I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Albert-Eden Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 3 August 2016 3.00pm Albert Eden
Local Board Office |
Albert-Eden Local Board
Chairperson |
Peter Haynes |
Deputy Chairperson |
Glenda Fryer |
Members |
Helga Arlington |
Lee Corrick |
Graeme Easte |
Rachel Langton |
Margi Watson |
Tim Woolfield |
(Quorum 4 members)
Michael Mendoza Democracy Advisor
3 August 2016
Contact Telephone: (021) 809 149 Email: Michael.Mendoza@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Albert-Eden Local Board 03 August 2016 |
16 Changes in sportsfield allocation and user groups at Nixon Park 5
Albert-Eden Local Board 03 August 2016 |
Changes in sportsfield allocation and user groups at Nixon Park
File No.: CP2016/15905
1. The purpose of this report is to inform the Albert-Eden Local Board of the outcome of consultation with all the current and potential user groups who will be affected by Auckland Rugby Union’s proposal to develop a multisport facility on Nixon Park, as endorsed by the Local Board on 1 July 2015. The report also requests that the Board confirms allocation of sportsfields in Nixon Park and Warren Freer Park in order to further the Board’s priority of working in partnership with Auckland Rugby Union to provide for sporting and community needs on Nixon Park.
Executive summary
2. At its 1 July 2015 meeting, the Albert-Eden Local Board endorsed a concept for a new multisport facility at Nixon Park, proposed by Auckland Rugby Union (ARU), to provide for all sporting and other community needs associated with the site.
3. The offer of the facility was in return for an agreed level of ARU access to the planned upgraded sportsfields on the park. The Board resolved to support staff entering into ‘intention to lease’ discussions with the ARU subject to obtaining agreement with the following existing users of the park; Northern Region Lacrosse Association Incorporated regarding the transfer of their activities to the new clubroom and agreement from Touch Rugby, Central United Football Club and Eden Rugby Club regarding the relocation of some of their sporting activities.
4. A consultation process was undertaken with the affected clubs and staff have since received written agreement from the ARU, Touch Rugby and Eden Rugby Club endorsing the proposed field allocations and Northern Lacrosse Association has provided verbal agreement.
5. Council has met with Central United Football Club and discussed its shortfall in capacity along with ideas for addressing it through use of Nixon Park, Warren Freer Park and other neighbouring parks.
6. Central United Football Club would like to remain at Nixon Park with increased field use on the new hybrid field. If Central United were to remain at Nixon Park there would be some capacity available during the day that could be allocated to the ARU. The ARU has indicated that they would not be interested in investing any funds into a new building on the site if they were not able to achieve their required field allocation.
That the Albert-Eden Local Board: a) Approves the transfer of Central United Football Club‘s field allocation for training on Nixon Park field 1 (full field) of eight hours per week, and field 2 (quarter field with lights) of eight hours per week during the winter season and the weekend competition games to Warren Freer Park. b) Approves the transfer of Eden Rugby Club’s field allocation for training on Warren Freer Park and the ARU’s weekend competition allocation to Nixon Park. c) Approves the proposed allocation of capacity submitted by the ARU at Nixon Park on the condition that it develops a new multi-sport facility at Nixon Park in order to provide for all sporting and other community needs associated with the site. d) Requests staff to continue negotiations with the Auckland Rugby Union regarding maximising community use of the proposed multi-sport facility at Nixon Park.
7. At its business meeting on 1 July 2015 the Board considered a report that outlined an offer from the Auckland Rugby Union (ARU) to fund the build of a new club / changing room facility at Nixon Park in return for an agreed level of ARU access to the soon to be upgraded sportsfields at the site.
8. Nixon Park is waiting for an upgrade of its sportsfields to fibre reinforced sandcarpet along with new lights. The upgrade will provide significant increased field capacity at the site, including evening training in the winter. Currently there is no one club based at the reserve with the facility predominantly being used by soccer in winter and touch rugby in the summer.
9. The ARU has been looking for a new training facility close to its administrative base at Eden Park and Nixon Park was identified as a site that would be ideal for their requirements. In return for access to the fields, the ARU proposed to invest in a new club / changing room (ie a small multi-sport facility) that could serve the needs of all users of the sportsfields and provide other park benefits.
10. After consideration of the report the Board resolved the following:
Resolution number AE/2015/106
That the Albert-Eden Local Board:
a) endorses the concept of a new multi-sport facility at Nixon Park in order to provide for all sporting and other community needs associated with the site.
b) supports staff entering into ‘intention to lease’ discussions with the Auckland Rugby Union (ARU) that would accommodate both ARU investment in the build of a new multi-sport facility and ARU access to the sportsfields at Nixon Park subject to:
i. obtaining agreement with the Northern Region Lacrosse Association Incorporated regarding the transfer of their activities to the new clubroom.
ii. obtaining agreement from Touch Rugby, Central United Football and Eden Rugby regarding the relocation of some of their sporting activities.
iii. confirmation from the ARU that the appropriate level of funding is in place to deliver a high quality building design that meets council specifications and community needs.
iv. appropriate design principles being applied in order to ensure that the size and scale of the new building fits within the context of the landscape setting.
c) approves the location of a new multi-sport facility at Nixon Park as per the attached plan.
d) approves provisionally the relocation of the playground to the western side of Nixon Park (footprint of existing changing room) subject to confirmation through the Parks portfolio.
Consultation with users about field allocation
11. After the Board meeting, staff met with the clubs affected by the ARU proposal to discuss their needs and how they can be accommodated. Council has now received written agreements from the ARU, Touch Rugby and Eden Rugby Club endorsing the new field allocations. At the time of this report Northern Lacrosse Association has provided verbal agreement.
12. Central United Football Club, however would like to remain at Nixon Park. Staff have held discussions with Central United on options for field allocation. Central United currently has an allocation for training on Nixon Park field 1 (full field) of eight hours per week, and field 2 (quarter field with lights) of eight hours per week during the winter season. The number 2 field is only a quarter sized field, so the actual capacity is two hours. This gives the club an actual total of 10 hours per week, accommodating 60 junior and senior players. This capacity was the maximum available hours of use; however Nixon Park is a soil-based field and gets very wet and muddy in the winter, so these hours are regularly reduced later in the season.
13. If Central United were to remain at Nixon Park with increased field use on the new hybrid field, there would be some capacity remaining, during the day that could be allocated to Auckland Rugby. The CEO of Auckland Rugby has indicated that they would not be interested in investing any funds into a new building on the site if this was the proposed allocation.
14. Warren Freer Reserve is a sand carpet field and is fully lit. There is also the equivalent of just under a quarter of a field located next to the softball diamond. Relocating Central United to Warren Freer Park would increase the capacity to a maximum of 20 hours a week accommodating for 50 junior and 40 senior players. This number could be increased if the training was for juniors only. Being a sand carpet field, restrictions of use will be reduced to a minimum.
15. While the increased capacity does not solve the Club’s shortfall in capacity, it does assist it. Staff have highlighted to Central United that there could be further possibilities to reduce their remaining shortfall at parks in the surrounding area in the future.
16. Staff consider that there are two key options for the Board’s consideration and recommend Option A.
17. Option A - Central United Football Club moves to Warren Freer Park allowing the ARU to utilise Nixon Park at their level of requirements and to continue developing the proposed clubrooms and community use building. This will allow extending the possible allocation of hours from 8 per field to a maximum of 20 for competition and training for football. (This includes all areas of Warren Freer Park as it is fully lit.) The usage during the winter season will be maximised due to Warren Freer being a sand carpet surface and will only be minimally affected by the weather.
18. Option B - Central United Football Club remains at Nixon Park with increased allocation. This still allows ARU to use the fields during the day, excluding the weekends. Any unallocated use will be allocated by Auckland Council on a ‘needs basis’. After discussions, the ARU has indicated thatthis option would not allow sufficient allocation to warrant them funding the clubrooms and community facility.
Local board views and implications
19. The Albert-Eden Local Board has discussed the possible field allocations and the implications to clubs with staff at workshops during 2015 and 2016.
Māori impact statement
20. The contribution of parks outcomes is of significant importance to tangata whenua, their well-being, values, culture and traditions. Sites of significance to tangata whenua are an important part of their heritage, established through whakapapa. Maori are also major participants in sport and the provision of high quality sporting infrastructure, including both fields and changing / club rooms, is therefore of great importance to the Maori Community.
21. Ngāi Tai Ki Tāmaki, Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Whātua Orākei and Te Akitai Waiohua have already been notified of the anticipated field upgrades, but all 12 iwi who have historic connections with the Albert Eden area were notified in June 2015 of council’s intent to submit a resource consent for the field upgrades. Staff will liaise with any iwi that require further information on the project and update them should Auckland Council enter into formal discussions with the ARU regarding the build of a new changing room facility.
22. If the Board approves Option A as recommended, the ARU would commence immediately with their detail designs and consents with a view to build the proposed clubrooms as soon as practicable following consultation with the council.
23. The proposed field allocations would be introduced at the opening of the hybrid field, in advance of the 2017 winter sports season.
There are no attachments for this report.
Author |
Christopher Felton - Sports Parks Advisor |
Authorisers |
Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation Adam Milina - Relationship Manager - Albert-Eden & Orakei Local Boards |