Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel held in the Boardroom, Ground Floor, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 at 4.59pm.





Aiolupotea Sina Aiolupotea-aiono


Deputy Chairperson

Sefita Hao'uli



Apulu Reece Autagavaia



Tunumafono Ava Fa'amoe



Rev Tevita Finau



Tevita Funaki



Afa'ese Manoa



'Ofeina Manuel-Barbarich



Richard Pamatatau



Leilani Tamu






Sam Sefuiva



Liaison Councillor

Anae Arthur Anae





Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel

10 August 2016



1          Apologies


Resolution number PAC/2016/27

MOVED by Member R Autagavaia, seconded by Member T Finau:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         accept the apologies from Member S Sefuiva and Cr A Anae for absence.




2          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number PAC/2016/28

MOVED by Member A Fa'amoe , seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Hao'uli:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting held on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 as a true and correct record.




4          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Work Programme Update




Austin Kim, Principal Advisor Panels, provided a verbal update on the work programme status, the review of the six demographic advisory panels, the sessions to be held on 17 and 18 August 2016, the presentation to the Governing Body on 25 August 2016, and the end of term function on 16 September 2016.

Kim Taunga, Lead Officer Support, tabled a document provided by Olivia Taouma, Arts & Culture Programme Leader (Pasifika) titled “Empowered Pacific Arts and Culture Community Programmes – 2016 Pilot” which Members Sefita Hao’uli, Richard Pamatatau and Leilani Tamu provided input into at a previous workshop and which they endorsed and supported. A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number PAC/2016/29

MOVED by Member L Tamu, seconded by Member A Manoa:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         receive the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Work Programme update for August 2016.

b)        receive the Empowered Pacific Arts and Culture Community Programmes – 2016 Pilot document tabled at the meeting.


c)         recognise and appreciate the work done in the context of the Arts and Culture Strategic Action Plan (ACSAP) and in particular the inclusion of the three new Pacific programmes. The programmes are of tremendous value and showcase the role Pacific Art plays in identification and anchoring economic and artistic development and recommend that they continue to be supported through appropriate resources and funding.

d)        acknowledge that the good result achieved was arrived at through persistent and frequent engagement with staff who were receptive to ideas put forward and that the panel members involved were able to follow this project through to its conclusion, recognising that the amount of time required to achieve the result was done outside of normal working hours.

e)         acknowledge the outputs noted in the schedule of feedback and advice attached to the agenda report and identify specifically the following highlights:

·          Pasifika

·          ACSAP

·          Set Netting

·          LTP Engagement

·          The Southern Initiative

·          Libraries Pacific Services Strategy

·          Joined up meeting with other panel representatives to provide feedback on Civil Defence policy.






a     10 August 2016, Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel, Item 5 Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Work Programme Update




Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Chairperson and Member Updates


Kim Taunga, Lead Officer Support, tabled a document provided by Member Sam Sefuiva titled “Update of Pasifika Festival 2017 25 Anniversary”. Deputy Chairperson Sefita Hao'uli spoke to this document. A copy of the document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.

Chairperson Aiolupotea Sina Aiolupotea-Aiono referred to the Independent Hearings Panel recommendations on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan and the effect on Pacific people. The Deputy Chairperson addressed the challenge of home ownership versus renting of property in Auckland.

Member Leilani Tamu noted that there needs to be a continuing conversation amongst Pacific people outside of the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel structure and a number of panel members confirmed their interest in being involved in these discussions.

Chairperson Aiolupotea Sina Aiolupotea-Aiono noted that the panel should provide a letter to the incoming mayor and governing body members expressing their views on the findings of the review and on their frustrations, wins and challenges to contribute as a panel for the needs of the Pacific community.

Member Tunumafono Ava Fa’amoe acknowledged the leadership of the chairperson and members of the panel and the assistance of staff supporting the panel.

Chairperson Aiolupotea Sina Aiolupotea-Aiono thanked panel members and staff supporting the panel for their contribution during the current term.

Member Apulu Reece Autagavaia spoke on behalf of panel members and thanked the chairperson and deputy chairperson for their leadership during the current term.


Resolution number PAC/2016/30

MOVED by Chairperson S Aiolupotea-aiono , seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Hao'uli:  

That the Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel:

a)         note the updates from the chairperson and panel members and the key milestones achieved over the current council term.

b)         note that the Independent Hearings Panel has provided its recommendations to Auckland Council on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.

c)         receive the Update of Pasifika Festival 2017 25 Anniversary document tabled at the meeting.

d)         support the consideration for Auckland Council to contribute to the costs of an additional event marking the 25 years of Pasifika Festival as a significant contributor to Auckland’s Pacific cultural, arts and social identity and character.

e)         support that Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development secure the resources of a small team to provide good advice while the impending elections and the transition to a possible new panel are underway to ensure a successful outcome for the 25 year celebration of this iconic event.

f)          agree that the panel should provide a letter to the incoming mayor and governing body members expressing their views on the findings of the review and on their wins and challenges to contribute as a panel for the needs of the Pacific community.




a     10 August 2016, Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel, Item 6 Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel Chairperson and Member Updates



7          Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  



6.15pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.














LEAD OFFICER:........................................................