a copy of the Governance forward Work Programme for Waiheke which is a schedule of items that will come before the board at business meetings and workshops over the next 12 months. 



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Receives the Governance Forward Work Programme.








Governance Forward Work Programme - July 2016





Sophie  McGhee - Democracry Advisor


John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Waiheke Local Board Workshop Record of Proceedings


File No.: CP2016/14301




Executive Summary

1.       Attached are copies of the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 10 June, 17 June and 1 July 2016.




That the Waiheke Local Board

a)      Receives the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 10 June, 17 June and 1 July 2016.








10 June 2016



17 June 2016



1 July 2016





Sophie  McGhee - Democracry Advisor


John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016




Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



List of resource consents


File No.: CP2016/14298




Executive Summary

1.       Attached is a list of resource consents applications received from 30 May 2016 to 15 July 2016 related to Waiheke Island.



That the Waiheke Local Board:

a)      Receives the list of resource consents lodged during 30 May 2016 to 15 July 2016 related to Waiheke Island.








Resource Consent Applications Received 30 May 2016 to 15 July 2016





Sophie  McGhee - Democracry Advisor


John Nash - Senior Local Board Advisor


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016










Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016



Chairperson's Report


File No.: CP2016/15635




Executive Summary

1.       Providing the Chairperson with an opportunity to update the local board on the projects and issues he has been involved with and to draw the Board’s attention to any other matters of interest.



That the Waiheke Local Board

a)      Receives the Chairperson’s report.


Paul Walden,


Waiheke Local Board, Auckland Council







Chairperson's Report June 2016





Jessica Morris - Local Board PA/Liaison - Waiheke


John Nash - Relationship Manager Great Barrier & Waiheke


Waiheke Local Board

28 July 2016





