I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Puketāpapa Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 25 August 2016


Fickling Convention Centre
546 Mt Albert Road
Three Kings


Puketāpapa Local Board









Julie Fairey


Deputy Chairperson

Harry Doig



David Holm



Ella Kumar



Nigel Turnbull



Michael Wood



(Quorum 3 members)




Brenda  Railey

Democracy Advisor


19 August 2016


Contact Telephone: 021 820 781

Email: brenda.railey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE


29        Community Facilities Maintenance Contracts 2017                                                  5

29        Temporary arrangements for urgent decisions and staff delegations during the election period                                                                                                                            25   



Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016



Community Facilities Maintenance Contracts 2017


File No.: CP2016/17904




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek local board feedback on proposed maintenance service specifications where they may have an impact on levels of service for local activities, to inform a Request for Proposal to the supplier market (due to be published in early October 2016).

Executive summary

2.       The majority of Auckland Council’s existing contracts to maintain buildings, grounds, open space and parks amenities expire on 30 June 2017. A Request for Proposal process is planned to be underway in October 2016 followed by contract negotiations, to determine new maintenance contracts to take effect from 1 July 2017.

3.       The Governing Body is responsible for procurement decisions of major service delivery contracts.  Local boards set, and can increase levels of service for local activities subject to minimum levels of service set by the Governing Body.

4.       Local boards play a key role in providing input to proposed maintenance service specifications where they may have an impact on levels of service for local activities.  This report is seeking feedback from local boards by 23 September 2016 to inform a Request for Proposal to the supplier market, including the following:

·   Proposed geographical clusters for community facilities maintenance contracts (Attachment A)

·   Proposed service specifications by asset group (Attachment B)

·   Smart procurement principles (Attachment C)

·   Delivery model options for Gulf Islands (Attachment D)




That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to provide the board’s feedback on the proposed service specifications, local outcomes and the overall structure for new Community Facilities maintenance contracts by 23 September 2016.


b)      provide feedback on the proposed service specifications, local outcomes and the overall structure for new Community Facilities maintenance contracts, including:

·   Proposed geographical clusters for community facilities maintenance contracts (Attachment A)

·   Proposed service specifications by asset group (Attachment B)

·   Smart procurement principles (Attachment C)

·   Delivery model options for Gulf Islands (Attachment D)







5.       Auckland Council currently has 38 Community Facilities contracts to maintain buildings, grounds, open space and parks amenities.  The majority of these contracts are scheduled to expire on 30 June 2017.

6.       A project has been setup to implement new facilities maintenance contracts to serve the Auckland region from 1 July 2017. 

7.       The Governing Body is responsible for procurement decisions of major service delivery contracts.  Local boards set, and can increase (with Locally Driven Initiative funding), levels of service for local activities subject to minimum levels of service that are set by the Governing Body.

8.       Local boards play a key role in providing input to proposed maintenance service specifications where it may have an impact on levels of service for local activities.(e.g. “neighbourhood parks – lawns are presented in a way that encourages general walkability and allows for passive recreational activity”)

9.       The objectives of this project include implementing:

·     standardised contracts, but with flexibility to accommodate local board governance decisions (e.g. change the use of an asset, increase baseline service levels through locally driven initiative funding)

·     outcomes that reflect local character and social outcomes (e.g. promote local employment, support local design of facilities)

·     Smart procurement outcomes (e.g. sustainability)

·     consistency in service delivery across the Auckland region

·     value for money

·     improved contract performance and auditing

·     improved local board reporting to inform governance decision making

10.     A Procurement Working Group consisting of 12 local board chairs has provided regular direction and guidance over the last four months on this project’s strategy and intent.

11.     Cluster workshops were held throughout August with all local boards to discuss this project’s intent and direction and obtain informal feedback.  Formal feedback is now sought from all 21 local boards by 23 September 2016, on the proposed service specifications, local outcomes and the overall structure for new Community Facilities maintenance contracts prior to finalising a Request for Proposal to the supplier market in early October 2016.

In Scope

12.     This will include the following services:

·     Cleaning (including all toilets and car parks)

·     Facilities management (all buildings including toilets, clocks)

·     Green maintenance (parks, gardens, streets, mowing, Healthy Waters green assets)

·      Outdoor leisure amenities and equipment (e.g. playgrounds, skate facilities, courts, park structures)

·     Hard surfaces (e.g. park paths, boardwalks)

·     Beach, coastal assets (beach furniture / paths, boat ramps & seawalls)

·     Access management (gates and toilets)

·     Loose litter collection

·     Pest control (in and around a building)

·     Lighting (internal and external amenities)

13.     The following specialist services require niche suppliers and will be considered throughout this process, but may be contracted separately to minimise risk in the provision of these services:

·     Arboriculture

·     Ecological restoration and external / environmental  pest control

·     Sports fields renovations and upgrades

·     Painting

·     Pool plants, water features, fountains

Out of Scope

14.     Services excluded from this project include general building compliance maintenance work as follows, as existing contracts do not expire for another two years:

·     Building Warrant of Fitness management

·     Fire evacuation schemes and training

·     Fire alarm monitoring

·     Fire systems maintenance

·     Lift maintenance

·     Security systems maintenance

·     Small water professional services

·     Rubbish collection and recycling from Council buildings


15.     To maximise economies of scale whilst still providing a local flavour, staff propose to create five facility maintenance contracts across each of the geographical cluster areas outlined in Attachment A.

16.     Proposed baseline service specifications defining outcomes expected across a range of asset groups are outlined in Attachment B.

17.     Smart procurement outcomes identified as important to local boards, that will be considered in the procurement of each facility maintenance contract are outlined in Attachment C.

18.     Council is exploring the possibility of directly engaging Great Barrier and Waiheke maintenance service providers to deliver services on the islands. Proposed procurement models are outlined in Attachment D.


Local board views and implications

19.     A Procurement Working Group consisting of 12 local board chairs was setup to provide direction and advice over the last four months on this project’s strategy and intent.

20.     Workshops were held with each of the proposed geographical cluster groups in August 2016 to outline proposed service specifications, proposed structure of new maintenance contracts and to obtain verbal feedback.

Māori impact statement

21.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi and its broader statutory obligations to Māori.

22.     Māori responsiveness requires the collective effort of everyone. Under the new contracts, suppliers will work collaboratively with council to achieve better outcomes with Māori and for Auckland. This will include:

·     Building positive relationships with Māori – effective communication and engagement with Māori, developing resilient relationships with mana whenua

·     Significantly lift Māori social and economic well-being

·     Building Māori capability and capacity


23.     A Request for Proposal for facility maintenance contracts is due to be published to the supplier market in early October 2016 with contract negotiations formally concluded in April 2017.

24.     A transition period will be in place before new contracts take effect from 1 July 2017 to ensure a smooth implementation.

25.     Local boards will have the opportunity to set local performance targets for 2017/2018 as part of the Annual Planning process in early 2017.  Staff will provide clear and concise information enabling the local board an opportunity to allocate locally driven initiative (LDI) funding to increase maintenance service specifications between March and May 2017.  

26.     Facility contract terms and conditions will be negotiated in early 2017 and will enable the ability for local boards to increase local maintenance service levels through the annual planning process each year.








Proposed geographical clusters



Proposed service specifications



Smart procurement principles



Delivery model options for Gulf Islands





Kate Marsh - Financial Planning Manager - Local Boards


Mathew Walker – GM Financial Strategy and Planning

Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager


Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016






Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016




Puketāpapa Local Board

25 August 2016



Temporary arrangements for urgent decisions and staff delegations during the election period


File No.: CP2016/17945




1.       The purpose of this report is to seek the local board’s approval for temporary arrangements during the election period for:

·    urgent decisions

·    decisions made by staff under delegated authority from the local board that require consultation with portfolio holders under delegation protocols.

Executive summary

2.       Between the last local board business meeting of the current electoral term, and the first business meeting of the new term, there may be decisions needed or routine business as usual to process that cannot wait until after the incoming local board’s first business meeting in the new electoral term.

3.       Temporary arrangements are therefore needed for urgent decisions of the local board, and decisions made by staff under existing delegated authority.

4.       Between the last business meeting and the declaration of election results (likely to be 13 October), current members are still in office, and can make urgent decisions if delegated to do so. If the board does not have an existing urgent decision-making process already in place, it is recommended that the board delegate to the chair and deputy chair the power to make urgent decisions on behalf of the local board during this period.

5.       Following the declaration of results, the current members are no longer in office. New members come into office the day after the declaration of results, but cannot act until they give their statutory declaration at the inaugural meeting. During this period, urgent decisions will be made by the chief executive under his existing delegated authority.

6.       All local boards have made a general delegation to the Chief Executive.  This delegation is subject to a requirement to comply with delegations protocols approved by the local board, which require, amongst other matters, staff to consult with portfolio holders on certain matters. The most common area requiring consultation is landowner consents relating to local parks.

7.       After the election, there will be no local board portfolio holders to consult until new arrangements are made at the first business meeting in the new term. During this time, staff will need to continue to process routine business as usual matters, including routine requests from third parties for landowner approval. 

8.       As a temporary measure, approval is sought from the local board to allow officers to continue to process business as usual decisions that cannot wait until after the local board’s first business meeting. This is irrespective of the requirements of the current delegation protocols to consult with the nominated portfolio holder on landowner consents. 

9.       Appointments made by the local board to external bodies will cease on the date of the election. New appointments will need to be made by the local board in the new term.









That the Puketāpapa Local Board:

a)      utilise the board’s existing urgent decision-making process OR Delegate to the chair and deputy chair the power to make, on behalf of the local board, urgent decisions that may be needed between the final local board business meeting and the commencement of the term of office of new local board members.

b)      note that from the commencement of the term of office of new local board members until the inaugural meeting of the incoming local board, urgent decision-making will be undertaken by the Chief Executive under existing delegations.

c)      approve that staff, as a temporary measure, can make business as usual decisions under their existing delegated authority without requiring compliance with the requirement in the current delegation protocols to consult with the nominated portfolio holder, from 8 October 2016 until new arrangements are made at the first business meeting in the new term. 

d)      note that existing appointments by the local board to external bodies will cease at the election and new appointments will need to be made by the local board in the new term.



10.     Current elected members remain in office until the new members’ term of office commences, which is the day after the declaration of election results[1] (likely to be 13 October 2016).

11.     The new members cannot act as members of the local board until they have made their statutory declaration at the inaugural local board meeting[2]

12.     Following the last local board meeting of the current electoral term, there may be decisions needed or routine business as usual to process that cannot wait until after the incoming local board’s first business meeting in the new electoral term.

13.     Temporary arrangements need to be made for:

·    Urgent decisions

·    Decisions made by staff under delegated authority from the local board that require consultation with portfolio holders.

Urgent decisions

14.     Between the last business meeting and the declaration of results (likely to be 13 October), current members are still in office, and can make urgent decisions if delegated to do so. If the board does not have an existing urgent decision-making process already in place, it is recommended that the board delegate to the chair and deputy chair the power to make urgent decisions on behalf of the local board during this period.

15.     Between the declaration of results and the inaugural meeting, the current members are no longer in office, the new members cannot act until they give their statutory declaration, and new chairs and deputies will not be in place. During this period, urgent decisions will be made by the chief executive under his existing delegated authority (which includes a financial cap).

Decisions made by staff under delegated authority

16.     All local boards have made a delegation to the Chief Executive. The delegation is subject to a requirement to comply with delegation protocols approved by the local board. These delegation protocols require, amongst other things, staff to consult with nominated portfolio holders on certain issues.

17.     The most common area requiring consultation is landowner consents relating to local parks. The portfolio holder can refer the matter to the local board for a decision. 

18.     Parks staff receive a large number of landowner consent requests each month that relate to local parks across Auckland. The majority of these need to be processed within 20 working days (or less), either in order to meet the applicant’s timeframes and provide good customer service, or to meet statutory timeframes associated with resource consents. Only a small number of landowner requests are referred by the portfolio holder to the local board for a decision. 

19.     Prior to the election, staff can continue to consult with portfolio holders as required by the delegation protocols. However, after the election, there will be no portfolio holders in place to consult with until new arrangements are made at the first business meeting of the local board in the new term.

20.     During this time, staff will need to continue to process routine business as usual matters, including routine requests from third parties for landowner approval such as commercial operator permits, temporary access requests and affected party approvals.

21.     As a temporary measure, it is recommended that the local board allow staff to process routine business as usual matters without consulting with the nominated portfolio holder, where these matters cannot wait until new arrangements are made in the term.

Appointment to external bodies

22.     Appointments made by the local board to external bodies will cease at the election. New appointments will need to be made by the local board in the new term.


Local board views and implications

23.     This is a report to all local boards.

Māori impact statement

24.     These arrangements do not have specific implications for Māori.


25.     This decision will allow routine matters to be processed during the election period.



There are no attachments for this report.    



Felicity  Prance - Policy Advisor


Carol McKenzie-Rex – Relationship Manager

Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager



[1] Sections 115 and 116, Local Electoral Act 2001

[2] Clause 14, Schedule 7, Local Government Act 2002