Whau Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Whau Local Board held in the Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue, New Lynn on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 at 6.30pm.





Catherine Farmer




Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu

(from 7.10pm, item 8.3)




Ami Chand, JP





Duncan Macdonald, JP





Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel





Simon Matafai













Derek Battersby, QSM, JP







Clr Ross Clow












Whau Local Board

17 August 2016




1          Welcome


The meeting opened with a karakia.


2          Apologies


Resolution number WH/2016/93

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         accept apologies from member Derek Battersby for absence and Susan Zhu for lateness.




3          Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.


Members declared conflict of interests as below. 



Board Member

Organisation / Position

Catherine Farmer

·            Avondale-Waterview Historical Society – Committee Member

·            Blockhouse Bay Historical Society – Member

·            Portage Licensing Trust – Trustee

·            Blockhouse Bay Bowls - Patron

Susan Zhu

·            Chinese Oral History Foundation – Committee member

·            The Chinese Garden Steering Committee of Auckland – Board Member

Derek Battersby

·            Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust –Trustee

·            New Lynn Tennis Club – Patron

·            West Lynn Gardens – Patron

·            Tag Out Trust – Chairman

Ami Chand

·            Kelston Community Trust – Trustee

·               Portage Licensing Trust – Deputy Chair

·            Rupa Aur Aap Trust – Trustee

·            Kelston Community Hub – Chair

·            Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) Waitakere City Local Distribution Committee– Committee Member

Duncan Macdonald

·            Avondale Business Association – Chairman

·            Avondale Community Society – Chairman

·            Avondale RSA – Committee Member

·            Historical Society - Member

·            Avondale Jockey Club – Member

Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel

·               Problem Gambling Foundation – Board Member

Simon Matafai

·               International Pacific Council – President

·               United for Education and Sustainable Futures – Ambassador

·               Global Youth Music Committee – Ambassador

·               Helping Youth Pursue Emancipation – Ambassador

·               Auckland City Peace Ambassador

·               Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust - Patron


There was no change to the register.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number WH/2016/94

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 20 July 2016, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Resolution number WH/2016/95

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         acknowledge Mary Farmer on her recent 100th birthday on 6 August 2016.

b)        acknowledge that Mary Farmer is a local Avondale resident for more than 62 years and is a life member of the Catholic Women’s League at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Avondale.




7          Ward Councillor’s Update


Councillor Clow updated the board on matters being addressed by the Governing Body including final decision on the Unitary Plan; which will be notified publically on Friday, 19 August 2016.


8          Deputations



Heritage conference - Sandra Coney, Chair Waitakere Ranges Local Board


Waitakere Ranges Local Board chair Sandra Coney made a verbal presentation updating the board on the development of a new heritage event “New Stories of the Old West – West Auckland Heritage Conference”. The Conference is scheduled for Sunday 2 October 2016 at Titirangi War Memorial Hall. This conference is free to attend and will be part of the larger, region-wide Auckland Heritage Festival.


Resolution number WH/2016/96

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from Waitakere Ranges Local Board chair Sandra Coney and thank her for the presentation.






Connected Media Charitable Trust


David Jacobs from Connected Media Charitable Trust made a presentation on sustainability film project for young people ‘The Outlook for Someday’ and requested that the board supports the Trust’s application for a grant towards its rental costs at 13A Totara Avenue, New Lynn.

A copy of presentation has been filed on file copy of minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council website.


Resolution number WH/2016/97

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from David Jacobs of Connected Media Charitable Trust and thank him for the presentation.





a     Presentation - Connected Media Charitable Trust 




Netball Waitakere - Karyne Ross


Deputy Chair, Susan Zhu joined the meeting at 7.10pm.


Karyne Ross, General Manager of Netball Waitakere made a presentation introducing “ANZ futureFERNS” project they are initiating in the Whau area. Netball Waitakere is collaborating with Avondale College to utilise their newly refurbished netball courts, and in future, their floodlights, to run a Junior Netball Competition specially targeted to the local Whau area primary schools. Netball Waitakere will set up a Satellite Netball Centre operating from the college which will be of great benefit to the Whau local community.

The presentation included the introduction of the initiative, project plan, timings and benefits to the community. A copy of presentation and game information have been filed on file copy of minutes and can be viewed on Auckland Council website.


Resolution number WH/2016/98

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from Karyne Ross, General Manager of Netball Waitakere and thank her for the presentation.





a     Presentation - Netball Waitakere - Karyne Ross

b     Game information - ANZ futureFERNS


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.


11        Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



Whau Local Board Chairperson - Catherine Farmer's report


Resolution number WH/2016/99

MOVED by Chairperson CM Farmer, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive Whau Local Board Chairperson Catherine Farmer’s report.






Local board members' reports


There were no verbal reports.




Auckland Transport Report, Whau Local Board, August 2016


Resolution number WH/2016/100

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Report, Whau Local Board, August 2016.






Draft Annual Report 2015/2016 - Whau Local Board report


Resolution number WH/2016/101

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      note the monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 and the draft local board information proposed for the Auckland Council Annual Report 2015/2016.

b)      receive the draft local board report to be included in the Auckland Council Annual Report 2015/2016.

c)      approve the message from the chairperson, which provides the local board’s comments on local board matters in the Annual Report 2015/2016.

d)      give authority to the chairperson and deputy chairperson to make typographical changes before submitting for final publication.






Quarterly Performance Report period ended 30 June 2016


Resolution number WH/2016/102

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the Quarterly Performance Report for the Whau Local Board for the period ended 30 June 2016.






Sister Rene Shadbolt Park Skate Facility Extension


Resolution number WH/2016/103

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      approve the concept plan for the full extension to the skate facility at Sister Rene Shadbolt Park.

b)      allocate an further $70,000 from its LDI Capex funding, in addition to the remaining Parks growth fund $60,000, to support the construction of the Sister Rene Shadbolt Skate Park facility extension as outlined in the concept plan.






Alan Wood corridor naming of parks and bridges


Resolution number WH/2016/104

MOVED by Member SPT Matafai, seconded by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      approve the names of the park area and bridges in the Alan Wood corridor, outlined in the Attachment A map, as follows:

i)       Alan Wood Reserve – for the area in red

ii)      Mokomoko bridge - for bridge 2, by 108 Methuen Road

iii)     Raupō Bridge - for bridge 3, by Valonia Reserve

iv)     Tuna Roa - for bridge 4, by 174 Methuen Road










Central West Community Needs Assessment and Facilities Investigation


Resolution number WH/2016/105

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      receive the findings of the Central West Community Needs Assessment and Facilities Investigation.

b)      request staff to consider the opportunities identified in this report for improving existing facilities, programmes and services proposed in the Whau local board area in the preparation of the next local board agreement and plan.

c)      note that the opportunities identified in this report for improving existing facilities, programmes and services will be provided to the relevant departments of council for consideration as part of future service delivery and asset management planning for community facilities.

d)      support progressing with a strategic case for change including options analysis, site assessment, and estimating cost implications for budgeted and potential new investment.






Community lease with Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated


Resolution number WH/2016/106

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member A Chand:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      approve the surrender of all leases and accommodation agreements to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated and other associated societies of the Bureaux, within the respective local board area as specified in the Schedule of Bureaux Sites (Attachment B).

b)      approve a new multi-premises lease to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated for the premises within the respective local board area specified in the Bureaux Sites (Attachment B) subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       The lease term will be two (2) years commencing 1 July 2016 with two (2) three (3) year rights of renewal, with a final expiry of 30 June 2024, if all rights of renewal are exercised.

ii)      Rent will be $1.00 plus GST per annum.

iii)     Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated will be responsible for all operational charges for each site throughout the term of the lease, as set out in the Schedule of Bureaux Sites (Attachment B) and Regional Bureaux Sites-(Attachment C).

iv)     That operational charges for any sites added during the term of the lease be at the rate prescribed by the community occupancy guidelines in effect at the time of addition, currently $25/m2 of space occupied.

v)      Provision is provided to allow for the addition and removal of premises during the term of the lease.

vi)     Provision to allow Libraries, where the space occupied by the Bureaux is required for library purposes, to relocate the Bureaux to another area within the same building upon six months’ notice.

vii)    The community outcomes plan provision be amended to refer to the revised strategic relationship agreement objectives to develop specific community outcomes between the Bureaux and each local board.

viii)   All other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.






Confirmation of Workshop Records: July 2016


Resolution number WH/2016/107

MOVED by Member A Chand, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      confirm the records of the workshops in Attachments A - C held on the following dates: 

6 July 2016

13 July 2016

27 July 2016






Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number WH/2016/108

MOVED by Member R Manukia-Schaumkel, seconded by Member SPT Matafai:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)      note the Whau Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar – August 2016.




23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items. 



7.35pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.








