Kaipātiki Local Board
Minutes of the meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held in the Kaipātiki Local Board Office, 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 at 9.01am.
Chairperson |
Kay McIntyre, QSM |
Deputy Chairperson |
Ann Hartley, JP |
Members |
Dr Grant Gillon |
John Gillon |
From 9.02am, Item 4 |
Danielle Grant |
Richard Hills |
From 9.06am, Item 13 |
Lorene Pigg |
Lindsay Waugh |
Kaipātiki Local Board 10 August 2016 |
1 Welcome
2 Apologies
Resolution number KT/2016/91 MOVED by Member D Grant, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) accepts the apologies from Member John Gillon and Member Richard Hills for lateness.
3 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution number KT/2016/92 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley, seconded by Member D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) confirms the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 13 July 2016, as a true and correct record.
5 Leave of Absence
There were no leaves of absence.
6 Acknowledgements
6.1 |
Resolution number KT/2016/93 MOVED by Member L Waugh, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) acknowledges and thanks Cindy Lynch for her significant contribution to the Kaipātiki Local Board and wish her all the best in her new role with the Upper Harbour Local Board.
7 Petitions
There were no petitions.
8 Deputations
There were no deputations.
9 Public Forum
There was no public forum.
10 Extraordinary Business
There was no extraordinary business.
11 Notices of Motion
There were no notices of motion.
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Resolution number KT/2016/94 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley, seconded by Member G Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) endorses and adopts the draft Pest-free Kaipātiki Strategy. b) thanks the Kaipātiki Restoration Network and officers involved for their enthusiastic participation and contribution to the development of the Pest-free Kaipātiki Strategy. c) requests officers to report back in September identifying what short term actions the board can take to commence implementation of the Pest-free Kaipātiki Strategy action plan. d) requests officers to organise a board workshop with relevant internal council managers to understand what actions are being taken to support the implementation of the Pest-free Kaipātiki Strategy action plan. CARRIED |
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Resolution number KT/2016/95 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Member L Waugh: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approves the design of the Highbury Corner improvements as shown on the Beca plans dated 21 July 2016 and attached to the agenda report. b) endorses proceeding to detailed design and advancing to tender for a physical work contract for the Highbury Corner improvements project. c) requests officers integrate design elements of Kaimataara ō Wai Manawa into the Highbury Corner detailed design. d) thanks the community for its active engagement in supporting the project to date, particularly to the Birkenhead Town Centre Association and Birkenhead Residents Association. CARRIED |
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Kaipātiki Local Board Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme 2016/2017 |
Resolution number KT/2016/96 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley, seconded by Member J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approves the 2016/2017 work programme for Kaipātiki Local Board Community Facility renewals. b) notes that the 2016/2017 funding envelope is indicative to deliver this programme of work, and that any budget variances within scope will be managed within the total region-wide renewals funding envelope. c) notes that the Marlborough Park Hall repurposing and Rewi Alley toilet project will be reported to the board in an additional Community Facilities Work Programme. d) requests officers work with the Beach Haven placemaking group on the exterior artwork for the public toilet to be renewed at its current site at Sunnyhaven Avenue.
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Chris Lock of Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development was in attendance to address the board. |
Resolution number KT/2016/97 MOVED by Member D Grant, seconded by Member R Hills: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the six monthly report period 1 January to 30 June 2016.
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Chris Lock and Jonathan Sudworth of Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development were in attendance to address the board. |
Resolution number KT/2016/98 MOVED by Member D Grant, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the report produced by Raeburn House (refer Attachment A of the agenda report). b) allocates $5,000 to Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development from the economic development initiatives budget to support a migrant focused business start-up workshop to meet the needs of migrants looking to start a business (refer Attachment B of the agenda report). c) requests that a copy of the Kaipātiki Migrant Business Support project report be circulated to all local boards for their information.
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Marilyn Nicholls of Auckland Transport was in attendance to address the board. |
Resolution number KT/2016/99 MOVED by Member R Hills, seconded by Member L Waugh: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the Auckland Transport Monthly Update Kaipātiki Local Board August 2016. b) thanks Auckland Transport for the ‘simpler fare structure’ which will make public transport easier and more affordable for many people in our community. CARRIED |
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Draft Annual Report 2015/2016 - Kaipatiki Local Board report |
Member Grant Gillon left the meeting at 10.09am. |
Resolution number KT/2016/100 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Member L Pigg: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) notes the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the draft local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2015/2016. b) receives the draft local board report to be included in the Auckland Council Annual Report 2015/2016. c) approves the message from the Chairperson, which provides the local board’s comments on local board matters in the Annual Report 2015/2016. d) delegates authority to the Chairperson to make minor corrections and typographical changes before submitting for final publication. CARRIED |
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Member Grant Gillon returned to the meeting at 10.12am. |
Resolution number KT/2016/101 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the Performance Report for the financial quarter ended 30 June 2016. b) thanks officers for their efforts during the past financial year in delivering a number of quality projects that contribute to the achievement of the outcomes identified in the Kaipātiki Local Board Plan.
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Resolution number KT/2016/102 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Member D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the Local Board Services Quarterly report. b) allocates $4000 from its locally driven initiatives parks response fund to the Parks department for the design and installation of temporary ‘Skate and Bike Parks in Kaipātiki’ signage. c) endorses the board's feedback (Attachment E to the agenda report) to Auckland Transport on the proposed parking changes in Northcote Point.
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Kaipātiki Local Board Locally Driven Initiatives Capital Projects |
Resolution number KT/2016/103 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley, seconded by Member J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approves the capital projects summarised below to progress to the next phase of delivery, and agree the locally driven initiatives capital budget assigned to each project:
b) agrees not to progress or assign locally driven initiatives capital budget to the following capital projects at this stage, whilst noting these projects will remain on the list of capital projects for possible consideration at a later date:
c) notes the following capital projects have been identified as eligible for renewals budget, and will therefore not be assigned locally driven initiatives capital budget and will be removed from the list of possible capital projects:
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Special Exemption (Section 6) Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 |
Member Richard Hills declared an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. |
Resolution number KT/2016/104 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley, seconded by Member L Waugh: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) grants the application for special exemption as sought for 6 Wyvern Place, Glenfield with the following conditions: i. that the gate latches are kept in good working order ii. the gate to the pump area is kept padlocked at all times.
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Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Members' Update |
There were no Governing Body or Independent Maori Statutory Board member updates. |
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Chairperson Kay McIntyre provided a verbal report on the outcome of the Finance and Performance Committee on 9 August 2016 where the on-going operational funding of Marlborough Park Hall was considered. |
Resolution number KT/2016/105 MOVED by Member R Hills, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the verbal report from Chairperson Kay McIntyre regarding the on-going operational funding of Marlborough Park Hall.
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Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops - Wednesday, 20 July 2016 and Wednesday, 27 July 2016 |
Resolution number KT/2016/106 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the records for the Kaipātiki Local Board Workshops held on Wednesday, 20 July 2016 and Wednesday, 27 July 2016.
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Record of Kaipātiki Local Board Portfolio Briefings held in July 2016 |
Resolution number KT/2016/107 MOVED by Chairperson K McIntyre, seconded by Member R Hills: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receives the record of Kaipātiki Local Board portfolio briefings held in July 2016. CARRIED |
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Community lease with Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated |
MOVED by Member L Waugh, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) fully supports the aims and objectives of the Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated as listed below, and are supportive of the work Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated have done in the Kaipātiki community over the years: i) to ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities; ii) to assist those who are unable to express their needs effectively; and iii) to exert a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally. b) does not support the granting of a multi-premises lease to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated for the three locations in the Kaipātiki area (Birkenhead Library, Northcote Library, and 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield) for the following reasons: i) it is unclear how the granting of a multi-premises lease provides Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux with the flexibility to meet its changing accommodation and business needs over time as suggested in paragraph 16 of the agenda report; ii) the board disagrees with the suggestion outlined in paragraph 18 of the agenda report, which states that the proposed multi-premises lease will ‘allow for a more flexible optimization of the network whilst retaining local boards’ delegated authority’, as there is no evidence presented as to how a multi-premises lease will do this in practice; iii) it is unclear how the proposal results in efficiency gains for both the operational departments of Auckland Council and the local board, as no detailed financial analysis or discussion is presented in the report to demonstrate the nature and quantum of such efficiency gains; iv) the board has not been provided sufficient information as part of the agenda report (especially in relation to information pertaining to the existing three leases in the Kaipātiki Local Board area) for it to make an informed decision as to whether or not a multi-premises lease is in the best interests of its community; and v) the board expects the lease to be reflective of the current demands and future opportunities of each location specifically. c) requests a report from officers regarding the current lease terms and conditions for the three Citizens Advice Bureau locations in the Kaipātiki Local Board area, noting that the report should also include advice regarding new lease terms and conditions for each of the three locations. |
MOVED by Member G Gillon, seconded by Member J Gillon: Member Grant Gillon moved an amendment to the original motion as follows: a) add the words ‘at this time’ after the words ‘does not support’ to motion b. b) replace the word ‘disagrees’ with the words ‘is not convinced’ in motion b)ii. c) add an additional point to motion b) ‘vi) the views of the local Citizens Advice Bureaus are unclear, therefore the board requires time to effectively consult with its local Citizens Advice Bureaus.’ The amendment was put and declared: |
The Chairperson put the substantive motion. |
Resolution number KT/2016/109 MOVED by Member L Waugh, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) fully supports the aims and objectives of the Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated as listed below, and are supportive of the work Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated have done in the Kaipātiki community over the years: i) to ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities; ii) to assist those who are unable to express their needs effectively; and iii) to exert a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services, both locally and nationally. b) does not support, at this time, the granting of a multi-premises lease to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated for the three locations in the Kaipātiki area (Birkenhead Library, Northcote Library, and 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield), for the following reasons: i) it is unclear how the granting of a multi-premises lease provides Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux with the flexibility to meet its changing accommodation and business needs over time as suggested in paragraph 16 of the agenda report; ii) the board is not convinced with the suggestion outlined in paragraph 18 of the agenda report, which states that the proposed multi-premises lease will ‘allow for a more flexible optimization of the network whilst retaining local boards’ delegated authority’, as there is no evidence presented as to how a multi-premises lease will do this in practice; iii) it is unclear how the proposal results in efficiency gains for both the operational departments of Auckland Council and the local board, as no detailed financial analysis or discussion is presented in the report to demonstrate the nature and quantum of such efficiency gains; iv) the board has not been provided sufficient information as part of the agenda report (especially in relation to information pertaining to the existing three leases in the Kaipātiki Local Board area) for it to make an informed decision as to whether or not a multi-premises lease is in the best interests of its community; and v) the board expects the lease to be reflective of the current demands and future opportunities of each location specifically. vi) the views of the local Citizens Advice Bureaus are unclear therefore the board requires time to effectively consult with its local Citizens Advice Bureaus c) requests a report from officers regarding the current lease terms and conditions for the three Citizens Advice Bureau locations in the Kaipātiki Local Board area, noting that the report should also include advice regarding new lease terms and conditions for each of the three locations. The substantive motion was declared: |
29 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.23am. The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.