Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday 10 August 2016 12.32pm Reception
Lounge |
Governing Body
A. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Councillors' declarations of interest 3
B. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Recommendations 5.1.1 (revisited) and 6.9.1 - Design statements PowerPoint presentation 59
C. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Recommendation(s) 6.14.1 maps - Rodney, North, West, Central , South 75
D. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Recommendation 6.11.1 (revisited) - (front fence rule) PowerPoint presentation 81
E. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Recommendation 6.14.1 NORTH (revisited) Okura PowerPoint presentation 85
F. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Recommendation 7.7.1 - Transport (parking) PowerPoint presentation 89
G. 10 August 2016 - Recommendation 7.6.1 - Infrastructure (National Grid corridor) PowerPoint presentation 93
H. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Additions to agenda Attachment D - designations 97
I. 10 August 2016 - Governing Body - Alternative solutions 99