I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 15 December 2016


Manurewa Local Board Office
Shop 3-5, 7 Hill Road


Manurewa Local Board









Angela Dalton


Deputy Chairperson

Rangi McLean



Joseph Allan



Simeon Brown



Stella Cattle



Sarah Colcord



Angela Cunningham-Marino



Ken Penney



(Quorum 4 members)




Lee Manaia

Local Board Democracy Advisor


8 December 2016


Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5421

Email: lee.manaia@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Deputation - Use of chemicals for spraying berms and edging - Georgina Blackmore                                                                                                                                6

8.2     Deputation - House of Hope - Hazel Jones                                                       6

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  6

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

11        Notices of Motion                                                                                                          7

12        Manurewa Ward Councillors Update                                                                          9

13        Members' Update                                                                                                         11

14        Chairperson's Update                                                                                                 13

15        Auckland Transport Update - December 2016                                                         15

16        Auckland Transport  Manurewa Covered Walkway Report - December 2016     45

17        Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017                                              49

18        Manurewa locally driven initiatives capital expenditure - Wattle Downs - memorial seat and plaque; birdlife feeding signage                                                                       107

19        Manurewa FY17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme Update    109

20        New agreement to lease for the development of a community and early childhood education centre at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth                                         115

21        Part 770R Great South Road, Manukau reserve revocation and disposal recommendation                                                                                                                                      125

22        Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for 2016/2017 financial year  131

23        Annual Budget 2017/2018                                                                                         151

24        Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - December 2016 159

25        Reports Requested - Pending - Issues                                                                   163

26        Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term        167

27        For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board                      169

28        Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes                                                               171  

29        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 


30        Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public                                                               183

C1       Confidential - Land Owner Approval - 171R Great South Road, Manurewa      183  


1          Welcome


The chairperson will welcome everyone and read an affirmation.



2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.



3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


Member Stella Cattle declared a conflict of interest in relation to item 17, Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017, QR1710-212 - Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc., and did not take part in the discussion or vote.


Member Sarah Colcord declared a conflict of interest in relation to item 17, Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017, QR1710-220 - What Hope Community Trust, and did not take part in the discussion or vote.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 17 November 2016, as a true and correct record.



5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.



6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.



7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.



8          Deputations


Standing Order 3.20 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation - Use of chemicals for spraying berms and edging - Georgina Blackmore


1.       Georgina Blackmore has requested an opportunity to speak to the local board about the use of chemicals for spraying berms, edging and weed management.

Executive summary

2.       N/A



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      thank Georgina Blackmore for her presentation regarding the use of chemicals for spaying berms, edging and weed management in general.




8.2       Deputation - House of Hope - Hazel Jones


1.       Hazel Jones, House of Hope, has requested an opportunity to speak to the board about the work they do at the community drop-in centre at Southmall.  Hazel would like to share the vision for 2017 and beyond, and what they have achieved over the last couple of months.

Executive summary

2.       N/A



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      Thank Hazel Jones, House of Hope, for her presentation regarding the work they do at the community drop-in centre at Southmall, their vision for 2107 and beyond as well as what they have achieved over the last couple of months.




9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.



10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”



11        Notices of Motion


At the close of the agenda no requests for notices of motion had been received.


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Ward Councillors Update


File No.: CP2016/23656





1.       A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Manurewa Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Manurewa Local Board on regional matters.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal reports from:

i)        Councillor Daniel Newman regarding:


ii)       Councillor Sir John Walker regarding:




There are no attachments for this report.     



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Members' Update


File No.: CP2016/23674





1.       Providing an opportunity for members to update to the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in over the last month.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board

a)         receive the member update from:





There are no attachments for this report.    



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Chairperson's Update


File No.: CP2016/23682





1.       Providing an opportunity for the chairperson to update the local board on issues she has been involved in.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson regarding:





There are no attachments for this report.     



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Auckland Transport Update - December 2016


File No.: CP2016/23804




1.       This report is a monthly update for the Manurewa Local Board (MLB) on transport related issues. Normally it includes the current status of its Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects, responds to resolutions made by the MLB and to advocacy issues raised by board members; and provides information on matters of specific application and interest to the MLB.

Executive summary

2.       This month no decision is required but information is provided about the following matters:

·    Auckland Transport’s strategic alignment.

·    The Local Board Transport Capital Fund including an update on existing projects.

·    The ‘New Network’ launch and 99c children’s fares

·    Quarterly reporting.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the Auckland Transport Update – December  2016 report.




Strategic alignment


3.       Auckland Transport (AT) was formed to deliver Auckland Council’s strategic objectives.  The key documents outlining Auckland Transport’s strategic activities are:

·     The Auckland Plan – The strategic plan that states Auckland Council’s objectives and directives. 

·     The Auckland Transport Alignment Project – This project was completed in September 2016. It is an agreement between Auckland Council and central government about Auckland’s long-term transport objectives and their priority. More information is available at this link - http://www.transport.govt.nz/land/auckland/atap/

·     The Regional Land Transport Programme – This document is Auckland Transport’s budget. It is agreed between Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and central government. About half of Auckland Transport’s capital expenditure (building things) is funded by central government. More detail about the agreed programme can be found by following this link - https://at.govt.nz/about-us/transport-plans-strategies/regional-land-transport-plan/#documents 


4.       In Manurewa at this time the biggest strategic project is the introduction of the ‘New Network’. In Chapter 13 of the Auckland Plan, Council prioritises the development of ‘a transformational improvement in the speed, capacity, reliability and connectivity of the public transport system’.

5.       The ‘New Network’ is a key strategic project aimed at meeting this direction. It is a complete re-structure of  public transport. The ‘New Network’ is a simpler and more integrated public transport network for Auckland.  It will provide more reliable and frequent public transport services. 

6.       It will have a big effect on Manurewa, simplifying bus routes making them more reliable and using them to bring people to transport ‘hubs’ (i.e. Otahuhu, Manurewa, Papakura and Manukau) where they can transfer to trains for longer journeys or to other bus routes.   


AT’s actions against advocacy plans

7.       This section provides a regular report about how Auckland Transport is supporting the MLB ‘Advocacy Initiatives’ recorded in the MLB Local Board Plan. In this report the MLB’s ‘Advocacy Initiatives’ from the 2013-16 term are recorded in the table below providing a summary of their status. 

Table 1: Advocacy Initiative Status

Advocacy Initiative


Manurewa is an easily accessible area - Improve and maintain footpaths to meet the needs of everyone


A number of projects were delivered in the 2013-2016 electoral term:


·    The MLB funding footpaths on arterial roads in Wiri.

·    The MLB and Auckland Council funding footpath and streetscape upgrades in the Manurewa Town Centre.

·    The MLB funding pedestrian upgrades in Hill Road.

·    A new footpath on Roscommon Road.

·    A new footpath on McLaughlin’s Road


Increased use of buses, trains, cycles and walking by everyone - Install bus shelters, with cycle lockers, CCTV and public toilets at train stations

During the 2013-2016 electoral term the following key projects contributed to supporting the ‘Advocacy Initiative’ including:


·    Confirmation of the ‘New Network’ in the South.

·    Introduction of the new Public Transport Operating Model and contracting bus providers to service the New Network.

·    The electrification of the rail network was completed and from 2016 included trains at least every 15 minutes from 7am - 7pm, seven days a week

·    Building the infra-structure required to support the ‘New Network’ including the development of Manukau Bus Station and review of 600 bus stops and shelters across South Auckland.

·    AT HOP Card being implemented.

·    Simpler, zone based fares for public transport.

·    Upgrading the Manurewa Station including the a covered walkway to South Mall funded by the MLB and new security cameras in the Western Carpark at South Mall providing CCTV coverage of the whole area around the rail station.


Produce a transport map for Manurewa

Auckland Transport said that it could not support this initiative and that the local board should undertake this, if it felt it was necessary.  

Improved safety and capacity of roads and intersections - Identify and improve roads and intersections where there are ongoing safety concerns


Auckland Transport has continued to maintain and renew local roads and has delivered a number of projects including:

·    Engineering work at schools in and around Weymouth including Weymouth Intermediate and Weymouth Primary. This work includes new crossings, modification of intersections and roads to make the area safer for kids walking to school.

·    A new intersection layout on Volger Road.

·    Building the Shifnal Drive Roundabout.

·    Improving the Myers / Scot Road intersection.

·    Improving the Great South / Orams Road intersection.

Safe, joined-up cycling and walking routes - Complete the Manukau Harbour coastal path and cycleway

Auckland Transport is working closely with Auckland Council Parks and the MLB to develop options for future cycling and walking routes. 


Quarterly Report Format

8.       Recently a new approach was taken to providing local boards with a quarterly ‘snap shot’ of Auckland Transport’s activities.

9.       Every quarter relevant material will be incorporated as an attachment to each local board’s monthly report and Transport Control Committee (TCC) resolutions will be provided on a monthly basis in the monthly report.

10.     Local Board Plan ‘Advocacy Initiatives’ will be reported on in October and March each year. It is hoped these changes will improve the information flow to local boards. 

11.     In addition to this material, Auckland Transport circulates the quarterly report that made to the Governing body by email to local board chairs and transport portfolio leads.

12.     The following are attached to this report:

·    Attachment A – Report from Auckland Transport departments on what they have done in each local board area over the past quarter

·    Attachment B – Report on Travelwise Schools activities

Local board transport capital fund (LBTCF) update

13.     The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all Local Boards by Auckland Council and delivered by Auckland Transport.

14.     Local Boards identify projects that they would like to deliver. The limitations being that the project must:

·    Be safe.

·    Not impede network efficiency.

·    Be in the road corridor. Although projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome. 

15.     Auckland Transport then investigates, provides costs and if the Local Board agrees,  delivers the project.

16.     MLB’s annual funding is approximately $ 642,000 and will now be adjusted for inflation each year. 

17.     Local Boards are allowed to consolidate the three years of funding available to them together. In the MLB’s case this would mean a total of approximately $ 1,984,000 could be spent on transport projects during each electoral term.

18.     Auckland Transport encourages all Local Board’s to identify potential projects as early as possible. This is because projects can take a long-time to deliver and this limits the risk of projects not being delivered in the current electoral term.

19.     Auckland Transport provides support to help Local Board’s work through the process and deliver their projects. Opportunities for this discussion are already being planned by Local Board Services. 



20.     A number of projects are still being delivered from the previous term. The following table (Table 2) provides a summary of previous decisions, the problem or opportunity being addressed, progress since the last update, budgets and financial commitments.

Table 2: LBTCF Status

Projects Submitted

Problem or Opportunity Being Addressed

Current Status

New Footpaths in Manurewa


Improvements to the footpaths on Wiri Station Road

‘Rough Order of Cost’ requested by the MLB in October 2014.

‘Construction’ authorised by MLB in April 2015 based on a Final Cost Estimate of $ 103,000.

Project completed.

Traffic calming options William Avenue and Kirton Crescent

Installing a traffic calming scheme in William Avenue and Kirton Crescent

‘Rough Order of Cost’ requested by MLB in January 2015.

‘Detailed Design’ authorised by MLB June 2015 based on a Rough Order of Cost of $ 180,000

‘Construction’ authorised by MLB in November 2015 based on a Final Cost Estimate of $ 180,000

In August 2015 a saving $ 50,000 was reported to the MLB and money was transferred (by resolution) to balance higher than expected costs for the Manurewa Town Centre Upgrade.

Project completed.

Hill Road (was ‘Arts and Plants’)

Creating a pedestrian and cycle link to Nathan Homestead and Auckland Botanical Gardens.

‘Rough Order of Cost’ requested by the MLB in October 2014.

'Detailed Design’ authorised by MLB based on a Rough Order of Cost of  $850,258 in June 2015

‘Construction’ in November 2015 the scale of the project was reduced by removing the proposal to build new footpaths. Construction was authorised by MLB of new crossing points and safer intersections only in November 2015 based on a Final Cost Estimate of $575,000

In August 2015 it was reported that the project is running slower than expected but that there was a saving of $ 50,000.

This money was transferred (by resolution) to balance higher than expected costs for the Manurewa Town Centre Upgrade.

Future Plans:

·    New lighting has been installed.

·    The reported issues from consultation have been resolved.

·    The Traffic Control Committee process was slower than expected but this project is now approved.

·    The tender process in underway.

·    The team are aiming to finish by Christmas 2016


Covered Walkway

Building a weather-proof cover on the station over-bridge and across the South Mall car park to link the station to the mall and Great South Road.

‘Rough Order of Cost’ requested by the MLB in October 2014.

‘Detailed Design’ Initiated based on a Rough Order of Cost  of $ 1,430,000 in May 2015

‘Construction’ was authorised by MLB in November 2015 based on a Firm Cost Estimate of $ 1,500,000

At completion of the tender the confirmed final cost (as at April 2016) was approx. $ 1.1 million freeing up approx. $400,000 for re-allocation. This money was re-allocated by the Manurewa Local Board meeting in April 2016 and will be used to extend the covered walkway from the train station to the new bus stops.

Future Plans:

Recently the cost of this project changed and the MLB will be required to decide on options and provide direction to Auckland Transport. 

Manurewa Town Centre Upgrade (Great South Road pedestrianisation)

Making the Great South Road and Manurewa Town Centre more pedestrian-friendly.

‘Rough Order of Cost’ requested by the MLB in October 2014.

‘Detailed Design’ authorised by the MLB based on a Rough Order of Cost of $387,730  in June 2015

‘Construction’ in November 2015 the scale of the project was reduced by removing the parts of the project that were dependent on the removal of the Great South Road Bus Stops. The MLB authorised the remainder based on a ‘Final Cost Estimate’ of $176,000

In August 2016 it was reported that the final tender price was higher than predicted and that the project required an extra $100,000 to meet the standards originally agreed.

In August 2016 the MLB resolved to transfer $100,000 total savings from ‘Hill Road’ and ‘Kirton Crescent’ project to this project.

Future Plans:

·    Expected to be tendered in November. 

·    Work is expected to be completed over the December and January.


21.     Recently, the estimated cost of completing the ‘Covered Walkway’ project has been re-estimated. The total cost has increased from $ 1,541,000 to $ 1,681,000. The MLB still has $ 80,000 unallocated in its LBTCF from the previous term.  But this still means that completing the full project would require an additional $ 60,000 from the current term.

22.     This means that the MLB must consider options for either reducing the scale of the project or providing the extra $ 60,000 from this electoral term’s LBTCF.

23.     A detailed discussion of the background and options is provided in another report specifically about the subject on this agenda. 


Upcoming projects and activities



24.     Auckland Transport provides the MLB with the opportunity to comment on transport projects being delivered in this Local Board Area.

25.     In this reporting period, there were no consultations put forward for comment by the MLB.

26.     In last month’s report Auckland Transport advised the Traffic Control Committee (TCC) decisions would be reported on a monthly basis. The following table provides a summary of TCC decisions in October and November 2016.

Table 3: TCC Monthly Summary





Blanes Road / Gibbons Road / Weymouth Road



No Stopping At All Times, Bus Stop, Bus Shelter, Shared Path, Roundabout Controlled Give Way, Traffic Islands, Flush Median, Edge Lines



Ash Road



No Stopping At All Times, Bus Stop



Etherton Drive / Weymouth Road



No Stopping At All Times, Give-Way Control, Traffic Islands, Flush Median, Edge Lines



Adel Place / Weymouth Road



No Stopping At All Times, Flush Median, Traffic Islands, Edge Lines, Give-Way Control



Estuary Road / Weymouth Road / Waimai Avenue



No Stopping At All Times, Give Way Control, Pedestrian Crossing, School Crossing Point, Traffic Islands, Flush Median


Roscommon Road / Bolderwood Place


No Stopping At All Times, Bus Stop, Lane Restrictions, Give Way Control, Flush Median, Lane Provision, Traffic Islands



Regional and sub-regional projects


New Network


27.     Auckland Transport’s biggest project in Manurewa this month is delivering the ‘New Network’.

28.     This project is very large and relies on work done in recent years across the south and greater Auckland including:

·    AT HOP: Introduction of the AT HOP card provided an efficient and simple system for transferring from bus to train or vice-versa.  The supporting IT allows simple ‘tag-on / tag-off’ transfers. 

·    Simpler Fares: In August 2016 Auckland Transport introduced simpler fares that were based on ‘zones’ rather than ‘stages’ (map can be found at the following link - https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/fares-discounts/how-simpler-fares-work/#wherezones ). With an Auckland Transport HOP card, you pay for your entire journey once, instead of paying for each bus or train separately.  

·    Development of new transport ‘hubs’ where buses and trains connect: The ‘New Network’ is based on using the capacity of trains to move large numbers of people. Buses will move people to rail / bus hubs where they can meet trains.  A number of stations are being built or upgraded to create these ‘hubs’. Such as:

Manukau Bus Station being built next to the existing train station.

Otahuhu Station which is a new facility to make it easier for people to connect between buses and trains.

Installing new bus stops.

·    More AT HOP retailers: The number of retailers selling AT HOP cards has increased.  This includes the recent move to stock AT HOP cards in supermarkets. The full list of retailers can be viewed at the following link - https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/at-hop-card/at-hop-retailers/#south.


29.     Auckland Transport worked to ensure that people knew about the changes by:

·    Mailing every household in South Auckland the following information:

A guide to the south Auckland New Network.

Bus timetables.

An events guide - outlining where Auckland Transport staff were able to talk to customers.

30.     Auckland Transport used the following communication tools to raise community awareness of the changes before the launch:

·    Information posters at key bus stops, interchanges and train stations.

·    The Auckland Transport website the ‘Journey Planner’ was updated with the new routes and services a month before the change.

·    Before and during the changeover Auckland Transport Customer Centres had extra staff available to help with questions.

·    South Auckland libraries, Citizen Advice Bureaux and local board offices were provided with information packs. 

·    Auckland Transport’s Twitter and Instagram accounts provided up-to-date information. 

·    An electronic New Network newsletter was sent to subscribers during the changeover.

·    Auckland Transport also ran an operations centre in Manukau to manage the changeover. The operations centre had senior managers and operations staff able to immediately respond to problems.

31.     If people still require assistance or want to report an issue that can still do so by  either emailing www.at.govt.nz  or calling the special ‘New Network’ support line on 09 366 6400.


99 Cent Children’s Fares

32.     Auckland Transport is promoting ‘99 cent’ child weekend fares.

33.     With the introduction of the Simpler Fares system, children 5-15 years travelling on an AT HOP card can travel on buses and trains on weekends and during public holidays for 99 cents. Parents simply need to load a child concession on the AT HOP card. You can make up to five bus or train trips over a four hour period with up to 30 minutes between each trip.

34.     99 cent child weekend fares are an opportunity to increase patronage on trains and buses on weekends and on public holidays. For families 99 cent child weekend fares make trains and buses an economical option for day trips and family adventures.


Quarterly Reporting

35.     Last electoral term, Auckland Transport started a new way of providing information to Local Boards.  Every quarter two reports are incorporated as attachments to each local board’s monthly report.

·    Attachment A  – Report from Auckland Transport departments on what they have done in each local board area over the past quarter

·    Attachment B – Report on Travelwise Schools activities

36.     The reports provide information about Auckland Transport’s recent activities both in the local area and across Auckland.






Report from Auckland Transport departments on what they have done in the Manurewa Local Board area over the past quarter



Report on Travelwise Schools activities - Manurewa Local Board area





Ben Stallworthy, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon, Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport

Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



















Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Auckland Transport  Manurewa Covered Walkway Report - December 2016


File No.: CP2016/23801




1.       Report a change in the estimated cost of delivery of the ‘Covered Walkway Project’ funded by the Manurewa Local Board (MLB) using its Local Board Transport Capital Fund.

2.       Outline options and provide good information to support decision making.

Executive Summary

3.       The ‘Covered Walkway’ project that the MLB has funded to provide a sheltered walkway from the Manurewa Station to Southmall and to the new bus shelters is going to cost more than originally planned.

4.       This report outlines the issues, discusses the options available to the MLB and requests a decision.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      agree to complete the ‘Covered Walkway’ project, as resolved in April 2015, running from the bus shelter to Southmall, by authorising the release of $ 140,000 of the Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund as follows:

i) $ 80,000 currently identified as ‘unallocated’ in 2013 – 2016 electoral term and

ii)            $ 61,000 from the current 2016 – 2019 electoral term. 

b)      request that Auckland Transport provide a ‘Rough Order or Cost’ for the construction of a similar structure that will provide protection from the weather for the ramp that provides disabled access to the Manurewa Station.




5.       In the 2013-2016 electoral term the Manurewa Local Board (MLB) committed to funding the construction of a canopy over the footbridge at the Manurewa Station creating a ‘covered walkway’ from the station to South Mall.

6.       In November 2015 the MLB authorised construction of the ‘covered walkway’ by resolution with a budget of $ 1.5 million.

7.       In April 2016 the Project Team reported that instead of costing $ 1.5 million the estimated cost would now be approx. $1.1 million for the ‘covered walkway’.

8.       When additional un-allocated funding was included the MLB had approx. $ 441,000 available for re-allocation.

9.       At the April 2016 MLB meeting the members were presented with options and taking into account advice from both officers and the Manurewa Town Centre Steering Group decided to re-allocate the $ 441,000 identified as savings, to building an extension of the covered walkway from the train station to the existing bus shelters. 

10.     This re-allocation was made based on an estimated cost which was derived from a concept design. Since then work has continued on both elements of the project.

11.     At this time the following status can be reported:

·    The majority of the covered walkway from the station to South Mall has been completed.

·    The final section that crosses the South Mall car park is yet to be completed and has raised an issue that needs to be reported to the MLB before work continues.


12.     Recently (October) the final design work was finished for the section of ‘Covered Walkway’ that crosses the South Mall car park. An independent quantity surveyor was appointed to calculate the costs.

13.     The cost estimate was significantly higher than expected and so was reviewed by an Auckland Transport quantity surveyor who confirmed the estimate figure.

14.     The budget for the section from South Mall to the train station would increase from approx. $1.1 million to approx. $1.2 million. This is approx. $100,000 more than originally reported.

15.     Also the design process for the extension from the station to the bus shelter has been completed and the original cost of approx. $441,000 has increased to approx. $482,000. An increase of approx. $ 41,000.

16.     This is a total increase in cost of the project of approx. $ 141,000

17.     The project team has analysed options for modifying the project to bring it within the original budget but the current designs are based on the minimum standards for safety and comfort so reducing the size or scale of the remaining elements of the project is not a realistic option.





18.     The MLB has a number of options available.

19.     The following table outlines the situation graphically.

Project Element

Approx. Cost


$ 1,000,000

Bridge to Southmall

$ 200,000

Station to Bus Shelters

$ 481,000


$ 1,681,000



Original Budget

$ 1,541,000


$ 141,000


20.     At this time there is $ 80,000 unallocated from the previous Board’s Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF). The options can be summarised as follows:

·    Option 1Complete the whole project. Approx. cost $ 1,681,000.


The MLB has approx. $ 80,000 currently unallocated in its LBTCF from the previous term. By allocating approx. $ 61,000 from this electoral term’s LBTCF it would have the approx. $ 141,000 required to complete the whole project. 


·    Option 2Do not build the section spanning the South mall crossing. Total approx. cost $ 1,481,000.


This would save the MLB approx. $ 60,000 over the original budget ($ 1,541,000). This would automatically ‘roll over’ with the approx. $ 80,000 this currently unallocated. This would provide a total saving of approx. $ 140,000 that could be added to this electoral term’s LBTCF.


·    Option 3 – Do not build the extension from station to the bus shelters. Total approx. cost $ 1,200,000.


This would save the MLB approx. $ 341,000 over the original budget ($ 1,541,000). This would automatically ‘roll over’ with the approx. $ 80,000 this currently unallocated. This would provide a total saving of approx. $ 421,000 that could be added to this electoral term’s LBTCF.


·    Option 4Do not build either the extension from the station to the bus shelters or the section spanning the South mall crossing. Total approx. cost $ 1,000,000.


This would save the MLB approx. $ 541,000 over the original budget ($ 1,541,000). This would automatically ‘roll over’ with the approx. $ 80,000 this currently unallocated. This would provide a total saving of approx. $ 641,000 that could be added to this electoral term’s LBTCF.


21.     In summary the MLB has a wide variety of options available including moving a considerable sum into this electoral term. Whichever option is selected will need to be formally resolved at a meeting of the MLB.

Local Board views and implications

22.     The issue was initially reported to the MLB Chair initially on 17 November 2016.

23.     The MLB Chair met with Auckland Transport staff on 24 November 2016 and discussed the situation. The MLB then discussed the matter with the full MLB later on the same day.

24.     During these discussions the MLB Chair also raised the fact that the current plan did not include installing shelter on the disabled access ramp. The MLB agreed that this issue should be addressed as part of the project and that if possible this should be delivered at the same time as the rest of the project.

25.     The recommendations are based on instructions received from the MLB Chair after these discussions.

Māori impact statement

26.     This project does not affect iwi in any manner that is significantly different from the rest of the population.


There are no attachments for this report.    



Ben Stallworthy  – Elected Member Relationship Manager , Auckland Transport


Jonathan Anyon - Elected Member Relationship Team Manager, Auckland Transport

Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017


File No.: CP2016/23602




The purpose of this report is to present applications received for Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two 2016/2017 The local board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these applications.

Executive summary

1.       The Manurewa Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $223,500 for the 2016/2017 financial year.

2.       To date, the Manurewa Local Board has already allocated $64,670 through the Local Grant and Quick Response Round One. A total of $158,830 remains to be allocated across the 2016/2017 grant rounds.

3.       Thirteen applications were received for the Quick Response Round Two requesting a total of $21,885, see Attachment B.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      Consider the applications listed in Table One and agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in this round.

Table One:  Manurewa Quick Response Round Two Applications:

Application No.

Organisation Name


Total Requested



Multiple Sclerosis Auckland

Towards the cost of annual pool hire at the Manurewa Pool and Leisure Centre for weekly hydrotherapy sessions.




Auckland Action Against Poverty

Towards the cost of rent, stationery, photocopying and advocacy coordinator's salary.




YMCA of Auckland

Towards training, equipment and resources, volunteer koha, guest speakers, and other session implementation costs for the programme.




Citizens Advice Bureau Manurewa Incorporated

Towards the training of 15 Citizen Advice Bureau Manurewa interviewers for the comprehensive first aid certificate course.




New Foundations Trust

Towards two 12 week long “Bridge” programmes at James Cook High School for 32 at-risk young people in each programme.




Plunket Manurewa Family Centre

Towards the purchase of furniture for the centre.




Totara Hospice South Auckland

Towards the purchase of an extra large full body mesh sling.




Age Concern Counties Manukau Inc

Towards the purchase of five user licenses for the “FindU”personal alarm applications for staff.




Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards provision of counseling sessions for Manurewa young people between 15 to 25 years old.




Refugees As Survivors New Zealand

Towards the cost of a facilitator and interpreter, room hire and workshop resources.




What Hope Community Trust

Towards the camp ground fee for a four night camp at Tauranga Bay.




The Korean Society of Auckland

Towards hall hire and volunteer costs for the 2017 Korean Day to be held at the North Shore Events Centre on 1 April 2017.





Sustainable Coastline Charitable Trust

Towards Sustainable Coastlines Charitable Trust for travel costs for schools to deliver “Love Your Coast Manukau 2017”: education, community development and beach clean-up programme




Action Education Inc.

Towards the cost of delivering 10 spoken word poetry workshops across secondary schools in Manurewa.





Total Requested





4.       The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme (see Attachment A).

5.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·    Local board priorities

·    Lower priorities for funding

·    Exclusions

·    Grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·    Any additional accountability requirements.

6.       The Manurewa Local Board will operate four quick response and two local grants rounds for this financial year. 

7.       The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.

8.       For the 2016/2017 financial year, the Manurewa Local Board set a total community grants budget of $223,500.  It is recommended that the board consider allocating up to 12.5 per cent of the budget for this grant rounds.

9.       To date, the Manurewa Local Board has already allocated $64,670 through the Local Grant and Quick Response Round One. A total of $158,830 remains to be allocated across the 2016/2017 grant rounds.

10.     Thirteen applications were received for the Quick Response Round Two requesting a total of $21,885, see Attachment B.


Local board views and implications

11.     Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants.  The Manurewa Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or deadline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

12.     The board is requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time.”

13.     A summary of each application if attached, see Attachment B.

Māori impact statement

14.     The provision of community grants provides opportunities for all Aucklanders to undertake projects, programmes, activities that benefit a wider range of individuals and groups, including Maori.  As a guide for decision-making, in the allocation of community grants, the new community grants policy supports the principle of delivering positive outcomes for Maori.


15.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long Term Plan 2015-2025 and local board agreements.

16.     Following the Manurewa Local Board allocating funding for round two quick response, commercial and finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.






Manurewa Grants Programme 2016-2017



Manurewa Quick Response Grant Round Two 2016/2017 Application Summaries





Sara Chin - Community Grants Advisor


Marion Davies - Community Grants Operations Manager

Jennifer Rose - Operations Support Manager

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



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Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



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Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa locally driven initiatives capital expenditure - Wattle Downs - memorial seat and plaque; birdlife feeding signage


File No.: CP2016/23700




1.         This report seeks approval for expenditure from the Manurewa Local Board locally driven initiatives (LDI) capital budget for the installation of a memorial seat and “do not feed the birdlife” signage.

Executive summary

2.         Two requests have been received to install:

i)          a memorial seat with a plaque in remembrance of Toni Kelsall

ii)         birdlife feeding signs in the Wattle Downs area.

3.         Funding is required from the Manurewa Local Board locally driven initiatives budget to progress these asset installations. It is estimated that the combined cost of the projects will be $4,600.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      approve $4,000 from the Manurewa Local Board locally driven initiative capital budget for a new memorial seat and plaque in remembrance of Toni Kelsall in an agreed location at Wattle Downs Esplanade Reserve.

b)      approve $600 from the Manurewa Local Board locally driven initiative capital budget for new birdlife feeding signs at Wattle Downs Esplanade Reserve, Tington Wetland Ponds and Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve.




4.         A request was received from a resident in Wattle Downs to install a memorial seat and plaque within Wattle Downs Esplanade Reserve. Following the application, staff met with the applicant on the reserve on 16 November 2016 to agree on the placement of the seat within the reserve.

5.         A request was received from a resident in Wattle Downs to install a birdlife feeding sign following concerns about the health and wellbeing of the birds in and around the ponds.


Local board views and implications

6.         Both requests have come to the Parks team to progress via the local board on behalf of local residents of Wattle Downs. 

7.         The Manurewa Local Board has delegated authority to allocate LDI capital expenditure funding within the Manurewa area.

8.         The board has approximately $740,000 remaining in the LDI capital budget. 


9.         The indicative costs are as follows:

i)        Memorial seat with remembrance plaque - $4,000

ii)       Birdlife feeding signs - $600.

Māori impact statement

10.       Māori as stakeholders in the decisions and work of Auckland Council, are affected and have an interest in any report on public open space. However, these asset installations are being placed in areas with no known or recorded areas of cultural or archaeological interest. It is considered that no part of the reserve or the request for landowner approval triggers any Treaty of Waitangi settlement issues or matters in relation to customary right outcomes.


11.       Once approved, both of these requests will progress toward installation in their approved locations.

12.       A register of approved plaques and memorials will be kept and maintained by the council.



There are no attachments for this report.     



Kristen Ross - Parks Advisor - Manurewa


Mark Bowater - Manager Parks

Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa FY17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme Update


File No.: CP2016/24241




1.       To seek approval from the Manurewa Local Board for the addition of the attached project (Attachment A) to the 2016/17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme.

Executive summary

2.       The Manurewa Local Board has approved the 2016/17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme on 9 June 2016 (MR/2016/108) and 11 August 2016 (MR/2016/155).

3.       The work programme will be updated with the inclusion of the following project:

·    Manurewa Aquatic Centre - Complete replacement of filter socks, $115,106

4.       Once approved by the Manurewa Local Board, work will commence before the end of the financial year. Regular updates on the projects will be provided by the Community Facilities Stakeholder Advisors.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      approve the project below to be included in the 2016/17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme:

i)        Manurewa Aquatic Centre - Complete replacement of filter socks - $115,106

b)      note that budgets outlined are indicative to deliver the additional projects and any budget variances (within scope) will be managed within the total region-wide renewals funding envelope.




Renewals work programme for the local boards

5.       Investment in this renewals programme will ensure that council facilities in Manurewa Local Board remain valuable, well-maintained community assets that continue to meet the agreed levels of service. Not undertaking timely renewals will have an undesirable impact on the customer experience and put asset performance at risk, and ultimately increase the cost to maintain the facility.

6.       The updates to the renewals programme ensure that the new proposed renewals works (see Attachment A) will maintain the level of service expected at a community facility. 

Description of the new project to be included in the 2016/17 work programme

7.       Manurewa Aquatic Centre - Complete replacement of filter socks, $115,106

Local board funding policy

8.       As funding becomes available (through savings or attrition), projects with the highest priority that were not previously scheduled in the work programme will be presented to the relevant local board for approval. This report identifies additional projects that Project Delivery now has the capacity to deliver within the 2016/17 financial year. They are now subject for local board approval.

9.       This process excludes work that needs to be actioned immediately for health and safety reasons. These works will be reported to the relevant local board, for their attention, as soon practicable through the monthly updates to the local board. Projects, like those identified here, have been identified as priority renewals. Project Delivery now has the capacity and resource to deliver additional projects this year and so we are seeking local board approval. There will be a half-year and full-year realignment of budgets to cover any additional costs.

10.     Community facilities are an important part of realising the vision of Auckland to become the world’s most liveable city. They contribute to building strong, healthy, and vibrant communities by providing spaces where Aucklanders can connect, socialise, learn, and participate in a wide range of social, cultural, art, and recreational activities. These activities foster improved lifestyles and a sense of belonging and pride among residents.

Community Facilities Department

11.     Community Facilities brings together some of the responsibilities that used to sit in various teams: Property; Parks, Sports & Recreation; Arts and Community Events; and Libraries and Information.

12.     The purpose of Community Facilities department is to build, renew, and maintain community assets including buildings, furniture and fit-out, structures, land, trees, and green space. Community Facilities is responsible for local and sports parks, regional and specialist parks, cemeteries, pools and leisure centres, libraries, community centres, venues for hire, arts facilities, public toilets, holiday parks and community lease assets.


Local board views and implications

13.     The Manurewa Local Board approved the 2016/17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme on 9 June 2016 (MR/2016/108) and 11 August 2016 (MR/2016/155). The local board is now being presented with the updated work programme for approval.

Māori impact statement

14.     The Manurewa Local Board Community Facility renewals work programme 2016/17 ensures that all facilities continue to be well-maintained community assets benefiting the local community, including Māori. All community facilities contribute significantly to Māori well-being, values, culture and traditions. Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to Tangata Whenua then appropriate consultation will follow.


15.     This work programme will be implemented as part of Community Facilities’ usual business practice.

16.     Work programme implementation will be reported quarterly to the local board.







Manurewa FY17 Community Facilities Renewals Work Programme Update





Hannah Alleyne - Senior Programme Planner


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



New agreement to lease for the development of a community and early childhood education centre at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth


File No.: CP2016/23704





1.       To seek approval for an agreement to lease to the Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated for a community and early childhood education centre on council owned land at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth.

Executive summary

2.       As part of its development in Weymouth the Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership wish to establish a community and early childhood education centre on council owned land at 47R Kaimoana Street, in Weymouth. Once developed, the company proposes the centre be operated under a community lease by Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated.

3.       The site was purchased by the council in 2014 and is held in fee simple as unclassified local purpose (stormwater) reserve, subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977. It is zoned Mixed Housing Suburban in the Auckland Unitary Plan. A community and childcare centre would be local purpose in nature.

4.       The centre will be approximately 740m2 in size (building 250m2 and outdoor area 490m2) plus parking. The anticipated timeframe for development is 2017. It will be governed and managed by the Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated which consists of representatives from New Zealand Housing Foundation, Waimahia Inlet Residents Association and the successful early childhood education (ECE) operator.

5.       The Ministry of Education has confirmed Waimahia Inlet as a high priority for an ECE centre. The land is located within the Waimahia Inlet Special Housing Area development and has attracted a large number of first home buyers with young families. 50 children will be catered for at the centre. Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership will fund the development of the building with an expected contribution from the Ministry for the early childhood centre.

6.       To facilitate the development of the centre an agreement to lease is sought for two years with one right of renewal for one year if required to complete the development, subject to public notification and iwi consultation under the Reserves Act. Once constructed it is proposed a community lease for the site be granted to Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated for ten years with one right of renewal for a further ten years and to enable a sub-lease arrangement with an appropriate childcare provider to be determined through an expressions of interest process undertaken by the lessee and approved by the council.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      Support an application to the Environment and Community Committee, subject to iwi consultation, to reclassify that part of Lot 401 DP476232 required for community buildings as Local Purpose (community buildings) Reserve under Section 16 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth as outlined in Attachment A.

b)      Approve public notification in accordance with the Reserves Act, of the intention to lease approximately 740m² of land at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth, being Lot 401 DP476232 to Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated for a community and early childhood education centre.

c)      Delegate powers to the chair to nominate a hearings panel or appoint an independent hearings commissioner to hear submissions and make recommendations as required. Cost of a commissioner if required to be met by the local board.

d)      Subject to the completion of iwi consultation and public notification, grant an agreement to lease of approximately 740m² of land to Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated for Part Lot 401 DP476232 at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth (Site Plan Attachment A) to develop a community and early childhood education centre pursuant to S61 (2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 subject to the following:

·    confirmation of registration of the incorporated society

·    term – two years with one right of renewal for a further one year if required for project completion

·    classification of the land as Local Purpose (community buildings) Reserve under Section 16 (2A) of the Reserves Act

·    the final location, detailed design of the facility and vehicle parking being approved by council staff

·    Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership securing funding for the development of the community and early childhood education centre prior to the commencement of construction

·    Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership finalising the governance and management structure and service agreement for the facility in consultation with the council and securing an early childhood education provider through an expression of interest process

·    obtaining all regulatory consents required for the planning and development of the community and early childhood education centre

·    construction works and reinstatement of the site being subject to conditions to be supplied by the manager Community Parks and Places and Group, manager Healthy Waters, or a nominee.

e)      That upon the successful completion of the project including the issue of a building certificate of compliance and certificate of public use, a community ground lease be granted to Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated (and subletting on terms to be approved) to operate a community and early childhood education centre subject to the following terms and conditions:

·    term – ten years from the date of issue of a certificate of code compliance and certificate of public use with one right of renewal for a further ten years

·    rent – $1.00 per annum plus GST if demanded

·    provision of a community outcomes plan as approved and attached to the lease document

·    all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.



Land Background

7.       The Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership seeks approval from the council to build and operate a community and early childhood education centre on council owned land at 47R Kaimoana Street, Weymouth (refer Attachment A for location and site plans).

8.       The council purchased the land in 2014 under the Public Works Act for stormwater drainage/management and local purpose reserve. The land is 2.97 hectares in size and is vested in the council in fee simple as unclassified local purpose (stormwater) reserve and subject to the provisions of the Reserves Act 1977. It is zoned Mixed Housing Urban in the Auckland Unitary Plan.

9.       The land is located within the Waimahia Inlet Special Housing Area development which is in the final phase of implementation. The development will result in approximately 295 new households. In addition to the stormwater management area, the development includes three small parks and an esplanade reserve adjacent to Waimahia Inlet.

10.     A focus of the development has been to provide affordable homes to first home buyers and as a consequence there are a large number of families with young children and young couples starting families now residing in the local community. The centre is expected to contribute towards community wellbeing and positive social outcomes.

11.     The site proposed for the centre has been selected by the applicant. It is centrally located within the development, and is highly visible and easily accessible to local residents. It is also located adjacent to the coastal edge which provides high amenity and will help to connect the community with the coastal environment. Other options within the development were investigated but this site was considered the most appropriate.

12.     The proposed centre will have no negative impact on stormwater management requirements. The council is developing a destination playground and walkway (Waka Walk) adjacent to the proposed site. The proposal will be designed to have no impact on these projects.

Proposed community facility and early childhood centre

13.     A preliminary design of the centre has been prepared (refer Attachment B). The proposed building will primarily be a single storey building with a portion being two storeyed. The floor layout consists of the following;

·    floor area 250m2 -  22m2 for the sole use of the community centre, 131m2 for the sole use of the centre to accommodate their permanent operations, 97m2 shared use by both the community centre and the early childhood centre

·    outside area 490m2

·    total lease area 740m2

14.     Parking has yet to be finalised. The applicant proposes to provide eight parking spaces within the stormwater management area for use by the community and early childhood centre staff. There are also on-street carparks available for use. As the facility is intended to primarily serve the immediate residential community, it is anticipated that people will walk to and from the centre. The applicant has engaged a traffic design consultant to provide traffic and parking management advice

15.     Staff preference is that there be no dedicated parking within the site to minimise exclusive use of the open space and maintain public access to all parking facilities. This will be determined through the detailed design and consenting process.

16.     The location for the centre is identified by the Ministry of Education as a priority one area. The centre will cater for 50 children. Funding will be sought from the Ministry for the development of the facility.

17.     The community centre and early childhood centre will each have separate pedestrian access as required by the Ministry. The outdoor playground will be for the sole use of the early childhood centre and not open to the public. The council is planning a public playground nearby which will serve the community.

18.     In addition to the early childhood function, the facility is intended to operate as a ‘community hub’ and a focal point for the community. Anticipated use includes the local community meeting space (e.g. Resident Association meetings, coffee groups and neighbourhood support meetings), interest groups and public service providers (e.g. Plunket, toy library, budgeting services, community health and law clinics). The majority of community hub use will be after hours including weekends.

Operation of the Centre and funding

19.     Should the local board support the proposal, a lease will be granted to Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated to govern and manage the facility. The constitution for the society has been drafted but registration has yet to be completed. The granting of a lease is subject to this occurring.

20.     The society will consist of representatives from the New Zealand Housing Foundation, the Waimahia Inlet Residents Association and the early childhood operator (to be established through an expression of interest process). For the first 12 months the Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Partnership Limited will be the controlling member of the society.

21.     The society shall have a managing committee and a centre manager will be responsible for the management of the entire facility to ensure it is used to its full potential.

22.     Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership will fund the development of the building. Funding is also being sought from the Ministry for the early childhood aspect of the facility.


Local board views and implications

23.     A workshop was held with the local board on 28 June 2016 where the proposal was considered. The local board were supportive of the proposal recognising that further work is required around the final location and design, and parking requirements.

24.     Three options were discussed at the workshop;

A.      lease under the Reserves Act –requiring iwi consultation and classification action

B.      lease under the Local Government Act – requiring revocation of the reserve status which involves public notification and Department of Conservation approval

C.      sell the land – requiring revocation of the reserve status which involves public notification and Department of Conservation approval. This would need to be approved by the Environment and Community Committee.

25.     The local board supported a lease being granted under the Reserves Act (option A) as it enables the land to remain protected under the Reserves Act.

26.     The arrangement around an early childhood provider was discussed. The board supported an expression of interest process.

27.     The recommendations within this report fall within the local board’s authority relating to the local recreation, sports and community facilities.

Māori impact statement

28.     Prior to reporting to the Environment and Community Committee, local iwi will be consulted under the Reserves Act for the intention to reclassify a portion of Lot 401 DP476232, and lease the local purpose reserve. It is also anticipated that consultation will occur through the resource consenting process.

29.     No sites of historic significance have been identified in the District Plan. There is a Historic Heritage overlay which covers part of the site in the Auckland Unitary Plan.


30.  It is recommended that the site be classified as Local Purpose (Community Buildings) Reserve to support its new purpose. This involves iwi consultation, survey of the area, and a report to the Environment and Community Committee seeking approval. The submission to the committee will indicate which land parcels included in the local board resolution will be classified for this reserve purpose. Costs associated with this process are to be borne by the applicant.

31.  Under the Reserves Act the lease proposal will be publicly notified. If public notification is completed satisfactorily to move forward with the proposal, an agreement to lease can be granted. This allows the Waimahia Community Centre Society Incorporated, with the backing of the Waimahia Inlet Neighbourhood Limited Partnership surety of tenure while enabling the council to ensure requirements are met.

32.  Should the local board support reclassification and the granting of a lease under the Reserves Act the following actions will be initiated prior to the lease being granted:

·    iwi and public consultation

·    reclassification under the Reserves Act

·    agreement to lease for site development

·    the expressions of interest process for the early childhood education operator will be undertaken by the lessee with the approval of the council

33.     Costs involved in the preparation of lease documentation are borne by the council.







Location and Site Plan Waimahia Community Centre Society Inc



Waimahia Community Centre Society Inc Centre Design





Sophie Bell - Parks & Open Space Specialists Manager

Christine Benson - Lease Advisor  


Mark Bowater - Manager Parks

Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Part 770R Great South Road, Manukau reserve revocation and disposal recommendation


File No.: CP2016/23706




1.       This report seeks the Manurewa Local Board’s endorsement for Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) to recommend to the Finance and Performance Committee the reserve revocation and divestment of part of 770R Great South Road, Manurewa.

Executive summary

1.       The council owned property at 770R Great South Road, Manukau is leased to the Second Nature Charitable Trust (Second Nature), which operates the Vodafone Events Centre located onsite.  770R Great South Road, Manukau is classified as a Local Purpose (Multi-Purpose Events Centre) Reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977. 

2.       Second Nature have identified having a hotel located at the Vodafone Events Centre as a key element of its ongoing success, which will also provide south Auckland with visitor accommodation and assist in the ongoing redevelopment work that is being undertaken in Manukau.  To enable such a development to occur, Second Nature approached Auckland Council, seeking to purchase approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau.  This proposal will involve revoking the reserve status and disposing of the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau to enable the development of a 120 bed, three to four star hotel and apartment complex.  The proposed development would be undertaken by a third party rather than by Second Nature.

3.       The rationalisation process for the subject site commenced in October 2016.  Consultation with Council and its CCOs and iwi authorities has now taken place.  No alternative service uses have been identified for the subject portion of land through the rationalisation process and Council departments are supportive of the proposal.  No objections were received during the iwi consultation.  Informal consultation has also taken place with the Manurewa Local Board.  This report provides the Manurewa Local Board with an opportunity to formalise its views. 

4.       Given no alternative service uses have been identified for subject parcel of land and the feedback received on the proposal to date has been supportive, Panuku recommend the revocation of the reserve status and divestment of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, ManukauA resolution approving the divestment of this site is required from the Finance and Performance Committee before the proposed reserve revocation and disposal can be progressed.  Final revocation of the reserve status will be subject to completing the statutory requirements of the Reserves Act 1977 and Local Government Act 2002, including public advertising. 



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      endorse Panuku Development Auckland’s recommendation to the Finance and Performance Committee to:

i)        revoke the reserve status of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprised of an estate in fee simple more or less being Section 1 SO 361058 contained in computer freehold register 440697 as it is no longer required by Council for reserve purposes;

ii)       dispose of approximately 4,507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprised of an estate in fee simple more or less being Section 1 SO 361058 contained in computer freehold register 440697.



5.       Second Nature has identified having a hotel located onsite at the Vodafone Events Centre as a key element of its ongoing success.  Additionally, it would also provide south Auckland with visitor accommodation and assist in the ongoing redevelopment work that is being undertaken in Manukau.  To enable this proposal to be implemented, Second Nature approached Auckland Council requesting to purchase approximately 4507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau that it has identified as a suitable location for the proposed hotel and apartment development.  Council is required to approve the reserve revocation and divestment of the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau before the proposal can be progressed. 

6.       Council’s Community Services team was initially approached to ensure it agreed with the proposed reserve revocation and divestment.  Panuku subsequently commenced the rationalisation process for the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau to understand if it could be divested from Council ownership.  The standard steps in the rationalisation process which Panuku has been undertaking includes due diligence on the legal, technical and historical nature of the site; engaging with Council and its CCO’s to establish whether a property must be retained for a strategic purpose or is required for a future funded project, mana whenua consultation, local board engagement and engaging with ward councillors.  All disposal recommendations are made to the Finance and Performance Committee, which has the authority to approve the sale of Council property. 

Property information

7.       The subject parcel of land at 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprises approximately 4,507m2 of a larger, 5.6385 hectare site that is formed and utilised as the Vodafone Events Centre.  770R Great South Road, Manukau is subject to a long-term lease to the Second Nature Charitable Trust, which operates the Vodafone Events Centre.  The subject 4,507m2 parcel of land is currently formed as car park and planted with shrubs. 

8.       770R Great South Road, Manukau originally formed two separate parcels of land.  12.67 hectares was originally acquired by the former Manukau City Council (MCC) in 1968.  This land was subsequently acquired by the Housing New Zealand Corporation for State Housing purposes in 1973 but it was offered back to MCC in 1988.  MCC acquired an additional 5.98 hectares in 1988. 

9.       Over time, portions of the original two parcels of land acquired were gazetted as road, resulting in the council owned property at 770R Great South Road, Manukau comprising 5.6385 hectares.  The balance of the two original parcels were amalgamated into one title in 2003 and vested as Local Purpose (Multi-Purpose Events Centre) reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977. 

10.     The Unitary Plan zoning of 770R Great South Road, Manukau is Special Purpose – Major Recreation Facility Zone/Pacific Events Centre Precinct.  A valuation for the site is currently being obtained.

Rationalisation process

11.     The rationalisation process for this site commenced in October 2016.  No expressions of interest were received during the internal consultation process, no issues were raised and the feedback received was supportive of the proposed reserve revocation and divestment of 4507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau

12.     As part of the internal consultation, the Closed Landfills and Contaminated Land team assessed the subject parcel of land and advised that there are no indications from historical or current land use activities that the subject parcel of land would trigger the Ministry for the Environment’s Hazardous Activities and Industries List.  The Heritage team also assessed the subject parcel of land and advised that while it is not a scheduled historic heritage site in the Unitary Plan, it is close to an archaeological site registered under the New Zealand Archaeological Association.  Due to this, the Heritage team recommends that Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga be consulted in the event of an accidental discovery of archaeological material should earthworks occur.

13.     The results of the rationalisation process to date indicate that the 4,507m2 portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau is not required for current or future service requirements.  As such, Panuku recommends the revocation of the reserve status and divestment of the subject portion of 770R Great South Road, Manukau. 


Local board views and implications

14.     Panuku briefed the Manurewa Local Board chairperson on 3 November 2016 about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal of the subject portion of 770R Great South Road.  Panuku also attended the Manurewa Local Board Expo on 3 November 2016 and informally engaged with board members about the proposal.  The informal feedback received from the Manurewa Local Board is that it is supportive of the proposed reserve revocation and disposal of subject portion of 770R Great South Road

15.     This report provides an opportunity for the Manurewa Local Board to formalise its view.

Māori impact statement

16.     10 mana whenua iwi authorities were contacted regarding the the proposed reserve revocation and disposal of the 4507 m2 portion of reserve land situated at 770R Great South Road, Manukau.

a)      Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Ngāi Tai ki Tamaki notes their cultural interest in 770R Great South Road, Manukau and further notes the site being in the vicinity of land which Ngāi Tai has a two year right to purchase as part of their Treaty Settlement with the Crown.

Ngāi Tai notes the Panuku work with Mana Whenua on progressing a development consortium for residential development and that this proposal does not align with Ngāi Tai current commercial focus.

b)      Te Kawerau ā Maki

          No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

c)      Ngāti Tamaoho

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

d)      Ngāti Te Ata-Waiohua

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

e)      Ngāti Paoa

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

f)       Te Ākitai-Waiohua

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.


g)      Te Ahiwaru Waiohua

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

h)      Ngāti Maru

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

i)        Ngaati Whanaunga

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.

j)        Ngāti Tamaterā

No concerns or issues were raised about the proposed reserve revocation and disposal.


17.     Following completion of the rationalisation process, the proposal to revoke the reserve state and divest of 4507m2 of 770R Great South Road, Manukau will be presented to the Finance and Performance Committee for final decision making. 

18.     As the subject site is a reserve subject to the Reserves Act 1977, should the land be sold the reserve status would have to be revoked.  It is a Department of Conservation requirement (in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977) that the sale proceeds from reserves are placed in reserve accounts so that funds can be used to acquire other land for reserve purposes or for maintenance of existing reserves. 

19.     The subject site is exempt from the offer back obligations set out in section 40 of the Public Works Act 1981.







Images of 770R Great South Road, Manukau





Anthony Lewis - Senior Advisor Portfolio Review, Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland

Letitia McColl - Team Leader Portfolio Review, Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland


Marian Webb – Manager Portfolio Strategy, Portfolio Strategy, Panuku Development Auckland

Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager, Local Board Services


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for 2016/2017 financial year


File No.: CP2016/23718





1.       Attaching a copy of the Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for the 2016/2017 financial year.

Executive summary

2.       N/A



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for 2016/2017 financial year.








Regional Facilities Auckland first quarter report for 2016/2017 financial year





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016




















Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Annual Budget 2017/2018


File No.: CP2016/23621





1.       This report requests that local boards consider proposed locally driven initiative (LDI) allocations for 2017/2018, key advocacy issues, and any local targeted rate proposals and business improvement district (BID) targeted rates.

2.       It also requests the adoption of local content for consultation as part of the annual budget process.

Executive summary

3.       Legislation governing the annual budget process has changed, and there is no longer the requirement to produce a draft annual budget.  Instead,  the council will be producing a consultation document which will cover:

·        any significant or material changes proposed to the Long-term Plan 2015-2025 (LTP)

·        content relating to local board agreements.

4.       Consultation on the Annual Budget 2017/2018 will take place in February and March of 2017.

5.       This report seeks agreement from local boards on their proposed LDI allocations for 2017/2018 and key advocacy issues, recommendations as to any local targeted rate proposals and BID targeted rates and adoption of local content for consultation

6.       These will be considered by the governing body prior to finalising annual budget consultation topics and adoption of the consultation document and supporting information.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      agree the indicative locally driven initiative allocations for 2017/2018 (Attachment A to the report entitled Annual Budget 2017/2018).

b)      agree the key advocacy issues.

c)      recommend local targeted rate proposals (if any) for consultation.

d)      recommend business improvement district targeted rates (if any) for consultation.

e)      adopt the local content for consultation (Attachment B to the report entitled Annual Budget 2017/2018).

f)       agree that the chairperson be delegated the authority to make any final minor changes to local consultation content for the Annual Budget 2017/2018 prior to publication, including online consultation content.    




7.       As part of the Annual Budget 2017/2018 process, the council will be producing a consultation document.  This will cover any significant or material changes proposed to the LTP and content relating to local board agreements.

8.       Public consultation will take place in February and March of 2017, and will include information on local board issues and priorities.

9.       As such, local boards are requested to agree their indicative LDI allocations for 2017/2018 (see Attachment A) and adopt local content for consultation (see Attachment B).

10.     Any new local targeted rates and/or BIDs must be consulted on before they can be implemented. Local boards are therefore also requested to agree any new proposals for consultation.

11.     This triennium we are considering a long term approach in respect of local board priorities / advocacy initiatives.  Such an approach seeks to better utilise, in an integrated way, the annual budget, LTP and local board plan processes.

12.     It is proposed that, as part of the Annual Budget 2017/2018 process, local boards begin narrowing the range of their advocacy initiatives and agree their key advocacy issues for further research and consideration.  Council departments will then provide local boards with in depth information to help inform their position on these issues.  Based on this information, local boards identify one to two key priorities to develop further in the local board plan process and discuss with the governing body through the next LTP process.

13.     This should enable realistic and genuine discussions and engagement between local boards and the governing body.


Local board views and implications

14.     Local board decisions are being sought in this report. 

15.     Local boards will have further opportunities to provide information and views as council progresses through the annual budget process.

Māori impact statement

16.     Many local board decisions are of importance to and impact on Māori. Local board agreements and the annual budget are important tools that enable and can demonstrate council’s responsiveness to Māori. Local board plans, which were developed in 2014 through engagement with the community including Māori, form the basis of local priorities.There is a need to continue to build relationships between local boards and iwi, and where relevant the wider Māori community. Ongoing conversations will assist local boards and Māori to understand each other’s priorities and issues. This in turn can influence and encourage Māori participation in council’s decision-making processes.


17.     The governing body will adopt consultation material for the Annual Budget 2017/2018 in early February 2017.

18.     Following consultation, a local board agreement with the governing body for 2017/2018 will be developed.






Manurewa Local Board indicative locally driven initiatives for 2017/2018



Annual Plan 2017/2018 - Local Consultation Content - Manurewa Local Board






Mark Purdie – Planning Lead – Local Boards


Christine Watson – Manager Financial Advisory Services – Local Boards

Karen Lyons – General Manager Local Board Services

Rex Hewitt – Relationship Manager

Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016




Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - December 2016


File No.: CP2016/23702





1.       To present the Manurewa Local Board six month Governance Forward Work Calendar.

Executive Summary

2.       This report introduces the Governance Forward Work Calendar: a schedule of items that will come before local boards at business meetings and workshops over the next six months. The Governance Forward Work Calendar for the Manurewa Local Board is included in Attachment A.

3.       The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

·    ensuring advice on agendas and workshop material is driven by local board priorities

·    clarifying what advice is required and when

·    clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.       The calendar will be updated every month, be included on the agenda for business meetings and distributed to relevant council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.




That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar as at December 2016.




5.       The council’s Quality Advice Programme aims to improve the focus, analysis, presentation and timeliness of staff advice to elected representatives. An initiative under this is to develop forward work calendars for governing body committees and local boards. These provide elected members with better visibility of the types of governance tasks they are being asked to undertake and when they are scheduled.

6.       Although the document is new, there are no new projects in the Governance Forward Work Calendar. The calendar brings together in one schedule reporting on all of the board’s projects and activities previously approved in the local board plan, long-term plan, departmental work programmes and through other board decisions. It includes governing body policies and initiatives that call for a local board response.

7.       This initiative is intended to support the boards’ governance role. It will also help staff to support local boards, as an additional tool to manage workloads and track activities across council departments, and it will allow greater transparency for the public.

8.       The calendar is arranged in three columns, “Topic”, “Purpose” and “Governance Role”:

·    Topic describes the items and may indicate how they fit in with broader processes such as the annual plan

·    Purpose indicates the aim of the item, such as formally approving plans or projects, hearing submissions or receiving progress updates

·    Governance role is a higher-level categorisation of the work local boards do. Examples of the seven governance categories are tabled below.

Governance role


Setting direction/priorities/budget

Capex projects, work programmes, annual plan

Local initiatives/specific decisions

Grants, road names, alcohol bans

Input into regional decision-making

Comments on regional bylaws, policies, plans

Oversight and monitoring

Local board agreement, quarterly performance reports, review projects

Accountability to the public

Annual report


Community hui, submissions processes

Keeping informed

Briefings, cluster workshops


9.       Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar. The calendar will be updated and reported back every month to business meetings. Updates will also be distributed to relevant council staff.


Local Board views and implications

10.     All local boards are being presented with Governance Forward Work Calendars for their consideration.

Māori impact statement

11.     The projects and processes referred to in the Governance Forward Work Calendar will have a range of implications for Māori which will be considered when the work is reported.


12.     Staff will review the calendar each month in consultation with board members and will report an updated calendar to the board.







Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - December 2016





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Reports Requested - Pending - Issues


File No.: CP2016/23681





1.       Providing an update on reports requested and issues raised at previous meetings.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the report entitled “reports requested – pending – issues”.







Manurewa Local Board reports requested pending listing - December 2016





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016




Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register 2016-2019 Political Term


File No.: CP2016/23679





1.       Providing an opportunity for members to record the achievements of the Manurewa Local Board for the 2016 – 2019 Political Term.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      request the following additions be added to the Manurewa Local Board Achievements Register for the 2016 – 2019 Political Term:





There are no attachments for this report.    



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board


File No.: CP2016/23678





1.       Providing an opportunity for the board to receive reports and resolutions that have been referred from governing body committee meetings or forums or other local boards for the information. 


2.       At the time the agenda was compiled no reports and resolutions had been referred from governing body committee meetings or forums or other local boards.




That the Manurewa Local Board


a)      note the information from the following governing body committee meetings or forums or other local boards meetings:



Report Title

Item no.

Meeting Date

Governing Body Committee or Forum or Local Board











There are no attachments for this report.     



Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Manurewa Local Board Workshop Notes


File No.: CP2016/23676





1.       Notes are attached for the Manurewa Local Board workshops held on 10 and 24 November 2016.

Executive Summary

2.       Nil.



That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      note the Manurewa Local Board workshop notes for the meetings held on 10 and 24 November 2016.







10 November 2016 - Manurewa Local Board workshop notes



24 November 2016 - Manurewa Local Board workshop notes





Lee Manaia - Local Board Democracy Advisor


Rex Hewitt - Relationship Manager


Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016




Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016











Manurewa Local Board

15 December 2016



Exclusion of the Public: Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


That the Manurewa Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Confidential - Land Owner Approval - 171R Great South Road, Manurewa

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report contains commerical sensitivity.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.