Manurewa Local Board
Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Manurewa Local Board held in the Manurewa Sports Centre, 180 Weymouth Road, Manurewa on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 at 6:30pm.
Chairperson |
Angela Dalton |
Deputy Chairperson |
Rangi McLean |
Members |
Joseph Allan |
Simeon Brown |
Stella Cattle |
Sarah Colcord |
Angela Cunningham-Marino |
Ken Penney |
Cr Daniel Newman |
Cr Sir John Walker, KMNZ, CBE |
Dennis Kirkwood, Member, Independent Māori Statutory Board |
Glenn Wilcox, Deputy Chair, Independent Māori Statutory Board |
Brent Catchpole, Member elect, Papakura Local Board |
Hon. George Hawkins, Member elect, Papakura Local Board |
Manurewa Local Board 02 November 2016 |
Secretarial Note: Before the meeting began the Democracy Advisor advised the locations of the emergency exits and conveniences.
Secretarial Note: Rex Hewitt, Relationship Manager chaired the meeting for items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. From item 8 onwards, the elected chairperson chaired the meeting. Ian Maxwell, Director Community Services administered the members’ declarations.
1 Mihi Whakatau (Welcome)
Ted Ngataki, Kaumatua, led the prayer and gave a brief welcome.
2 Welcome Address
Ian Maxwell, Director Community Services, addressed the meeting.
3 Apologies
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The Relationship Manager gave an overview of the voting systems and requested a mover and seconder.
Resolution number MR/2016/188 MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) elect a chairperson for the 2016-2019 political term, utilising System B of Schedule 7, Part 1, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002. The motion was put to the vote by a show of hands and was declared CARRIED unanimously, 8 votes to 0.
The Relationship Manager called for nominations for the position of chairperson.
Member Stella Cattle nominated Member Angela Dalton for the chairperson role. Member Simeon Brown seconded the nomination.
Resolution number MR/2016/189 MOVED by Member S Cattle, seconded by Member S Brown: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) elect Member Angela Dalton as chairperson for the 2016-2019 political term The motion was put to the vote by a show of hands and was declared CARRIED unanimously, 8 votes to 0. |
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The chairperson addressed the meeting.
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Resolution number MR/2016/190 MOVED by Member S Brown, seconded by Member J Allan: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) elect a Deputy Chairperson for the 2016-2019 political term, utilising System B of Schedule 7, Part 1, Clause 25 of the Local Government Act 2002. |
The chairperson called for nominations for the position of deputy chairperson.
Member Simeon Brown nominated Member Rangi McLean for the deputy chairperson role. Member Angela Cunningham-Marino seconded the nomination.
Resolution number MR/2016/191 MOVED by Member S Brown, seconded by Member A Cunningham-Marino: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) elect Rangi McLean as deputy chairperson for the 2016-2019 political term. |
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Secretarial note: The chairperson invited the ward councillor, Cr Daniel Newman, to come forward and address the meeting. |
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The Relationship Manager gave a brief explanation of the local government legislation.
Resolution number MR/2016/192 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson R McLean, seconded by Member S Colcord: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note the general explanation of the laws affecting elected members. |
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Resolution number MR/2016/193 MOVED by Chairperson A Dalton, seconded by Member S Brown: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) confirm Thursday, 17 November 2016 at 6pm as the date for its first business meeting, noting the venue will be the Manurewa Local Board Office meeting room, Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa.
7.35pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.