Planning Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 at 9.32am.





Cr Chris Darby


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Denise Lee



Cr Dr Cathy Casey



Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore



Cr Ross Clow

Until 2.37pm, Item 17


Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Cr Alf Filipaina



Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO

From 9.36pm, Item 2


Mayor Hon Phil Goff, JP

Until 1.12pm, Item 16


IMSB Member Hon Tau Henare

Until 2.32pm, item 17


Cr Richard Hills



Cr Mike Lee

From 9.39am, Item 7 until 2.37pm, Item 17


Cr Daniel Newman, JP



IMSB Member Liane Ngamane



Cr Dick Quax

From 9.37am, Item 2


Cr Greg Sayers



Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM

Until 2.30pm, Item 17


Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE

Until 1.12pm, Item 16


Cr Wayne Walker

From 9.49am, Item 9


Cr John Watson

From 9.44am, Item 9





Cr Efeso Collins



Cr Penny Hulse




Planning Committee

29 November 2016




1          Apologies


Resolution number PLA/2016/1

MOVED by Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Cr G Sayers:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)         accept the apologies from Cr E Collins for absence, from Cr P Hulse for absence on council business and from Cr W Walker for lateness.




2          Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


Cr C Fletcher entered the meeting at 9.36 am.

Cr D Quax entered the meeting at 9.37 am.


3          Confirmation of Minutes

There were no minutes for confirmation.


4          Petitions

There were no petitions.


5          Public Input

There was no public input.


6          Local Board Input

There was no local board input.


7          Extraordinary Business

There was no extraordinary business.


Cr M Lee entered the meeting at 9.39 am.


8          Notices of Motion

There were no notices of motion.





Planning Committee 2016-2019


Cr J Watson entered the meeting at 9.44 am.

Cr W Walker entered the meeting at 9.49 am.

Cr A Filipaina left the meeting at 10.09 am.


Resolution number PLA/2016/2

MOVED by Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Lee:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)    receive the verbal reports from Chairperson C Darby, Deputy Chairperson D Lee and Mayor P Goff.






Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan – Appeal of KiwiRail Designation 6303 for the Avondale to Southdown Railway Line


Don Munro, Manager Strategic Policy Integration and Alastair Lovell, Statutory Policy Leader from Auckland Transport were present for this item.

Supporting documents were tabled.  Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr A Filipaina returned to the meeting at 10.40am.


Resolution number PLA/2016/3

MOVED by Cr L Cooper, seconded by Cr R Clow:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      approve the lodgement of an Environment Court appeal against the decision by KiwiRail Holdings Limited to reject (in part) the council’s recommendations on Designation 6303 (Avondale to Southdown Railway Line) in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan.

b)      delegate to the General Manager Plans and Places the authority in consultation with the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, to reach an agreement with KiwiRail Holdings Limited in respect of the appeal, or if necessary, proceed to a hearing before the Environment Court.




a     29 November 2016, Planning Committee - Item 10 Proposed Auckalnd Unitary Plan - Appeal of KiwiRail Designation 6303 for the Avondale to Southdown Railway Line, KiwiRail decision

b     29 November 2016, Planning Committee - Item 10 Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Appeal of KiwiRail Designation 6303 for the Avondale to Southdown Railway Line, Marked Up and Clean Version of Designation





Auckland Unitary Plan – Update on Appeals and Delegations for Urgent Decisions


Cr A Filipaina left the meeting at 10.52am.

Cr A Filipaina returned to the meeting at 11.00am.


Resolution number PLA/2016/4

MOVED by Cr L Cooper, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)         delegate the authority to make urgent decisions in respect of any current appeal or judicial review proceedings relating to the Auckland Unitary Plan at mediation sessions and hearings held by the High Court and Environment Court. to:

i)          the Chairperson of the Planning Committee

ii)         the Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee

iii)       Councillor A Filipaina

iv)       Councillor P Hulse

v)         Councillor M Lee

vi)       Independent Māori Statutory Board Member L Ngamane.

b)        agree that at least four members are required to be in agreement for an urgent decision to be made.

c)         delegate to the General Manager Plans and Places, the authority to confirm the council’s position in respect of technical matters (as opposed to policy matters) at mediation sessions and at the hearings in respect of any current appeal or judicial review proceedings relating to the Auckland Unitary Plan.



The meeting was adjourned at 11.06am and reconvened at 11.16am. Cr C Fletcher and Cr G Sayers were not present.



East West Link Project - political reference group and delegations


A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Note:   an amendment to b) ii) and the addition of b) vi) were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting.



MOVED by Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)         agree to make a submission to the notices of requirement and resource consent application by the New Zealand Transport Agency for the East West Link.

b)         establish an East West Link Political Reference Group comprising:

i)          the Chairperson of the Planning Committee

ii)         the Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee

iii)        the Chairpersons of Maungakiekie –Tāmaki and Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Boards

iv)        a second member of Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

v)         a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board.

vi)        Councillors D Newman, D Quax and M Lee.

c)         delegate authority to the East West Link Political Reference Group to work with the Manager Central and South Planning to prepare, approve and lodge a submission to the notice of requirement and resource consent applications by New Zealand Transport Agency for the East West Link project.




Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 11.20am.

Cr C Fletcher returned to the meeting at 11.24am.


Resolution number PLA/2016/5

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Lee, seconded by IMSB Member T Henare, an amendment by way of addition:  

That the Planning Committee:

d)         notwithstanding the prior decisions a) to c) above, request that the New Zealand Transport Agency Board delay the lodgement of the application with the Environmental Protection Authority until 2017 for the following reasons:

i)              the New Zealand Transport Agency has agreed to independently peer review “The Community Plan” (an alternative design proposed by a number of Onehunga community organisations).  This peer review should be completed prior to lodgement of the application.

ii)             there has been a lack of clear, understandable visuals to describe the effects of the application.  The New Zealand Transport Agency needs to complete the fly-throughs, 3-D images and other visuals so that the community can clearly understand the visual and physical effects of the application.

iii)            to ensure that the submission period does not begin prior to February 2017 to maximise participation in the submission and hearing process

e)         request that the Environment Protection Authority consider an eight-week submission period for this application due to its complexity and significant effects that it will have on the local community.





The substantive motion was put.


Resolution number PLA/2016/6

MOVED by Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)    agree to make a submission to the notices of requirement and resource consent application by the New Zealand Transport Agency for the East West Link.

b)    establish an East West Link Political Reference Group comprising:

i)     the Chairperson of the Planning Committee

ii)    the Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee

iii)   the Chairpersons of Maungakiekie –Tāmaki and Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Boards

iv)   a second member of Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

v)    a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board.

vi)   Councillors D Newman, D Quax and M Lee.

c)    delegate authority to the East West Link Political Reference Group to work with the Manager Central and South Planning to prepare, approve and lodge a submission to the notice of requirement and resource consent applications by New Zealand Transport Agency for the East West Link project.

d)    notwithstanding the prior decisions a) to c) above, request that the New Zealand Transport Agency Board delay the lodgement of the application with the Environmental Protection Authority until 2017 for the following reasons:

i)     the New Zealand Transport Agency has agreed to independently peer review “The Community Plan” (an alternative design proposed by a number of Onehunga community organisations).  This peer review should be completed prior to lodgement of the application.

ii)    there has been a lack of clear, understandable visuals to describe the effects of the application.  The New Zealand Transport Agency needs to complete the fly-throughs, 3-D images and other visuals so that the community can clearly understand the visual and physical effects of the application.

iii)   to ensure that the submission period does not begin prior to February 2017 to maximise participation in the submission and hearing process

e)    request that the Environment Protection Authority consider an eight-week submission period for this application due to its complexity and significant effects that it will have on the local community.



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr C Casey requested that her dissenting vote be recorded.



a     29 Novemer 2016 - Planning Committee - Item 12 - EastWest Link Project PowerPoint presentation





Northern Corridor Improvements Project - political reference group and delegations


A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr J Walker left the meeting at 12.11 pm.


Resolution number PLA/2016/7

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr J Watson:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      agree to make a submission in respect of the Notice of Requirement by the New Zealand Transport Agency for the Northern Corridor Improvements project;

b)        establish a Northern Corridor Improvements Political Reference Group comprising:

i)          the Chairperson of the Planning Committee

ii)         the Albany Ward Councillors, W Walker and J Watson

iii)       the Upper Harbour Local Board Chairperson (or nominee)

iv)       a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board.

v)         Councillors G Sayers and R Hills

b)        delegate authority to the Northern Corridor Improvements Political Reference Group to work with the Manager North West Planning to prepare, approve and lodge a submission in respect of the Notice of Requirement by New Zealand Transport Agency for the Northern Corridor Improvements project.




a     29 November 2016 - Planning Committee - Item 13 - Northern Corridor Improvements Project PowerPoint Presentation




Submission on the Regulatory Systems (Building and Housing) Amendment Bill


Cr J Walker returned to the meeting at 12.13 pm.

Cr R Hills left the meeting at 12.21 pm.


Resolution number PLA/2016/8

MOVED by Cr L Cooper, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      approve Auckland Council’s submission to the Local Government and Environment Committee on the Regulatory Systems (Building and Housing) Amendment Bill (Attachment A to the agenda report).

b)      delegate authority to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee to make any minor amendments to council’s submission on the Regulatory Systems (Building and Housing) Amendment Bill.





Auckland Housing Accord Extension


Cr R Hills returned to the meeting at 12.23 pm.

Cr R Clow left the meeting at 12.25 pm.

Cr R Clow returned to the meeting at 12.35 pm.


Note:   an amendment to the motion was incorporated with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number PLA/2016/9

MOVED by Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Deputy Mayor B Cashmore:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      note that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, being members of the Joint Housing Steering Group, will work with the Minister of Housing to extend the termination date of the Auckland Housing Accord to close of business 22 May 2017, as per clause 38 of the accord. 

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Cr C Casey

Deputy Mayor B Cashmore

Cr R Clow

Cr L Cooper

Chairperson C Darby

Cr A Filipaina

Mayor P Goff

IMSB Member T Henare

Cr R Hills

Deputy Chairperson D Lee

IMSB Member L Ngamane

Cr D Simpson

Cr J Walker

Cr W Walker

Cr J Watson


Cr C Fletcher

Cr M Lee

Cr D Newman

Cr D Quax

Cr G Sayers

Cr S Stewart



The motion was declared carried by 15 votes to 6.




The meeting was adjourned at 1.12pm and reconvened at 1.47pm. Mayor P Goff, Cr M Lee and Cr J Walker were not present.




Auckland Plan Refresh - proposed approach


A PowerPoint presentation was provided.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 1.51pm.

Cr M Lee returned to the meeting at 1.53 pm.


Resolution number PLA/2016/10

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Lee, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      agree in principle, the broad approach and timeline to preparing a refreshed Auckland Plan.

b)      request that the Auckland Plan Refresh – proposed approach report be circulated to all local boards, and bring to their attention that elected member workshops on the Auckland Plan Refresh will be occurring in early 2017.




a     29 November 2016 - Planning Committee - Item 16 - Auckland Plan Refresh - proposed approach, Presentation






Roading Exchange Policy


Cr S Stewart left the meeting at 2.30 pm.

IMSB Member T Henare left the meeting at 2.32 pm.

Cr R Clow left the meeting at 2.37 pm.

Cr M Lee left the meeting at 2.37 pm.


The final Roading Exchange Policy, as adopted, is appended as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number PLA/2016/11

MOVED by Chairperson C Darby, seconded by Cr C Fletcher:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      approve the Roading Exchange Policy (Attachment A to the agenda report) with two amendments made at the meeting.




a     29 November 2016 - Planning Committee - Item 17 - Roading Exchange Policy as adopted




Summary of Planning Committee information memos and briefings - 29 November 2016


Resolution number PLA/2016/12

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr C Casey:  

That the Planning Committee:

a)      receive the summary of information memos and briefings – 29 November 2016.





19        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  




2.48 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









